/* * jsPlumb * * Title:jsPlumb 1.3.2 * * Provides a way to visually connect elements on an HTML page, using either SVG, Canvas * elements, or VML. * * This file contains the default Connectors, Endpoint and Overlay definitions. * * Copyright (c) 2010 - 2011 Simon Porritt (http://jsplumb.org) * * http://jsplumb.org * http://code.google.com/p/jsplumb * * Triple licensed under the MIT, GPL2 and Beer licenses. */ (function() { /** * * Helper class to consume unused mouse events by components that are DOM elements and * are used by all of the different rendering modes. * */ jsPlumb.DOMElementComponent = function(params) { jsPlumb.jsPlumbUIComponent.apply(this, arguments); // when render mode is canvas, these functions may be called by the canvas mouse handler. // this component is safe to pipe this stuff to /dev/null. this.mousemove = this.dblclick = this.click = this.mousedown = this.mouseup = function(e) { }; }; /** * Class: Connectors.Straight * The Straight connector draws a simple straight line between the two anchor points. It does not have any constructor parameters. */ jsPlumb.Connectors.Straight = function() { this.type = "Straight"; var self = this; var currentPoints = null; var _m, _m2, _b, _dx, _dy, _theta, _theta2, _sx, _sy, _tx, _ty; /** * Computes the new size and position of the canvas. * @param sourceAnchor Absolute position on screen of the source object's anchor. * @param targetAnchor Absolute position on screen of the target object's anchor. * @param positionMatrix Indicates the relative positions of the left,top of the * two plumbed objects. so [0,0] indicates that the source is to the left of, and * above, the target. [1,0] means the source is to the right and above. [0,1] means * the source is to the left and below. [1,1] means the source is to the right * and below. this is used to figure out which direction to draw the connector in. * @returns an array of positioning information. the first two values are * the [left, top] absolute position the canvas should be placed on screen. the * next two values are the [width,height] the canvas should be. after that each * Connector can put whatever it likes into the array:it will be passed back in * to the paint call. This particular function stores the origin and destination of * the line it is going to draw. a more involved implementation, like a Bezier curve, * would store the control point info in this array too. */ this.compute = function(sourcePos, targetPos, sourceAnchor, targetAnchor, lineWidth, minWidth) { var w = Math.abs(sourcePos[0] - targetPos[0]); var h = Math.abs(sourcePos[1] - targetPos[1]); var widthAdjusted = false, heightAdjusted = false; // these are padding to ensure the whole connector line appears var xo = 0.45 * w, yo = 0.45 * h; // these are padding to ensure the whole connector line appears w *= 1.9; h *=1.9; var x = Math.min(sourcePos[0], targetPos[0]) - xo; var y = Math.min(sourcePos[1], targetPos[1]) - yo; // minimum size is 2 * line Width if minWidth was not given. var calculatedMinWidth = Math.max(2 * lineWidth, minWidth); if (w < calculatedMinWidth) { w = calculatedMinWidth; x = sourcePos[0] + ((targetPos[0] - sourcePos[0]) / 2) - (calculatedMinWidth / 2); xo = (w - Math.abs(sourcePos[0]-targetPos[0])) / 2; } if (h < calculatedMinWidth) { h = calculatedMinWidth; y = sourcePos[1] + ((targetPos[1] - sourcePos[1]) / 2) - (calculatedMinWidth / 2); yo = (h - Math.abs(sourcePos[1]-targetPos[1])) / 2; } _sx = sourcePos[0] < targetPos[0] ? xo : w-xo; _sy = sourcePos[1] < targetPos[1] ? yo:h-yo; _tx = sourcePos[0] < targetPos[0] ? w-xo : xo; _ty = sourcePos[1] < targetPos[1] ? h-yo : yo; currentPoints = [ x, y, w, h, _sx, _sy, _tx, _ty ]; _dx = _tx - _sx, _dy = (_ty - _sy); _m = _dy / _dx, _m2 = -1 / _m; _b = -1 * ((_m * _sx) - _sy); _theta = Math.atan(_m); _theta2 = Math.atan(_m2); return currentPoints; }; /** * returns the point on the connector's path that is 'location' along the length of the path, where 'location' is a decimal from * 0 to 1 inclusive. for the straight line connector this is simple maths. for Bezier, not so much. */ this.pointOnPath = function(location) { var xp = _sx + (location * _dx); var yp = (_m == Infinity || _m == -Infinity) ? _sy + (location * (_ty - _sy)) : (_m * xp) + _b; return {x:xp, y:yp}; }; /** * returns the gradient of the connector at the given point - which for us is constant. */ this.gradientAtPoint = function(location) { return _m; }; /** * returns the point on the connector's path that is 'distance' along the length of the path from 'location', where * 'location' is a decimal from 0 to 1 inclusive, and 'distance' is a number of pixels. */ this.pointAlongPathFrom = function(location, distance) { var p = self.pointOnPath(location); var orientation = distance > 0 ? 1 : -1; var y = Math.abs(distance * Math.sin(_theta)); if (_sy > _ty) y = y * -1; var x = Math.abs(distance * Math.cos(_theta)); if (_sx > _tx) x = x * -1; return {x:p.x + (orientation * x), y:p.y + (orientation * y)}; }; /** * calculates a line that is perpendicular to, and centered on, the path at 'distance' pixels from the given location. * the line is 'length' pixels long. */ this.perpendicularToPathAt = function(location, length, distance) { var p = self.pointAlongPathFrom(location, distance); var m = self.gradientAtPoint(p.location); var _theta2 = Math.atan(-1 / m); var y = length / 2 * Math.sin(_theta2); var x = length / 2 * Math.cos(_theta2); return [{x:p.x + x, y:p.y + y}, {x:p.x - x, y:p.y - y}]; }; }; /** * Class:Connectors.Bezier * This Connector draws a Bezier curve with two control points. You can provide a 'curviness' value which gets applied to jsPlumb's * internal voodoo machine and ends up generating locations for the two control points. See the constructor documentation below. */ /** * Function:Constructor * * Parameters: * curviness - How 'curvy' you want the curve to be! This is a directive for the placement of control points, not endpoints of the curve, so your curve does not * actually touch the given point, but it has the tendency to lean towards it. The larger this value, the greater the curve is pulled from a straight line. * Optional; defaults to 150. * */ jsPlumb.Connectors.Bezier = function(params) { var self = this; params = params || {}; this.majorAnchor = params.curviness || 150; this.minorAnchor = 10; var currentPoints = null; this.type = "Bezier"; this._findControlPoint = function(point, sourceAnchorPosition, targetAnchorPosition, sourceAnchor, targetAnchor) { // determine if the two anchors are perpendicular to each other in their orientation. we swap the control // points around if so (code could be tightened up) var soo = sourceAnchor.getOrientation(), too = targetAnchor.getOrientation(); var perpendicular = soo[0] != too[0] || soo[1] == too[1]; var p = []; var ma = self.majorAnchor, mi = self.minorAnchor; if (!perpendicular) { if (soo[0] == 0) // X p.push(sourceAnchorPosition[0] < targetAnchorPosition[0] ? point[0] + mi : point[0] - mi); else p.push(point[0] - (ma * soo[0])); if (soo[1] == 0) // Y p.push(sourceAnchorPosition[1] < targetAnchorPosition[1] ? point[1] + mi : point[1] - mi); else p.push(point[1] + (ma * too[1])); } else { if (too[0] == 0) // X p.push(targetAnchorPosition[0] < sourceAnchorPosition[0] ? point[0] + mi : point[0] - mi); else p.push(point[0] + (ma * too[0])); if (too[1] == 0) // Y p.push(targetAnchorPosition[1] < sourceAnchorPosition[1] ? point[1] + mi : point[1] - mi); else p.push(point[1] + (ma * soo[1])); } return p; }; var _CP, _CP2, _sx, _tx, _ty, _sx, _sy, _canvasX, _canvasY, _w, _h; this.compute = function(sourcePos, targetPos, sourceAnchor, targetAnchor, lineWidth, minWidth) { lineWidth = lineWidth || 0; _w = Math.abs(sourcePos[0] - targetPos[0]) + lineWidth; _h = Math.abs(sourcePos[1] - targetPos[1]) + lineWidth; _canvasX = Math.min(sourcePos[0], targetPos[0])-(lineWidth/2); _canvasY = Math.min(sourcePos[1], targetPos[1])-(lineWidth/2); _sx = sourcePos[0] < targetPos[0] ? _w - (lineWidth/2): (lineWidth/2); _sy = sourcePos[1] < targetPos[1] ? _h - (lineWidth/2) : (lineWidth/2); _tx = sourcePos[0] < targetPos[0] ? (lineWidth/2) : _w - (lineWidth/2); _ty = sourcePos[1] < targetPos[1] ? (lineWidth/2) : _h - (lineWidth/2); _CP = self._findControlPoint([_sx,_sy], sourcePos, targetPos, sourceAnchor, targetAnchor); _CP2 = self._findControlPoint([_tx,_ty], targetPos, sourcePos, targetAnchor, sourceAnchor); var minx1 = Math.min(_sx,_tx); var minx2 = Math.min(_CP[0], _CP2[0]); var minx = Math.min(minx1,minx2); var maxx1 = Math.max(_sx,_tx); var maxx2 = Math.max(_CP[0], _CP2[0]); var maxx = Math.max(maxx1,maxx2); if (maxx > _w) _w = maxx; if (minx < 0) { _canvasX += minx; var ox = Math.abs(minx); _w += ox; _CP[0] += ox; _sx += ox; _tx +=ox; _CP2[0] += ox; } var miny1 = Math.min(_sy,_ty); var miny2 = Math.min(_CP[1], _CP2[1]); var miny = Math.min(miny1,miny2); var maxy1 = Math.max(_sy,_ty); var maxy2 = Math.max(_CP[1], _CP2[1]); var maxy = Math.max(maxy1,maxy2); if (maxy > _h) _h = maxy; if (miny < 0) { _canvasY += miny; var oy = Math.abs(miny); _h += oy; _CP[1] += oy; _sy += oy; _ty +=oy; _CP2[1] += oy; } if (minWidth && _w < minWidth) { var posAdjust = (minWidth - _w) / 2; _w = minWidth; _canvasX -= posAdjust; _sx = _sx + posAdjust ; _tx = _tx + posAdjust; _CP[0] = _CP[0] + posAdjust; _CP2[0] = _CP2[0] + posAdjust; } if (minWidth && _h < minWidth) { var posAdjust = (minWidth - _h) / 2; _h = minWidth; _canvasY -= posAdjust; _sy = _sy + posAdjust ; _ty = _ty + posAdjust; _CP[1] = _CP[1] + posAdjust; _CP2[1] = _CP2[1] + posAdjust; } currentPoints = [_canvasX, _canvasY, _w, _h, _sx, _sy, _tx, _ty, _CP[0], _CP[1], _CP2[0], _CP2[1] ]; return currentPoints; }; var _makeCurve = function() { return [ { x:_sx, y:_sy }, { x:_CP[0], y:_CP[1] }, { x:_CP2[0], y:_CP2[1] }, { x:_tx, y:_ty } ]; }; /** * returns the point on the connector's path that is 'location' along the length of the path, where 'location' is a decimal from * 0 to 1 inclusive. for the straight line connector this is simple maths. for Bezier, not so much. */ this.pointOnPath = function(location) { return jsBezier.pointOnCurve(_makeCurve(), location); }; /** * returns the gradient of the connector at the given point. */ this.gradientAtPoint = function(location) { return jsBezier.gradientAtPoint(_makeCurve(), location); }; /** * for Bezier curves this method is a little tricky, cos calculating path distance algebraically is notoriously difficult. * this method is iterative, jumping forward .05% of the path at a time and summing the distance between this point and the previous * one, until the sum reaches 'distance'. the method may turn out to be computationally expensive; we'll see. * another drawback of this method is that if the connector gets quite long, .05% of the length of it is not necessarily smaller * than the desired distance, in which case the loop returns immediately and the arrow is mis-shapen. so a better strategy might be to * calculate the step as a function of distance/distance between endpoints. */ this.pointAlongPathFrom = function(location, distance) { return jsBezier.pointAlongCurveFrom(_makeCurve(), location, distance); }; /** * calculates a line that is perpendicular to, and centered on, the path at 'distance' pixels from the given location. * the line is 'length' pixels long. */ this.perpendicularToPathAt = function(location, length, distance) { return jsBezier.perpendicularToCurveAt(_makeCurve(), location, length, distance); }; }; /** * Class: Connectors.Flowchart * Provides 'flowchart' connectors, consisting of vertical and horizontal line segments. */ /** * Function: Constructor * * Parameters: * stub - minimum length for the stub at each end of the connector. defaults to 30 pixels. */ jsPlumb.Connectors.Flowchart = function(params) { this.type = "Flowchart"; params = params || {}; var self = this, minStubLength = params.stub || params.minStubLength /* bwds compat. */ || 30, segments = [], segmentGradients = [], segmentProportions = [], segmentLengths = [], segmentProportionalLengths = [], points = [], swapX, swapY, /** * recalculates the gradients of each segment, and the points at which the segments begin, proportional to the total length travelled * by all the segments that constitute the connector. */ updateSegmentGradientsAndProportions = function(startX, startY, endX, endY) { var total = 0; for (var i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) { var sx = i == 0 ? startX : segments[i][2], sy = i == 0 ? startY : segments[i][3], ex = segments[i][0], ey = segments[i][1]; segmentGradients[i] = sx == ex ? Infinity : 0; segmentLengths[i] = Math.abs(sx == ex ? ey - sy : ex - sx); total += segmentLengths[i]; } var curLoc = 0; for (var i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) { segmentProportionalLengths[i] = segmentLengths[i] / total; segmentProportions[i] = [curLoc, (curLoc += (segmentLengths[i] / total)) ]; } }, appendSegmentsToPoints = function() { points.push(segments.length); for (var i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) { points.push(segments[i][0]); points.push(segments[i][1]); } }, /** * helper method to add a segment. */ addSegment = function(x, y, sx, sy, tx, ty) { var lx = segments.length == 0 ? sx : segments[segments.length - 1][0]; var ly = segments.length == 0 ? sy : segments[segments.length - 1][1]; segments.push([x, y, lx, ly]); }, /** * returns [segment, proportion of travel in segment, segment index] for the segment * that contains the point which is 'location' distance along the entire path, where * 'location' is a decimal between 0 and 1 inclusive. in this connector type, paths * are made up of a list of segments, each of which contributes some fraction to * the total length. */ findSegmentForLocation = function(location) { var idx = segmentProportions.length - 1, inSegmentProportion = 0; for (var i = 0; i < segmentProportions.length; i++) { if (segmentProportions[i][1] >= location) { idx = i; inSegmentProportion = (location - segmentProportions[i][0]) / segmentProportionalLengths[i]; break; } } return { segment:segments[idx], proportion:inSegmentProportion, index:idx }; }; this.compute = function(sourcePos, targetPos, sourceAnchor, targetAnchor, lineWidth, minWidth) { segments = []; segmentGradients = []; segmentProportionalLengths = []; segmentLengths = []; segmentProportionals = []; swapX = targetPos[0] < sourcePos[0]; swapY = targetPos[1] < sourcePos[1]; var lw = lineWidth || 1, offx = (lw / 2) + (minStubLength * 2), offy = (lw / 2) + (minStubLength * 2), so = sourceAnchor.orientation || sourceAnchor.getOrientation(), to = targetAnchor.orientation || targetAnchor.getOrientation(), x = swapX ? targetPos[0] : sourcePos[0], y = swapY ? targetPos[1] : sourcePos[1], w = Math.abs(targetPos[0] - sourcePos[0]) + 2*offx, h = Math.abs(targetPos[1] - sourcePos[1]) + 2*offy; if (w < minWidth) { offx += (minWidth - w) / 2; w = minWidth; } if (h < minWidth) { offy += (minWidth - h) / 2; h = minWidth; } var sx = swapX ? w-offx : offx, sy = swapY ? h-offy : offy, tx = swapX ? offx : w-offx , ty = swapY ? offy : h-offy, startStubX = sx + (so[0] * minStubLength), startStubY = sy + (so[1] * minStubLength), endStubX = tx + (to[0] * minStubLength), endStubY = ty + (to[1] * minStubLength), midx = startStubX + ((endStubX - startStubX) / 2), midy = startStubY + ((endStubY - startStubY) / 2); x -= offx; y -= offy; points = [x, y, w, h, sx, sy, tx, ty], extraPoints = []; addSegment(startStubX, startStubY, sx, sy, tx, ty); if (so[0] == 0) { var startStubIsBeforeEndStub = startStubY < endStubY; // when start point's stub is less than endpoint's stub if (startStubIsBeforeEndStub) { addSegment(startStubX, midy, sx, sy, tx, ty); addSegment(midx, midy, sx, sy, tx, ty); addSegment(endStubX, midy, sx, sy, tx, ty); } else { // when start point's stub is greater than endpoint's stub addSegment(midx, startStubY, sx, sy, tx, ty); addSegment(midx, endStubY, sx, sy, tx, ty); } } else { var startStubIsBeforeEndStub = startStubX < endStubX; // when start point's stub is less than endpoint's stub if (startStubIsBeforeEndStub) { addSegment(midx, startStubY, sx, sy, tx, ty); addSegment(midx, midy, sx, sy, tx, ty); addSegment(midx, endStubY, sx, sy, tx, ty); } else { // when start point's stub is greater than endpoint's stub addSegment(startStubX, midy, sx, sy, tx, ty); addSegment(endStubX, midy, sx, sy, tx, ty); } } addSegment(endStubX, endStubY, sx, sy, tx, ty); addSegment(tx, ty, sx, sy, tx, ty); appendSegmentsToPoints(); updateSegmentGradientsAndProportions(sx, sy, tx, ty); return points; }; /** * returns the point on the connector's path that is 'location' along the length of the path, where 'location' is a decimal from * 0 to 1 inclusive. for this connector we must first figure out which segment the given point lies in, and then compute the x,y position * from our knowledge of the segment's start and end points. */ this.pointOnPath = function(location) { return self.pointAlongPathFrom(location, 0); }; /** * returns the gradient of the connector at the given point; the gradient will be either 0 or Infinity, depending on the direction of the * segment the point falls in. segment gradients are calculated in the compute method. */ this.gradientAtPoint = function(location) { return segmentGradients[findSegmentForLocation(location)["index"]]; }; /** * returns the point on the connector's path that is 'distance' along the length of the path from 'location', where * 'location' is a decimal from 0 to 1 inclusive, and 'distance' is a number of pixels. when you consider this concept from the point of view * of this connector, it starts to become clear that there's a problem with the overlay paint code: given that this connector makes several * 90 degree turns, it's entirely possible that an arrow overlay could be forced to paint itself around a corner, which would look stupid. this is * because jsPlumb uses this method (and pointOnPath) so determine the locations of the various points that go to make up an overlay. a better * solution would probably be to just use pointOnPath along with gradientAtPoint, and draw the overlay so that its axis ran along * a tangent to the connector. for straight line connectors this would obviously mean the overlay was painted directly on the connector, since a * tangent to a straight line is the line itself, which is what we want; for this connector, and for beziers, the results would probably be better. an additional * advantage is, of course, that there's less computation involved doing it that way. */ this.pointAlongPathFrom = function(location, distance) { var s = findSegmentForLocation(location), seg = s.segment, p = s.proportion, sl = segmentLengths[s.index], m = segmentGradients[s.index]; var e = { x : m == Infinity ? seg[2] : seg[2] > seg[0] ? seg[0] + ((1 - p) * sl) - distance : seg[2] + (p * sl) + distance, y : m == 0 ? seg[3] : seg[3] > seg[1] ? seg[1] + ((1 - p) * sl) - distance : seg[3] + (p * sl) + distance, segmentInfo : s }; return e; }; /** * calculates a line that is perpendicular to, and centered on, the path at 'distance' pixels from the given location. * the line is 'length' pixels long. */ this.perpendicularToPathAt = function(location, length, distance) { var p = self.pointAlongPathFrom(location, distance); var m = segmentGradients[p.segmentInfo.index]; var _theta2 = Math.atan(-1 / m); var y = length / 2 * Math.sin(_theta2); var x = length / 2 * Math.cos(_theta2); return [{x:p.x + x, y:p.y + y}, {x:p.x - x, y:p.y - y}]; }; }; // ********************************* END OF CONNECTOR TYPES ******************************************************************* // ********************************* ENDPOINT TYPES ******************************************************************* /** * Class: Endpoints.Dot * A round endpoint, with default radius 10 pixels. */ /** * Function: Constructor * * Parameters: * * radius - radius of the endpoint. defaults to 10 pixels. */ jsPlumb.Endpoints.Dot = function(params) { this.type = "Dot"; var self = this; params = params || {}; this.radius = params.radius || 10; this.defaultOffset = 0.5 * this.radius; this.defaultInnerRadius = this.radius / 3; this.compute = function(anchorPoint, orientation, endpointStyle, connectorPaintStyle) { var r = endpointStyle.radius || self.radius; var x = anchorPoint[0] - r; var y = anchorPoint[1] - r; return [ x, y, r * 2, r * 2, r ]; }; }; /** * Class: Endpoints.Rectangle * A Rectangular Endpoint, with default size 20x20. */ /** * Function: Constructor * * Parameters: * * width - width of the endpoint. defaults to 20 pixels. * height - height of the endpoint. defaults to 20 pixels. */ jsPlumb.Endpoints.Rectangle = function(params) { this.type = "Rectangle"; var self = this; params = params || {}; this.width = params.width || 20; this.height = params.height || 20; this.compute = function(anchorPoint, orientation, endpointStyle, connectorPaintStyle) { var width = endpointStyle.width || self.width; var height = endpointStyle.height || self.height; var x = anchorPoint[0] - (width/2); var y = anchorPoint[1] - (height/2); return [ x, y, width, height]; }; }; /** * Class: Endpoints.Image * Draws an image as the Endpoint. */ /** * Function: Constructor * * Parameters: * * src - location of the image to use. */ jsPlumb.Endpoints.Image = function(params) { this.type = "Image"; jsPlumb.DOMElementComponent.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, initialized = false; this.img = new Image(); self.ready = false; this.img.onload = function() { self.ready = true; }; this.img.src = params.src || params.url; this.compute = function(anchorPoint, orientation, endpointStyle, connectorPaintStyle) { self.anchorPoint = anchorPoint; if (self.ready) return [anchorPoint[0] - self.img.width / 2, anchorPoint[1] - self.img.height/ 2, self.img.width, self.img.height]; else return [0,0,0,0]; }; self.canvas = document.createElement("img"), initialized = false; self.canvas.style["margin"] = 0; self.canvas.style["padding"] = 0; self.canvas.style["outline"] = 0; self.canvas.style["position"] = "absolute"; self.canvas.className = jsPlumb.endpointClass; jsPlumb.appendElement(self.canvas, params.parent); self.attachListeners(self.canvas, self); var actuallyPaint = function(d, style, anchor) { if (!initialized) { self.canvas.setAttribute("src", self.img.src); initialized = true; } var width = self.img.width, height = self.img.height, x = self.anchorPoint[0] - (width/2), y = self.anchorPoint[1] - (height/2); jsPlumb.sizeCanvas(self.canvas, x, y, width, height); }; this.paint = function(d, style, anchor) { if (self.ready) { actuallyPaint(d, style, anchor); } else { window.setTimeout(function() { self.paint(d, style, anchor); }, 200); } }; }; /** * Class: Endpoints.Blank * An Endpoint that paints nothing on the screen, and cannot be interacted with using the mouse. There are no constructor parameters for this Endpoint. */ jsPlumb.Endpoints.Blank = function(params) { var self = this; this.type = "Blank"; jsPlumb.DOMElementComponent.apply(this, arguments); this.compute = function() { return [0,0,10,0]; }; self.canvas = document.createElement("div"); self.canvas.style.display = "block"; self.canvas.style.width = "1px"; self.canvas.style.height = "1px"; self.canvas.style.background = "transparent"; self.canvas.style.position = "absolute"; jsPlumb.appendElement(self.canvas, params.parent); this.paint = function() { }; }; /** * Class: Endpoints.Triangle * A triangular Endpoint. */ /** * Function: Constructor * * Parameters: * * width - width of the triangle's base. defaults to 55 pixels. * height - height of the triangle from base to apex. defaults to 55 pixels. */ jsPlumb.Endpoints.Triangle = function(params) { this.type = "Triangle"; params = params || { }; params.width = params.width || 55; param.height = params.height || 55; this.width = params.width; this.height = params.height; this.compute = function(anchorPoint, orientation, endpointStyle, connectorPaintStyle) { var width = endpointStyle.width || self.width; var height = endpointStyle.height || self.height; var x = anchorPoint[0] - (width/2); var y = anchorPoint[1] - (height/2); return [ x, y, width, height ]; }; }; // ********************************* END OF ENDPOINT TYPES ******************************************************************* // ********************************* OVERLAY DEFINITIONS *********************************************************************** var AbstractOverlay = function() { var visible = true, self = this; this.setVisible = function(val) { visible = val; self.connection.repaint(); }; this.isVisible = function() { return visible; }; this.hide = function() { self.setVisible(false); }; this.show = function() { self.setVisible(true); }; }; /** * Class: Overlays.Arrow * * An arrow overlay, defined by four points: the head, the two sides of the tail, and a 'foldback' point at some distance along the length * of the arrow that lines from each tail point converge into. The foldback point is defined using a decimal that indicates some fraction * of the length of the arrow and has a default value of 0.623. A foldback point value of 1 would mean that the arrow had a straight line * across the tail. */ /** * Function: Constructor * * Parameters: * * length - distance in pixels from head to tail baseline. default 20. * width - width in pixels of the tail baseline. default 20. * fillStyle - style to use when filling the arrow. defaults to "black". * strokeStyle - style to use when stroking the arrow. defaults to null, which means the arrow is not stroked. * lineWidth - line width to use when stroking the arrow. defaults to 1, but only used if strokeStyle is not null. * foldback - distance (as a decimal from 0 to 1 inclusive) along the length of the arrow marking the point the tail points should fold back to. defaults to 0.623. * location - distance (as a decimal from 0 to 1 inclusive) marking where the arrow should sit on the connector. defaults to 0.5. * direction - indicates the direction the arrow points in. valid values are -1 and 1; 1 is default. */ jsPlumb.Overlays.Arrow = function(params) { this.type = "Arrow"; AbstractOverlay.apply(this); params = params || {}; var self = this; this.length = params.length || 20; this.width = params.width || 20; this.id = params.id; this.connection = params.connection; var direction = (params.direction || 1) < 0 ? -1 : 1; var paintStyle = params.paintStyle || { lineWidth:1 }; this.loc = params.location == null ? 0.5 : params.location; // how far along the arrow the lines folding back in come to. default is 62.3%. var foldback = params.foldback || 0.623; var _getFoldBackPoint = function(connector, loc) { if (foldback == 0.5) return connector.pointOnPath(loc); else { var adj = 0.5 - foldback; // we calculate relative to the center return connector.pointAlongPathFrom(loc, direction * self.length * adj); } }; this.computeMaxSize = function() { return self.width * 1.5; }; this.draw = function(connector, currentConnectionPaintStyle, connectorDimensions) { // this is the arrow head position var hxy = connector.pointAlongPathFrom(self.loc, direction * (self.length / 2)); // this is the center of the tail var txy = connector.pointAlongPathFrom(self.loc, -1 * direction * (self.length / 2)), tx = txy.x, ty = txy.y; // this is the tail vector var tail = connector.perpendicularToPathAt(self.loc, self.width, -1 * direction * (self.length / 2)); // this is the point the tail goes in to var cxy = _getFoldBackPoint(connector, self.loc); // if loc = 1, then hxy should be flush with the element, or if direction == -1, the tail midpoint. if (self.loc == 1) { var lxy = connector.pointOnPath(self.loc); // TODO determine why the 1.2.6 released version does not // use 'direction' in the two equations below, yet both // that and 1.3.0 still paint the arrows correctly. var dx = (lxy.x - hxy.x) * direction, dy = (lxy.y - hxy.y) * direction; cxy.x += dx; cxy.y += dy; txy.x += dx; txy.y += dy; tail[0].x += dx; tail[0].y += dy; tail[1].x += dx; tail[1].y += dy; hxy.x += dx; hxy.y += dy; } // if loc = 0, then tail midpoint should be flush with the element, or, if direction == -1, hxy should be. if (self.loc == 0) { var lxy = connector.pointOnPath(self.loc); var tailMid = foldback > 1 ? cxy : { x:tail[0].x + ((tail[1].x - tail[0].x) / 2), y:tail[0].y + ((tail[1].y - tail[0].y) / 2) }; var dx = (lxy.x - tailMid.x) * direction, dy = (lxy.y - tailMid.y) * direction; cxy.x += dx; cxy.y += dy; txy.x += dx; txy.y += dy; tail[0].x += dx; tail[0].y += dy; tail[1].x += dx; tail[1].y += dy; hxy.x += dx; hxy.y += dy; } var minx = Math.min(hxy.x, tail[0].x, tail[1].x); var maxx = Math.max(hxy.x, tail[0].x, tail[1].x); var miny = Math.min(hxy.y, tail[0].y, tail[1].y); var maxy = Math.max(hxy.y, tail[0].y, tail[1].y); var d = { hxy:hxy, tail:tail, cxy:cxy }, strokeStyle = paintStyle.strokeStyle || currentConnectionPaintStyle.strokeStyle, fillStyle = paintStyle.fillStyle || currentConnectionPaintStyle.strokeStyle, lineWidth = paintStyle.lineWidth || currentConnectionPaintStyle.lineWidth; self.paint(connector, d, lineWidth, strokeStyle, fillStyle, connectorDimensions); return [ minx, maxx, miny, maxy]; }; }; /** * Class: Overlays.PlainArrow * * A basic arrow. This is in fact just one instance of the more generic case in which the tail folds back on itself to some * point along the length of the arrow: in this case, that foldback point is the full length of the arrow. so it just does * a 'call' to Arrow with foldback set appropriately. */ /** * Function: Constructor * See for allowed parameters for this overlay. */ jsPlumb.Overlays.PlainArrow = function(params) { params = params || {}; var p = jsPlumb.extend(params, {foldback:1}); jsPlumb.Overlays.Arrow.call(this, p); this.type = "PlainArrow"; }; /** * Class: Overlays.Diamond * * A diamond. Like PlainArrow, this is a concrete case of the more generic case of the tail points converging on some point...it just * happens that in this case, that point is greater than the length of the the arrow. * * this could probably do with some help with positioning...due to the way it reuses the Arrow paint code, what Arrow thinks is the * center is actually 1/4 of the way along for this guy. but we don't have any knowledge of pixels at this point, so we're kind of * stuck when it comes to helping out the Arrow class. possibly we could pass in a 'transpose' parameter or something. the value * would be -l/4 in this case - move along one quarter of the total length. */ /** * Function: Constructor * See for allowed parameters for this overlay. */ jsPlumb.Overlays.Diamond = function(params) { params = params || {}; var l = params.length || 40; var p = jsPlumb.extend(params, {length:l/2, foldback:2}); jsPlumb.Overlays.Arrow.call(this, p); this.type = "Diamond"; }; /** * Class: Overlays.Label * A Label overlay. For all different renderer types (SVG/Canvas/VML), jsPlumb draws a Label overlay as a styled DIV. Version 1.3.0 of jsPlumb * introduced the ability to set css classes on the label; this is now the preferred way for you to style a label. The 'labelStyle' parameter * is still supported in 1.3.0 but its usage is deprecated. Under the hood, jsPlumb just turns that object into a bunch of CSS directive that it * puts on the Label's 'style' attribute, so the end result is the same. */ /** * Function: Constructor * * Parameters: * cssClass - optional css class string to append to css class. This string is appended "as-is", so you can of course have multiple classes * defined. This parameter is preferred to using labelStyle, borderWidth and borderStyle. * label - the label to paint. May be a string or a function that returns a string. Nothing will be painted if your label is null or your * label function returns null. empty strings _will_ be painted. * location - distance (as a decimal from 0 to 1 inclusive) marking where the label should sit on the connector. defaults to 0.5. * labelStyle - (deprecated) js object containing style instructions for the label. defaults to jsPlumb.Defaults.LabelStyle. * borderWidth - (deprecated) width of a border to paint. defaults to zero. * borderStyle - (deprecated) strokeStyle to use when painting the border, if necessary. * */ jsPlumb.Overlays.Label = function(params) { this.type = "Label"; jsPlumb.DOMElementComponent.apply(this, arguments); AbstractOverlay.apply(this); this.labelStyle = params.labelStyle || jsPlumb.Defaults.LabelStyle; this.labelStyle.font = this.labelStyle.font || "12px sans-serif"; this.label = params.label || "banana"; this.connection = params.connection; this.id = params.id; var self = this; var labelWidth = null, labelHeight = null, labelText = null, labelPadding = null; this.location = params.location || 0.5; this.cachedDimensions = null; // setting on 'this' rather than using closures uses a lot less memory. just don't monkey with it! var initialised = false, labelText = null, div = document.createElement("div"); div.style["position"] = "absolute"; div.style["font"] = self.labelStyle.font; div.style["color"] = self.labelStyle.color || "black"; if (self.labelStyle.fillStyle) div.style["background"] = self.labelStyle.fillStyle;//_convertStyle(self.labelStyle.fillStyle, true); if (self.labelStyle.borderWidth > 0) { var dStyle = self.labelStyle.borderStyle ? self.labelStyle.borderStyle/*_convertStyle(self.labelStyle.borderStyle, true)*/ : "black"; div.style["border"] = self.labelStyle.borderWidth + "px solid " + dStyle; } if (self.labelStyle.padding) div.style["padding"] = self.labelStyle.padding; var clazz = params["_jsPlumb"].overlayClass + " " + (self.labelStyle.cssClass ? self.labelStyle.cssClass : params.cssClass ? params.cssClass : ""); div.className = clazz; jsPlumb.appendElement(div, params.connection.parent); jsPlumb.getId(div); self.attachListeners(div, self); //override setVisible var osv = self.setVisible; self.setVisible = function(state) { osv(state); // call superclass div.style.display = state ? "block" : "none"; }; this.paint = function(connector, d, connectorDimensions) { if (!initialised) { connector.appendDisplayElement(div); self.attachListeners(div, connector); initialised = true; } div.style.left = (connectorDimensions[0] + d.minx) + "px"; div.style.top = (connectorDimensions[1] + d.miny) + "px"; }; this.getTextDimensions = function(connector) { labelText = typeof self.label == 'function' ? self.label(self) : self.label; div.innerHTML = labelText.replace(/\r\n/g, "
"); var de = jsPlumb.CurrentLibrary.getElementObject(div), s = jsPlumb.CurrentLibrary.getSize(de); return {width:s[0], height:s[1]}; }; this.computeMaxSize = function(connector) { var td = self.getTextDimensions(connector); return td.width ? Math.max(td.width, td.height) * 1.5 : 0; }; this.draw = function(connector, currentConnectionPaintStyle, connectorDimensions) { var td = self.getTextDimensions(connector); if (td.width != null) { var cxy = connector.pointOnPath(self.location); var minx = cxy.x - (td.width / 2); var miny = cxy.y - (td.height / 2); self.paint(connector, { minx:minx, miny:miny, td:td, cxy:cxy }, connectorDimensions); return [minx, minx+td.width, miny, miny+td.height]; } else return [0,0,0,0]; }; }; // ********************************* END OF OVERLAY DEFINITIONS *********************************************************************** // ********************************* OVERLAY CANVAS RENDERERS*********************************************************************** // ********************************* END OF OVERLAY CANVAS RENDERERS *********************************************************************** })();