$name, 'code' => $code, 'parent_id' => empty($parent_id) ? null : $parent_id, 'tree_pos' => $tree_pos, 'children_count' => 0, 'auth_course_child' => $canHaveCourses, 'auth_cat_child' => 'TRUE', ]; $categoryId = Database::insert($table, $params); self::updateParentCategoryChildrenCount($parent_id, 1); self::addToUrl($categoryId); return $categoryId; } /** * Recursive function that updates the count of children in the parent. * * @param string $categoryId Category ID * @param int $delta The number to add or delete (1 to add one, -1 to remove one) */ public static function updateParentCategoryChildrenCount($categoryId, $delta = 1) { $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CATEGORY); $categoryId = Database::escape_string($categoryId); $delta = intval($delta); // First get to the highest level possible in the tree $result = Database::query("SELECT parent_id FROM $table WHERE code = '$categoryId'"); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); if ($row !== false and $row['parent_id'] != 0) { // if a parent was found, enter there to see if he's got one more parent self::updateParentCategoryChildrenCount($row['parent_id'], $delta); } // Now we're at the top, get back down to update each child //$children_count = courseCategoryChildrenCount($categoryId); $sql = "UPDATE $table SET children_count = (children_count - ".abs($delta).") WHERE code = '$categoryId'"; if ($delta >= 0) { $sql = "UPDATE $table SET children_count = (children_count + $delta) WHERE code = '$categoryId'"; } Database::query($sql); } /** * @param string $node * * @return bool */ public static function deleteNode($node) { $category = self::getCategory($node); if (empty($category)) { return false; } $tbl_course = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $tbl_category = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CATEGORY); $node = Database::escape_string($node); $result = Database::query("SELECT parent_id, tree_pos FROM $tbl_category WHERE code='$node'"); if ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)) { if (!empty($row['parent_id'])) { Database::query( "UPDATE $tbl_course SET category_code = '".$row['parent_id']."' WHERE category_code='$node'" ); Database::query("UPDATE $tbl_category SET parent_id='".$row['parent_id']."' WHERE parent_id='$node'"); } else { Database::query("UPDATE $tbl_course SET category_code='' WHERE category_code='$node'"); Database::query("UPDATE $tbl_category SET parent_id=NULL WHERE parent_id='$node'"); } $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ACCESS_URL_REL_COURSE_CATEGORY); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE course_category_id = ".$category['id']; Database::query($sql); Database::query("UPDATE $tbl_category SET tree_pos=tree_pos-1 WHERE tree_pos > '".$row['tree_pos']."'"); Database::query("DELETE FROM $tbl_category WHERE code='$node'"); if (!empty($row['parent_id'])) { self::updateParentCategoryChildrenCount($row['parent_id'], -1); } return true; } } /** * @param string $code * @param string $name * @param string $canHaveCourses * @param string $old_code * * @return bool */ public static function editNode($code, $name, $canHaveCourses, $old_code) { $tbl_course = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $tbl_category = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CATEGORY); $code = trim(Database::escape_string($code)); $name = trim(Database::escape_string($name)); $old_code = Database::escape_string($old_code); $canHaveCourses = Database::escape_string($canHaveCourses); $code = CourseManager::generate_course_code($code); // Updating category $sql = "UPDATE $tbl_category SET name='$name', code='$code', auth_course_child = '$canHaveCourses' WHERE code = '$old_code'"; Database::query($sql); // Updating children $sql = "UPDATE $tbl_category SET parent_id = '$code' WHERE parent_id = '$old_code'"; Database::query($sql); // Updating course category $sql = "UPDATE $tbl_course SET category_code = '$code' WHERE category_code = '$old_code' "; Database::query($sql); return true; } /** * Move a node up on display. * * @param string $code * @param int $tree_pos * @param string $parent_id * * @return bool */ public static function moveNodeUp($code, $tree_pos, $parent_id) { $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CATEGORY); $code = Database::escape_string($code); $tree_pos = intval($tree_pos); $parent_id = Database::escape_string($parent_id); $parentIdCondition = " AND (parent_id IS NULL OR parent_id = '' )"; if (!empty($parent_id)) { $parentIdCondition = " AND parent_id = '$parent_id' "; } $sql = "SELECT code,tree_pos FROM $table WHERE tree_pos < $tree_pos $parentIdCondition ORDER BY tree_pos DESC LIMIT 0,1"; $result = Database::query($sql); if (!$row = Database::fetch_array($result)) { $sql = "SELECT code, tree_pos FROM $table WHERE tree_pos > $tree_pos $parentIdCondition ORDER BY tree_pos DESC LIMIT 0,1"; $result2 = Database::query($sql); if (!$row = Database::fetch_array($result2)) { return false; } } $sql = "UPDATE $table SET tree_pos ='".$row['tree_pos']."' WHERE code='$code'"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "UPDATE $table SET tree_pos = '$tree_pos' WHERE code= '".$row['code']."'"; Database::query($sql); return true; } /** * Counts the number of children categories a category has. * * @param int $categoryId The ID of the category of which we want to count the children * * @return mixed The number of subcategories this category has */ public static function courseCategoryChildrenCount($categoryId) { $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CATEGORY); $categoryId = intval($categoryId); $count = 0; if (empty($categoryId)) { return 0; } $sql = "SELECT id, code FROM $table WHERE parent_id = $categoryId"; $result = Database::query($sql); while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)) { $count += self::courseCategoryChildrenCount($row['id']); } $sql = "UPDATE $table SET children_count = $count WHERE id = $categoryId"; Database::query($sql); return $count + 1; } /** * @param string $categoryCode * * @return array */ public static function getChildren($categoryCode) { $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CATEGORY); $categoryCode = Database::escape_string($categoryCode); $sql = "SELECT code, id FROM $table WHERE parent_id = '$categoryCode'"; $result = Database::query($sql); $children = []; while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) { $children[] = $row; $subChildren = self::getChildren($row['code']); $children = array_merge($children, $subChildren); } return $children; } /** * @param string $categoryCode * * @return array */ public static function getParents($categoryCode) { if (empty($categoryCode)) { return []; } $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CATEGORY); $categoryCode = Database::escape_string($categoryCode); $sql = "SELECT code, parent_id FROM $table WHERE code = '$categoryCode'"; $result = Database::query($sql); $children = []; while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) { $parent = self::getCategory($row['parent_id']); $children[] = $row; $subChildren = self::getParents($parent ? $parent['code'] : null); $children = array_merge($children, $subChildren); } return $children; } /** * @param string $categoryCode * * @return string|null */ public static function getParentsToString($categoryCode) { $parents = self::getParents($categoryCode); if (!empty($parents)) { $parents = array_reverse($parents); $categories = []; foreach ($parents as $category) { $categories[] = $category['code']; } $categoriesInString = implode(' > ', $categories).' > '; return $categoriesInString; } return null; } /** * @param string $categorySource * * @return string */ public static function listCategories($categorySource) { $categorySource = isset($categorySource) ? $categorySource : null; $categories = self::getCategories($categorySource); if (count($categories) > 0) { $table = new HTML_Table(['class' => 'data_table']); $column = 0; $row = 0; $headers = [ get_lang('Category'), get_lang('SubCat'), get_lang('Courses'), get_lang('Actions'), ]; foreach ($headers as $header) { $table->setHeaderContents($row, $column, $header); $column++; } $row++; $mainUrl = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'admin/course_category.php?category='.$categorySource; $editIcon = Display::return_icon( 'edit.png', get_lang('EditNode'), null, ICON_SIZE_SMALL ); $deleteIcon = Display::return_icon( 'delete.png', get_lang('DeleteNode'), null, ICON_SIZE_SMALL ); $moveIcon = Display::return_icon( 'up.png', get_lang('UpInSameLevel'), null, ICON_SIZE_SMALL ); $urlId = api_get_current_access_url_id(); foreach ($categories as $category) { $editUrl = $mainUrl.'&id='.$category['code'].'&action=edit'; $moveUrl = $mainUrl.'&id='.$category['code'].'&action=moveUp&tree_pos='.$category['tree_pos']; $deleteUrl = $mainUrl.'&id='.$category['code'].'&action=delete'; $actions = []; if ($urlId == $category['access_url_id']) { $actions[] = Display::url($editIcon, $editUrl); $actions[] = Display::url($moveIcon, $moveUrl); $actions[] = Display::url($deleteIcon, $deleteUrl); } $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'admin/course_category.php?category='.$category['code']; $title = Display::url( Display::return_icon( 'folder_document.gif', get_lang('OpenNode'), null, ICON_SIZE_SMALL ).' '.$category['name'].' ('.$category['code'].')', $url ); $content = [ $title, $category['children_count'], $category['nbr_courses'], implode('', $actions), ]; $column = 0; foreach ($content as $value) { $table->setCellContents($row, $column, $value); $column++; } $row++; } return $table->toHtml(); } else { return Display::return_message(get_lang('NoCategories'), 'warning'); } } /** * @return array */ public static function getCategoriesToDisplayInHomePage() { $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CATEGORY); $sql = "SELECT name FROM $table WHERE parent_id IS NULL ORDER BY tree_pos"; return Database::store_result(Database::query($sql)); } /** * @param int $id * * @return bool */ public static function addToUrl($id) { UrlManager::addCourseCategoryListToUrl( [$id], [api_get_current_access_url_id()] ); } /** * @param string $categoryCode * * @return array */ public static function getCategoriesCanBeAddedInCourse($categoryCode) { $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ACCESS_URL_REL_COURSE_CATEGORY); $conditions = " INNER JOIN $table a ON (c.id = a.course_category_id)"; $whereCondition = ' AND a.access_url_id = '.api_get_current_access_url_id(); $tbl_category = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CATEGORY); $sql = "SELECT code, name FROM $tbl_category c $conditions WHERE (auth_course_child = 'TRUE' OR code = '".Database::escape_string($categoryCode)."') $whereCondition ORDER BY tree_pos"; $res = Database::query($sql); $categories[''] = '-'; while ($cat = Database::fetch_array($res)) { $categories[$cat['code']] = '('.$cat['code'].') '.$cat['name']; ksort($categories); } return $categories; } /** * @param string $category_code * @param string $searchTerm * * @return int */ public static function countCoursesInCategory($category_code = '', $searchTerm = '') { $tbl_course = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $categoryCode = Database::escape_string($category_code); $searchTerm = Database::escape_string($searchTerm); $avoidCoursesCondition = CoursesAndSessionsCatalog::getAvoidCourseCondition(); $visibilityCondition = CourseManager::getCourseVisibilitySQLCondition('course', true); $categoryFilter = ''; if ($categoryCode === 'ALL') { // Nothing to do } elseif ($categoryCode === 'NONE') { $categoryFilter = ' AND category_code = "" '; } else { $categoryFilter = ' AND category_code = "'.$categoryCode.'" '; } $searchFilter = ''; if (!empty($searchTerm)) { $searchFilter = ' AND ( code LIKE "%'.$searchTerm.'%" OR title LIKE "%'.$searchTerm.'%" OR tutor_name LIKE "%'.$searchTerm.'%" ) '; } $urlCondition = ' access_url_id = '.api_get_current_access_url_id().' AND'; $tbl_url_rel_course = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ACCESS_URL_REL_COURSE); $sql = "SELECT count(*) as count FROM $tbl_course as course INNER JOIN $tbl_url_rel_course as url_rel_course ON (url_rel_course.c_id = course.id) WHERE $urlCondition course.visibility != '0' AND course.visibility != '4' $categoryFilter $searchFilter $avoidCoursesCondition $visibilityCondition "; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); return (int) $row['count']; } /** * create recursively all categories as option of the select passed in parameter. * * @param HTML_QuickForm_Element $element * @param string $defaultCode the option value to select by default (used mainly for edition of courses) * @param string $parentCode the parent category of the categories added (default=null for root category) * @param string $padding the indent param (you shouldn't indicate something here) */ public static function setCategoriesInForm( $element, $defaultCode = null, $parentCode = null, $padding = null ) { $tbl_category = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CATEGORY); $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ACCESS_URL_REL_COURSE_CATEGORY); $conditions = " INNER JOIN $table a ON (c.id = a.course_category_id)"; $whereCondition = " AND a.access_url_id = ".api_get_current_access_url_id(); $sql = "SELECT code, name, auth_course_child, auth_cat_child FROM $tbl_category c $conditions WHERE parent_id ".(empty($parentCode) ? "IS NULL" : "='".Database::escape_string($parentCode)."'")." $whereCondition ORDER BY name, code"; $res = Database::query($sql); while ($cat = Database::fetch_array($res, 'ASSOC')) { $params = $cat['auth_course_child'] == 'TRUE' ? '' : 'disabled'; $params .= ($cat['code'] == $defaultCode) ? ' selected' : ''; $option = $padding.' '.$cat['name'].' ('.$cat['code'].')'; $element->addOption($option, $cat['code'], $params); if ($cat['auth_cat_child'] == 'TRUE') { self::setCategoriesInForm( $element, $defaultCode, $cat['code'], $padding.' - ' ); } } } /** * @param array $list * * @return array */ public static function getCourseCategoryNotInList($list) { $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CATEGORY); if (empty($list)) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE (parent_id IS NULL) "; $result = Database::query($sql); return Database::store_result($result, 'ASSOC'); } $list = array_map('intval', $list); $listToString = implode("','", $list); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id NOT IN ('$listToString') AND (parent_id IS NULL) "; $result = Database::query($sql); return Database::store_result($result, 'ASSOC'); } /** * @param string $keyword * * @return array|null */ public static function searchCategoryByKeyword($keyword) { if (empty($keyword)) { return null; } $tableCategory = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CATEGORY); $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ACCESS_URL_REL_COURSE_CATEGORY); $conditions = " INNER JOIN $table a ON (c.id = a.course_category_id)"; $whereCondition = " AND a.access_url_id = ".api_get_current_access_url_id(); $keyword = Database::escape_string($keyword); $sql = "SELECT c.*, c.name as text FROM $tableCategory c $conditions WHERE ( c.code LIKE '%$keyword%' OR name LIKE '%$keyword%' ) AND auth_course_child = 'TRUE' $whereCondition "; $result = Database::query($sql); return Database::store_result($result, 'ASSOC'); } /** * @param array $list * * @return array */ public static function searchCategoryById($list) { if (empty($list)) { return []; } else { $list = array_map('intval', $list); $list = implode("','", $list); } $tableCategory = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CATEGORY); $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ACCESS_URL_REL_COURSE_CATEGORY); $conditions = " INNER JOIN $table a ON (c.id = a.course_category_id)"; $whereCondition = " AND a.access_url_id = ".api_get_current_access_url_id(); $sql = "SELECT c.*, c.name as text FROM $tableCategory c $conditions WHERE c.id IN $list $whereCondition"; $result = Database::query($sql); return Database::store_result($result, 'ASSOC'); } /** * Get Pagination HTML div. * * @param $pageCurrent * @param $pageLength * @param $pageTotal * * @return string */ public static function getCatalogPagination($pageCurrent, $pageLength, $pageTotal) { // Start empty html $pageDiv = ''; $html = ''; $pageBottom = max(1, $pageCurrent - 3); $pageTop = min($pageTotal, $pageCurrent + 3); if ($pageBottom > 1) { $pageDiv .= self::getPageNumberItem(1, $pageLength); if ($pageBottom > 2) { $pageDiv .= self::getPageNumberItem( $pageBottom - 1, $pageLength, null, '...' ); } } // For each page add its page button to html for ($i = $pageBottom; $i <= $pageTop; $i++) { if ($i === $pageCurrent) { $pageItemAttributes = ['class' => 'active']; } else { $pageItemAttributes = []; } $pageDiv .= self::getPageNumberItem( $i, $pageLength, $pageItemAttributes ); } // Check if current page is the last page if ($pageTop < $pageTotal) { if ($pageTop < ($pageTotal - 1)) { $pageDiv .= self::getPageNumberItem( $pageTop + 1, $pageLength, null, '...' ); } $pageDiv .= self::getPageNumberItem($pageTotal, $pageLength); } // Complete pagination html $pageDiv = Display::tag('ul', $pageDiv, ['class' => 'pagination']); $html .= ''; return $html; } /** * Return URL to course catalog. * * @param int $pageCurrent * @param int $pageLength * @param string $categoryCode * @param int $hiddenLinks * @param string $action * * @return string */ public static function getCourseCategoryUrl( $pageCurrent, $pageLength, $categoryCode = null, $hiddenLinks = null, $action = null ) { $requestAction = isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? Security::remove_XSS($_REQUEST['action']) : null; $action = isset($action) ? Security::remove_XSS($action) : $requestAction; $searchTerm = isset($_REQUEST['search_term']) ? Security::remove_XSS($_REQUEST['search_term']) : null; if ($action === 'subscribe_user_with_password') { $action = 'subscribe'; } $categoryCodeRequest = isset($_REQUEST['category_code']) ? Security::remove_XSS($_REQUEST['category_code']) : null; $categoryCode = isset($categoryCode) ? Security::remove_XSS($categoryCode) : $categoryCodeRequest; $hiddenLinksRequest = isset($_REQUEST['hidden_links']) ? Security::remove_XSS($_REQUEST['hidden_links']) : null; $hiddenLinks = isset($hiddenLinks) ? Security::remove_XSS($hiddenLinksRequest) : $categoryCodeRequest; // Start URL with params $pageUrl = api_get_self(). '?action='.$action. '&category_code='.$categoryCode. '&hidden_links='.$hiddenLinks. '&pageCurrent='.$pageCurrent. '&pageLength='.$pageLength; switch ($action) { case 'subscribe': // for search $pageUrl .= '&search_term='.$searchTerm. '&search_course=1'. '&sec_token='.Security::getTokenFromSession(); break; case 'display_courses': default: break; } return $pageUrl; } /** * Get li HTML of page number. * * @param $pageNumber * @param $pageLength * @param array $liAttributes * @param string $content * * @return string */ public static function getPageNumberItem( $pageNumber, $pageLength, $liAttributes = [], $content = '' ) { // Get page URL $url = self::getCourseCategoryUrl( $pageNumber, $pageLength ); // If is current page ('active' class) clear URL if (isset($liAttributes) && is_array($liAttributes) && isset($liAttributes['class'])) { if (strpos('active', $liAttributes['class']) !== false) { $url = ''; } } $content = !empty($content) ? $content : $pageNumber; return Display::tag( 'li', Display::url( $content, $url ), $liAttributes ); } /** * Return the name tool by action. * * @param string $action * * @return string */ public static function getCourseCatalogNameTools($action) { $nameTools = get_lang('SortMyCourses'); if (empty($action)) { return $nameTools; //should never happen } switch ($action) { case 'createcoursecategory': $nameTools = get_lang('CreateCourseCategory'); break; case 'subscribe': $nameTools = get_lang('CourseManagement'); break; case 'subscribe_user_with_password': $nameTools = get_lang('CourseManagement'); break; case 'display_random_courses': case 'display_courses': $nameTools = get_lang('CourseManagement'); break; case 'display_sessions': $nameTools = get_lang('Sessions'); break; default: // Nothing to do break; } return $nameTools; } /** * Save image for a course category. * * @param int $categoryId Course category ID * @param array $fileData File data from $_FILES */ public static function saveImage($categoryId, $fileData) { $categoryInfo = self::getCategoryById($categoryId); if (empty($categoryInfo)) { return; } if (!empty($fileData['error'])) { return; } $extension = getextension($fileData['name']); $dirName = 'course_category/'; $fileDir = api_get_path(SYS_UPLOAD_PATH).$dirName; $fileName = "cc_$categoryId.{$extension[0]}"; if (!file_exists($fileDir)) { mkdir($fileDir, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories(), true); } $image = new Image($fileData['tmp_name']); $image->send_image($fileDir.$fileName); $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CATEGORY); Database::update( $table, ['image' => $dirName.$fileName], ['id = ?' => $categoryId] ); } /** * @param $categoryId * @param string $description * * @return string */ public static function saveDescription($categoryId, $description) { $categoryInfo = self::getCategoryById($categoryId); if (empty($categoryInfo)) { return false; } $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CATEGORY); Database::update( $table, ['description' => $description], ['id = ?' => $categoryId] ); return true; } }