jsPlumb 1.3.6

jsPlumb 1.3.6
Properties and Functions
overlaysList of Overlays for this component.
addOverlayAdds an Overlay to the Connection.
getOverlayGets an overlay, by ID.
hideOverlayHides the overlay specified by the given id.
showOverlayShows the overlay specified by the given id.
removeAllOverlaysRemoves all overlays from the Connection, and then repaints.
setLabelSets the Connection’s label.
DefaultsThese are the default settings for jsPlumb.
importDefaultsImports all the given defaults into this instance of jsPlumb.
connectorClassThe CSS class to set on Connection elements.
endpointClassThe CSS class to set on Endpoint elements.
overlayClassThe CSS class to set on an Overlay that is an HTML element.
bindBind to an event on jsPlumb.
clearListenersClears either all listeners, or listeners for some specific event.
addClassHelper method to abstract out differences in setting css classes on the different renderer types.
removeClassHelper method to abstract out differences in setting css classes on the different renderer types.
hasClassHelper method to abstract out differences in testing for css classes on the different renderer types.
addEndpointAdds an Endpoint to a given element or elements.
addEndpointsAdds a list of Endpoints to a given element or elements.
animateThis is a wrapper around the supporting library’s animate function; it injects a call to jsPlumb in the ‘step’ function (creating the ‘step’ function if necessary).
connectEstablishes a Connection between two elements (or Endpoints, which are themselves registered to elements).
deleteEndpointDeletes an Endpoint and removes all Connections it has (which removes the Connections from the other Endpoints involved too)
deleteEveryEndpointDeletes every Endpoint, and their associated Connections, in this instance of jsPlumb.
detachDetaches and then removes a Connection.
detachAllConnectionsRemoves all an element’s Connections.
detachEveryConnectionRemove all Connections from all elements, but leaves Endpoints in place.
draggableInitialises the draggability of some element or elements.
extendWraps the underlying library’s extend functionality.
getDefaultEndpointTypeReturns the default Endpoint type.
getDefaultConnectionTypeReturns the default Connection type.
getConnectionsGets all or a subset of connections currently managed by this jsPlumb instance.
getAllConnectionsGets all connections, as a map of { scope -> [ connection...
getDefaultScopeGets the default scope for connections and endpoints.
getEndpointGets an Endpoint by UUID
hideSets an element’s connections to be hidden.
makeTargetMakes some DOM element a Connection target, allowing you to drag connections to it without having to register any Endpoints on it first.
makeSourceMakes some DOM element a Connection source, allowing you to drag connections from it without having to register any Endpoints on it first.
readyHelper method to bind a function to jsPlumb’s ready event.
repaintRepaints an element and its connections.
repaintEverythingRepaints all connections.
removeAllEndpointsRemoves all Endpoints associated with a given element.
setAutomaticRepaintSets/unsets automatic repaint on window resize.
setDefaultScopeSets the default scope for Connections and Endpoints.
setDraggableSets whether or not a given element is draggable, regardless of what any jsPlumb command may request.
setRepaintFunctionSets the function to fire when the window size has changed and a repaint was fired.
setSuspendDrawingSuspends drawing operations.
setRenderModeSets render mode: jsPlumb.CANVAS, jsPlumb.SVG or jsPlumb.VML.
showSets an element’s connections to be visible.
sizeCanvasHelper to size a canvas.
toggleVisibleToggles visibility of an element’s Connections.
toggleDraggableToggles draggability (sic?)
unloadUnloads jsPlumb, deleting all storage.
ConnectionThe connecting line between two Endpoints.
Functions and Properties
ConnectionConnection constructor.
sourceIdId of the source element in the connection.
targetIdId of the target element in the connection.
scopeOptional scope descriptor for the connection.
endpointsArray of [source, target] Endpoint objects.
isDetachableReturns whether or not this connection can be detached from its target/source endpoint.
setDetachableSets whether or not this connection is detachable.
connectorThe underlying Connector for this Connection (eg.
bindBind to an event on the Connection.
setPaintStyleSets the Connection’s paint style and then repaints the Connection.
setHoverPaintStyleSets the paint style to use when the mouse is hovering over the Connection.
setHoverSets/unsets the hover state of this Connection.
repaintRepaints the Connection.
EndpointModels an endpoint.
EndpointEndpoint constructor.
bindBind to an event on the Endpoint.
setPaintStyleSets the Endpoint’s paint style and then repaints the Endpoint.
setHoverPaintStyleSets the paint style to use when the mouse is hovering over the Endpoint.
setHoverSets/unsets the hover state of this Endpoint.
isVisibleReturns whether or not the Endpoint is currently visible.
setVisibleSets whether or not the Endpoint is currently visible.
isEnabledReturns whether or not the Endpoint is enabled for drag/drop connections.
setEnabledSets whether or not the Endpoint is enabled for drag/drop connections.
canvasThe Endpoint’s Canvas.
connectionsList of Connections this Endpoint is attached to.
scopeScope descriptor for this Endpoint.
addConnectionAdds a Connection to this Endpoint.
detachDetaches the given Connection from this Endpoint.
detachAllDetaches all Connections this Endpoint has.
detachFromRemoves any connections from this Endpoint that are connected to the given target endpoint.
detachFromConnectionDetach this Endpoint from the Connection, but leave the Connection alive.
getElementReturns the DOM element this Endpoint is attached to.
setElementSets the DOM element this Endpoint is attached to.
getUuidReturns the UUID for this Endpoint, if there is one.
isConnectedToReturns whether or not this endpoint is connected to the given Endpoint.
isFullReturns whether or not the Endpoint can accept any more Connections.
setDragAllowedWhenFullSets whether or not connections can be dragged from this Endpoint once it is full.
setStyleSets the paint style of the Endpoint.
paintPaints the Endpoint, recalculating offset and anchor positions if necessary.
Connectors.StraightThe Straight connector draws a simple straight line between the two anchor points.
Connectors.FlowchartProvides ‘flowchart’ connectors, consisting of vertical and horizontal line segments.
Endpoints.DotA round endpoint, with default radius 10 pixels.
Endpoints.RectangleA Rectangular Endpoint, with default size 20x20.
Endpoints.ImageDraws an image as the Endpoint.
Endpoints.BlankAn Endpoint that paints nothing (visible) on the screen.
Endpoints.TriangleA triangular Endpoint.
Overlays.ArrowAn arrow overlay, defined by four points: the head, the two sides of the tail, and a ‘foldback’ point at some distance along the length of the arrow that lines from each tail point converge into.
Overlays.PlainArrowA basic arrow.
ConstructorSee Overlays.Arrow for allowed parameters for this overlay.
Overlays.DiamondA diamond.
ConstructorSee Overlays.Arrow for allowed parameters for this overlay.
Overlays.LabelA Label overlay.
setLabelsets the label’s, um, label.
StateMachine constructor

Properties and Functions


List of Overlays for this component.


this.addOverlay = function(overlay)

Adds an Overlay to the Connection.


overlayOverlay to add.


this.getOverlay = function(id)

Gets an overlay, by ID.  Note: by ID.  You would pass an ‘id’ parameter in to the Overlay’s constructor arguments, and then use that to retrieve it via this method.


this.hideOverlay = function(id)

Hides the overlay specified by the given id.


this.showOverlay = function(id)

Shows the overlay specified by the given id.


this.removeAllOverlays = function()

Removes all overlays from the Connection, and then repaints.


this.setLabel = function(l)

Sets the Connection’s label.


llabel to set.  May be a String, a Function that returns a String, or a params object containing { “label”, “labelStyle”, “location”, “cssClass” }


These are the default settings for jsPlumb.  They are what will be used if you do not supply specific pieces of information to the various API calls.  A convenient way to implement your own look and feel can be to override these defaults by including a script somewhere after the jsPlumb include, but before you make any calls to jsPlumb.


  • Anchor The default anchor to use for all connections (both source and target).  Default is “BottomCenter”.
  • Anchors The default anchors to use ([source, target]) for all connections.  Defaults are [“BottomCenter”, “BottomCenter”].
  • ConnectionsDetachable Whether or not connections are detachable by default (using the mouse).  Defults to true.
  • ConnectionOverlays The default overlay definitions for Connections.  Defaults to an empty list.
  • Connector The default connector definition to use for all connections.  Default is “Bezier”.
  • Container Optional selector or element id that instructs jsPlumb to append elements it creates to a specific element.
  • DragOptions The default drag options to pass in to connect, makeTarget and addEndpoint calls.  Default is empty.
  • DropOptions The default drop options to pass in to connect, makeTarget and addEndpoint calls.  Default is empty.
  • Endpoint The default endpoint definition to use for all connections (both source and target).  Default is “Dot”.
  • EndpointOverlays The default overlay definitions for Endpoints.  Defaults to an empty list.
  • Endpoints The default endpoint definitions ([ source, target ]) to use for all connections.  Defaults are [“Dot”, “Dot”].
  • EndpointStyle The default style definition to use for all endpoints.  Default is fillStyle:”#456”.
  • EndpointStyles The default style definitions ([ source, target ]) to use for all endpoints.  Defaults are empty.
  • EndpointHoverStyle The default hover style definition to use for all endpoints.  Default is null.
  • EndpointHoverStyles The default hover style definitions ([ source, target ]) to use for all endpoints.  Defaults are null.
  • HoverPaintStyle The default hover style definition to use for all connections.  Defaults are null.
  • LabelStyle The default style to use for label overlays on connections.
  • LogEnabled Whether or not the jsPlumb log is enabled. defaults to false.
  • Overlays The default overlay definitions (for both Connections and Endpoint).  Defaults to an empty list.
  • MaxConnections The default maximum number of connections for an Endpoint.  Defaults to 1.
  • PaintStyle The default paint style for a connection.  Default is line width of 8 pixels, with color “#456”.
  • RenderMode What mode to use to paint with.  If you’re on IE<9, you don’t really get to choose this.  You’ll just get VML.  Otherwise, the jsPlumb default is to use SVG.
  • Scope The default “scope” to use for connections.  Scope lets you assign connections to different categories.


_currentInstance.importDefaults = function(d)

Imports all the given defaults into this instance of jsPlumb.


The CSS class to set on Connection elements.  This value is a String and can have multiple classes; the entire String is appended as-is.


The CSS class to set on Endpoint elements.  This value is a String and can have multiple classes; the entire String is appended as-is.


The CSS class to set on an Overlay that is an HTML element.  This value is a String and can have multiple classes; the entire String is appended as-is.


Bind to an event on jsPlumb.


eventthe event to bind.  Available events on jsPlumb are:
  • jsPlumbConnection : notification that a new Connection was established.  jsPlumb passes the new Connection to the callback.
  • jsPlumbConnectionDetached : notification that a Connection was detached.  jsPlumb passes the detached Connection to the callback.
  • click : notification that a Connection was clicked.  jsPlumb passes the Connection that was clicked to the callback.
  • dblclick : notification that a Connection was double clicked.  jsPlumb passes the Connection that was double clicked to the callback.
  • endpointClick : notification that an Endpoint was clicked.  jsPlumb passes the Endpoint that was clicked to the callback.
  • endpointDblClick : notification that an Endpoint was double clicked.  jsPlumb passes the Endpoint that was double clicked to the callback.
callbackfunction to callback.  This function will be passed the Connection/Endpoint that caused the event, and also the original event.


Clears either all listeners, or listeners for some specific event.


eventoptional. constrains the clear to just listeners for this event.


this.addClass = function(el,

Helper method to abstract out differences in setting css classes on the different renderer types.


this.removeClass = function(el,

Helper method to abstract out differences in setting css classes on the different renderer types.


this.hasClass = function(el,

Helper method to abstract out differences in testing for css classes on the different renderer types.


this.addEndpoint = function(el,

Adds an Endpoint to a given element or elements.


elElement to add the endpoint to.  Either an element id, a selector representing some element(s), or an array of either of these.
paramsObject containing Endpoint constructor arguments.  For more information, see Endpoint.
referenceParamsObject containing more Endpoint constructor arguments; it will be merged with params by jsPlumb.  You would use this if you had some shared parameters that you wanted to reuse when you added Endpoints to a number of elements.  The allowed values in this object are anything that ‘params’ can contain.  See Endpoint.


The newly created Endpoint, if el referred to a single element.  Otherwise, an array of newly created Endpoints.

See Also



this.addEndpoints = function(el,

Adds a list of Endpoints to a given element or elements.


targetelement to add the Endpoint to.  Either an element id, a selector representing some element(s), or an array of either of these.
endpointsList of objects containing Endpoint constructor arguments. one Endpoint is created for each entry in this list.  See Endpoint’s constructor documentation.
referenceParamsObject containing more Endpoint constructor arguments; it will be merged with params by jsPlumb.  You would use this if you had some shared parameters that you wanted to reuse when you added Endpoints to a number of elements.


List of newly created Endpoints, one for each entry in the ‘endpoints’ argument.

See Also



this.animate = function(el,

This is a wrapper around the supporting library’s animate function; it injects a call to jsPlumb in the ‘step’ function (creating the ‘step’ function if necessary).  This only supports the two-arg version of the animate call in jQuery, the one that takes an ‘options’ object as the second arg.  MooTools has only one method, a two arg one.  Which is handy.  YUI has a one-arg method, so jsPlumb merges ‘properties’ and ‘options’ together for YUI.


elElement to animate.  Either an id, or a selector representing the element.
propertiesThe ‘properties’ argument you want passed to the library’s animate call.
optionsThe ‘options’ argument you want passed to the library’s animate call.




this.connect = function(params,

Establishes a Connection between two elements (or Endpoints, which are themselves registered to elements).


paramsObject containing constructor arguments for the Connection.  See Connection’s constructor documentation.
referenceParamsOptional object containing more constructor arguments for the Connection.  Typically you would pass in data that a lot of Connections are sharing here, such as connector style etc, and then use the main params for data specific to this Connection.


The newly created Connection.


this.deleteEndpoint = function(object)

Deletes an Endpoint and removes all Connections it has (which removes the Connections from the other Endpoints involved too)


objecteither an Endpoint object (such as from an addEndpoint call), or a String UUID.




this.deleteEveryEndpoint = function()

Deletes every Endpoint, and their associated Connections, in this instance of jsPlumb.  Does not unregister any event listeners (this is the only difference between this method and jsPlumb.reset).




this.detach = function()

Detaches and then removes a Connection.  From 1.3.5 this method has been altered to remove support for specifying Connections by various parameters; you can now pass in a Connection as the first argument and an optional parameters object as a second argument.  If you need the functionality this method provided before 1.3.5 then you should use the getConnections method to get the list of Connections to detach, and then iterate through them, calling this for each one.


connectionthe Connection to detach
paramsoptional parameters to the detach call.  valid values here are fireEvent : defaults to false; indicates you want jsPlumb to fire a connection detached event.  The thinking behind this is that if you made a programmatic call to detach an event, you probably don’t need the callback. forceDetach : defaults to false. allows you to override any beforeDetach listeners that may be registered.


true if successful, false if not.


this.detachAllConnections = function(el,

Removes all an element’s Connections.


eleither the id of the element, or a selector for the element.
paramsoptional parameters.  alowed values: fireEvent : defaults to true, whether or not to fire the detach event.




this.detachEveryConnection = function(params)

Remove all Connections from all elements, but leaves Endpoints in place.


paramsoptional params object containing: fireEvent : whether or not to fire detach events. defaults to true.



See Also



Initialises the draggability of some element or elements.  You should use this instead of y our library’s draggable method so that jsPlumb can setup the appropriate callbacks.  Your underlying library’s drag method is always called from this method.


eleither an element id, a list of element ids, or a selector.
optionsoptions to pass through to the underlying library




this.extend = function(o1,

Wraps the underlying library’s extend functionality.


o1object to extend
o2object to extend o1 with


o1, extended with all properties from o2.


this.getDefaultEndpointType = function()

Returns the default Endpoint type.  Used when someone wants to subclass Endpoint and have jsPlumb return instances of their subclass. you would make a call like this in your class’s constructor: jsPlumb.getDefaultEndpointType().apply(this, arguments);


the default Endpoint function used by jsPlumb.


this.getDefaultConnectionType = function()

Returns the default Connection type.  Used when someone wants to subclass Connection and have jsPlumb return instances of their subclass. you would make a call like this in your class’s constructor: jsPlumb.getDefaultConnectionType().apply(this, arguments);


the default Connection function used by jsPlumb.


this.getConnections = function(options)

Gets all or a subset of connections currently managed by this jsPlumb instance.  If only one scope is passed in to this method, the result will be a list of connections having that scope (passing in no scope at all will result in jsPlumb assuming you want the default scope).  If multiple scopes are passed in, the return value will be a map of { scope -> [ connection...  ] }.

Parameters scope - if the only argument to getConnections is a string, jsPlumb will treat that string as a scope filter, and return a list of connections that are in the given scope. options - if the argument is a JS object, you can specify a finer-grained filter:

  • scope may be a string specifying a single scope, or an array of strings, specifying multiple scopes.
  • source either a string representing an element id, or a selector.  constrains the result to connections having this source.
  • target either a string representing an element id, or a selector.  constrains the result to connections having this target.


this.getAllConnections = function()

Gets all connections, as a map of { scope -> [ connection...  ] }.


this.getDefaultScope = function()

Gets the default scope for connections and endpoints. a scope defines a type of endpoint/connection; supplying a scope to an endpoint or connection allows you to support different types of connections in the same UI. but if you’re only interested in one type of connection, you don’t need to supply a scope. this method will probably be used by very few people; it’s good for testing though.


Gets an Endpoint by UUID


uuidthe UUID for the Endpoint


Endpoint with the given UUID, null if nothing found.


this.hide = function(el,

Sets an element’s connections to be hidden.


eleither the id of the element, or a selector for the element.
changeEndpointswhether not to also hide endpoints on the element. by default this is false.




Makes some DOM element a Connection target, allowing you to drag connections to it without having to register any Endpoints on it first.  When a Connection is established, the endpoint spec that was passed in to this method is used to create a suitable Endpoint (the default will be used if you do not provide one).


elstring id or element selector for the element to make a target.
paramsJS object containing parameters: endpoint optional.  specification of an endpoint to create when a connection is created. scope optional.  scope for the drop zone. dropOptions optional. same stuff as you would pass to dropOptions of an Endpoint definition. deleteEndpointsOnDetach optional, defaults to true. whether or not to delete any Endpoints created by a connection to this target if the connection is subsequently detached. this will not remove Endpoints that have had more Connections attached to them after they were created.


Makes some DOM element a Connection source, allowing you to drag connections from it without having to register any Endpoints on it first.  When a Connection is established, the endpoint spec that was passed in to this method is used to create a suitable Endpoint (the default will be used if you do not provide one).


elstring id or element selector for the element to make a source.
paramsJS object containing parameters: endpoint optional.  specification of an endpoint to create when a connection is created. parent optional.  the element to add Endpoints to when a Connection is established.  if you omit this, Endpoints will be added to ‘el’. scope optional.  scope for the connections dragged from this element. dragOptions optional. same stuff as you would pass to dragOptions of an Endpoint definition. deleteEndpointsOnDetach optional, defaults to false. whether or not to delete any Endpoints created by a connection from this source if the connection is subsequently detached. this will not remove Endpoints that have had more Connections attached to them after they were created.


this.ready = function(fn)

Helper method to bind a function to jsPlumb’s ready event.


this.repaint = function(el)

Repaints an element and its connections.  This method gets new sizes for the elements before painting anything.


eleither the id of the element or a selector representing the element.



See Also



this.repaintEverything = function()

Repaints all connections.



See Also



this.removeAllEndpoints = function(el)

Removes all Endpoints associated with a given element.  Also removes all Connections associated with each Endpoint it removes.


eleither an element id, or a selector for an element.



See Also



this.setAutomaticRepaint = function(value)

Sets/unsets automatic repaint on window resize.


valuewhether or not to automatically repaint when the window is resized.

Returns: void


this.setDefaultScope = function(scope)

Sets the default scope for Connections and Endpoints.  A scope defines a type of Endpoint/Connection; supplying a scope to an Endpoint or Connection allows you to support different types of Connections in the same UI.  If you’re only interested in one type of Connection, you don’t need to supply a scope.  This method will probably be used by very few people; it just instructs jsPlumb to use a different key for the default scope.


scopescope to set as default.


this.setDraggable = _setDraggable; this.setDebugLog = function(debugLog)

Sets whether or not a given element is draggable, regardless of what any jsPlumb command may request.


eleither the id for the element, or a selector representing the element.




this.setRepaintFunction = function(f)

Sets the function to fire when the window size has changed and a repaint was fired.


fFunction to execute.

Returns: void


Suspends drawing operations.  This can be used when you have a lot of connections to make or endpoints to register; it will save you a lot of time.


this.setRenderMode = function(mode)

Sets render mode: jsPlumb.CANVAS, jsPlumb.SVG or jsPlumb.VML.  jsPlumb will fall back to VML if it determines that what you asked for is not supported (and that VML is).  If you asked for VML but the browser does not support it, jsPlumb uses SVG.


the render mode that jsPlumb set, which of course may be different from that requested.


this.show = function(el,

Sets an element’s connections to be visible.


eleither the id of the element, or a selector for the element.
changeEndpointswhether or not to also change the visible state of the endpoints on the element.  this also has a bearing on other connections on those endpoints: if their other endpoint is also visible, the connections are made visible.




this.sizeCanvas = function(canvas,

Helper to size a canvas.  You would typically use this when writing your own Connector or Endpoint implementation.


x[int] x position for the Canvas origin
y[int] y position for the Canvas origin
w[int] width of the canvas
h[int] height of the canvas




Toggles visibility of an element’s Connections.


eleither the element’s id, or a selector representing the element.
changeEndpointswhether or not to also toggle the endpoints on the element.


void, but should be updated to return the current state


Toggles draggability (sic?) of an element’s Connections.


eleither the element’s id, or a selector representing the element.


The current draggable state.


this.unload = function()

Unloads jsPlumb, deleting all storage.  You should call this from an onunload attribute on the <body> element.




The connecting line between two Endpoints.

Functions and Properties
ConnectionConnection constructor.
sourceIdId of the source element in the connection.
targetIdId of the target element in the connection.
scopeOptional scope descriptor for the connection.
endpointsArray of [source, target] Endpoint objects.
isDetachableReturns whether or not this connection can be detached from its target/source endpoint.
setDetachableSets whether or not this connection is detachable.
connectorThe underlying Connector for this Connection (eg.
bindBind to an event on the Connection.
setPaintStyleSets the Connection’s paint style and then repaints the Connection.
setHoverPaintStyleSets the paint style to use when the mouse is hovering over the Connection.
setHoverSets/unsets the hover state of this Connection.
repaintRepaints the Connection.

Functions and Properties


var Connection = function(params)

Connection constructor.


sourceeither an element id, a selector for an element, or an Endpoint.
targeteither an element id, a selector for an element, or an Endpoint
scopescope descriptor for this connection. optional.
containeroptional id or selector instructing jsPlumb where to attach all the elements it creates for this connection.  you should read the documentation for a full discussion of this.
endpointOptional.  Endpoint definition to use for both ends of the connection.
endpointsOptional.  Array of two Endpoint definitions, one for each end of the Connection.  This and ‘endpoint’ are mutually exclusive parameters.
endpointStyleOptional.  Endpoint style definition to use for both ends of the Connection.
endpointStylesOptional.  Array of two Endpoint style definitions, one for each end of the Connection.  This and ‘endpoint’ are mutually exclusive parameters.
paintStyleParameters defining the appearance of the Connection.  Optional; jsPlumb will use the defaults if you supply nothing here.
hoverPaintStyleParameters defining the appearance of the Connection when the mouse is hovering over it.  Optional; jsPlumb will use the defaults if you supply nothing here (note that the default hoverPaintStyle is null).
overlaysOptional array of Overlay definitions to appear on this Connection.
drawEndpointsif false, instructs jsPlumb to not draw the endpoints for this Connection.  Be careful with this: it only really works when you tell jsPlumb to attach elements to the document body.  Read the documentation for a full discussion of this.


Id of the source element in the connection.


Id of the target element in the connection.


Optional scope descriptor for the connection.


Array of [source, target] Endpoint objects.


this.isDetachable = function()

Returns whether or not this connection can be detached from its target/source endpoint.  by default this is false; use it in conjunction with the ‘reattach’ parameter.


this.setDetachable = function(detachable)

Sets whether or not this connection is detachable.


this.setConnector = function(connector,
Sets the Connection’s connector (eg “Bezier”, “Flowchart”, etc).  You pass a Connector definition into this methodthe same thing that you would set as the ‘connector’ property on a jsPlumb.connect call.


connectorConnector definition


The underlying Connector for this Connection (eg. a Bezier connector, straight line connector, flowchart connector etc)


Bind to an event on the Connection.


eventthe event to bind.  Available events on a Connection are:
  • click : notification that a Connection was clicked.
  • dblclick : notification that a Connection was double clicked.
  • mouseenter : notification that the mouse is over a Connection.
  • mouseexit : notification that the mouse exited a Connection.
callbackfunction to callback.  This function will be passed the Connection that caused the event, and also the original event.


Sets the Connection’s paint style and then repaints the Connection.


styleStyle to use.


Sets the paint style to use when the mouse is hovering over the Connection.  This is null by default.  The hover paint style is applied as extensions to the paintStyle; it does not entirely replace it.  This is because people will most likely want to change just one thing when hovering, say the color for example, but leave the rest of the appearance the same.


styleStyle to use when the mouse is hovering.
doNotRepaintif true, the Connection will not be repainted.  useful when setting things up initially.


Sets/unsets the hover state of this Connection.


hoverhover state boolean
ignoreAttachedElementsif true, does not notify any attached elements of the change in hover state.  used mostly to avoid infinite loops.


this.repaint = function(params)

Repaints the Connection.


Models an endpoint.  Can have 1 to ‘maxConnections’ Connections emanating from it (set maxConnections to -1 to allow unlimited).  Typically, if you use ‘jsPlumb.connect’ to programmatically connect two elements, you won’t actually deal with the underlying Endpoint objects.  But if you wish to support drag and drop Connections, one of the ways you do so is by creating and registering Endpoints using ‘jsPlumb.addEndpoint’, and marking these Endpoints as ‘source’ and/or ‘target’ Endpoints for Connections.

EndpointEndpoint constructor.
bindBind to an event on the Endpoint.
setPaintStyleSets the Endpoint’s paint style and then repaints the Endpoint.
setHoverPaintStyleSets the paint style to use when the mouse is hovering over the Endpoint.
setHoverSets/unsets the hover state of this Endpoint.
isVisibleReturns whether or not the Endpoint is currently visible.
setVisibleSets whether or not the Endpoint is currently visible.
isEnabledReturns whether or not the Endpoint is enabled for drag/drop connections.
setEnabledSets whether or not the Endpoint is enabled for drag/drop connections.
canvasThe Endpoint’s Canvas.
connectionsList of Connections this Endpoint is attached to.
scopeScope descriptor for this Endpoint.
addConnectionAdds a Connection to this Endpoint.
detachDetaches the given Connection from this Endpoint.
detachAllDetaches all Connections this Endpoint has.
detachFromRemoves any connections from this Endpoint that are connected to the given target endpoint.
detachFromConnectionDetach this Endpoint from the Connection, but leave the Connection alive.
getElementReturns the DOM element this Endpoint is attached to.
setElementSets the DOM element this Endpoint is attached to.
getUuidReturns the UUID for this Endpoint, if there is one.
isConnectedToReturns whether or not this endpoint is connected to the given Endpoint.
isFullReturns whether or not the Endpoint can accept any more Connections.
setDragAllowedWhenFullSets whether or not connections can be dragged from this Endpoint once it is full.
setStyleSets the paint style of the Endpoint.
paintPaints the Endpoint, recalculating offset and anchor positions if necessary.



var Endpoint = function(params)

Endpoint constructor.


anchordefinition of the Anchor for the endpoint.  You can include one or more Anchor definitions here; if you include more than one, jsPlumb creates a ‘dynamic’ Anchor, ie. an Anchor which changes position relative to the other elements in a Connection.  Each Anchor definition can be either a string nominating one of the basic Anchors provided by jsPlumb (eg.  “TopCenter”), or a four element array that designates the Anchor’s location and orientation (eg, and this is equivalent to TopCenter, [ 0.5, 0, 0, -1 ]).  To provide more than one Anchor definition just put them all in an array.  You can mix string definitions with array definitions.
endpointoptional Endpoint definition.  This takes the form of either a string nominating one of the basic Endpoints provided by jsPlumb (eg.  “Rectangle”), or an array containing [name,params] for those cases where you don’t wish to use the default values, eg.  [ “Rectangle”, { width:5, height:10 } ].
enabledoptional, defaults to true.  Indicates whether or not the Endpoint should be enabled for mouse events (drag/drop).
paintStyleendpoint style, a js object. may be null.
hoverPaintStylestyle to use when the mouse is hovering over the Endpoint.  A js object. may be null; defaults to null.
sourceelement the Endpoint is attached to, of type String (an element id) or element selector.  Required.
canvascanvas element to use. may be, and most often is, null.
containeroptional id or selector instructing jsPlumb where to attach the element it creates for this endpoint.  you should read the documentation for a full discussion of this.
connectionsoptional list of Connections to configure the Endpoint with.
isSourceboolean. indicates the endpoint can act as a source of new connections.  Optional; defaults to false.
maxConnectionsinteger; defaults to 1.  a value of -1 means no upper limit.
dragOptionsif isSource is set to true, you can supply arguments for the underlying library’s drag method.  Optional; defaults to null.
connectorStyleif isSource is set to true, this is the paint style for Connections from this Endpoint.  Optional; defaults to null.
connectorHoverStyleif isSource is set to true, this is the hover paint style for Connections from this Endpoint.  Optional; defaults to null.
connectoroptional Connector type to use.  Like ‘endpoint’, this may be either a single string nominating a known Connector type (eg.  “Bezier”, “Straight”), or an array containing [name, params], eg.  [ “Bezier”, { curviness:160 } ].
connectorOverlaysoptional array of Overlay definitions that will be applied to any Connection from this Endpoint.
isTargetboolean. indicates the endpoint can act as a target of new connections.  Optional; defaults to false.
dropOptionsif isTarget is set to true, you can supply arguments for the underlying library’s drop method with this parameter.  Optional; defaults to null.
reattachoptional boolean that determines whether or not the Connections reattach after they have been dragged off an Endpoint and left floating. defaults to false: Connections dropped in this way will just be deleted.


Bind to an event on the Endpoint.


eventthe event to bind.  Available events on an Endpoint are:
  • click : notification that a Endpoint was clicked.
  • dblclick : notification that a Endpoint was double clicked.
  • mouseenter : notification that the mouse is over a Endpoint.
  • mouseexit : notification that the mouse exited a Endpoint.
callbackfunction to callback.  This function will be passed the Endpoint that caused the event, and also the original event.


Sets the Endpoint’s paint style and then repaints the Endpoint.


styleStyle to use.


Sets the paint style to use when the mouse is hovering over the Endpoint.  This is null by default.  The hover paint style is applied as extensions to the paintStyle; it does not entirely replace it.  This is because people will most likely want to change just one thing when hovering, say the color for example, but leave the rest of the appearance the same.


styleStyle to use when the mouse is hovering.
doNotRepaintif true, the Endpoint will not be repainted.  useful when setting things up initially.


Sets/unsets the hover state of this Endpoint.


hoverhover state boolean
ignoreAttachedElementsif true, does not notify any attached elements of the change in hover state.  used mostly to avoid infinite loops.


this.isVisible = function()

Returns whether or not the Endpoint is currently visible.


this.setVisible = function(v,

Sets whether or not the Endpoint is currently visible.


visiblewhether or not the Endpoint should be visible.
doNotChangeConnectionsInstructs jsPlumb to not pass the visible state on to any attached Connections. defaults to false.
doNotNotifyOtherEndpointInstructs jsPlumb to not pass the visible state on to Endpoints at the other end of any attached Connections. defaults to false.


this.isEnabled = function()

Returns whether or not the Endpoint is enabled for drag/drop connections.


this.setEnabled = function(e)

Sets whether or not the Endpoint is enabled for drag/drop connections.



The Endpoint’s Canvas.


List of Connections this Endpoint is attached to.


Scope descriptor for this Endpoint.



this.addConnection = function(connection)

Adds a Connection to this Endpoint.


connectionthe Connection to add.


this.detach = function(connection,

Detaches the given Connection from this Endpoint.


connectionthe Connection to detach.
ignoreTargetoptional; tells the Endpoint to not notify the Connection target that the Connection was detached.  The default behaviour is to notify the target.


this.detachAll = function(fireEvent)

Detaches all Connections this Endpoint has.


fireEventwhether or not to fire the detach event.  defaults to false.


this.detachFrom = function(targetEndpoint,

Removes any connections from this Endpoint that are connected to the given target endpoint.


targetEndpointEndpoint from which to detach all Connections from this Endpoint.
fireEventwhether or not to fire the detach event. defaults to false.


this.detachFromConnection = function(connection)

Detach this Endpoint from the Connection, but leave the Connection alive.  Used when dragging.


connectionConnection to detach from.


this.getElement = function()

Returns the DOM element this Endpoint is attached to.


this.setElement = function(el)

Sets the DOM element this Endpoint is attached to.


this.getUuid = function()

Returns the UUID for this Endpoint, if there is one.  Otherwise returns null.


this.isConnectedTo = function(endpoint)

Returns whether or not this endpoint is connected to the given Endpoint.


endpointEndpoint to test.


this.isFull = function()

Returns whether or not the Endpoint can accept any more Connections.


this.setDragAllowedWhenFull = function(allowed)

Sets whether or not connections can be dragged from this Endpoint once it is full.  You would use this in a UI in which you’re going to provide some other way of breaking connections, if you need to break them at all.  This property is by default true; use it in conjunction with the ‘reattach’ option on a connect call.


allowedwhether drag is allowed or not when the Endpoint is full.


Sets the paint style of the Endpoint.  This is a JS object of the same form you supply to a jsPlumb.addEndpoint or jsPlumb.connect call.  TODO move setStyle into EventGenerator, remove it from here. is Connection’s method currently setPaintStyle ? wire that one up to setStyle and deprecate it if so.


styleStyle object to set, for example {fillStyle:”blue”}.

@deprecated use setPaintStyle instead.


this.paint = function(params)

Paints the Endpoint, recalculating offset and anchor positions if necessary.  This does NOT paint any of the Endpoint’s connections.


timestampoptional timestamp advising the Endpoint of the current paint time; if it has painted already once for this timestamp, it will not paint again.
canvasoptional Canvas to paint on.  Only used internally by jsPlumb in certain obscure situations.
connectorPaintStylepaint style of the Connector attached to this Endpoint.  Used to get a fillStyle if nothing else was supplied.


The Straight connector draws a simple straight line between the two anchor points.  It does not have any constructor parameters.


Provides ‘flowchart’ connectors, consisting of vertical and horizontal line segments.




stubminimum length for the stub at each end of the connector. defaults to 30 pixels.


A round endpoint, with default radius 10 pixels.




radiusradius of the endpoint.  defaults to 10 pixels.


A Rectangular Endpoint, with default size 20x20.




widthwidth of the endpoint. defaults to 20 pixels.
heightheight of the endpoint. defaults to 20 pixels.


Draws an image as the Endpoint.




srclocation of the image to use.


An Endpoint that paints nothing (visible) on the screen.  Supports cssClass and hoverClass parameters like all Endpoints.


A triangular Endpoint.




widthwidth of the triangle’s base.  defaults to 55 pixels.
heightheight of the triangle from base to apex.  defaults to 55 pixels.


An arrow overlay, defined by four points: the head, the two sides of the tail, and a ‘foldback’ point at some distance along the length of the arrow that lines from each tail point converge into.  The foldback point is defined using a decimal that indicates some fraction of the length of the arrow and has a default value of 0.623.  A foldback point value of 1 would mean that the arrow had a straight line across the tail.




lengthdistance in pixels from head to tail baseline. default 20.
widthwidth in pixels of the tail baseline. default 20.
fillStylestyle to use when filling the arrow.  defaults to “black”.
strokeStylestyle to use when stroking the arrow. defaults to null, which means the arrow is not stroked.
lineWidthline width to use when stroking the arrow. defaults to 1, but only used if strokeStyle is not null.
foldbackdistance (as a decimal from 0 to 1 inclusive) along the length of the arrow marking the point the tail points should fold back to.  defaults to 0.623.
locationdistance (as a decimal from 0 to 1 inclusive) marking where the arrow should sit on the connector. defaults to 0.5.
directionindicates the direction the arrow points in. valid values are -1 and 1; 1 is default.


A basic arrow.  This is in fact just one instance of the more generic case in which the tail folds back on itself to some point along the length of the arrow: in this case, that foldback point is the full length of the arrow.  so it just does a ‘call’ to Arrow with foldback set appropriately.

ConstructorSee Overlays.Arrow for allowed parameters for this overlay.



See Overlays.Arrow for allowed parameters for this overlay.


A diamond.  Like PlainArrow, this is a concrete case of the more generic case of the tail points converging on some point...it just happens that in this case, that point is greater than the length of the the arrow.

this could probably do with some help with positioning...due to the way it reuses the Arrow paint code, what Arrow thinks is the center is actually 1/4 of the way along for this guy.  but we don’t have any knowledge of pixels at this point, so we’re kind of stuck when it comes to helping out the Arrow class. possibly we could pass in a ‘transpose’ parameter or something. the value would be -l/4 in this case - move along one quarter of the total length.

ConstructorSee Overlays.Arrow for allowed parameters for this overlay.



See Overlays.Arrow for allowed parameters for this overlay.


A Label overlay.  For all different renderer types (SVG/Canvas/VML), jsPlumb draws a Label overlay as a styled DIV.  Version 1.3.0 of jsPlumb introduced the ability to set css classes on the label; this is now the preferred way for you to style a label.  The ‘labelStyle’ parameter is still supported in 1.3.0 but its usage is deprecated.  Under the hood, jsPlumb just turns that object into a bunch of CSS directive that it puts on the Label’s ‘style’ attribute, so the end result is the same.





cssClassoptional css class string to append to css class.  This string is appended “as-is”, so you can of course have multiple classes defined.  This parameter is preferred to using labelStyle, borderWidth and borderStyle.
labelthe label to paint.  May be a string or a function that returns a string.  Nothing will be painted if your label is null or your label function returns null.  empty strings will be painted.
locationdistance (as a decimal from 0 to 1 inclusive) marking where the label should sit on the connector. defaults to 0.5.


this.setLabel = function(l)

sets the label’s, um, label.  you would think i’d call this function ‘setText’, but you can pass either a Function or a String to this, so it makes more sense as ‘setLabel’.

StateMachine constructor

Allowed parameters

curvinessmeasure of how “curvy” the connectors will be.  this is translated as the distance that the Bezier curve’s control point is from the midpoint of the straight line connecting the two endpoints, and does not mean that the connector is this wide.  The Bezier curve never reaches its control points; they act as gravitational masses. defaults to 10.
margindistance from element to start and end connectors, in pixels.  defaults to 5.
proximityLimitsets the distance beneath which the elements are consider too close together to bother with fancy curves. by default this is 80 pixels.
loopbackRadiusthe radius of a loopback connector.  optional; defaults to 25.
this.addOverlay = function(overlay)
Adds an Overlay to the Connection.
this.getOverlay = function(id)
Gets an overlay, by ID.
this.hideOverlay = function(id)
Hides the overlay specified by the given id.
this.showOverlay = function(id)
Shows the overlay specified by the given id.
this.removeAllOverlays = function()
Removes all overlays from the Connection, and then repaints.
this.setLabel = function(l)
Sets the Connection’s label.
_currentInstance.importDefaults = function(d)
Imports all the given defaults into this instance of jsPlumb.
this.addClass = function(el,
Helper method to abstract out differences in setting css classes on the different renderer types.
this.removeClass = function(el,
Helper method to abstract out differences in setting css classes on the different renderer types.
this.hasClass = function(el,
Helper method to abstract out differences in testing for css classes on the different renderer types.
this.addEndpoint = function(el,
Adds an Endpoint to a given element or elements.
Models an endpoint.
this.addEndpoints = function(el,
Adds a list of Endpoints to a given element or elements.
this.animate = function(el,
This is a wrapper around the supporting library’s animate function; it injects a call to jsPlumb in the ‘step’ function (creating the ‘step’ function if necessary).
this.connect = function(params,
Establishes a Connection between two elements (or Endpoints, which are themselves registered to elements).
The connecting line between two Endpoints.
this.deleteEndpoint = function(object)
Deletes an Endpoint and removes all Connections it has (which removes the Connections from the other Endpoints involved too)
this.deleteEveryEndpoint = function()
Deletes every Endpoint, and their associated Connections, in this instance of jsPlumb.
this.detach = function()
Detaches and then removes a Connection.
this.detachAllConnections = function(el,
Removes all an element’s Connections.
this.detachEveryConnection = function(params)
Remove all Connections from all elements, but leaves Endpoints in place.
this.extend = function(o1,
Wraps the underlying library’s extend functionality.
this.getDefaultEndpointType = function()
Returns the default Endpoint type.
this.getDefaultConnectionType = function()
Returns the default Connection type.
this.getConnections = function(options)
Gets all or a subset of connections currently managed by this jsPlumb instance.
this.getAllConnections = function()
Gets all connections, as a map of { scope -> [ connection...
this.getDefaultScope = function()
Gets the default scope for connections and endpoints.
this.hide = function(el,
Sets an element’s connections to be hidden.
this.ready = function(fn)
Helper method to bind a function to jsPlumb’s ready event.
this.repaint = function(el)
Repaints an element and its connections.
this.repaintEverything = function()
Repaints all connections.
this.removeAllEndpoints = function(el)
Removes all Endpoints associated with a given element.
this.setAutomaticRepaint = function(value)
Sets/unsets automatic repaint on window resize.
this.setDefaultScope = function(scope)
Sets the default scope for Connections and Endpoints.
this.setDraggable = _setDraggable; this.setDebugLog = function(debugLog)
Sets whether or not a given element is draggable, regardless of what any jsPlumb command may request.
this.setRepaintFunction = function(f)
Sets the function to fire when the window size has changed and a repaint was fired.
this.setRenderMode = function(mode)
Sets render mode: jsPlumb.CANVAS, jsPlumb.SVG or jsPlumb.VML.
this.show = function(el,
Sets an element’s connections to be visible.
this.sizeCanvas = function(canvas,
Helper to size a canvas.
this.unload = function()
Unloads jsPlumb, deleting all storage.
var Connection = function(params)
Connection constructor.
this.isDetachable = function()
Returns whether or not this connection can be detached from its target/source endpoint.
this.setDetachable = function(detachable)
Sets whether or not this connection is detachable.
this.setConnector = function(connector,
this.repaint = function(params)
Repaints the Connection.
var Endpoint = function(params)
Endpoint constructor.
this.isVisible = function()
Returns whether or not the Endpoint is currently visible.
this.setVisible = function(v,
Sets whether or not the Endpoint is currently visible.
this.isEnabled = function()
Returns whether or not the Endpoint is enabled for drag/drop connections.
this.setEnabled = function(e)
Sets whether or not the Endpoint is enabled for drag/drop connections.
this.addConnection = function(connection)
Adds a Connection to this Endpoint.
this.detach = function(connection,
Detaches the given Connection from this Endpoint.
this.detachAll = function(fireEvent)
Detaches all Connections this Endpoint has.
this.detachFrom = function(targetEndpoint,
Removes any connections from this Endpoint that are connected to the given target endpoint.
this.detachFromConnection = function(connection)
Detach this Endpoint from the Connection, but leave the Connection alive.
this.getElement = function()
Returns the DOM element this Endpoint is attached to.
this.setElement = function(el)
Sets the DOM element this Endpoint is attached to.
this.getUuid = function()
Returns the UUID for this Endpoint, if there is one.
this.isConnectedTo = function(endpoint)
Returns whether or not this endpoint is connected to the given Endpoint.
this.isFull = function()
Returns whether or not the Endpoint can accept any more Connections.
this.setDragAllowedWhenFull = function(allowed)
Sets whether or not connections can be dragged from this Endpoint once it is full.
this.paint = function(params)
Paints the Endpoint, recalculating offset and anchor positions if necessary.
An arrow overlay, defined by four points: the head, the two sides of the tail, and a ‘foldback’ point at some distance along the length of the arrow that lines from each tail point converge into.
this.setLabel = function(l)
sets the label’s, um, label.