*/ /** * Code */ // Flag to allow for anonymous user - needs to be set before global.inc.php' $use_anonymous = true; // Name of the language file that needs to be included. $language_file[] = 'learnpath'; //require_once '../inc/global.inc.php'; $app['template.show_footer'] = false; $app['template.show_header'] = false; $app['default_layout'] = 'default/layout/blank.tpl'; /** * Writes an item's new values into the database and returns the operation result * @param integer Learnpath ID * @param integer User ID * @param integer View ID * @param integer Item ID * @return string JavaScript operations to execute as soon as returned */ function last_update_status($lp_id, $user_id, $view_id, $item_id) { error_log(__LINE__); global $_configuration; $debug = 0; $return = ''; if ($debug > 0) { error_log('In last_update_status('.$lp_id.','.$user_id.','.$view_id.','.$item_id.')', 0); } require_once 'learnpath.class.php'; require_once 'scorm.class.php'; require_once 'learnpathItem.class.php'; require_once 'scormItem.class.php'; $mylp = ''; if (isset($_SESSION['lpobject'])) { if ($debug > 1) { error_log('$_SESSION[lpobject] is set', 0); } $oLP = unserialize($_SESSION['lpobject']); if (!is_object($oLP)) { if ($debug > 2) { error_log(print_r($oLP, true), 0); } if ($debug > 2) { error_log('Building new lp', 0); } unset($oLP); $code = api_get_course_id(); $mylp = new learnpath($code,$lp_id,$user_id); } else { if ($debug > 2) { error_log('Reusing session lp', 0); } $mylp = $oLP; } } error_log(__LINE__); // This function should only be used for SCORM paths. if ($mylp->get_type() != 2) { return; } $prereq_check = $mylp->prerequisites_match($item_id); $mystatus = ''; if ($prereq_check === true) { error_log(__LINE__); // Launch the prerequisites check and set error if needed. $mylpi =& $mylp->items[$item_id]; $mystatus_in_db = $mylpi->get_status(true); error_log($mystatus_in_db); if ($mystatus_in_db == 'not attempted' or $mystatus_in_db == '') { error_log(__LINE__); $mystatus = 'completed'; $mastery_score = $mylpi->get_mastery_score(); if ($mastery_score != -1) { error_log(__LINE__); $score = $mylpi->get_score(); if ($score != 0 && $score >= $mastery_score) { error_log(__LINE__); $mystatus = 'passed'; } else { error_log(__LINE__); $mystatus = 'failed'; } } error_log(__LINE__); $mylpi->set_status($mystatus); $mylp->save_item($item_id, false); } else { error_log(__LINE__); return $return; } } else { error_log(__LINE__); return $return; } error_log(__LINE__); $mytotal = $mylp->get_total_items_count_without_chapters(); $mycomplete = $mylp->get_complete_items_count(); $myprogress_mode = $mylp->get_progress_bar_mode(); $myprogress_mode = ($myprogress_mode==''?'%':$myprogress_mode); $return .= "update_toc('".$mystatus."','".$item_id."','no');"; error_log('Return is now '.$return); $update_list = $mylp->get_update_queue(); foreach ($update_list as $my_upd_id => $my_upd_status) { if ($my_upd_id != $item_id) { // Only update the status from other items (i.e. parents and brothers), do not update current as we just did it already. $return .= "update_toc('".$my_upd_status."','".$my_upd_id."','no');"; } } $return .= "update_progress_bar('$mycomplete','$mytotal','$myprogress_mode');"; $return .="update_stats();"; return $return; //return $objResponse; } error_log(__LINE__); echo last_update_status( $_REQUEST['lid'], $_REQUEST['uid'], $_REQUEST['vid'], $_REQUEST['iid'] );