// ================================================ // Image Manager FCKeditor interface (IE & Gecko) // ================================================ // Plugin Interface: Brent Kelly - Zeald.com // (c)2005 All rights reserved. // ================================================ // Integrates FCKeditor with: // PHP image manager http://www.zhuo.org/htmlarea/ // ================================================ // Revision: 1.0 Date: 06/03/2005 // $Id: fckplugin.js,v 1.4 2006/12/21 20:47:55 thierrybo Exp $ // ================================================ // ============== config settings =========== // This is for supporting old javascript versions. if ( !Array.indexOf ) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function( value ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < this.length ; i++ ) { if ( this[i] == value ) return i ; } return -1 ; } } // plugin's language var _editor_lang = "en" ; // We have to determine which language file to be loaded // using information that is provided by the FCKEditor. var _available_langs = 'en,af,ar,ast,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,da,de,el,en-au,en-ca,en-uk,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr-ca,fr,fur,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,id,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,oc,pl,prs,ps,pt-br,pt,qu,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr-latn,sr,sv,sw,th,tr,uk,vi,yo,zh-cn,zh' ; _available_langs = _available_langs.split( ',' ) ; if ( FCKConfig.DefaultLanguage ) { if ( _available_langs.indexOf( FCKConfig.DefaultLanguage ) >= 0 ) { _editor_lang = FCKConfig.DefaultLanguage ; } } // show image manager or show immediately the image editor // false = use manager, standard behavior // true = no manager, only editing the image var IM_directEdit = false; // ================================================ var FCKImageManager = function(name) { this.Name = name; } // manage the plugins' button behavior FCKImageManager.prototype.GetState = function() { return FCK_TRISTATE_OFF; } FCKCommands.RegisterCommand('ImageManager', new FCKImageManager('ImageManager')) ; // Create the toolbar button. var oImageManagerItem = new FCKToolbarButton( 'ImageManager', "ImageManager", null, null, false, true ) ; //oImageManagerItem.IconPath = FCKConfig.PluginsPath + 'ImageManager/icon.gif' ; oImageManagerItem.IconPath = FCKConfig.ImagesIcon ; // Use a custom icon. FCKToolbarItems.RegisterItem( 'ImageManager', oImageManagerItem ) ; FCKImageManager.prototype.Execute = function() { ImageManager_click(FCK, null); } function ImageManager_click(editor, sender) { // If an existing image has been selected let us use the original Image Properties dialog. var image = FCK.Selection.GetSelectedElement() ; if ( image ) { // Checking whether the selected object is a real image. if ( FCK.IsRealImage( image ) ) { var command = new FCKDialogCommand( 'Image', FCKLang.DlgImgTitle, 'dialog/fck_image.html', 600, 450 ) ; command.Execute() ; return ; } // For other kinds of objects Image Manager should be activated to replace them. } // Starting ImageManager. var wArgs = {}; if(FCKSelection.GetType() == 'Control') { var sElm = FCK.Selection.GetSelectedElement(); } if(FCKSelection.GetType() == 'Text') { var sElm = FCKSelection.GetParentElement(); } if (sElm != null && sElm.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'img') var im = sElm; // is current cell a image ? if (im) { // selected object is image wArgs.f_url = im.src ? im.src : ''; wArgs.f_alt = im.alt ? im.alt : ''; wArgs.f_title = im.title ? im.title : ''; wArgs.f_width = im.style.width ? im.style.width : im.width; wArgs.f_height = im.style.height ? im.style.height : im.height; wArgs.f_border = im.border ? im.border : ''; wArgs.f_align = im.align ? im.align : ''; wArgs.f_className = im.className ? im.className : ''; // (-1 when not set under gecko for some reason) if ( im.hspace ) { wArgs.f_horiz = (im.hspace >= 0) ? im.attributes['hspace'].nodeValue : ''; } if ( im.vspace ) { wArgs.f_vert = (im.vspace >= 0) ? wArgs.f_vert = im.attributes['vspace'].nodeValue : ''; } } else { wArgs = null; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- var manager = new ImageManager(); manager.insert(wArgs); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- function setAttrib(element, name, value, fixval) { // set element attributes if (!fixval && value != null) { var re = new RegExp('[^0-9%]', 'g'); value = value.replace(re, ''); } if (value != null && value != '') { element.setAttribute(name, value); } else { element.removeAttribute(name); } } /* IMAGE MANAGER OBJECT - A CROSS BETWEEN THE STANDALONE & HTMLAREA PLUGIN VERSIONS */ function ImageManager() { //var tt = ImageManager.I18N; }; // Open up the plugin's dialog with manager or editor. ImageManager.prototype.insert = function(outparam) { // show image editor if (IM_directEdit) { // image selected? var sElm = FCK.Selection.GetSelectedElement(); if (sElm != null && sElm.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'img') { // opening a dialog with the image editor - editor.php must receive the path to the image relative to your 'base_url' defined in 'config.inc.php' // for direct Editing, we assume that there are no subdirectories in 'base_url' so our path is just '/' lastSlashPosition = sElm.src.lastIndexOf('/') + 1; imgFileName = sElm.src.substring(lastSlashPosition); var url = FCKConfig.PluginsPath + 'ImageManager/editor.php?img=' + "/" + imgFileName; //Dialog(url, null, outparam); OpenDialog( url, null, outparam, 'FCKDialog_ImageEditor', 'Edit image', 713, 596 ); } // no image selected - stop else { alert("no image selected"); return false; } } // show image manager else { var manager = FCKConfig.PluginsPath+'ImageManager/manager.php?base_url_alt='+FCKConfig.CreateDocumentDir; //Dialog(manager, function(param) { OpenDialog( manager, function(param) { if (!param) return false; // user must have pressed cancel var sElm = FCK.Selection.GetSelectedElement(); if (sElm != null && sElm.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'img') var im = sElm; if (!im) { // new image// no image - create new image im = FCK.CreateElement('IMG'); } // set image attributes setAttrib(im, "_fcksavedurl", param.f_url_alt , true); //setAttrib(im, 'src', param.f_url_alt, true); setAttrib(im, 'src', param.f_url_alt, true); setAttrib(im, 'alt', param.f_alt, true); setAttrib(im, 'title', param.f_title, true); setAttrib(im, 'align', param.f_align, true); setAttrib(im, 'border', param.f_border); setAttrib(im, 'hspace', param.f_horiz); setAttrib(im, 'vspace', param.f_vert); setAttrib(im, 'width', param.f_width); setAttrib(im, 'height', param.f_height); setAttrib(im, 'className', param.f_className, true); return; //}, outparam); }, outparam, 'FCKDialog_ImageManager', 'Insert Image', 900, 535 ); } }; // Added by Ivan Tcholakov, 23-JUL-2009. function OpenDialog( url, action, init, dialogName, dialogTitle, width, height ) { if ( FCKConfig.OpenImageManagerInANewWindow && FCKConfig.OpenImageManagerInANewWindow.toString() == 'true' ) { Dialog(url, action, init); } else { if (typeof init == "undefined") { init = window; // pass this window object by default } FCKDialog.OpenDialog( dialogName, dialogTitle, url, width, height ) ; Dialog._arguments = init; Dialog._return = function (val) { if (val && action) { action(val); } }; } } // Dialog v3.0 - Copyright (c) 2003-2004 interactivetools.com, inc. // This copyright notice MUST stay intact for use (see license.txt). // // Portions (c) dynarch.com, 2003-2004 // // A free WYSIWYG editor replacement for