0) { $i = 0; while($a_learnpath = mysql_fetch_array($resultLearnpath)) { $sqlProgress = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT lp_item_id) AS nbItem FROM ".$a_infosCours['db_name'].".".$tbl_course_lp_view_item." AS item_view INNER JOIN ".$a_infosCours['db_name'].".".$tbl_course_lp_view." AS view ON item_view.lp_view_id = view.id AND view.lp_id = ".$a_learnpath['id']." AND view.user_id = ".$_GET['student']." WHERE item_view.status = 'completed' "; $resultProgress = api_sql_query($sqlProgress); $a_nbItem = mysql_fetch_array($resultProgress); $sqlTotalItem = " SELECT COUNT(item_type) AS totalItem FROM ".$a_infosCours['db_name'].".".$tbl_course_lp_item." WHERE lp_id = ".$a_learnpath['id'] ; $resultItem = api_sql_query($sqlTotalItem); $a_totalItem = mysql_fetch_array($resultItem); $progress = round(($a_nbItem['nbItem'] * 100)/$a_totalItem['totalItem']); ?> "; } ?> 0) { while($a_exercices = mysql_fetch_array($resultExercices)) { $sqlEssais = " SELECT COUNT(ex.exe_id) as essais FROM $tbl_stats_exercices AS ex WHERE ex.exe_cours_id = '".$a_infosCours['code']."' AND ex.exe_exo_id = ".$a_exercices['id'] ; $resultEssais = api_sql_query($sqlEssais); $a_essais = mysql_fetch_array($resultEssais); $sqlScore = "SELECT exe_result,exe_weighting FROM $tbl_stats_exercices WHERE exe_user_id = ".$_GET['student']." AND exe_cours_id = '".$a_infosCours['code']."' AND exe_exo_id = ".$a_exercices['id'] ; $resultScore = api_sql_query($sqlScore); $score = 0; while($a_score = mysql_fetch_array($resultScore)) { $score = $score + $a_score['exe_result']; $weighting = $weighting + $a_score['exe_weighting']; } $pourcentageScore = round(($score*100)/$weighting); $weighting = 0; echo " "; echo " "; $dataExercices[$i][] = $a_exercices['title']; $dataExercices[$i][] = $pourcentageScore.'%'; $dataExercices[$i][] = $a_essais['essais']; //$dataExercices[$i][] = corrections; $i++; } } else { echo " "; } ?> 0) { $i = 0; while($a_production = mysql_fetch_array($resultProduction)) { //$tmp_limitDate = $newDate = mktime(0 , 0 , 0 , date("m") , date("d") , date("Y")); $tmp_limitDate = $newDate = mktime(0 , 0 , 0 ,8 , 20 , 2006); $a_sentDate = explode(' ',$a_production['sent_date']); $a_sentDate = explode('-',$a_sentDate[0]); $tmp_sentDate = mktime(0,0,0,$a_sentDate[1],$a_sentDate[2],$a_sentDate[0]); $sentDate = $a_sentDate[2].'/'.$a_sentDate[1].'/'.$a_sentDate[0]; echo " "; echo " "; if($tmp_sentDate > $tmp_limitDate) { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } echo " "; $dataProduction[$i][] = $a_production['title']; //$dataProduction[$i][] = $a_production['sent_date']; $dataProduction[$i][] = $a_production['sent_date']; //$dataProduction[$i][] = remarques; $i++; } } else { echo " "; } } else { ?> 0) { while($a_cours = mysql_fetch_array($resultCours)) { $sqlScore = " SELECT exe_result, exe_weighting FROM $tbl_stats_exercices WHERE exe_user_id = ".$_GET['student']." AND exe_cours_id = '".$a_cours['code']."' "; $resultScore = api_sql_query($sqlScore); $i = 0; $score = 0; while($a_score = mysql_fetch_array($resultScore)) { $score = $score + $a_score['exe_result']; $weighting = $weighting + $a_score['exe_weighting']; $i++; } $totalScore = $totalScore + $score; $totalWeighting = $totalWeighting + $weighting; $pourcentageScore = round(($score*100)/$weighting); $weighting = 0; $sql_progress = "SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT item_view.lp_item_id ) AS nbItem FROM ".$a_cours['db_name'].".".$tbl_course_lp_view_item." AS item_view INNER JOIN ".$a_cours['db_name'].".".$tbl_course_lp_view." AS lpview ON lpview.user_id = ".$_GET['student']." WHERE item_view.status = 'completed' "; //echo $sqlProgress; $result_progress = api_sql_query($sql_progress); $a_nbItem = mysql_fetch_array($result_progress); $table = $a_cours['db_name'].'.'.$tbl_course_lp_item; $nbTotalItem = Database::count_rows($table); $totalItem = $totalItem + $nbTotalItem; $totalProgress = $totalProgress + $a_nbItem['nbItem']; $progress = round(($a_nbItem['nbItem'] * 100)/$nbTotalItem); ?> "; } }//end of else !empty($details) ?>
class="border"> '; } ?> '.get_lang('SendMail')); ?>
"; echo $sendMail; echo ""; } else { echo ""; } ?>
".'> '.get_lang('RdvAgenda').""; ?>
".'> '.get_lang('VideoConf').""; ?>
".'> '.get_lang('Chat').""; ?>
".'> '.get_lang('ExcelFormat').""; ?>
"; echo $a_exercices['title']; echo " "; echo $pourcentageScore.'%'; echo " "; echo " -> "; echo " "; echo $a_essais['essais']; echo " "; echo " "; echo " -> "; echo "
"; echo $a_production['title']; echo " "; echo " "; $tmp_retard = $tmp_sentDate - $tmp_limitDate; $retard = round($tmp_retard/86400); echo $retard.' '.get_lang('DayOfDelay'); echo ""; echo $sentDate; echo " "; $remarque = ''; if($remarque == '') { echo "--"; } echo " "; echo " -> "; echo "
-> '; } ?>

".$a_exName['title']." "; while($a_exerciceDetails = mysql_fetch_array($resultExerciceDetails)) { $sql_answer = " SELECT qa.comment, qa.answer FROM ".$a_infosCours['db_name'].".".$course_quiz_answer." as qa WHERE qa.question_id = ".$a_exerciceDetails['id'] ; $result_answer = api_sql_query(sql_answer); echo ""; //print_r($a_exerciceDetails); echo" ".$a_exerciceDetails['question'].' /'.$a_exerciceDetails['ponderation']." "; while($a_answer = mysql_fetch_array($result_answer)) { echo" ".$a_answer['answer']." "; if(!empty($a_answer['comment'])) echo $a_answer['comment']; else echo get_lang('NoComment'); echo " "; } } echo ""; } $a_header = array_merge($a_headerLearnpath,$a_headerExercices,$a_headerProductions); if($_GET['csv'] == "true") { $exportResult = exportCsv($a_infosUser,$tableTitle,$a_header,$dataLearnpath,$dataExercices,$dataProduction); Display :: display_error_message($exportResult); } } /* ============================================================================== FOOTER ============================================================================== */ Display::display_footer(); ?>