## Wodo.TextEditor
Wodo.TextEditor is an HTML5 Editor component for text documents in the OpenDocument format (ODT) created by [KO GmbH](http://kogmbh.com).
It allows to add an OpenDocument Text editor with just a few lines of JavaScript to your website and to your mobile or desktop application.
It uses only HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and has no need for any server support. Powered by WebODF.
* Visit the project homepage at: [WebODF](http://webodf.org)
* Want some live demos? Visit: [Wodo.TextEditor Demo](http://webodf.org/demo/)
* Get in contact, by the [mailing list](https://lists.opendocsociety.org/mailman/listinfo/webodf) or IRC (#webodf auf freenode, [Web access](http://webchat.freenode.net/?nick=wodotexteditorcurious_ghr&channels=webodf))
### License
Wodo.TextEditor is a Free Software project. All code is available under the AGPL.
If you are interested in using Wodo.TextEditor in your commercial product
(and do not want to disclose your sources / obey AGPL),
contact [KO GmbH](http://kogmbh.com) for a license suited to your needs.
### Supported Dependency/Package Managers
This repository is explicitely done for dependency managers and package managers.
It only contains the files of builds created from released versions of Wodo.TextEditor, so
they can be directly deployed by those managers.
Currently supported by this repository:
* [Bower](http://bower.io/), registered in the central Bower registry by: "wodo.texteditor"
We are looking forward to support other managers as well, help welcome.
To get tarballs of the released builds, go to http://webodf.org/download .
For the sources see section [Sources](#Sources).
### Sources
Find the sources of Wodo.TextEditor at https://github.com/kogmbh/WebODF/ .