var _getContextNode = function() { return $("#container"); }; var assertContextExists = function() { ok(_getContextNode().length == 1, "context node exists"); }; var assertContextSize = function(elementCount) { //equals(_getContextNode().children().length - _divs.length, elementCount, 'context has ' + elementCount + ' children'); }; var assertContextEmpty = function() { equals(_getContextNode().children.length, 0, "context empty"); }; var assertEndpointCount = function(elId, count) { equals(jsPlumb.getTestHarness().endpointCount(elId), count, elId + " has " + count + (count > 1) ? "endpoints" : "endpoint"); }; var assertConnectionCount = function(endpoint, count) { equals(endpoint.connections.length, count, "endpoint has " + count + " connections"); }; var assertConnectionByScopeCount = function(scope, count) { equals(jsPlumb.getTestHarness().connectionCount(scope), count, 'Scope ' + scope + " has " + count + (count > 1) ? "connections" : "connection"); }; var _divs = []; var _addDiv = function(id) { var d1 = document.createElement("div"); _getContextNode().append(d1); d1 = jsPlumb.CurrentLibrary.getElementObject(d1); jsPlumb.CurrentLibrary.setAttribute(d1, "id", id); _divs.push(id); return d1; }; var _cleanup = function() { jsPlumb.reset(); jsPlumb.Defaults.Container = null; for (var i in _divs) { $("#" + _divs[i]).remove(); } _divs.splice(0, _divs.length - 1); }; var testSuite = function(renderMode) { module("jsPlumb", {teardown: _cleanup}); // setup the container var container = document.createElement("div"); = "container"; document.body.appendChild(container); jsPlumb.setRenderMode(renderMode); test(renderMode + ': findIndex method', function() { var array = [ 1,2,3, "test", "a string", { 'foo':'bar', 'baz':1 }, { 'ding':'dong' } ]; equals(jsPlumb.getTestHarness().findIndex(array, 1), 0, "find works for integers"); equals(jsPlumb.getTestHarness().findIndex(array, "test"), 3, "find works for strings"); equals(jsPlumb.getTestHarness().findIndex(array, { 'foo':'bar', 'baz':1 }), 5, "find works for objects"); equals(jsPlumb.getTestHarness().findIndex(array, { 'ding':'dong', 'baz':1 }), -1, "find works properly for objects (objects have different length but some same properties)"); }); test(renderMode + ': jsPlumb setup', function() { ok(jsPlumb, "loaded"); }); test(renderMode + ': getId', function() { var d10 = _addDiv('d10'); equals(jsPlumb.getTestHarness().getId(d10), "d10"); }); test(renderMode + ': create a simple endpoint', function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"); var e = jsPlumb.addEndpoint($("#d1"), {}); ok(e, 'endpoint exists'); assertEndpointCount("d1", 1); }); test(renderMode + ': create and remove a simple endpoint', function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"); var ee = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1, {uuid:"78978597593"}); ok(ee != null, "endpoint exists"); var e = jsPlumb.getEndpoint("78978597593"); ok(e != null, "the endpoint could be retrieved by UUID"); assertEndpointCount("d1", 1); assertContextSize(1); // one Endpoint canvas. jsPlumb.removeEndpoint(d1, ee); assertEndpointCount("d1", 0); e = jsPlumb.getEndpoint("78978597593"); equals(e, null, "the endpoint has been deleted"); assertContextSize(0); // no Endpoint canvases. }); test(renderMode + ': create two simple endpoints, registered using a selector', function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); d1.addClass("window");d2.addClass("window"); var endpoints = jsPlumb.addEndpoint($(".window"), {}); equals(endpoints.length, 2, "endpoint added to both windows"); assertEndpointCount("d1", 1); assertEndpointCount("d2", 1); }); test(renderMode + ': create two simple endpoints, registered using an array of element ids', function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); d1.addClass("window");d2.addClass("window"); var endpoints = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(["d1", "d2"], {}); equals(endpoints.length, 2, "endpoint added to both windows"); assertEndpointCount("d1", 1); assertEndpointCount("d2", 1); }); test(renderMode + ': draggable silently ignored when jquery ui not present', function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"); var e = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1, {isSource:true}); ok(e, 'endpoint exists'); }); test(renderMode + ': droppable silently ignored when jquery ui not present', function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1") var e = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1, {isTarget:true}); ok(e, 'endpoint exists'); }); test(renderMode + ': defaultEndpointMaxConnections', function() { var d3 = _addDiv("d3"), d4 = _addDiv("d4"); var e3 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d3, {isSource:true}); ok(e3.anchor, 'endpoint 3 has an anchor'); var e4 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d4, {isSource:true}); assertEndpointCount("d3", 1); assertEndpointCount("d4", 1); assertContextSize(2); // one canvas for each of our two endpoints. ok(!e3.isFull(), "endpoint 3 is not full."); jsPlumb.connect({source:d3, target:'d4', sourceEndpoint:e3, targetEndpoint:e4}); assertConnectionCount(e3, 1); // we have one connection jsPlumb.connect({source:d3, target:'d4', sourceEndpoint:e3, targetEndpoint:e4}); assertConnectionCount(e3, 1); // should have refused the connection; default max is 1. assertContextSize(3); // now we have one more canvas, for the Connection that was accepted. }); test(renderMode + ': specifiedEndpointMaxConnections', function() { var d5 = _addDiv("d5"), d6 = _addDiv("d6"); var e5 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d5, {isSource:true, maxConnections:3}); ok(e5.anchor, 'endpoint 5 has an anchor'); var e6 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d6, {isSource:true, maxConnections:2}); // this one has max TWO assertEndpointCount("d5", 1); assertEndpointCount("d6", 1); assertContextSize(2); ok(!e5.isFull(), "endpoint 5 is not full."); jsPlumb.connect({sourceEndpoint:e5, targetEndpoint:e6}); assertConnectionCount(e5, 1); // we have one connection assertContextSize(3); jsPlumb.connect({sourceEndpoint:e5, targetEndpoint:e6}); assertConnectionCount(e5, 2); // two connections assertContextSize(4); jsPlumb.connect({sourceEndpoint:e5, targetEndpoint:e6}); assertConnectionCount(e5, 2); // should have refused; max is 2, for d4. assertContextSize(4); }); test(renderMode + ': noEndpointMaxConnections', function() { var d3 = _addDiv("d3"), d4 = _addDiv("d4"); var e3 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d3, {isSource:true, maxConnections:-1}); var e4 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d4, {isSource:true, maxConnections:-1}); jsPlumb.connect({sourceEndpoint:e3, targetEndpoint:e4}); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionCount(e3, 1); // we have one connection jsPlumb.connect({sourceEndpoint:e3, targetEndpoint:e4}); assertConnectionCount(e3, 2); // we have two. etc (default was one. this proves max is working). assertContextSize(4); var d5 = _addDiv("d5"), d6 = _addDiv("d6"); var e5 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d3, {isSource:true, maxConnections:-1}); jsPlumb.connect({sourceEndpoint:e5, targetEndpoint:e4}); assertConnectionCount(e4, 3); assertContextSize(6); }); test(renderMode + ': anchors equal', function() { var a1 = jsPlumb.makeAnchor(0, 1, 1, 1); var a2 = jsPlumb.makeAnchor(0, 1, 1, 1); ok(a1.equals(a2), "anchors are the same"); }); test(renderMode + ': anchors equal with offsets', function() { var a1 = jsPlumb.makeAnchor(0, 1, 1, 1, 10, 13); var a2 = jsPlumb.makeAnchor(0, 1, 1, 1, 10, 13); ok(a1.equals(a2), "anchors are the same"); }); test(renderMode + ': anchors not equal', function() { var a1 = jsPlumb.makeAnchor(0, 1, 0, 1); var a2 = jsPlumb.makeAnchor(0, 1, 1, 1); ok(!a1.equals(a2), "anchors are different"); }); test(renderMode + ': anchor not equal with offsets', function() { var a1 = jsPlumb.makeAnchor(0, 1, 1, 1, 10, 13); var a2 = jsPlumb.makeAnchor(0, 1, 1, 1); ok(!a1.equals(a2), "anchors are different"); }); test(renderMode + ': detach plays nice when no target given', function() { var d3 = _addDiv("d3"), d4 = _addDiv("d4"); jsPlumb.connect({source:d3, target:d4}); jsPlumb.detach(); }); // issue 81 test(renderMode + ': jsPlumb.detach should fire only one detach event (pass Connection as argument)', function() { var d5 = _addDiv("d5"), d6 = _addDiv("d6"); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({source:d5, target:d6}); var eventCount = 0; jsPlumb.bind("jsPlumbConnectionDetached", function(c) { eventCount++; }); jsPlumb.detach(conn); equals(eventCount, 1); }); // issue 81 test(renderMode + ': jsPlumb.detach should fire only one detach event (pass Connection as param in argument)', function() { var d5 = _addDiv("d5"), d6 = _addDiv("d6"); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({source:d5, target:d6}); var eventCount = 0; jsPlumb.bind("jsPlumbConnectionDetached", function(c) { eventCount++; }); jsPlumb.detach({connection:conn}); equals(eventCount, 1); }); // issue 81 test(renderMode + ': jsPlumb.detach should fire only one detach event (pass source and targets as strings as arguments in params object)', function() { var d5 = _addDiv("d5"), d6 = _addDiv("d6"); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({source:d5, target:d6}); var eventCount = 0; jsPlumb.bind("jsPlumbConnectionDetached", function(c) { eventCount++; }); jsPlumb.detach({source:"d5", target:"d6"}); equals(eventCount, 1); }); // issue 81 test(renderMode + ': jsPlumb.detach should fire only one detach event (pass source and targets as divs as arguments in params object)', function() { var d5 = _addDiv("d5"), d6 = _addDiv("d6"); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({source:d5, target:d6}); var eventCount = 0; jsPlumb.bind("jsPlumbConnectionDetached", function(c) { eventCount++; }); jsPlumb.detach({source:d5, target:d6}); equals(eventCount, 1); }); // issue 81 test(renderMode + ': jsPlumb.detach should fire only one detach event (pass source and targets as divs as arguments)', function() { var d5 = _addDiv("d5"), d6 = _addDiv("d6"); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({source:d5, target:d6}); var eventCount = 0; jsPlumb.bind("jsPlumbConnectionDetached", function(c) { eventCount++; }); jsPlumb.detach(d5, d6); equals(eventCount, 1); }); //TODO make sure you run this test with a single detach call, to ensure that // single detach calls result in the connection being removed. detachEverything can // just blow away the connectionsByScope array and recreate it. test(renderMode + ': jsPlumb.getConnections (simple case, default scope)', function() { var d5 = _addDiv("d5"), d6 = _addDiv("d6"); jsPlumb.connect({source:d5, target:d6}); assertContextSize(3); var c = jsPlumb.getConnections(); // will get all connections in the default scope. equals(c.length, 1, "there is one connection"); }); test(renderMode + ': jsPlumb.getConnections (simple case, default scope; detach by element id)', function() { var d5 = _addDiv("d5"), d6 = _addDiv("d6"), d7 = _addDiv("d7"); jsPlumb.connect({source:d5, target:d6}); jsPlumb.connect({source:d6, target:d7}); assertContextSize(6); var c = jsPlumb.getConnections(); // will get all connections in the default scope equals(c.length, 2, "there are two connections initially"); jsPlumb.detach('d5', 'd6'); c = jsPlumb.getConnections(); // will get all connections equals(c.length, 1, "after detaching one, there is now one connection."); assertContextSize(5); }); test(renderMode + ': jsPlumb.getConnections (simple case, default scope; detach by element id using params object)', function() { var d5 = _addDiv("d5"), d6 = _addDiv("d6"), d7 = _addDiv("d7"); jsPlumb.connect({source:d5, target:d6}); jsPlumb.connect({source:d6, target:d7}); assertContextSize(6); var c = jsPlumb.getConnections(); // will get all connections equals(c.length, 2, "there are two connections initially"); jsPlumb.detach({source:'d5', target:'d6'}); c = jsPlumb.getConnections(); // will get all connections equals(c.length, 1, "after detaching one, there is now one connection."); assertContextSize(5); }); test(renderMode + ': jsPlumb.getConnections (simple case, default scope; detach by element object)', function() { var d5 = _addDiv("d5"), d6 = _addDiv("d6"), d7 = _addDiv("d7"); jsPlumb.connect({source:d5, target:d6}); jsPlumb.connect({source:d6, target:d7}); assertContextSize(6); var c = jsPlumb.getConnections(); // will get all connections equals(c.length, 2, "there are two connections initially"); jsPlumb.detach(d5, d6); c = jsPlumb.getConnections(); // will get all connections equals(c.length, 1, "after detaching one, there is now one connection."); assertContextSize(5); }); test(renderMode + ': jsPlumb.getConnections (simple case, default scope; detach by element object using params object)', function() { var d5 = _addDiv("d5"), d6 = _addDiv("d6"), d7 = _addDiv("d7"); jsPlumb.connect({source:d5, target:d6}); jsPlumb.connect({source:d6, target:d7}); assertContextSize(6); var c = jsPlumb.getConnections(); // will get all connections equals(c.length, 2, "there are two connections initially"); jsPlumb.detach({source:d5, target:d6}); c = jsPlumb.getConnections(); // will get all connections equals(c.length, 1, "after detaching one, there is now one connection."); assertContextSize(5); }); test(renderMode + ': jsPlumb.getConnections (simple case, default scope; detach by Connection)', function() { var d5 = _addDiv("d5"), d6 = _addDiv("d6"), d7 = _addDiv("d7"); var c56 = jsPlumb.connect({source:d5, target:d6}); var c67 = jsPlumb.connect({source:d6, target:d7}); assertContextSize(6); var c = jsPlumb.getConnections(); // will get all connections equals(c.length, 2, "there are two connections initially"); jsPlumb.detach(c56); assertContextSize(5); // check that the connection canvas was removed. c = jsPlumb.getConnections(); // will get all connections equals(c.length, 1, "after detaching one, there is now one connection."); }); test(renderMode + ': jsPlumb.getConnections (scope testScope)', function() { var d5 = _addDiv("d5"), d6 = _addDiv("d6"); jsPlumb.connect({source:d5, target:d6, scope:'testScope'}); var c = jsPlumb.getConnections("testScope"); // will get all connections in testScope equals(c.length, 1, "there is one connection"); equals(c[0].sourceId, 'd5', "the connection's source is d5"); equals(c[0].targetId, 'd6', "the connection's source is d6"); c = jsPlumb.getConnections(); // will get all connections in default scope; should be none. equals(c.length, 0, "there are no connections in the default scope"); }); test(renderMode + ': jsPlumb.getAllConnections (filtered by scope)', function() { var d8 = _addDiv("d8"), d9 = _addDiv("d9"), d10 = _addDiv('d10'); jsPlumb.connect({source:d8, target:d9, scope:'testScope'}); jsPlumb.connect({source:d9, target:d10}); // default scope var c = jsPlumb.getAllConnections(); // will get all connections equals(c[jsPlumb.getDefaultScope()].length, 1); equals(c['testScope'].length, 1); // now supply a list of scopes c = jsPlumb.getConnections(); equals(c.length, 1); c = jsPlumb.getConnections("testScope"); equals(c.length, 1, "there is one connection in 'testScope'"); }); test(renderMode + ': jsPlumb.getConnections (filtered by scope and sourceId)', function() { var d8 = _addDiv("d8"), d9 = _addDiv("d9"), d10 = _addDiv('d10'); jsPlumb.connect({source:d8, target:d9, scope:'testScope'}); jsPlumb.connect({source:d9, target:d8, scope:'testScope'}); jsPlumb.connect({source:d9, target:d10}); // default scope var c = jsPlumb.getConnections({scope:'testScope', source:'d8'}); // will get all connections with sourceId 'd8' equals(c.length, 1, "there is one connection in 'testScope' from d8"); }); test(renderMode + ': jsPlumb.getConnections (filtered by scope, source id and target id)', function() { var d11 = _addDiv("d11"), d12 = _addDiv("d12"), d13 = _addDiv('d13'); jsPlumb.connect({source:d11, target:d12, scope:'testScope'}); jsPlumb.connect({source:d12, target:d13, scope:'testScope'}); jsPlumb.connect({source:d11, target:d13, scope:'testScope'}); var c = jsPlumb.getConnections({scope:'testScope', source:'d11', target:'d13'}); equals(c.length, 1, "there is one connection from d11 to d13"); }); test(renderMode + ': jsPlumb.getConnections (filtered by a list of scopes)', function() { var d11 = _addDiv("d11"), d12 = _addDiv("d12"), d13 = _addDiv('d13'); jsPlumb.connect({source:d11, target:d12, scope:'testScope'}); jsPlumb.connect({source:d12, target:d13, scope:'testScope2'}); jsPlumb.connect({source:d11, target:d13, scope:'testScope3'}); var c = jsPlumb.getConnections({scope:['testScope','testScope3']}); equals(c['testScope'].length, 1, 'there is one connection in testScope'); equals(c['testScope3'].length, 1, 'there is one connection in testScope3'); equals(c['testScope2'], null, 'there are no connections in testScope2'); }); test(renderMode + ': jsPlumb.getConnections (filtered by a list of scopes and source ids)', function() { var d11 = _addDiv("d11"), d12 = _addDiv("d12"), d13 = _addDiv('d13'); jsPlumb.connect({source:d11, target:d12, scope:'testScope'}); jsPlumb.connect({source:d13, target:d12, scope:'testScope'}); jsPlumb.connect({source:d12, target:d13, scope:'testScope2'}); jsPlumb.connect({source:d11, target:d13, scope:'testScope3'}); var c = jsPlumb.getConnections({scope:['testScope','testScope3'], source:['d11']}); equals(c['testScope'].length, 1, 'there is one connection in testScope'); equals(c['testScope3'].length, 1, 'there is one connection in testScope3'); equals(c['testScope2'], null, 'there are no connections in testScope2'); }); test(renderMode + ': jsPlumb.getConnections (filtered by a list of scopes, source ids and target ids)', function() { jsPlumb.detachEverything(); var d11 = _addDiv("d11"), d12 = _addDiv("d12"), d13 = _addDiv('d13'), d14=_addDiv("d14"), d15=_addDiv("d15"); jsPlumb.connect({source:d11, target:d12, scope:'testScope'}); jsPlumb.connect({source:d13, target:d12, scope:'testScope'}); jsPlumb.connect({source:d11, target:d14, scope:'testScope'}); jsPlumb.connect({source:d11, target:d15, scope:'testScope'}); jsPlumb.connect({source:d12, target:d13, scope:'testScope2'}); jsPlumb.connect({source:d11, target:d13, scope:'testScope3'}); assertContextSize(18); var c = jsPlumb.getConnections({scope:['testScope','testScope3'], source:['d11'], target:['d14', 'd15']}); equals(c['testScope'].length, 2, 'there are two connections in testScope'); equals(c['testScope3'], null, 'there are no connections in testScope3'); equals(c['testScope2'], null, 'there are no connections in testScope2'); var anEntry = c['testScope'][0]; ok(anEntry.endpoints[0] != null, "Source endpoint is set"); ok(anEntry.endpoints[1] != null, "Target endpoint is set"); equals(anEntry.source.attr("id"), "d11", "Source is div d11"); equals("id"), "d14", "Target is div d14"); }); test(renderMode + ': getEndpoints, one Endpoint added by addEndpoint, get Endpoints by selector', function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1); var e = jsPlumb.getEndpoints(d1); equals(e.length, 1, "there is one endpoint for element d1"); }); test(renderMode + ': getEndpoints, one Endpoint added by addEndpoint, get Endpoints by id', function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1); var e = jsPlumb.getEndpoints("d1"); equals(e.length, 1, "there is one endpoint for element d1"); }); test(renderMode + ': connection event listeners', function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var returnedParams = null/*, returnedParams2 = null*/; jsPlumb.bind("jsPlumbConnection", function(params) { returnedParams = $.extend({}, params); }); var c = jsPlumb.connect({source:d1, target:d2}); ok(returnedParams != null, "new connection listener event was fired"); ok(returnedParams.connection != null, 'connection is set'); equals(returnedParams.sourceId, "d1", 'sourceid is set'); equals(returnedParams.targetId, "d2", 'targetid is set'); equals(returnedParams.source.attr("id"), "d1", 'source is set'); equals("id"), "d2" , 'target is set'); ok(returnedParams.sourceEndpoint != null, "source endpoint is not null"); ok(returnedParams.targetEndpoint != null, "target endpoint is not null"); jsPlumb.bind("jsPlumbConnectionDetached", function(params) { returnedParams = $.extend({}, params); }); jsPlumb.detach(c); ok(returnedParams.connection != null, 'connection is set'); //jsPlumb.detachAll("d1"); //ok(returnedParams2 != null, "removed connection listener event was fired"); }); test(renderMode + ': detach event listeners (detach by connection)', function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var returnedParams = null; jsPlumb.bind("jsPlumbConnectionDetached", function(params) { returnedParams = $.extend({}, params); }); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({source:d1, target:d2}); jsPlumb.detach(conn); ok(returnedParams != null, "removed connection listener event was fired"); ok(returnedParams.connection != null, "removed connection listener event passed in connection"); }); test(renderMode + ': detach event listeners (detach by element ids)', function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var returnedParams = null; jsPlumb.bind("jsPlumbConnectionDetached", function(params) { returnedParams = $.extend({}, params); }); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({source:d1, target:d2}); jsPlumb.detach("d1","d2"); ok(returnedParams != null, "removed connection listener event was fired"); }); test(renderMode + ': detach event listeners (detach by elements)', function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var returnedParams = null; jsPlumb.bind("jsPlumbConnectionDetached", function(params) { returnedParams = $.extend({}, params); }); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({source:d1, target:d2}); jsPlumb.detach(d1,d2); ok(returnedParams != null, "removed connection listener event was fired"); }); test(renderMode + ': detach event listeners (via Endpoint.detach method)', function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var e1 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1, {}); var e2 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d2, {}); var returnedParams = null; jsPlumb.bind("jsPlumbConnectionDetached", function(params) { returnedParams = $.extend({}, params); }); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({sourceEndpoint:e1, targetEndpoint:e2}); assertContextSize(3); e1.detach(conn); ok(returnedParams != null, "removed connection listener event was fired"); assertContextSize(2); }); test(renderMode + ': detach event listeners (via Endpoint.detachFrom method)', function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var e1 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1, {}); var e2 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d2, {}); var returnedParams = null; jsPlumb.bind("jsPlumbConnectionDetached", function(params) { returnedParams = $.extend({}, params); }); jsPlumb.connect({sourceEndpoint:e1, targetEndpoint:e2}); assertContextSize(3); e1.detachFrom(e2); ok(returnedParams != null, "removed connection listener event was fired"); assertContextSize(2); }); test(renderMode + ': detach event listeners (via Endpoint.detachAll method)', function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var e1 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1, {}); var e2 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d2, {}); var returnedParams = null; jsPlumb.bind("jsPlumbConnectionDetached", function(params) { returnedParams = $.extend({}, params); }); jsPlumb.connect({sourceEndpoint:e1, targetEndpoint:e2}); assertContextSize(3); e1.detachAll(); ok(returnedParams != null, "removed connection listener event was fired"); assertContextSize(2); }); test(renderMode + ': detach event listeners (via jsPlumb.deleteEndpoint method)', function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var e1 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1, {}); var e2 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d2, {}); var returnedParams = null; jsPlumb.bind("jsPlumbConnectionDetached", function(params) { returnedParams = $.extend({}, params); }); jsPlumb.connect({sourceEndpoint:e1, targetEndpoint:e2}); assertContextSize(3); jsPlumb.deleteEndpoint(e1); ok(returnedParams != null, "removed connection listener event was fired"); assertContextSize(1); }); test(renderMode + ': detach event listeners (ensure cleared by jsPlumb.reset)', function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var returnedParams = null; jsPlumb.bind("jsPlumbConnectionDetached", function(params) { returnedParams = $.extend({}, params); }); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({source:d1, target:d2}); jsPlumb.detach(d1,d2); ok(returnedParams != null, "removed connection listener event was fired"); returnedParams = null; jsPlumb.reset(); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({source:d1, target:d2}); jsPlumb.detach(d1,d2); ok(returnedParams == null, "connection listener was cleared by jsPlumb.reset()"); }); test(renderMode + ': connection events that throw errors', function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var returnedParams = null, returnedParams2 = null; jsPlumb.bind("jsPlumbConnection", function(params) { returnedParams = $.extend({}, params); throw "oh no!"; }); jsPlumb.connect({source:d1, target:d2}); var d3 = _addDiv("d3"), d4 = _addDiv("d4"); jsPlumb.connect({source:d3, target:d4}); ok(returnedParams != null, "new connection listener event was fired; we threw an error, jsPlumb survived."); }); test(renderMode + ": Endpoint.detachFrom", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var e16 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d16, {isSource:true}); ok(e16.anchor, 'endpoint 16 has an anchor'); var e17 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d17, {isSource:true}); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({sourceEndpoint:e16, targetEndpoint:e17}); assertConnectionCount(e16, 1); assertConnectionCount(e17, 1); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); e16.detachFrom(e17); assertContextSize(2); // the endpoint canvases should remain // but the connection should be gone, meaning not registered by jsPlumb and not registered on either Endpoint: assertConnectionCount(e16, 0); assertConnectionCount(e17, 0); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 0); }); test(renderMode + ": Endpoint.detachFromConnection", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var e16 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d16, {isSource:true}); ok(e16.anchor, 'endpoint 16 has an anchor'); var e17 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d17, {isSource:true}); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({sourceEndpoint:e16, targetEndpoint:e17}); assertConnectionCount(e16, 1); assertConnectionCount(e17, 1); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); e16.detachFromConnection(conn); assertContextSize(3); // all canvases should remain; the connection was not removed. // but endpoint e16 should have no connections now. assertConnectionCount(e16, 0); assertConnectionCount(e17, 1); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); }); test(renderMode + ": Endpoint.detachAll", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"), d18 = _addDiv("d18"); var e16 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint($("#d16"), {isSource:true,maxConnections:-1}); ok(e16.anchor, 'endpoint 16 has an anchor'); var e17 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint($("#d17"), {isSource:true}); var e18 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint($("#d18"), {isSource:true}); jsPlumb.connect({sourceEndpoint:e16, targetEndpoint:e17}); jsPlumb.connect({sourceEndpoint:e16, targetEndpoint:e18}); assertConnectionCount(e16, 2); assertConnectionCount(e17, 1); assertConnectionCount(e18, 1); assertContextSize(5); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 2); e16.detachAll(); assertConnectionCount(e16, 0); assertConnectionCount(e17, 0); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 0); }); test(renderMode + ": Endpoint.detach", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var e16 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d16, {isSource:true}); ok(e16.anchor, 'endpoint 16 has an anchor'); var e17 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d17, {isSource:true}); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({sourceEndpoint:e16, targetEndpoint:e17}); assertConnectionCount(e16, 1); assertConnectionCount(e17, 1); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); e16.detach(conn); assertContextSize(2); // the endpoint canvases should remain // but the connection should be gone, meaning not registered by jsPlumb and not registered on either Endpoint: assertConnectionCount(e16, 0); assertConnectionCount(e17, 0); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 0); }); test(renderMode + ": Endpoint.isConnectedTo", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var e16 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d16, {isSource:true}); ok(e16.anchor, 'endpoint 16 has an anchor'); var e17 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d17, {isSource:true}); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({sourceEndpoint:e16, targetEndpoint:e17}); equals(e16.isConnectedTo(e17), true, "e16 and e17 are connected"); }); test(renderMode + ": setting endpoint uuid", function() { var uuid = "14785937583175927504313"; var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"), d18 = _addDiv("d18"); var e16 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d16, {isSource:true,maxConnections:-1, uuid:uuid}); equals(e16.getUuid(), uuid, "endpoint's uuid was set correctly"); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.getEndpoint (by uuid)", function() { var uuid = "14785937583175927504313"; var d16 = _addDiv("d16"); var e16 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d16, {isSource:true,maxConnections:-1, uuid:uuid}); var e = jsPlumb.getEndpoint(uuid); equals(e.getUuid(), uuid, "retrieved endpoint by uuid"); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.deleteEndpoint (by uuid, simple case)", function() { var uuid = "14785937583175927504313"; var d16 = _addDiv("d16"); var e16 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d16, {isSource:true,maxConnections:-1, uuid:uuid}); var e = jsPlumb.getEndpoint(uuid); equals(e.getUuid(), uuid, "retrieved endpoint by uuid"); jsPlumb.deleteEndpoint(uuid); var f = jsPlumb.getEndpoint(uuid); equals(f, null, "endpoint has been deleted"); var ebe = jsPlumb.getTestHarness().endpointsByElement["d16"]; equals(ebe.length, 0, "no endpoints registered for element d16 anymore"); assertContextSize(0); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.deleteEndpoint (by uuid, connections too)", function() { // create two endpoints (one with a uuid), add them to two divs and then connect them. var uuid = "14785937583175927504313"; var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var e16 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d16, {isSource:true,maxConnections:-1, uuid:uuid}); var e17 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d17, {isSource:true,maxConnections:-1}); jsPlumb.connect({sourceEndpoint:e16, targetEndpoint:e17}); // check that the connection was ok. equals(e16.connections.length, 1, "e16 has one connection"); equals(e17.connections.length, 1, "e17 has one connection"); assertContextSize(3); // delete the endpoint that has a uuid. verify that the endpoint cannot be retrieved and that the connection has been removed, but that // element d17 still has its Endpoint. jsPlumb.deleteEndpoint(uuid); var f = jsPlumb.getEndpoint(uuid); equals(f, null, "endpoint has been deleted"); equals(e16.connections.length, 0, "e16 has no connections"); equals(e17.connections.length, 0, "e17 has no connections"); var ebe = jsPlumb.getTestHarness().endpointsByElement["d16"]; equals(ebe.length, 0, "no endpoints registered for element d16 anymore"); ebe = jsPlumb.getTestHarness().endpointsByElement["d17"]; equals(ebe.length, 1, "element d17 still has its Endpoint"); assertContextSize(1); // now delete d17's endpoint and check that it has gone. jsPlumb.deleteEndpoint(e17); f = jsPlumb.getEndpoint(e17); equals(f, null, "endpoint has been deleted"); ebe = jsPlumb.getTestHarness().endpointsByElement["d17"]; equals(ebe.length, 0, "element d17 no longer has any Endpoints"); assertContextSize(0); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.deleteEndpoint (by reference, simple case)", function() { var uuid = "14785937583175927504313"; var d16 = _addDiv("d16"); var e16 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d16, {isSource:true,maxConnections:-1, uuid:uuid}); var e = jsPlumb.getEndpoint(uuid); equals(e.getUuid(), uuid, "retrieved endpoint by uuid"); jsPlumb.deleteEndpoint(e16); var f = jsPlumb.getEndpoint(uuid); equals(f, null, "endpoint has been deleted"); assertContextSize(0); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.deleteEndpoint (by reference, connections too)", function() { var uuid = "14785937583175927504313"; var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var e16 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d16, {isSource:true,maxConnections:-1, uuid:uuid}); var e17 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d17, {isSource:true,maxConnections:-1}); jsPlumb.connect({sourceEndpoint:e16, targetEndpoint:e17}); equals(e16.connections.length, 1, "e16 has one connection"); equals(e17.connections.length, 1, "e17 has one connection"); assertContextSize(3); jsPlumb.deleteEndpoint(e16); var f = jsPlumb.getEndpoint(uuid); equals(f, null, "endpoint has been deleted"); equals(e16.connections.length, 0, "e16 has no connections"); equals(e17.connections.length, 0, "e17 has no connections"); assertContextSize(1); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.deleteEveryEndpoint", function() { var uuid = "14785937583175927504313"; var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var e16 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d16, {isSource:true,maxConnections:-1, uuid:uuid}); var e17 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d17, {isSource:true,maxConnections:-1}); assertContextSize(2); var e = jsPlumb.getEndpoint(uuid); equals(e.getUuid(), uuid, "retrieved endpoint by uuid"); jsPlumb.deleteEveryEndpoint(); var f = jsPlumb.getEndpoint(uuid); equals(f, null, "endpoint e16 has been deleted"); var g = jsPlumb.getEndpoint(e17); equals(g, null, "endpoint e17 has been deleted"); assertContextSize(0); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.deleteEveryEndpoint (connections too)", function() { var uuid = "14785937583175927504313"; var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var e16 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d16, {isSource:true,maxConnections:-1, uuid:uuid}); var e17 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d17, {isSource:true,maxConnections:-1}); jsPlumb.connect({sourceEndpoint:e16, targetEndpoint:e17}); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); assertContextSize(3); var e = jsPlumb.getEndpoint(uuid); equals(e.getUuid(), uuid, "retrieved endpoint by uuid"); jsPlumb.deleteEveryEndpoint(); var f = jsPlumb.getEndpoint(uuid); equals(f, null, "endpoint e16 has been deleted"); var g = jsPlumb.getEndpoint(e17); equals(g, null, "endpoint e17 has been deleted"); assertContextSize(0); // no canvases. so all connection canvases have been cleaned up too. assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 0); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.addEndpoint (simple case)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var e16 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d16, {anchor:[0,0.5,0,-1]}); var e17 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d17, {anchor:"TopCenter"}); assertContextSize(2); equals(e16.anchor.x, 0); equals(e16.anchor.y, 0.5); equals(e17.anchor.x, 0.5); equals(e17.anchor.y, 0); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.addEndpoint (simple case, dynamic anchors)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var e16 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d16, {anchors:[[0,0.5,0,-1], [1,0.5,0,1]]}); var e17 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d17, {anchors:["TopCenter", "BottomCenter"]}); assertContextSize(2); equals(e16.anchor.isDynamic, true, "Endpoint 16 has a dynamic anchor"); equals(e17.anchor.isDynamic, true, "Endpoint 17 has a dynamic anchor"); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.addEndpoint (simple case, two arg method)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var e16 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d16, {isSource:true, isTarget:false}, {anchor:[0,0.5,0,-1]}); var e17 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d17, {isTarget:true, isSource:false}, {anchor:"TopCenter"}); assertContextSize(2); equals(e16.anchor.x, 0); equals(e16.anchor.y, 0.5); equals(false, e16.isTarget); equals(true, e16.isSource); equals(e17.anchor.x, 0.5); equals(e17.anchor.y, 0); equals(true, e17.isTarget); equals(false, e17.isSource); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.addEndpoints (simple case)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var e16 = jsPlumb.addEndpoints(d16, [{isSource:true, isTarget:false, anchor:[0,0.5,0,-1] }, { isTarget:true, isSource:false, anchor:"TopCenter" }]); assertContextSize(2); equals(e16[0].anchor.x, 0); equals(e16[0].anchor.y, 0.5); equals(false, e16[0].isTarget); equals(true, e16[0].isSource); equals(e16[1].anchor.x, 0.5); equals(e16[1].anchor.y, 0); equals(true, e16[1].isTarget); equals(false, e16[1].isSource); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.addEndpoints (with reference params)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var refParams = {anchor:"RightMiddle"}; var e16 = jsPlumb.addEndpoints(d16, [{isSource:true, isTarget:false}, { isTarget:true, isSource:false }], refParams); assertContextSize(2); equals(e16[0].anchor.x, 1); equals(e16[0].anchor.y, 0.5); equals(false, e16[0].isTarget); equals(true, e16[0].isSource); equals(e16[1].anchor.x, 1); equals(e16[1].anchor.y, 0.5); equals(true, e16[1].isTarget); equals(false, e16[1].isSource); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.addEndpoint (simple case, dynamic anchors, two arg method)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var e16 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d16, {isSource:true, isTarget:false}, {anchors:[[0,0.5,0,-1], [1,0.5,0,1]]}); var e17 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d17, {isTarget:true, isSource:false}, {anchors:["TopCenter", "BottomCenter"]}); assertContextSize(2); equals(e16.anchor.isDynamic, true, "Endpoint 16 has a dynamic anchor"); equals(e17.anchor.isDynamic, true, "Endpoint 17 has a dynamic anchor"); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.makeTarget (simple case)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var e16 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d16, {isSource:true, isTarget:false}, {anchors:[[0,0.5,0,-1], [1,0.5,0,1]]}); jsPlumb.makeTarget(d17, { isTarget:true,anchor:"TopCenter" }); equals(true, jsPlumb.CurrentLibrary.hasClass(d17, "ui-droppable")); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.makeTarget (specify two divs in an array)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); jsPlumb.makeTarget([d16, d17], { isTarget:true,anchor:"TopCenter" }); equals(true, jsPlumb.CurrentLibrary.hasClass(d16, "ui-droppable")); equals(true, jsPlumb.CurrentLibrary.hasClass(d17, "ui-droppable")); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.makeTarget (specify two divs by id in an array)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); jsPlumb.makeTarget(["d16", "d17"], { isTarget:true,anchor:"TopCenter" }); equals(true, jsPlumb.CurrentLibrary.hasClass(d16, "ui-droppable")); equals(true, jsPlumb.CurrentLibrary.hasClass(d17, "ui-droppable")); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.makeTarget (specify divs by selector)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); d16.addClass("FOO");d17.addClass("FOO"); jsPlumb.makeTarget($(".FOO"), { isTarget:true,anchor:"TopCenter" }); equals(true, jsPlumb.CurrentLibrary.hasClass(d16, "ui-droppable")); equals(true, jsPlumb.CurrentLibrary.hasClass(d17, "ui-droppable")); }); test(renderMode + ': jsPlumb.connect (between two Endpoints)', function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var e = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1, {}); var e2 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d2, {}); ok(e, 'endpoint e exists'); ok(e2, 'endpoint e2 exists'); assertContextSize(2); // should have a canvas for each endpoint now. assertEndpointCount("d1", 1); assertEndpointCount("d2", 1); jsPlumb.connect({target:'d2', sourceEndpoint:e, targetEndpoint:e2}); assertEndpointCount("d1", 1); // no new endpoint should have been added assertEndpointCount("d2", 1); // no new endpoint should have been added assertContextSize(3); // now we should also have a canvas for the connection. }); test(renderMode + ': jsPlumb.connect (between two Endpoints, and dont supply any parameters to the Endpoints.)', function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var e = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1); var e2 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d2); ok(e, 'endpoint e exists'); ok(e2, 'endpoint e2 exists'); assertContextSize(2); // should have a canvas for each endpoint now. assertEndpointCount("d1", 1); assertEndpointCount("d2", 1); jsPlumb.connect({target:'d2', sourceEndpoint:e, targetEndpoint:e2}); assertEndpointCount("d1", 1); // no new endpoint should have been added assertEndpointCount("d2", 1); // no new endpoint should have been added assertContextSize(3); // now we should also have a canvas for the connection. }); test(renderMode + ': jsPlumb.connect (by endpoint)', function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var e16 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d16, {isSource:true}); ok(e16.anchor, 'endpoint 16 has an anchor'); var e17 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d17, {isSource:true}); jsPlumb.connect({sourceEndpoint:e16, targetEndpoint:e17}); assertContextSize(3); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (two Endpoints - that have been already added - by UUID)", function() { var srcEndpointUuid = "14785937583175927504313", dstEndpointUuid = "14785937583175927534325"; var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var e1 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint("d16", {isSource:true, maxConnections:-1, uuid:srcEndpointUuid}); var e2 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint("d17", {isSource:true, maxConnections:-1, uuid:dstEndpointUuid}); jsPlumb.connect({ uuids: [ srcEndpointUuid, dstEndpointUuid ] }); assertConnectionCount(e1, 1); assertConnectionCount(e2, 1); assertContextSize(3); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (two Endpoints - that have not been already added - by UUID)", function() { var srcEndpointUuid = "14785937583175927504313", dstEndpointUuid = "14785937583175927534325"; var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); jsPlumb.connect({ uuids: [ srcEndpointUuid, dstEndpointUuid ], source:d16, target:d17 }); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); var e1 = jsPlumb.getEndpoint(srcEndpointUuid); ok(e1 != null, "endpoint with src uuid added"); ok(e1.canvas != null); var e2 = jsPlumb.getEndpoint(dstEndpointUuid); ok(e2 != null, "endpoint with target uuid added"); assertConnectionCount(e1, 1); assertConnectionCount(e2, 1); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (two Endpoints - that have been already added - by endpoint reference)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var e1 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint("d16", {isSource:true, maxConnections:-1}); var e2 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint("d17", {isSource:true, maxConnections:-1}); jsPlumb.connect({ sourceEndpoint:e1, targetEndpoint:e2 }); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionCount(e1, 1); assertConnectionCount(e2, 1); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (two elements)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); jsPlumb.connect({ source:d16, target:d17 }); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (Connector test, straight)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({ source:d16, target:d17, connector:"Straight" }); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); equals(conn.connector.constructor, jsPlumb.Connectors[renderMode].Straight, "Straight connector chosen for connection"); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (Connector test, bezier, no params)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({ source:d16, target:d17, connector:"Bezier" }); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); equals(conn.connector.constructor, jsPlumb.Connectors[renderMode].Bezier, "Bezier connector chosen for connection"); equals(conn.connector.majorAnchor, 150, "Bezier connector chose 150 curviness"); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (Connector test, bezier, curviness as int)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({ source:d16, target:d17, connector:["Bezier", { curviness:200 }] }); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); equals(conn.connector.constructor, jsPlumb.Connectors[renderMode].Bezier, "Canvas Bezier connector chosen for connection"); equals(conn.connector.majorAnchor, 200, "Bezier connector chose 200 curviness"); }); /*jsPlumb.setRenderMode(jsPlumb.SVG); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (Connector test, bezier, curviness as int)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({ source:d16, target:d17, connector:["Bezier", 200] }); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); equals(conn.connector.constructor, jsPlumb.Connectors.svg.Bezier, "SVG Bezier connector chosen for connection"); equals(conn.connector.majorAnchor, 200, "Bezier connector chose 200 curviness"); });*/ test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (Connector test, bezier, curviness as named option)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({ source:d16, target:d17, connector:["Bezier", {curviness:300}] }); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); equals(conn.connector.constructor, jsPlumb.Connectors[renderMode].Bezier, "Bezier connector chosen for connection"); equals(conn.connector.majorAnchor, 300, "Bezier connector chose 300 curviness"); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (anchors registered correctly; source and target anchors given, as arrays)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({ source:d16, target:d17, connector:"Straight", anchors:[[0.3,0.3,1,0], [0.7,0.7,0,1]] }); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); equals(conn.connector.constructor, jsPlumb.Connectors[renderMode].Straight, "Canvas Straight connector chosen for connection"); equals(0.3, conn.endpoints[0].anchor.x, "source anchor x"); equals(0.3, conn.endpoints[0].anchor.y, "source anchor y"); equals(0.7, conn.endpoints[1].anchor.x, "target anchor x"); equals(0.7, conn.endpoints[1].anchor.y, "target anchor y"); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (anchors registered correctly; source and target anchors given, as strings)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({ source:d16, target:d17, connector:"Straight", anchors:["LeftMiddle", "RightMiddle"] }); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); equals(conn.connector.constructor, jsPlumb.Connectors[renderMode].Straight, "Straight connector chosen for connection"); equals(0, conn.endpoints[0].anchor.x, "source anchor x"); equals(0.5, conn.endpoints[0].anchor.y, "source anchor y"); equals(1, conn.endpoints[1].anchor.x, "target anchor x"); equals(0.5, conn.endpoints[1].anchor.y, "target anchor y"); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (anchors registered correctly; source and target anchors given, as arrays)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({ source:d16, target:d17, connector:"Straight", anchors:[[0.3,0.3,1,0], [0.7,0.7,0,1]] }); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); equals(conn.connector.constructor, jsPlumb.Connectors[renderMode].Straight, "Straight connector chosen for connection"); equals(0.3, conn.endpoints[0].anchor.x, "source anchor x"); equals(0.3, conn.endpoints[0].anchor.y, "source anchor y"); equals(0.7, conn.endpoints[1].anchor.x, "target anchor x"); equals(0.7, conn.endpoints[1].anchor.y, "target anchor y"); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (two argument method in which some data is reused across connections)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"), d18 = _addDiv("d18"), d19 = _addDiv("d19"); var sharedData = { connector:"Straight", anchors:[[0.3,0.3,1,0], [0.7,0.7,0,1]] }; var conn = jsPlumb.connect({ source:d16, target:d17}, sharedData); var conn2 = jsPlumb.connect({ source:d18, target:d19}, sharedData); assertContextSize(6); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 2); equals(conn.connector.constructor, jsPlumb.Connectors[renderMode].Straight, "Straight connector chosen for connection"); equals(conn2.connector.constructor, jsPlumb.Connectors[renderMode].Straight, "Straight connector chosen for connection"); equals(0.3, conn.endpoints[0].anchor.x, "source anchor x"); equals(0.3, conn.endpoints[0].anchor.y, "source anchor y"); equals(0.7, conn.endpoints[1].anchor.x, "target anchor x"); equals(0.7, conn.endpoints[1].anchor.y, "target anchor y"); equals(0.3, conn2.endpoints[0].anchor.x, "source anchor x"); equals(0.3, conn2.endpoints[0].anchor.y, "source anchor y"); equals(0.7, conn2.endpoints[1].anchor.x, "target anchor x"); equals(0.7, conn2.endpoints[1].anchor.y, "target anchor y"); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (Connector as string test)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({ source:d16, target:d17, connector:"Straight" }); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); equals(conn.connector.constructor, jsPlumb.Connectors[renderMode].Straight, "Straight connector chosen for connection"); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (Endpoint test)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({ source:d16, target:d17, endpoint:"Rectangle" }); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); equals(conn.endpoints[0].endpoint.constructor, jsPlumb.Endpoints[renderMode].Rectangle, "Rectangle endpoint chosen for connection source"); equals(conn.endpoints[1].endpoint.constructor, jsPlumb.Endpoints[renderMode].Rectangle, "Rectangle endpoint chosen for connection target"); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (Endpoint as string test)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({ source:d16, target:d17, endpoint:"Rectangle" }); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); equals(conn.endpoints[0].endpoint.constructor, jsPlumb.Endpoints[renderMode].Rectangle, "Rectangle endpoint chosen for connection source"); equals(conn.endpoints[1].endpoint.constructor, jsPlumb.Endpoints[renderMode].Rectangle, "Rectangle endpoint chosen for connection target"); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (Endpoints test)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({ source:d16, target:d17, endpoints:["Rectangle", "Dot" ] }); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); equals(conn.endpoints[0].endpoint.constructor, jsPlumb.Endpoints[renderMode].Rectangle, "Rectangle endpoint chosen for connection source"); equals(conn.endpoints[1].endpoint.constructor, jsPlumb.Endpoints[renderMode].Dot, "Dot endpoint chosen for connection target"); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (Blank Endpoint specified via 'endpoint' param)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({ source:d16, target:d17, endpoint:"Blank" }); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); equals(conn.endpoints[0].endpoint.constructor, jsPlumb.Endpoints[renderMode].Blank, "Blank endpoint chosen for connection source"); equals(conn.endpoints[1].endpoint.constructor, jsPlumb.Endpoints[renderMode].Blank, "Blank endpoint chosen for connection target"); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (Blank Endpoint specified via 'endpoints' param)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({ source:d16, target:d17, endpoints:["Blank", "Blank" ] }); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); equals(conn.endpoints[0].endpoint.constructor, jsPlumb.Endpoints[renderMode].Blank, "Blank endpoint chosen for connection source"); equals(conn.endpoints[1].endpoint.constructor, jsPlumb.Endpoints[renderMode].Blank, "Blank endpoint chosen for connection target"); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (Endpoint as string test)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({ source:d16, target:d17, endpoints:["Rectangle", "Dot" ] }); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); equals(conn.endpoints[0].endpoint.constructor, jsPlumb.Endpoints[renderMode].Rectangle, "Rectangle endpoint chosen for connection source"); equals(conn.endpoints[1].endpoint.constructor, jsPlumb.Endpoints[renderMode].Dot, "Dot endpoint chosen for connection target"); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (by Endpoints, connector test)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var e16 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d16, {}); var e17 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d17, {}); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({ sourceEndpoint:e16, targetEndpoint:e17, connector:"Straight" }); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); equals(e16.connections[0].connector.constructor, jsPlumb.Connectors[renderMode].Straight, "Straight connector chosen for connection"); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (by Endpoints, connector as string test)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var e16 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d16, {}); var e17 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d17, {}); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({ sourceEndpoint:e16, targetEndpoint:e17, connector:"Straight" }); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); equals(e16.connections[0].connector.constructor, jsPlumb.Connectors[renderMode].Straight, "Straight connector chosen for connection"); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (by Endpoints, anchors as string test)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var a16 = "TopCenter", a17 = "BottomCenter"; var e16 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d16, {anchor:a16}); var e17 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d17, {anchor:a17}); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({ sourceEndpoint:e16, targetEndpoint:e17, connector:"Straight" }); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); equals(e16.connections[0].connector.constructor, jsPlumb.Connectors[renderMode].Straight, "Straight connector chosen for connection"); equals(e16.anchor.x, 0.5, "endpoint 16 is at top center");equals(e16.anchor.y, 0, "endpoint 16 is at top center"); equals(e17.anchor.x, 0.5, "endpoint 17 is at bottom center");equals(e17.anchor.y, 1, "endpoint 17 is at bottom center"); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (by Endpoints, endpoints create anchors)", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var a16 = [0,0.5,0,-1], a17 = [1,0.0,-1,-1]; var e16 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d16, {anchor:a16}); var e17 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d17, {anchor:a17}); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({ sourceEndpoint:e16, targetEndpoint:e17, connector:"Straight" }); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); equals(e16.connections[0].connector.constructor, jsPlumb.Connectors[renderMode].Straight, "Straight connector chosen for connection"); equals(e16.anchor.x, a16[0]);equals(e16.anchor.y, a16[1]); equals(e17.anchor.x, a17[0]);equals(e17.anchor.y, a17[1]); equals(e16.anchor.getOrientation()[0], a16[2]); equals(e16.anchor.getOrientation()[1], a16[3]); equals(e17.anchor.getOrientation()[0], a17[2]); equals(e17.anchor.getOrientation()[1], a17[3]); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (by Endpoints, endpoints create dynamic anchors; anchors specified by 'anchor')", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var e16 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d16, {anchor:[[0,0.5,0,-1], [1,0.5,0,1]]}); var e17 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d17, {anchor:["TopCenter", "BottomCenter"]}); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({ sourceEndpoint:e16, targetEndpoint:e17, connector:"Straight" }); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); equals(e16.connections[0].connector.constructor, jsPlumb.Connectors[renderMode].Straight, "Straight connector chosen for connection"); equals(e16.anchor.isDynamic, true, "Endpoint 16 has a dynamic anchor"); equals(e17.anchor.isDynamic, true, "Endpoint 17 has a dynamic anchor"); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (by Endpoints, endpoints create dynamic anchors; anchors specified by 'anchors')", function() { var d16 = _addDiv("d16"), d17 = _addDiv("d17"); var e16 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d16, {anchors:[[0,0.5,0,-1], [1,0.5,0,1]]}); var e17 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d17, {anchors:["TopCenter", "BottomCenter"]}); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({ sourceEndpoint:e16, targetEndpoint:e17, connector:"Straight" }); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); equals(e16.connections[0].connector.constructor, jsPlumb.Connectors[renderMode].Straight, "Straight connector chosen for connection"); equals(e16.anchor.isDynamic, true, "Endpoint 16 has a dynamic anchor"); equals(e17.anchor.isDynamic, true, "Endpoint 17 has a dynamic anchor"); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (connect by element, default endpoint, supplied dynamic anchors)", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"), d3 = _addDiv("d3"); var anchors = [ [0.25, 0, 0, -1], [1, 0.25, 1, 0], [0.75, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0.75, -1, 0] ]; jsPlumb.connect({source:d1, target:d2, dynamicAnchors:anchors}); // auto connect with default endpoint and provided anchors assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); assertEndpointCount("d1", 1);assertEndpointCount("d2", 1); jsPlumb.detach({source:d1, target:d2}); assertEndpointCount("d1", 1);assertEndpointCount("d2", 1); assertContextSize(2); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (connect by element, supplied endpoint and dynamic anchors)", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"), d3 = _addDiv("d3"); var endpoint = { isSource:true }; var e1 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1, endpoint); var e2 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d2, endpoint); var anchors = [ "TopCenter", "BottomCenter" ]; jsPlumb.connect({sourceEndpoint:e1, targetEndpoint:e2, dynamicAnchors:anchors}); assertEndpointCount("d1", 1);assertEndpointCount("d2", 1); assertContextSize(3); jsPlumb.detach({source:d1, target:d2}); assertEndpointCount("d1", 1);assertEndpointCount("d2", 1); assertContextSize(2); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (connect by element, supplied endpoints using 'source' and 'target' (this test is identical to the one above apart from the param names), and dynamic anchors)", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"), d3 = _addDiv("d3"); var endpoint = { isSource:true }; var e1 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1, endpoint); var e2 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d2, endpoint); var anchors = [ "TopCenter", "BottomCenter" ]; jsPlumb.connect({source:e1, target:e2, dynamicAnchors:anchors}); assertEndpointCount("d1", 1);assertEndpointCount("d2", 1); assertContextSize(3); jsPlumb.detach({source:d1, target:d2}); assertEndpointCount("d1", 1);assertEndpointCount("d2", 1); assertContextSize(2); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (testing for connection event callback)", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"), d3 = _addDiv("d3"); var connectCallback = null, detachCallback = null; jsPlumb.bind("jsPlumbConnection", function(params) { connectCallback = $.extend({}, params); }); jsPlumb.bind("jsPlumbConnectionDetached", function(params) { detachCallback = $.extend({}, params); }); jsPlumb.connect({source:d1, target:d2}); // auto connect with default endpoint and anchor set ok(connectCallback != null, "connect callback was made"); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); assertEndpointCount("d1", 1);assertEndpointCount("d2", 1); jsPlumb.detach({source:d1, target:d2}); assertContextSize(2); ok(detachCallback != null, "detach callback was made"); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (setting cssClass on Connector)", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var c = jsPlumb.connect({source:d1,target:d2,cssClass:"CSS"}); var has = function(clazz) { return $(c.connector.canvas).hasClass(clazz); }; ok(has("CSS"), "custom cssClass set correctly"); ok(has(jsPlumb.connectorClass), "basic connector class set correctly"); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (overlays, long-hand version)", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"), d3 = _addDiv("d3"); var imageEventListener = function() { }; var arrowSpec = {width:40,length:40,location:0.7, foldback:0, paintStyle:{lineWidth:1, strokeStyle:"#000000"}}; var connection1 = jsPlumb.connect({ source:d1, target:d2, anchors:["BottomCenter", [ 0.75,0,0,-1 ]], overlays : [ ["Label",{label:"CONNECTION 1", location:0.3}], ["Arrow",arrowSpec ] ] }); equals(2, connection1.overlays.length); equals(jsPlumb.Overlays[renderMode].Label, connection1.overlays[0].constructor); equals(jsPlumb.Overlays[renderMode].Arrow, connection1.overlays[1].constructor); equals(0.7, connection1.overlays[1].loc); equals(40, connection1.overlays[1].width); equals(40, connection1.overlays[1].length); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (overlays, long-hand version, IDs specified)", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"), d3 = _addDiv("d3"); var imageEventListener = function() { }; var arrowSpec = { width:40, length:40, location:0.7, foldback:0, paintStyle:{lineWidth:1, strokeStyle:"#000000"}, id:"anArrow" }; var connection1 = jsPlumb.connect({ source:d1, target:d2, anchors:["BottomCenter", [ 0.75,0,0,-1 ]], overlays : [ ["Label",{label:"CONNECTION 1", location:0.3, id:"aLabel"}], ["Arrow",arrowSpec ] ] }); equals(2, connection1.overlays.length); equals(jsPlumb.Overlays[renderMode].Label, connection1.overlays[0].constructor); equals("aLabel", connection1.overlays[0].id); equals(jsPlumb.Overlays[renderMode].Arrow, connection1.overlays[1].constructor); equals(0.7, connection1.overlays[1].loc); equals(40, connection1.overlays[1].width); equals(40, connection1.overlays[1].length); equals("anArrow", connection1.overlays[1].id); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (remove single overlay by id)", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var arrowSpec = { width:40, length:40, location:0.7, foldback:0, paintStyle:{lineWidth:1, strokeStyle:"#000000"}, id:"anArrow" }; var connection1 = jsPlumb.connect({ source:d1, target:d2, anchors:["BottomCenter", [ 0.75,0,0,-1 ]], overlays : [ ["Label",{label:"CONNECTION 1", location:0.3, id:"aLabel"}], ["Arrow",arrowSpec ] ] }); equals(2, connection1.overlays.length); connection1.removeOverlay("aLabel"); equals(1, connection1.overlays.length); equals("anArrow", connection1.overlays[0].id); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (remove multiple overlays by id)", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var arrowSpec = { width:40, length:40, location:0.7, foldback:0, paintStyle:{lineWidth:1, strokeStyle:"#000000"}, id:"anArrow" }; var connection1 = jsPlumb.connect({ source:d1, target:d2, anchors:["BottomCenter", [ 0.75,0,0,-1 ]], overlays : [ ["Label",{label:"CONNECTION 1", location:0.3, id:"aLabel"}], ["Arrow",arrowSpec ] ] }); equals(2, connection1.overlays.length); connection1.removeOverlays("aLabel", "anArrow"); equals(0, connection1.overlays.length); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (overlays, short-hand version)", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"), d3 = _addDiv("d3"); var imageEventListener = function() { }; var loc = { location:0.7 }; var arrowSpec = { width:40,length:40, foldback:0, paintStyle:{lineWidth:1, strokeStyle:"#000000"} }; var connection1 = jsPlumb.connect({ source:d1, target:d2, anchors:["BottomCenter", [ 0.75,0,0,-1 ]], overlays : [ ["Label", {label:"CONNECTION 1", location:0.3}], ["Arrow", arrowSpec, loc] ] }); equals(2, connection1.overlays.length); equals(jsPlumb.Overlays[renderMode].Label, connection1.overlays[0].constructor); equals(jsPlumb.Overlays[renderMode].Arrow, connection1.overlays[1].constructor); equals(0.7, connection1.overlays[1].loc); equals(40, connection1.overlays[1].width); equals(40, connection1.overlays[1].length); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect (removeAllOverlays)", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"), d3 = _addDiv("d3"); var imageEventListener = function() { }; var loc = { location:0.7 }; var arrowSpec = { width:40,length:40, foldback:0, paintStyle:{lineWidth:1, strokeStyle:"#000000"} }; var connection1 = jsPlumb.connect({ source:d1, target:d2, anchors:["BottomCenter", [ 0.75,0,0,-1 ]], overlays : [ ["Label", {label:"CONNECTION 1", location:0.3}], ["Arrow", arrowSpec, loc] ] }); equals(2, connection1.overlays.length); equals(jsPlumb.Overlays[renderMode].Label, connection1.overlays[0].constructor); equals(jsPlumb.Overlays[renderMode].Arrow, connection1.overlays[1].constructor); equals(0.7, connection1.overlays[1].loc); equals(40, connection1.overlays[1].width); equals(40, connection1.overlays[1].length); connection1.removeAllOverlays(); equals(0, connection1.overlays.length); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.connect, specify arrow overlay using string identifier only", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"), d3 = _addDiv("d3"); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({source:d1,target:d2,overlays:["Arrow"]}); equals(jsPlumb.Overlays[renderMode].Arrow, conn.overlays[0].constructor); }); test(renderMode + ": Connection.getOverlay method, existing overlay", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({source:d1,target:d2,overlays:[ [ "Arrow", { id:"arrowOverlay" } ] ] }); var overlay = conn.getOverlay("arrowOverlay"); ok(overlay != null); }); test(renderMode + ": Connection.getOverlay method, non-existent overlay", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({source:d1,target:d2,overlays:[ [ "Arrow", { id:"arrowOverlay" } ] ] }); var overlay = conn.getOverlay("IDONTEXIST"); ok(overlay == null); }); test(renderMode + ": Overlay.setVisible method", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var conn = jsPlumb.connect({source:d1,target:d2,overlays:[ [ "Arrow", { id:"arrowOverlay" } ] ] }); var overlay = conn.getOverlay("arrowOverlay"); ok(overlay.isVisible()); overlay.setVisible(false); ok(!overlay.isVisible()); overlay.setVisible(true); ok(overlay.isVisible()); }); // this test is for the original detach function; it should stay working after i mess with it // a little. test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.detach (by element ids)", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var e1 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1); var e2 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d2); var e3 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1); var e4 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d2); jsPlumb.connect({ sourceEndpoint:e1, targetEndpoint:e2 }); jsPlumb.connect({ sourceEndpoint:e3, targetEndpoint:e4 }); // make two connections to be sure this works ;) assertConnectionCount(e1, 1); assertConnectionCount(e2, 1); assertConnectionCount(e3, 1); assertConnectionCount(e4, 1); jsPlumb.detach("d1", "d2"); assertConnectionCount(e1, 0); assertConnectionCount(e2, 0); assertConnectionCount(e3, 0); assertConnectionCount(e4, 0); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 0); }); // detach is being made to operate more like connect - by taking one argument with a whole // bunch of possible params in it. if two args are passed in it will continue working // in the old way. test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.detach (params object, using element ids)", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var e1 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1); var e2 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d2); jsPlumb.connect({ sourceEndpoint:e1, targetEndpoint:e2 }); assertConnectionCount(e1, 1); assertConnectionCount(e2, 1); jsPlumb.detach({source:"d1", target:"d2"}); assertConnectionCount(e1, 0); assertConnectionCount(e2, 0); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 0); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.detach (params object, using element objects)", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var e1 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1); var e2 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d2); jsPlumb.connect({ sourceEndpoint:e1, targetEndpoint:e2 }); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionCount(e1, 1); assertConnectionCount(e2, 1); jsPlumb.detach({source:d1, target:d2}); assertConnectionCount(e1, 0); assertConnectionCount(e2, 0); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 0); assertContextSize(2); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.detach (source and target as endpoint UUIDs)", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var e1 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1, {uuid:"abcdefg"}); ok(jsPlumb.getEndpoint("abcdefg") != null, "e1 exists"); var e2 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d2, {uuid:"hijklmn"}); ok(jsPlumb.getEndpoint("hijklmn") != null, "e2 exists"); jsPlumb.connect({ sourceEndpoint:e1, targetEndpoint:e2 }); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionCount(e1, 1); assertConnectionCount(e2, 1); jsPlumb.detach({uuids:["abcdefg", "hijklmn"]}); assertConnectionCount(e1, 0); assertConnectionCount(e2, 0); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 0); assertContextSize(2); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.detach (sourceEndpoint and targetEndpoint supplied)", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var e1 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1); var e2 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d2); jsPlumb.connect({ sourceEndpoint:e1, targetEndpoint:e2 }); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 1); assertContextSize(3); assertConnectionCount(e1, 1); assertConnectionCount(e2, 1); jsPlumb.detach({ sourceEndpoint:e1, targetEndpoint:e2 }); assertConnectionCount(e1, 0); assertConnectionCount(e2, 0); assertConnectionByScopeCount(jsPlumb.getDefaultScope(), 0); assertContextSize(2); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.makeDynamicAnchors (longhand)", function() { var anchors = [jsPlumb.makeAnchor(0.2, 0, 0, -1), jsPlumb.makeAnchor(1, 0.2, 1, 0), jsPlumb.makeAnchor(0.8, 1, 0, 1), jsPlumb.makeAnchor(0, 0.8, -1, 0) ]; var dynamicAnchor = jsPlumb.makeDynamicAnchor(anchors); var a = dynamicAnchor.getAnchors(); equals(a.length, 4, "Dynamic Anchors has four anchors"); for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) ok(a[i].compute.constructor == Function, "anchor " + i + " well formed"); }); test(renderMode + ": jsPlumb.makeDynamicAnchors (shorthand)", function() { var anchors = [[0.2, 0, 0, -1], [1, 0.2, 1, 0], [0.8, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0.8, -1, 0] ]; var dynamicAnchor = jsPlumb.makeDynamicAnchor(anchors); var a = dynamicAnchor.getAnchors(); equals(a.length, 4, "Dynamic Anchors has four anchors"); for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) ok(a[i].compute.constructor == Function, "anchor " + i + " well formed"); }); test(renderMode + ": Connection.isVisible/setVisible", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var c1 = jsPlumb.connect({source:d1,target:d2}); equals(true, c1.isVisible(), "Connection is visible after creation."); c1.setVisible(false); equals(false, c1.isVisible(), "Connection is not visible after calling setVisible(false)."); equals($(c1.connector.canvas).css("display"), "none"); c1.setVisible(true); equals(true, c1.isVisible(), "Connection is visible after calling setVisible(true)."); equals($(c1.connector.canvas).css("display"), "block"); }); test(renderMode + ": Endpoint.isVisible/setVisible basic test (no connections)", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var e1 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1); equals(true, e1.isVisible(), "Endpoint is visible after creation."); e1.setVisible(false); equals(false, e1.isVisible(), "Endpoint is not visible after calling setVisible(false)."); equals($(e1.canvas).css("display"), "none"); e1.setVisible(true); equals(true, e1.isVisible(), "Endpoint is visible after calling setVisible(true)."); equals($(e1.canvas).css("display"), "block"); }); test(renderMode + ": Endpoint.isVisible/setVisible (one connection, other Endpoint's visibility should track changes in the source, because it has only this connection.)", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var e1 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1), e2 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d2); equals(true, e1.isVisible(), "Endpoint is visible after creation."); var c1 = jsPlumb.connect({source:e1, target:e2}); e1.setVisible(false); equals(false, e1.isVisible(), "Endpoint is not visible after calling setVisible(false)."); equals(false, e2.isVisible(), "other Endpoint is not visible either."); equals(false, c1.isVisible(), "connection between the two is not visible either."); e1.setVisible(true); equals(true, e1.isVisible(), "Endpoint is visible after calling setVisible(true)."); equals(true, e2.isVisible(), "other Endpoint is visible too"); equals(true, c1.isVisible(), "connection between the two is visible too."); }); test(renderMode + ": Endpoint.isVisible/setVisible (one connection, other Endpoint's visibility should not track changes in the source, because it has another connection.)", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"), d3 = _addDiv("d3"); var e1 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1), e2 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d2, { maxConnections:2 }), e3 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d3); equals(true, e1.isVisible(), "Endpoint is visible after creation."); var c1 = jsPlumb.connect({source:e1, target:e2}); var c2 = jsPlumb.connect({source:e2, target:e3}); e1.setVisible(false); equals(false, e1.isVisible(), "Endpoint is not visible after calling setVisible(false)."); equals(true, e2.isVisible(), "other Endpoint should still be visible."); equals(true, e3.isVisible(), "third Endpoint should still be visible."); equals(false, c1.isVisible(), "connection between the two is not visible either."); equals(true, c2.isVisible(), "other connection is visible."); e1.setVisible(true); equals(true, e1.isVisible(), "Endpoint is visible after calling setVisible(true)."); equals(true, e2.isVisible(), "other Endpoint is visible too"); equals(true, c1.isVisible(), "connection between the two is visible too."); equals(true, c2.isVisible(), "other connection is visible."); }); // tests of the functionality that allows a user to specify that they want elements appended to the document body test(renderMode + " jsPlumb.Defaults.Container, specified with a selector", function() { jsPlumb.Defaults.Container = $("body"); equals(0, $("#container")[0].childNodes.length); var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); equals(2, $("#container")[0].childNodes.length); // the divs we added have been added to the 'container' div. // but we have told jsPlumb to add its canvas to the body, so this connect call should not add another few elements to the container: jsPlumb.connect({source:d1, target:d2}); equals(2, $("#container")[0].childNodes.length); }); // tests of the functionality that allows a user to specify that they want elements appended to some specific container. test(renderMode + " jsPlumb.Defaults.Container, specified with DOM element", function() { jsPlumb.Defaults.Container = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; equals(0, $("#container")[0].childNodes.length); var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); equals(2, $("#container")[0].childNodes.length, "two divs added to the container"); // the divs we added have been added to the 'container' div. // but we have told jsPlumb to add its canvas to the body, so this connect call should not add another few elements to the container: var bodyElementCount = $("body")[0].childNodes.length; jsPlumb.connect({source:d1, target:d2}); equals(2, $("#container")[0].childNodes.length, "still only two children in container; elements were added to the body by jsPlumb"); // test to see if 3 elements have been added equals(bodyElementCount + 3, $("body")[0].childNodes.length, "3 new elements added to the document body"); }); test(renderMode + " container specified to connect call, with a selector", function() { equals(0, $("#container")[0].childNodes.length); var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); equals(2, $("#container")[0].childNodes.length); // the divs we added have been added to the 'container' div. var bodyElementCount = $("body")[0].childNodes.length; // but here we tell jsPlumb to add its elements to the body, so this connect call should not add another few elements to the container: jsPlumb.connect({source:d1, target:d2, container:$("body")}); equals(2, $("#container")[0].childNodes.length); equals(bodyElementCount + 3, $("body")[0].childNodes.length, "3 new elements added to the document body"); }); test(renderMode + " container specified to connect call, with a string ID", function() { equals(0, $("#container")[0].childNodes.length); var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"), d3 = _addDiv("d3"); equals(3, $("#container")[0].childNodes.length, "container has divs we added"); // the divs we added have been added to the 'container' div. var d3ElementCount = $("#d3")[0].childNodes.length; // but here we tell jsPlumb to add its elements to "d3", so this connect call should not add another few elements to the container: jsPlumb.connect({source:d1, target:d2, container:"d3"}); equals(3, $("#container")[0].childNodes.length, "container still has only the divs we added"); equals(d3ElementCount + 3, $("#d3")[0].childNodes.length, "3 new elements added to div d3"); }); test(renderMode + " container specified to addEndpoint call, with a selector", function() { equals(0, $("#container")[0].childNodes.length); var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); equals(2, $("#container")[0].childNodes.length); // the divs we added have been added to the 'container' div. var bodyElementCount = $("body")[0].childNodes.length; // but here we tell jsPlumb to add its elements to the body, so this connect call should not add another few elements to the container: jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1, {container:$("body")}); equals(2, $("#container")[0].childNodes.length); equals(bodyElementCount + 1, $("body")[0].childNodes.length, "1 new element added to the document body"); }); test(renderMode + " container specified to addEndpoint call, with a string ID", function() { equals(0, $("#container")[0].childNodes.length); var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"), d3 = _addDiv("d3"); equals(3, $("#container")[0].childNodes.length, "container has divs we added"); // the divs we added have been added to the 'container' div. var d3ElementCount = $("#d3")[0].childNodes.length; // but here we tell jsPlumb to add its elements to "d3", so this connect call should not add another few elements to the container: jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1, { container:"d3" }); equals(3, $("#container")[0].childNodes.length, "container still has only the divs we added"); equals(d3ElementCount + 1, $("#d3")[0].childNodes.length, "1 new element added to div d3"); }); test(renderMode + " Connector has 'type' member set", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var c = jsPlumb.connect({source:d1, target:d2}); equals(c.connector.type, "Bezier", "Bezier connector has type set"); var c2 = jsPlumb.connect({source:d1, target:d2, connector:"Straight"}); equals(c2.connector.type, "Straight", "Straight connector has type set"); var c3 = jsPlumb.connect({source:d1, target:d2, connector:"Flowchart"}); equals(c3.connector.type, "Flowchart", "Flowchart connector has type set"); }); test(renderMode + " Endpoints have 'type' member set", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var c = jsPlumb.connect({source:d1, target:d2}); equals(c.endpoints[0].type, "Dot", "Dot endpoint has type set"); var c2 = jsPlumb.connect({source:d1, target:d2, endpoints:["Rectangle", "Blank"]}); equals(c2.endpoints[1].type, "Blank", "Blank endpoint has type set"); equals(c2.endpoints[0].type, "Rectangle", "Rectangle endpoint has type set"); }); test(renderMode + " Overlays have 'type' member set", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"); var c = jsPlumb.connect({ source:d1, target:d2, overlays:[ "Arrow", "Label", "PlainArrow", "Diamond" ] }); equals(c.overlays[0].type, "Arrow", "Arrow overlay has type set"); equals(c.overlays[1].type, "Label", "Label overlay has type set"); equals(c.overlays[2].type, "PlainArrow", "PlainArrow overlay has type set"); equals(c.overlays[3].type, "Diamond", "Diamond overlay has type set"); }); test(renderMode + " jsPlumb.hide, original one-arg version", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"), e = { isSource:true, isTarget:true, maxConnections:-1 }, e1 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1, e), e2 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d2, e), c1 = jsPlumb.connect({source:e1, target:e2}); equals(true, c1.isVisible(), "Connection 1 is visible after creation."); equals(true, e1.isVisible(), "endpoint 1 is visible after creation."); equals(true, e2.isVisible(), "endpoint 2 is visible after creation."); jsPlumb.hide(d1); equals(false, c1.isVisible(), "Connection 1 is no longer visible."); equals(true, e1.isVisible(), "endpoint 1 is still visible."); equals(true, e2.isVisible(), "endpoint 2 is still visible.");; equals(true, c1.isVisible(), "Connection 1 is visible again."); }); test(renderMode + " jsPlumb.hide, two-arg version, endpoints should also be hidden", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"), e = { isSource:true, isTarget:true, maxConnections:-1 }, e1 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1, e), e2 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d2, e), c1 = jsPlumb.connect({source:e1, target:e2}); equals(true, c1.isVisible(), "Connection 1 is visible after creation."); equals(true, e1.isVisible(), "endpoint 1 is visible after creation."); equals(true, e2.isVisible(), "endpoint 2 is visible after creation."); jsPlumb.hide("d1", true); equals(false, c1.isVisible(), "Connection 1 is no longer visible."); equals(false, e1.isVisible(), "endpoint 1 is no longer visible."); equals(true, e2.isVisible(), "endpoint 2 is still visible.");; // now show d1, but do not alter the endpoints. e1 should still be hidden equals(true, c1.isVisible(), "Connection 1 is visible again."); equals(false, e1.isVisible(), "endpoint 1 is no longer visible."); equals(true, e2.isVisible(), "endpoint 2 is still visible."); }); test(renderMode + ", two-arg version, endpoints should become visible", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"), e = { isSource:true, isTarget:true, maxConnections:-1 }, e1 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1, e), e2 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d2, e), c1 = jsPlumb.connect({source:e1, target:e2}); jsPlumb.hide("d1", true); equals(false, c1.isVisible(), "Connection 1 is no longer visible."); equals(false, e1.isVisible(), "endpoint 1 is no longer visible."); equals(true, e2.isVisible(), "endpoint 2 is still visible.");, true); // now show d1, and alter the endpoints. e1 should be visible. equals(true, c1.isVisible(), "Connection 1 is visible again."); equals(true, e1.isVisible(), "endpoint 1 is visible again."); equals(true, e2.isVisible(), "endpoint 2 is still visible."); }); test(renderMode + ", two-arg version, endpoints should become visible, but not all connections, because some other endpoints are not visible.", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"), d3 = _addDiv("d3"), e = { isSource:true, isTarget:true, maxConnections:-1 }, e1 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1, e), e11 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1, e), e2 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d2, e), e3 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d3, e), c1 = jsPlumb.connect({source:e1, target:e2}); c2 = jsPlumb.connect({source:e11, target:e3}); // we now have d1 connected to both d3 and d2. we'll hide d1, and everything on d1 should be hidden. jsPlumb.hide("d1", true); equals(false, c1.isVisible(), "connection 1 is no longer visible."); equals(false, c2.isVisible(), "connection 2 is no longer visible."); equals(false, e1.isVisible(), "endpoint 1 is no longer visible."); equals(false, e11.isVisible(), "endpoint 1 is no longer visible."); equals(true, e2.isVisible(), "endpoint 2 is still visible."); equals(true, e3.isVisible(), "endpoint 3 is still visible."); // now, we will also hide d3. making d1 visible again should NOT result in c2 becoming visible, because the other endpoint // for c2 is e3, which is not visible. jsPlumb.hide(d3, true); equals(false, e3.isVisible(), "endpoint 3 is no longer visible.");, true); // now show d1, and alter the endpoints. e1 should be visible, c1 should be visible, but c2 should not. equals(true, c1.isVisible(), "Connection 1 is visible again."); equals(false, c2.isVisible(), "Connection 2 is not visible."); equals(true, e1.isVisible(), "endpoint 1 is visible again."); equals(true, e11.isVisible(), "endpoint 11 is visible again."); equals(true, e2.isVisible(), "endpoint 2 is still visible."); equals(false, e3.isVisible(), "endpoint 3 is still not visible."); }); /* test(renderMode + " jsPlumb.hide, two-arg version, endpoints should also be hidden", function() { var d1 = _addDiv("d1"), d2 = _addDiv("d2"), e = { isSource:true, isTarget:true, maxConnections:-1 }, e1 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d1, e), e2 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(d2, e), c1 = jsPlumb.connect({source:e1, target:e2}); equals(true, c1.isVisible(), "Connection 1 is visible after creation."); equals(true, e1.isVisible(), "endpoint 1 is visible after creation."); equals(true, e2.isVisible(), "endpoint 2 is visible after creation."); jsPlumb.hide("d1", true); equals(false, c1.isVisible(), "Connection 1 is no longer visible."); equals(false, e1.isVisible(), "endpoint 1 is no longer visible."); equals(true, e2.isVisible(), "endpoint 2 is still visible."); }); /** * leave this test at the bottom! */ test(renderMode + ': unload test', function() { jsPlumb.unload(); var contextNode = $("._jsPlumb_context"); ok(contextNode.length == 0, 'context node unloaded'); }); };