tables[TABLE_HOOK_OBSERVER] = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_HOOK_OBSERVER); $this->tables[TABLE_HOOK_EVENT] = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_HOOK_EVENT); $this->tables[TABLE_HOOK_CALL] = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_HOOK_CALL); $this->hookCalls = $this->listAllHookCalls(); $this->hookEvents = $this->listAllHookEvents(); $this->hookObservers = $this->listAllHookObservers(); } /** * Instance the hook manager * @staticvar null $result * @return HookManagement */ public static function create() { static $result = null; return $result ? $result : $result = new self(); } /** * Insert hook into Database. Return insert id * @param string $eventName * @param string $observerClassName * @param int $type * * @return int */ public function insertHook($eventName, $observerClassName, $type) { if ($type === HOOK_EVENT_TYPE_ALL) { $this->insertHook($eventName, $observerClassName, HOOK_EVENT_TYPE_PRE); $this->insertHook($eventName, $observerClassName, HOOK_EVENT_TYPE_POST); } else { $this->insertHookIfNotExist($eventName, $observerClassName); // Check if exists hook call $row = Database::select( 'id, enabled', $this->tables[TABLE_HOOK_CALL], array( 'where' => array( 'hook_event_id = ? ' => $this->hookEvents[$eventName], 'AND hook_observer_id = ? ' => $this->hookObservers[$observerClassName], 'AND type = ? ' => $type, ), ), 'ASSOC' ); if (!empty($row) && is_array($row)) { // Check if is hook call is active if ((int) $row['enabled'] === 0) { Database::update( $this->tables[TABLE_HOOK_CALL], array( 'enabled' => 1, ), array( 'id = ?' => $row['id'], ) ); } } } } /** * Delete hook from Database. Return deleted rows number * @param string $eventName * @param string $observerClassName * @param int $type * * @return int */ public function deleteHook($eventName, $observerClassName, $type) { if ($type === HOOK_EVENT_TYPE_ALL) { $this->deleteHook($eventName, $observerClassName, HOOK_EVENT_TYPE_PRE); $this->deleteHook($eventName, $observerClassName, HOOK_EVENT_TYPE_POST); } else { $this->insertHookIfNotExist($eventName, $observerClassName); Database::update( $this->tables[TABLE_HOOK_CALL], array( 'enabled' => 0, ), array( 'id = ? ' => $this->hookCalls[$eventName][$observerClassName][$type], ) ); } } /** * Update hook observer order by hook event * @param $eventName * @param $type * @param $hookOrders * * @return int */ public function orderHook($eventName, $type, $hookOrders) { foreach ($this->hookCalls[$eventName] as $observerClassName => $types) { foreach ($hookOrders as $oldOrder => $newOrder) { $res = Database::update( $this->tables[TABLE_HOOK_CALL], array( 'hook_order ' => $newOrder, ), array( 'id = ? ' => $types[$type], 'AND hook_order = ? ' => $oldOrder, ) ); if ($res) { break; } } } } /** * Return a list an associative array where keys are the active hook observer class name * @param string $eventName * * @return array */ public function listHookObservers($eventName) { $array = array(); $joinTable = $this->tables[TABLE_HOOK_CALL].' hc'. ' INNER JOIN '.$this->tables[TABLE_HOOK_EVENT].' he'. ' ON hc.hook_event_id = '. ' INNER JOIN '.$this->tables[TABLE_HOOK_OBSERVER].' ho '. ' ON hc.hook_observer_id = '; $columns = 'ho.class_name, ho.path, ho.plugin_name, hc.enabled'; $where = array('where' => array('he.class_name = ? ' => $eventName, 'AND hc.enabled = ? ' => 1)); $rows = Database::select($columns, $joinTable, $where); foreach ($rows as $row) { $array[$row['class_name']] = $row; } return $array; } /** * Return a list an associative array where keys are the active hook observer class name * @return array */ public function listAllHookObservers() { $array = array(); $columns = 'id, class_name'; $rows = Database::select($columns, $this->tables[TABLE_HOOK_OBSERVER]); foreach ($rows as $row) { $array[$row['class_name']] = $row['id']; } return $array; } /** * Return a list an associative array where keys are the active hook observer class name * @return array */ public function listAllHookEvents() { $array = array(); $columns = 'id, class_name'; $rows = Database::select($columns, $this->tables[TABLE_HOOK_EVENT]); foreach ($rows as $row) { $array[$row['class_name']] = $row['id']; } return $array; } /** * Return a list an associative array where keys are the active hook observer class name * @return array */ public function listAllHookCalls() { $array = array(); $joinTable = $this->tables[TABLE_HOOK_CALL].' hc'. ' INNER JOIN '.$this->tables[TABLE_HOOK_EVENT].' he'. ' ON hc.hook_event_id = '. ' INNER JOIN '.$this->tables[TABLE_HOOK_OBSERVER].' ho '. ' ON hc.hook_observer_id = '; $columns = 'he.class_name AS event_class_name, ho.class_name AS observer_class_name, AS id, hc.type AS type'; $rows = Database::select($columns, $joinTable); foreach ($rows as $row) { $array[$row['event_class_name']][$row['observer_class_name']][$row['type']] = $row['id']; } return $array; } /** * Check if hooks (event, observer, call) exist in Database, if not, * Will insert them into their respective table * @param string $eventName * @param string $observerClassName * * @return int */ public function insertHookIfNotExist($eventName = null, $observerClassName = null) { // Check if exists hook event if (isset($eventName) && !isset($this->hookEvents[$eventName])) { $attributes = array( 'class_name' => $eventName, 'description' => get_lang('HookDescription'.$eventName), ); $id = Database::insert($this->tables[TABLE_HOOK_EVENT], $attributes); $this->hookEvents[$eventName] = $id; } // Check if exists hook observer if (isset($observerClassName) && !isset($this->hookObservers[$observerClassName]) ) { $object = $observerClassName::create(); $attributes = array( 'class_name' => $observerClassName, 'path' => $object->getPath(), 'plugin_name' => $object->getPluginName(), ); $id = Database::insert($this->tables[TABLE_HOOK_OBSERVER], $attributes); $this->hookObservers[$observerClassName] = $id; } if (isset($eventName) && isset($observerClassName) && !isset($this->hookCalls[$eventName][$observerClassName]) ) { // HOOK TYPE PRE $row = Database::select( 'MAX(hook_order) as hook_order', $this->tables[TABLE_HOOK_CALL], array( 'where' => array( 'hook_event_id = ? ' =>$this->hookEvents[$eventName], 'AND type = ? ' => HOOK_EVENT_TYPE_PRE, ), ), 'ASSOC' ); // Check if exists hook call $id = Database::insert( $this->tables[TABLE_HOOK_CALL], array( 'hook_event_id' => $this->hookEvents[$eventName], 'hook_observer_id' => $this->hookObservers[$observerClassName], 'type' => HOOK_EVENT_TYPE_PRE, 'enabled' => 0, 'hook_order' => $row['hook_order'] + 1, ) ); $this->hookCalls[$eventName][$observerClassName][HOOK_EVENT_TYPE_PRE] = $id; // HOOK TYPE POST $row = Database::select( 'MAX(hook_order) as hook_order', $this->tables[TABLE_HOOK_CALL], array( 'where' => array( 'hook_event_id = ? ' =>$this->hookEvents[$eventName], 'AND type = ? ' => HOOK_EVENT_TYPE_POST, ), ), 'ASSOC' ); // Check if exists hook call $id = Database::insert( $this->tables[TABLE_HOOK_CALL], array( 'hook_event_id' => $this->hookEvents[$eventName], 'hook_observer_id' => $this->hookObservers[$observerClassName], 'type' => HOOK_EVENT_TYPE_POST, 'enabled' => 0, 'hook_order' => $row['hook_order'] + 1, ) ); $this->hookCalls[$eventName][$observerClassName][HOOK_EVENT_TYPE_POST] = $id; } elseif (isset($eventName) && !isset($observerClassName)) { foreach ($this->hookObservers as $observer => $id) { $this->insertHookIfNotExist($eventName, $observer); } } elseif (!isset($eventName) && isset($observerClassName)) { foreach ($this->hookEvents as $event => $id) { $this->insertHookIfNotExist($event, $observerClassName); } } return 1; } /** * Return the hook call id identified by hook event, hook observer and type * @param string $eventName * @param string $observerClassName * @param int $type * * @return mixed */ public function getHookCallId($eventName, $observerClassName, $type) { $eventName = Database::escape_string($eventName); $observerClassName($observerClassName); $type = Database::escape_string($type); $joinTable = $this->tables[TABLE_HOOK_CALL].' hc'. ' INNER JOIN '.$this->tables[TABLE_HOOK_EVENT].' he'. ' ON hc.hook_event_id = '. ' INNER JOIN '.$this->tables[TABLE_HOOK_OBSERVER].' ho '. ' ON hc.hook_observer_id = '; $row = Database::select( 'id', $joinTable, array( 'where' => array( 'he.class_name = ? ' => $eventName, 'AND ho.class_name = ? ' => $observerClassName, 'AND hc.type = ? ' => $type, ), ), 'ASSOC' ); return $row['id']; } }