/** * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2017, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license */ /** * @fileOverview Image plugin based on Widgets API */ 'use strict'; CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'image2_chamilo', function( editor ) { // RegExp: 123, 123px, empty string "" var regexGetSizeOrEmpty = /(^\s*(\d+)(px)?\s*$)|^$/i, lockButtonId = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId(), resetButtonId = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId(), lang = editor.lang.image2_chamilo, commonLang = editor.lang.common, lockResetStyle = 'margin-top:18px;width:40px;height:20px;', lockResetHtml = new CKEDITOR.template( '
' + '' + '' + '' + lang.lockRatio + '' + '' + '' + '' + lang.resetSize + '' + '' + '
' ).output( { lockButtonId: lockButtonId, resetButtonId: resetButtonId } ), helpers = CKEDITOR.plugins.image2_chamilo, // Editor instance configuration. config = editor.config, hasFileBrowser = !!( config.filebrowserImageBrowseUrl || config.filebrowserBrowseUrl ), // Content restrictions defined by the widget which // impact on dialog structure and presence of fields. features = editor.widgets.registered.image.features, // Functions inherited from image2_chamilo plugin. getNatural = helpers.getNatural, // Global variables referring to the dialog's context. doc, widget, image, // Global variable referring to this dialog's image pre-loader. preLoader, // Global variables holding the original size of the image. domWidth, domHeight, // Global variables related to image pre-loading. preLoadedWidth, preLoadedHeight, srcChanged, // Global variables related to size locking. lockRatio, userDefinedLock, // Global variables referring to dialog fields and elements. lockButton, resetButton, widthField, heightField, natural; // Validates dimension. Allowed values are: // "123px", "123", "" (empty string) function validateDimension() { var match = this.getValue().match( regexGetSizeOrEmpty ), isValid = !!( match && parseInt( match[ 1 ], 10 ) !== 0 ); if ( !isValid ) alert( commonLang[ 'invalid' + CKEDITOR.tools.capitalize( this.id ) ] ); // jshint ignore:line return isValid; } // Creates a function that pre-loads images. The callback function passes // [image, width, height] or null if loading failed. // // @returns {Function} function createPreLoader() { var image = doc.createElement( 'img' ), listeners = []; function addListener( event, callback ) { listeners.push( image.once( event, function( evt ) { removeListeners(); callback( evt ); } ) ); } function removeListeners() { var l; while ( ( l = listeners.pop() ) ) l.removeListener(); } // @param {String} src. // @param {Function} callback. return function( src, callback, scope ) { addListener( 'load', function() { // Don't use image.$.(width|height) since it's buggy in IE9-10 (#11159) var dimensions = getNatural( image ); callback.call( scope, image, dimensions.width, dimensions.height ); } ); addListener( 'error', function() { callback( null ); } ); addListener( 'abort', function() { callback( null ); } ); image.setAttribute( 'src', ( config.baseHref || '' ) + src + '?' + Math.random().toString( 16 ).substring( 2 ) ); }; } // This function updates width and height fields once the // "src" field is altered. Along with dimensions, also the // dimensions lock is adjusted. function onChangeSrc() { var value = this.getValue(); toggleDimensions( false ); // Remember that src is different than default. if ( value !== widget.data.src ) { // Update dimensions of the image once it's preloaded. preLoader( value, function( image, width, height ) { // Re-enable width and height fields. toggleDimensions( true ); // There was problem loading the image. Unlock ratio. if ( !image ) return toggleLockRatio( false ); // Fill width field with the width of the new image. widthField.setValue( editor.config.image2_chamilo_prefillDimensions === false ? 0 : width ); // Fill height field with the height of the new image. heightField.setValue( editor.config.image2_chamilo_prefillDimensions === false ? 0 : height ); // Cache the new width. preLoadedWidth = width; // Cache the new height. preLoadedHeight = height; // Check for new lock value if image exist. toggleLockRatio( helpers.checkHasNaturalRatio( image ) ); } ); srcChanged = true; } // Value is the same as in widget data but is was // modified back in time. Roll back dimensions when restoring // default src. else if ( srcChanged ) { // Re-enable width and height fields. toggleDimensions( true ); // Restore width field with cached width. widthField.setValue( domWidth ); // Restore height field with cached height. heightField.setValue( domHeight ); // Src equals default one back again. srcChanged = false; } // Value is the same as in widget data and it hadn't // been modified. else { // Re-enable width and height fields. toggleDimensions( true ); } } function onChangeDimension() { // If ratio is un-locked, then we don't care what's next. if ( !lockRatio ) return; var value = this.getValue(); // No reason to auto-scale or unlock if the field is empty. if ( !value ) return; // If the value of the field is invalid (e.g. with %), unlock ratio. if ( !value.match( regexGetSizeOrEmpty ) ) toggleLockRatio( false ); // No automatic re-scale when dimension is '0'. if ( value === '0' ) return; var isWidth = this.id == 'width', // If dialog opened for the new image, domWidth and domHeight // will be empty. Use dimensions from pre-loader in such case instead. width = domWidth || preLoadedWidth, height = domHeight || preLoadedHeight; // If changing width, then auto-scale height. if ( isWidth ) value = Math.round( height * ( value / width ) ); // If changing height, then auto-scale width. else value = Math.round( width * ( value / height ) ); // If the value is a number, apply it to the other field. if ( !isNaN( value ) ) ( isWidth ? heightField : widthField ).setValue( value ); } // Set-up function for lock and reset buttons: // * Adds lock and reset buttons to focusables. Check if button exist first // because it may be disabled e.g. due to ACF restrictions. // * Register mouseover and mouseout event listeners for UI manipulations. // * Register click event listeners for buttons. function onLoadLockReset() { var dialog = this.getDialog(); function setupMouseClasses( el ) { el.on( 'mouseover', function() { this.addClass( 'cke_btn_over' ); }, el ); el.on( 'mouseout', function() { this.removeClass( 'cke_btn_over' ); }, el ); } // Create references to lock and reset buttons for this dialog instance. lockButton = doc.getById( lockButtonId ); resetButton = doc.getById( resetButtonId ); // Activate (Un)LockRatio button if ( lockButton ) { // Consider that there's an additional focusable field // in the dialog when the "browse" button is visible. dialog.addFocusable( lockButton, 4 + hasFileBrowser ); lockButton.on( 'click', function( evt ) { toggleLockRatio(); evt.data && evt.data.preventDefault(); }, this.getDialog() ); setupMouseClasses( lockButton ); } // Activate the reset size button. if ( resetButton ) { // Consider that there's an additional focusable field // in the dialog when the "browse" button is visible. dialog.addFocusable( resetButton, 5 + hasFileBrowser ); // Fills width and height fields with the original dimensions of the // image (stored in widget#data since widget#init). resetButton.on( 'click', function( evt ) { // If there's a new image loaded, reset button should revert // cached dimensions of pre-loaded DOM element. if ( srcChanged ) { widthField.setValue( preLoadedWidth ); heightField.setValue( preLoadedHeight ); } // If the old image remains, reset button should revert // dimensions as loaded when the dialog was first shown. else { widthField.setValue( domWidth ); heightField.setValue( domHeight ); } evt.data && evt.data.preventDefault(); }, this ); setupMouseClasses( resetButton ); } } function toggleLockRatio( enable ) { // No locking if there's no radio (i.e. due to ACF). if ( !lockButton ) return; if ( typeof enable == 'boolean' ) { // If user explicitly wants to decide whether // to lock or not, don't do anything. if ( userDefinedLock ) return; lockRatio = enable; } // Undefined. User changed lock value. else { var width = widthField.getValue(), height; userDefinedLock = true; lockRatio = !lockRatio; // Automatically adjust height to width to match // the original ratio (based on dom- dimensions). if ( lockRatio && width ) { height = domHeight / domWidth * width; if ( !isNaN( height ) ) heightField.setValue( Math.round( height ) ); } } lockButton[ lockRatio ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass' ]( 'cke_btn_unlocked' ); lockButton.setAttribute( 'aria-checked', lockRatio ); // Ratio button hc presentation - WHITE SQUARE / BLACK SQUARE if ( CKEDITOR.env.hc ) { var icon = lockButton.getChild( 0 ); icon.setHtml( lockRatio ? CKEDITOR.env.ie ? '\u25A0' : '\u25A3' : CKEDITOR.env.ie ? '\u25A1' : '\u25A2' ); } } function toggleDimensions( enable ) { var method = enable ? 'enable' : 'disable'; widthField[ method ](); heightField[ method ](); } var srcBoxChildren = [ { id: 'src', type: 'text', label: commonLang.url, onKeyup: onChangeSrc, onChange: onChangeSrc, setup: function( widget ) { this.setValue( widget.data.src ); }, commit: function( widget ) { widget.setData( 'src', this.getValue() ); }, validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty( lang.urlMissing ) } ]; // Render the "Browse" button on demand to avoid an "empty" (hidden child) // space in dialog layout that distorts the UI. if ( hasFileBrowser ) { srcBoxChildren.push( { type: 'button', id: 'browse', // v-align with the 'txtUrl' field. // TODO: We need something better than a fixed size here. style: 'display:inline-block;margin-top:14px;', align: 'center', label: editor.lang.common.browseServer, hidden: true, filebrowser: 'info:src' } ); } return { title: lang.title, minWidth: 250, minHeight: 100, onLoad: function() { // Create a "global" reference to the document for this dialog instance. doc = this._.element.getDocument(); // Create a pre-loader used for determining dimensions of new images. preLoader = createPreLoader(); }, onShow: function() { // Create a "global" reference to edited widget. widget = this.widget; // Create a "global" reference to widget's image. image = widget.parts.image; // Reset global variables. srcChanged = userDefinedLock = lockRatio = false; // Natural dimensions of the image. natural = getNatural( image ); // Get the natural width of the image. preLoadedWidth = domWidth = natural.width; // Get the natural height of the image. preLoadedHeight = domHeight = natural.height; }, contents: [ { id: 'info', label: lang.infoTab, elements: [ { type: 'vbox', padding: 0, children: [ { type: 'hbox', widths: [ '100%' ], className: 'cke_dialog_image_url', children: srcBoxChildren } ] }, { id: 'alt', type: 'text', label: lang.alt, setup: function( widget ) { this.setValue( widget.data.alt ); }, commit: function( widget ) { widget.setData( 'alt', this.getValue() ); }, validate: editor.config.image2_chamilo_altRequired === true ? CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty( lang.altMissing ) : null }, { type: 'hbox', widths: [ '25%', '25%', '50%' ], requiredContent: features.dimension.requiredContent, children: [ { type: 'text', width: '45px', id: 'width', label: commonLang.width, validate: validateDimension, onKeyUp: onChangeDimension, onLoad: function() { widthField = this; }, setup: function( widget ) { this.setValue( widget.data.width ); }, commit: function( widget ) { widget.setData( 'width', this.getValue() ); } }, { type: 'text', id: 'height', width: '45px', label: commonLang.height, validate: validateDimension, onKeyUp: onChangeDimension, onLoad: function() { heightField = this; }, setup: function( widget ) { this.setValue( widget.data.height ); }, commit: function( widget ) { widget.setData( 'height', this.getValue() ); } }, { id: 'lock', type: 'html', style: lockResetStyle, onLoad: onLoadLockReset, setup: function( widget ) { toggleLockRatio( widget.data.lock ); }, commit: function( widget ) { widget.setData( 'lock', lockRatio ); }, html: lockResetHtml } ] }, { type: 'hbox', id: 'alignment', requiredContent: features.align.requiredContent, children: [ { id: 'align', type: 'select', items: [ [ commonLang.alignNone, 'none' ], [ commonLang.alignLeft, 'left' ], [ commonLang.alignCenter, 'center' ], [ commonLang.alignRight, 'right' ], [ lang.alignBaseline, 'baseline'], [ lang.alignTop, 'top'], [ lang.alignBottom, 'bottom'], [ lang.alignMiddle, 'middle'], [ lang.alignSuper, 'super'], [ lang.alignSub, 'sub'], [ lang.alignTextTop, 'text-top'], [ lang.alignTextBottom, 'text-bottom'], ], label: commonLang.align, setup: function( widget ) { this.setValue( widget.data.align ); }, commit: function( widget ) { widget.setData( 'align', this.getValue() ); } } ] }, { id: 'hasCaption', type: 'checkbox', label: lang.captioned, requiredContent: features.caption.requiredContent, setup: function( widget ) { this.setValue( widget.data.hasCaption ); }, commit: function( widget ) { widget.setData( 'hasCaption', this.getValue() ); } }, { id: 'isResponsive', type: 'checkbox', label: lang.responsive, requiredContent: features.responsive.requiredContent, setup: function ( widget ) { this.setValue( widget.data.isResponsive ); }, commit: function ( widget ) { var img = widget; if (widget.element.$.tagName === 'FIGURE') { img = widget.element.$.firstChild; } img.className += ' img-responsive '; widget.setData( 'isResponsive', this.getValue() ); } } ] }, { id: 'Upload', hidden: true, filebrowser: 'uploadButton', label: lang.uploadTab, elements: [ { type: 'file', id: 'upload', label: lang.btnUpload, style: 'height:40px' }, { type: 'fileButton', id: 'uploadButton', filebrowser: 'info:src', label: lang.btnUpload, 'for': [ 'Upload', 'upload' ] } ] } ] }; } );