for the Univesity of Genevas * @license /license.txt */ class Controller extends \Controller { const ACTION_LISTING = 'listing'; const ACTION_VIEW = 'view'; const ACTION_ADD_LINK = 'add_link'; const ACTION_EDIT_LINK = 'edit_link'; const ACTION_DELETE_LINK = 'delete_link'; const ACTION_MAKE_VISIBLE = 'make_visisble'; const ACTION_MAKE_INVISIBLE = 'make_invisible'; const ACTION_ADD_CATEGORY = 'add_category'; const ACTION_EDIT_CATEGORY = 'edit_category'; const ACTION_DELETE_CATEGORY = 'delete_category'; const ACTION_GO = 'go'; const ACTION_IMPORT_CSV = 'import_csv'; const ACTION_EXPORT_CSV = 'export_csv'; const ACTION_DEFAULT = 'listing'; /** * * @return \Link\Controller */ public static function instance() { static $result = null; if (empty($result)) { $result = new self(); } return $result; } public function is_allowed_to_edit() { if (Request::is_student_view()) { return false; } //$c_id = self::params()->get_c_id(); //$id = self::params()->get_id(); $session_id = Request::get_session_id(); if ($session_id != 0 && api_is_allowed_to_session_edit(false, true) == false) { return false; } if (!api_is_allowed_to_edit(false, true, true)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Action to perform. * Returns the request parameter. * * @return string */ public function get_action() { $result = parent::get_action(); // if (self::params()->is_student_view()) { // if ($result != self::ACTION_LISTING && $result != self::ACTION_VIEW) { // return self::ACTION_LISTING; // } // } $result = $result ? $result : self::ACTION_DEFAULT; return $result; } public function prolog() { Event::event_access_tool(TOOL_LINK); //legacy global $interbreadcrumb; $interbreadcrumb = array(); $interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => 'index.php', 'name' => get_lang('Links')); global $current_course_tool; global $this_section; global $nameTools; $current_course_tool = TOOL_LINK; $this_section = SECTION_COURSES; $nameTools = get_lang('Links'); } /** * Whether the call is authorized or not. * * @return boolean */ public function authorize() { $authorize = api_protect_course_script(); if (!$authorize) { return false; } $c_id = Request::get_c_id(); if (empty($c_id)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Javascript used by the controller * * @return string */ public function javascript() { $src = Chamilo::url('/main/link/resources/js/main.js'); $result = Javascript::tag($src); $www = Chamilo::url(); $result .= Javascript::tag_code($code); return $result; } /** * Returns a url for an action that the controller can process * * @param string $action * @param array $params * @return string */ public function url($action, $params = array()) { $url_params = Uri::course_params(); if ($c_id = Request::get_c_id()) { $url_params[Request::PARAM_C_ID] = $c_id; } if ($id = Request::get_id()) { $url_params[Request::PARAM_ID] = $id; } if($session_id = Request::get_session_id()){ $url_params[Request::PARAM_SESSION_ID] = $session_id; } $url_params[Request::PARAM_ACTION] = $action; foreach ($params as $key => $value) { $url_params[$key] = $value; } $result = Uri::url('/main/link/index.php', $url_params, false); return $result; } public function listing() { $c_id = Request::get_c_id(); $session_id = Request::get_session_id(); $root = (object) array(); $root->c_id = $c_id; $root->id = 0; $root->session_id = $session_id; $links = LinkRepository::instance()->find_by_category($root); $repo = LinkCategory::repository(); $categories = $repo->find_by_course($c_id, $session_id); //$data = compact('links', 'categories'); $data = (object) array(); $data->categories = $categories; $data->links = $links; $this->render('index', $data); } public function add_link() { if (!$this->is_allowed_to_edit()) { $this->forbidden(); return; } $link = new Link(); $link->id = 0; $link->c_id = Request::get_c_id(); $link->session_id = Request::get_session_id(); /** * @todo: ensure session_id is correctly defaulted */ $action = $this->url(self::ACTION_ADD_LINK); $form = new LinkForm('link', 'post', $action); $form->init($link); if ($form->validate()) { $form->update_model(); $repo = LinkRepository::instance(); $success = $repo->save($link); $message = $success ? get_lang('LinkAdded') : get_lang('Error'); $home = $this->url(self::ACTION_DEFAULT); Redirect::go($home); } global $interbreadcrumb; $interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => '#', 'name' => get_lang('AddLink')); $data = (object) array(); $data->form = $form; $this->render('edit_link', $data); } public function import_csv() { if (!$this->is_allowed_to_edit()) { $this->forbidden(); return; } $action = $this->url(self::ACTION_IMPORT_CSV); $form = new UploadFileForm('import_csv', 'post', $action); $form->init(); if ($form->validate()) { $file = $form->get_file(); $path = $file['tmp_name']; $c_id = Request::get_c_id(); $session_id = Request::get_session_id(); $import = new ImportCsv($c_id, $session_id, $path); $import->run(); //import_csvfile(); $home = $this->url(self::ACTION_DEFAULT); Redirect::go($home); } $data = (object) array(); $data->form = $form; $this->render('edit_link', $data); } public function export_csv() { $c_id = Request::get_c_id(); $session_id = Request::get_session_id(); $root = (object) array(); $root->c_id = $c_id; $root->id = 0; $root->session_id = $session_id; $links = LinkRepository::instance()->find_by_category($root); $repo = LinkCategory::repository(); $categories = $repo->find_by_course($c_id, $session_id); $temp = Chamilo::temp_file(); $writer = \CsvWriter::create(new \FileWriter($temp)); $headers = array(); $headers[] = 'url'; $headers[] = 'title'; $headers[] = 'description'; $headers[] = 'target'; $headers[] = 'category_title'; $headers[] = 'category_description'; $writer->put($headers); foreach ($links as $link) { $data = array(); $data[] = $link->url; $data[] = $link->title; $data[] = $link->description; $data[] = $link->target; $data[] = ''; $data[] = ''; $writer->put($data); } foreach ($categories as $category) { foreach ($category->links as $link) { $data = array(); $data[] = $link->url; $data[] = $link->title; $data[] = $link->description; $data[] = $link->target; $data[] = $category->category_title; $data[] = $category->description; $writer->put($data); } } \DocumentManager :: file_send_for_download($temp, true, get_lang('Links').'.csv'); } public function delete_link() { if (!$this->is_allowed_to_edit()) { $this->forbidden(); return; } /** * See AjaxController */ $this->missing(); } public function edit_link() { if (!$this->is_allowed_to_edit()) { $this->forbidden(); return; } $id = Request::get_id(); $c_id = Request::get_c_id(); $repo = LinkRepository::instance(); $link = $repo->find_one_by_id($c_id, $id); $action = $this->url(self::ACTION_EDIT_LINK); $form = new LinkForm('link', 'post', $action); $form->init($link); if ($form->validate()) { $form->update_model(); $success = $repo->save($link); $message = $success ? get_lang('LinkUpdated') : get_lang('Error'); $home = $this->url(self::ACTION_DEFAULT); Redirect::go($home); } global $interbreadcrumb; $interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => '#', 'name' => get_lang('EditLink')); $data = (object) array(); $data->form = $form; $this->render('edit_link', $data); } public function make_visible() { if (!$this->is_allowed_to_edit()) { $this->forbidden(); return; } /** * See AjaxController */ $this->missing(); } public function make_invisible() { if (!$this->is_allowed_to_edit()) { $this->forbidden(); return; } /** * See AjaxController */ $this->missing(); } public function add_category() { if (!$this->is_allowed_to_edit()) { $this->forbidden(); return; } $category = (object) array(); $category->id = 0; $category->c_id = Request::get_c_id(); $category->session_id = Request::get_session_id(); $category->category_title = ''; $category->description = ''; $category->display_order = 0; $action = $this->url(self::ACTION_ADD_CATEGORY); $form = new CategoryForm('category', 'post', $action); $form->init($category); if ($form->validate()) { $form->update_model(); $repo = LinkCategoryRepository::instance(); $success = $repo->save($category); $message = $success ? get_lang('CategoryAdded') : get_lang('Error'); $home = $this->url(self::ACTION_DEFAULT); Redirect::go($home); } global $interbreadcrumb; $interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => '#', 'name' => get_lang('AddCategory')); $data = (object) array(); $data->form = $form; $this->render('edit_category', $data); } public function edit_category() { if (!$this->is_allowed_to_edit()) { $this->forbidden(); return; } $c_id = Request::get_c_id(); $id = Request::get_id(); $repo = LinkCategoryRepository::instance(); $category = $repo->find_one_by_id($c_id, $id); $action = $this->url(self::ACTION_EDIT_CATEGORY); $form = new CategoryForm('category', 'post', $action); $form->init($category); if ($form->validate()) { $form->update_model(); $repo = LinkCategoryRepository::instance(); $success = $repo->save($category); $message = $success ? get_lang('CategorySaved') : get_lang('Error'); $home = $this->url(self::ACTION_DEFAULT); Redirect::go($home); } global $interbreadcrumb; $interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => '#', 'name' => get_lang('EditCategory')); $data = (object) array(); $data->form = $form; $this->render('edit_category', $data); } public function delete_category() { if (!$this->is_allowed_to_edit()) { $this->forbidden(); return; } $category = (object) array(); $category->id = Request::get_id(); $category->c_id = Request::get_c_id(); $success = $repo = CategoryRepo::instance()->remove($category); $message = $success ? get_lang('CategoryRemoved') : get_lang('Error'); $home = $this->url(self::ACTION_DEFAULT); Redirect::go($home); } public function go() { $id = Request::get_id(); $c_id = Request::get_c_id(); $repo = LinkRepository::instance(); $link = $repo->find_one_by_id($c_id, $id); $url = $link->url; event_link($id); Header::cache_control('no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate'); Header::pragma('no-cache'); Redirect::go($url); } /** * Render a template using data. Adds a few common parameters to the data array. * * @see /main/template/default/course_description/ * @param string $template * @param array $data */ protected function render($template, $data) { $data = $data ? $data : (object) array(); $_user = api_get_user_info(); $session_id = Request::get_session_id(); $data->session_image = api_get_session_image($session_id, $_user); $sec_token = Security::get_token(); $data->sec_token = $sec_token; $context = Uri::course_params(); $data->root = Uri::url('/main/link/index.php', $context); $data->session_id = $session_id; $data->c_id = Request::get_c_id(); $data->is_allowed_to_edit = $this->is_allowed_to_edit(); parent::render("link/$template.tpl", $data); } }