*/ /** * Class defining the tag in an imsmanifest.xml file */ class scormOrganization { public $identifier = ''; public $structure = ''; public $title = ''; public $items = array(); public $metadata; /** * Class constructor. Depending of the type of construction called ('db' or 'manifest'), will create a scormOrganization * object from database records or from the DOM element given as parameter * @param string Type of construction needed ('db' or 'manifest', default = 'manifest') * @param mixed Depending on the type given, DB id for the lp_item or reference to the DOM element */ public function __construct($type = 'manifest', &$element, $scorm_charset = 'UTF-8') { if (isset($element)) { // Parsing using PHP5 DOMXML methods. switch ($type) { case 'db': // TODO: Implement this way of metadata object creation. return false; case 'manifest': // Do the same as the default. default: //if ($first_item->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) this is already check prior to the call to this function. $children = $element->childNodes; foreach ($children as $child) { switch ($child->nodeType) { case XML_ELEMENT_NODE: switch ($child->tagName) { case 'item': $oItem = new scormItem( 'manifest', $child ); if ($oItem->identifier != '') { $this->items[$oItem->identifier] = $oItem; } break; case 'metadata': $this->metadata = new scormMetadata( 'manifest', $child ); break; case 'title': $tmp_children = $child->childNodes; if ($tmp_children->length == 1 && $child->firstChild->nodeValue != '') { $this->title = api_utf8_decode( api_html_entity_decode( $child->firstChild->nodeValue, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' ) ); } break; } break; case XML_TEXT_NODE: break; } } if ($element->hasAttributes()) { $attributes = $element->attributes; //$keep_href = ''; foreach ($attributes as $attrib) { switch ($attrib->name) { case 'identifier': $this->identifier = $attrib->value; break; case 'structure': $this->structure = $attrib->value; break; } } } return true; } // End parsing using PHP5 DOMXML methods. } return false; } /** * Get a flat list of items in the organization * @return array Array containing an ordered list of all items with their level and all information related to each item */ public function get_flat_items_list() { $list = array(); $i = 1; foreach ($this->items as $id => $dummy) { $abs_order = 0; // Passes the array as a pointer so it is modified in $list directly. $this->items[$id]->get_flat_list($list, $abs_order, $i, 0); $i++; } return $list; } /** * Name getter * @return string Name or empty string */ public function get_name() { if (!empty($this->title)) { return Database::escape_string($this->title); } else { return ''; } } /** * Reference identifier getter * @return string Identifier or empty string */ public function get_ref() { if (!empty($this->identifier)) { return Database::escape_string($this->identifier); } else { return ''; } } /** * Sets the title element * @param string $title New title to set */ public function set_name($title) { if (!empty($title)) { $this->title = Database::escape_string($title); } } }