$(document).ready(function () { $("#emailTitle").focus(); }); $(function() { $('.resizable').resizable(); $('.resizable-vertical').resizable({ handles: "n, s" }); }); var Announcement = {}; Announcement.sort = function(c_id, ids, f){ var url = www + '/main/inc/ajax/announcement.ajax.php'; var data = {c_id: c_id, ids: ids, action: 'sort'}; $.post(url, data, f); }; Announcement.hide = function(c_id, id, token, f) { var url = www + '/main/inc/ajax/announcement.ajax.php'; var data = {c_id: c_id, id: id, action: 'hide', sec_token: token}; $.post(url, data, f, 'json'); }; Announcement.show = function(c_id, id, token, f) { var url = www + '/main/inc/ajax/announcement.ajax.php'; var data = {c_id: c_id, id: id, action: 'show', sec_token: token}; $.post(url, data, f, 'json'); }; Announcement.del = function(c_id, id, token, f) { var url = www + '/main/inc/ajax/announcement.ajax.php'; var data = {c_id: c_id, id: id, action: 'delete', sec_token: token}; $.post(url, data, f, 'json'); }; Announcement.delete_by_course = function(c_id, token, f) { var url = www + '/main/inc/ajax/announcement.ajax.php'; var data = {c_id: c_id, action: 'delete_by_course', sec_token: token}; $.post(url, data, f, 'json'); }; Announcement.delete_all = function(c_id, ids, token, f) { var url = www + '/main/inc/ajax/announcement.ajax.php'; var data = {c_id: c_id, ids: ids, action: 'delete_all', sec_token: token}; $.post(url, data, f, 'json'); }; function move_selected_option(from, to){ var selected = $("option:selected", from) selected.each(function(index, option) { option = $(option); option.detach(); $(to).append(option); }); } function update_hidden_field(name){ var select = $('#' + name + '_selected'); var options = $("option", select) //update hidden field var keys = []; options.each(function(index, option) { option = $(option); keys.push(option.val()); }); keys = keys.join(','); var hidden = $('#' + name); hidden.val(keys); } function toggle_list_selector(name) { var list = $('#' + name + '_list'); var overview = $('#' + name + '_overview'); if(list.css('display') == 'none'){ list.show(); overview.hide(); } else { list.hide(); overview.show(); } var select = $('#' + name + '_selected'); //update overview var content = []; var options = $("option", select) options.each(function(index, option) { option = $(option); content.push(option.text()); }); content = content.join(', '); content = (content == '') ? lang.Everybody : content; overview.text(content); } function toggle_sendto() { var list = $('#recipient_list'); var overview = $('#recipient_overview'); if(list.css('display') == 'none'){ list.show(); overview.hide(); } else { list.hide(); overview.show(); } var selected = $('#selectedform'); //var content = list_box_content(selected[0]) //content = (content == '') ? lang.Everybody : content; //overview.text(content); } function list_box_content(box) { if(box.options.length == 0) { return ''; } var values = []; var i; for (i = 0; i < box.options.length; i++) { values[i] = box.options[i].text; } return values.join(', '); } // Begin javascript menu swapper function move(fbox, tbox) { "use strict"; var arrFbox = []; var arrTbox = []; var arrLookup = []; var arrFboxIsDisabled = []; // if this from checkbox after move is disabled or not var arrTboxIsDisabled = []; // if this to checkbox after move is disabled or not var key_value = ""; // key for arrays arrFboxIsDisabled and arrTboxIsDisabled, use associative array key_value is the value of the array element (eg : GROUP:1 or USER:24) var i; for (i = 0; i < tbox.options.length; i++) { arrLookup[tbox.options[i].text] = tbox.options[i].value; arrTbox[i] = tbox.options[i].text; key_value = tbox.options[i].value; arrTboxIsDisabled[key_value] = tbox.options[i].disabled; } var fLength = 0; var tLength = arrTbox.length; for (i = 0; i < fbox.options.length; i++) { arrLookup[fbox.options[i].text] = fbox.options[i].value; if (fbox.options[i].selected && fbox.options[i].value != "") { arrTbox[tLength] = fbox.options[i].text; tLength++; } else { arrFbox[fLength] = fbox.options[i].text; key_value = fbox.options[i].value; arrFboxIsDisabled[key_value] = fbox.options[i].disabled; fLength++; } } arrFbox.sort(); arrTbox.sort(); var arrFboxGroup = []; var arrFboxUser = []; var prefix_x; var x; for (x = 0; x < arrFbox.length; x++) { prefix_x = arrFbox[x].substring(0, 2); if (prefix_x == 'G:') { arrFboxGroup.push(arrFbox[x]); } else { arrFboxUser.push(arrFbox[x]); } } arrFboxGroup.sort(); arrFboxUser.sort(); arrFbox = arrFboxGroup.concat(arrFboxUser); var arrTboxGroup = []; var arrTboxUser = []; var prefix_y; var y; for (y = 0; y < arrTbox.length; y++) { prefix_y = arrTbox[y].substring(0, 2); if (prefix_y == 'G:') { arrTboxGroup.push(arrTbox[y]); } else { arrTboxUser.push(arrTbox[y]); } } arrTboxGroup.sort(); arrTboxUser.sort(); arrTbox = arrTboxGroup.concat(arrTboxUser); fbox.length = 0; tbox.length = 0; var c; for (c = 0; c < arrFbox.length; c++) { var no = new Option(); no.value = arrLookup[arrFbox[c]]; no.text = arrFbox[c]; key_value = no.value; if (arrFboxIsDisabled[key_value]) { no.disabled = "disabled"; } fbox[c] = no; } for (c = 0; c < arrTbox.length; c++) { var no = new Option(); no.value = arrLookup[arrTbox[c]]; no.text = arrTbox[c]; key_value = no.value; if (arrTboxIsDisabled[key_value]) { no.disabled = "disabled"; } tbox[c] = no; } } function validate() { "use strict"; var f = document.new_calendar_item; f.submit(); return true; } function selectAll(cbList, bSelect, showwarning) { "use strict"; if (document.getElementById('emailTitle').value == '') { document.getElementById('msg_error').innerHTML = lang.FieldRequired; document.getElementById('msg_error').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('emailTitle').focus(); } else { //if (cbList.length < 1) { //if (!confirm(lang.Send2All)) { // return false; //} //} var i; for (i = 0; i < cbList.length; i++) { cbList[i].selected = cbList[i].checked = bSelect; } document.f1.submit(); } } function reverseAll(cbList) { "use strict"; var i; for (i = 0; i < cbList.length; i++) { cbList[i].checked = !(cbList[i].checked); cbList[i].selected = !(cbList[i].selected); } } // End