form_type = $form_type; if (isset ($category_object)) { $this->category_object = $category_object; } if ($this->form_type == self :: TYPE_EDIT) { $this->build_editing_form(); } elseif ($this->form_type == self :: TYPE_ADD) { $this->build_add_form(); } elseif ($this->form_type == self :: TYPE_MOVE) { $this->build_move_form(); } elseif ($this->form_type == self :: TYPE_SELECT_COURSE) { $this->build_select_course_form(); } $this->setDefaults(); } /** * This function will build a move form that will allow the user to move a category to * a another */ protected function build_move_form() { $renderer =& $this->defaultRenderer(); $renderer->setElementTemplate('{element} '); $this->addElement( 'static', null, null, '"' . $this->category_object->get_name() . '" ' ); $this->addElement('static',null,null,get_lang('MoveTo'). ' : '); $select = $this->addElement('select','move_cat',null,null); $line = null; foreach ($this->category_object->get_target_categories() as $cat) { for ($i=0;$i<$cat[2];$i++) { $line .= '--'; } if ($cat[0] != $this->category_object->get_parent_id()) { $select->addoption($line.' '.$cat[1],$cat[0]); } else { $select->addoption($line.' '.$cat[1],$cat[0],'disabled'); } $line = ''; } $this->addElement('submit', null, get_lang('Ok')); } /** * This function builds an 'add category form, if parent id is 0, it will only * show courses */ protected function build_add_form() { //check if we are a root category //if so, you can only choose between courses if ($this->category_object->get_parent_id() == '0') { //$select = $this->addElement('select','select_course',array(get_lang('PickACourse'),'test'), null); $coursecat = Category :: get_not_created_course_categories( api_get_user_id() ); if (count($coursecat)==0) { //$select->addoption(get_lang('CourseIndependent'),'COURSEINDEPENDENT','disabled'); } else { //$select->addoption(get_lang('CourseIndependent'),'COURSEINDEPENDENT'); } //only return courses that are not yet created by the teacher if (!empty($coursecat)) { foreach($coursecat as $row) { //$select->addoption($row[1],$row[0]); } } else { //$select->addoption($row[1],$row[0]); } $this->setDefaults( array( 'select_course' => $this->category_object->get_course_code( ), 'hid_user_id' => $this->category_object->get_user_id(), 'hid_parent_id' => $this->category_object->get_parent_id() ) ); } else { $this->setDefaults( array( 'hid_user_id' => $this->category_object->get_user_id(), 'hid_parent_id' => $this->category_object->get_parent_id() ) ); $this->addElement( 'hidden', 'course_code', $this->category_object->get_course_code() ); } $this->build_basic_form(); } /** * Builds an form to edit a category */ protected function build_editing_form() { $skills = $this->category_object->get_skills_for_select(); $course_code = api_get_course_id(); $session_id = api_get_session_id(); //Freeze or not $test_cats = Category::load( null, null, $course_code, null, null, $session_id, false ); //already init $links = null; if (isset($test_cats[0])) { $links = $test_cats[0]->get_links(); } $grade_model_id = $this->category_object->get_grade_model_id(); if (empty($links)) { $grade_model_id = 0; } $category_name = $this->category_object->get_name(); //The main course category: if (isset($this->category_object) && $this->category_object->get_parent_id() == 0) { if (empty($category_name)) { $category_name = $course_code; } } $this->setDefaults( array( 'name' => $category_name, 'description' => $this->category_object->get_description(), 'hid_user_id' => $this->category_object->get_user_id(), 'hid_parent_id' => $this->category_object->get_parent_id(), 'grade_model_id' => $grade_model_id, 'skills' => $skills, 'weight' => $this->category_object->get_weight(), 'visible' => $this->category_object->is_visible(), 'certif_min_score' => $this->category_object->get_certificate_min_score(), ) ); $this->addElement('hidden','hid_id', $this->category_object->get_id()); $this->addElement( 'hidden', 'course_code', $this->category_object->get_course_code() ); $this->build_basic_form(); } /** * */ private function build_basic_form() { $this->addElement('hidden', 'zero', 0); $this->add_textfield( 'name', get_lang('CategoryName'), true, array('class' => 'span3', 'maxlength' => '50') ); $this->addRule('name', get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'), 'required'); if (isset($this->category_object) && $this->category_object->get_parent_id() == 0 ) { //we can't change the root category $this->freeze('name'); } $global_weight = api_get_setting('gradebook_default_weight'); if (isset($global_weight)) { $value = $global_weight; } else { $value = 100; } $this->add_textfield('weight', array(get_lang('TotalWeight'), get_lang('TotalSumOfWeights')), true, array('value'=>$value, 'class'=>'span1','maxlength'=>'5')); $this->addRule('weight',get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'),'required'); if (api_is_platform_admin() || api_is_drh()) { if (api_get_setting('allow_skills_tool') == 'true') { //the magic should be here $skills = $this->category_object->get_skills(); $skillToSelect = array(); foreach ($skills as $skill) { $skillToSelect[$skill['id']] = $skill['name']; } $this->addElement( 'select', 'skills', array( get_lang('Skills'), get_lang('SkillsAchievedWhenAchievingThisGradebook') ), $skillToSelect, array('id' => 'skills', 'multiple' => 'multiple') ); $content = ''; if (!empty($skills)) { foreach($skills as $skill) { $content .= Display::tag( 'li', $skill['name'] . '', array( 'id' => 'skill_' . $skill['id'], 'class' => 'bit-box' ) ); } } $this->addElement( 'label', null, Display::tag( 'ul', $content, array('class' => 'holder holder_simple') ) ); } } if (isset($this->category_object) && $this->category_object->get_parent_id( ) == 0 ) { $this->add_textfield( 'certif_min_score', get_lang('CertificateMinScore'), false, array('class' => 'span1', 'maxlength' => '5') ); $this->addRule( 'certif_min_score', get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'), 'required' ); $this->addRule( 'certif_min_score', get_lang('OnlyNumbers'), 'numeric' ); $this->addRule( array('certif_min_score', 'zero'), get_lang('NegativeValue'), 'compare', '>=' ); } else { $this->addElement('checkbox', 'visible', null, get_lang('Visible')); } $this->addElement('hidden','hid_user_id'); $this->addElement('hidden','hid_parent_id'); $this->addElement( 'textarea', 'description', get_lang('Description'), array('class' => 'span3', 'cols' => '34') ); if (isset($this->category_object) && $this->category_object->get_parent_id() == 0 && (api_is_platform_admin() || api_get_setting( 'teachers_can_change_grade_model_settings' ) == 'true') ) { //Getting grade models $obj = new GradeModel(); $obj->fill_grade_model_select_in_form($this, 'grade_model_id', $this->category_object->get_grade_model_id()); /* $grade_models = $obj->get_all(); $options = array(-1 => get_lang('None')); foreach ($grade_models as $item) { $options[$item['id']] = $item['name']; } $this->addElement('select', 'grade_model_id', array(get_lang('GradeModel'), get_lang('OnlyActiveWhenThereAreAnyComponents')), $options); * */ //Freeze or not $course_code = api_get_course_id(); $session_id = api_get_session_id(); $test_cats = Category :: load( null, null, $course_code, null, null, $session_id, false ); //already init $links = null; if (!empty($test_cats[0])) { $links = $test_cats[0]->get_links(); } if (count($test_cats) > 1 || !empty($links)) { if (api_get_setting('gradebook_enable_grade_model') == 'true') { $this->freeze('grade_model_id'); } } } if ($this->form_type == self :: TYPE_ADD) { $this->addElement( 'style_submit_button', null, get_lang('AddCategory'), 'class="save"' ); } else { $this->addElement('hidden','editcat', intval($_GET['editcat'])); $this->addElement( 'style_submit_button', null, get_lang('EditCategory'), 'class="save"' ); } //if (!empty($grading_contents)) { $this->addRule('weight', get_lang('OnlyNumbers'), 'numeric'); //$this->addRule('weight',get_lang('NoDecimals'),'nopunctuation'); $this->addRule( array('weight', 'zero'), get_lang('NegativeValue'), 'compare', '>=' ); //} $setting = api_get_setting('tool_visible_by_default_at_creation'); $visibility_default = 1; if (isset($setting['gradebook']) && $setting['gradebook'] == 'false') { $visibility_default = 0; } $this->setDefaults(array('visible' => $visibility_default)); } /** * This function builds an 'select course' form in the add category process, * if parent id is 0, it will only show courses */ protected function build_select_course_form() { $select = $this->addElement('select','select_course',array(get_lang('PickACourse'),'test'), null); $coursecat = Category :: get_all_courses(api_get_user_id()); //only return courses that are not yet created by the teacher foreach($coursecat as $row) { $select->addoption($row[1],$row[0]); } $this->setDefaults(array( 'hid_user_id' => $this->category_object->get_user_id(), 'hid_parent_id' => $this->category_object->get_parent_id() )); $this->addElement('hidden','hid_user_id'); $this->addElement('hidden','hid_parent_id'); $this->addElement('submit', null, get_lang('Ok')); } function display() { parent :: display(); } function setDefaults($defaults = array(), $filter = null) { parent :: setDefaults($defaults, $filter); } }