$value) { $content = str_replace($key, $value, $content); } $fp = @ fopen($path, 'w'); if (!$fp) { echo 'Your script doesn\'t have write access to the config directory
('.str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($path)).')

You probably do not have write access on Dokeos root directory, i.e. you should CHMOD 777 or 755 or 775.

Your problems can be related on two possible causes:
Read about this problem in Support Forum

Please go back to step 5.

'; exit (); } fwrite($fp, $content); fclose($fp); } /** * Creates the structure of the main database and fills it * with data. Placeholder symbols in the main database file * have to be replaced by the settings entered by the user during installation. * * @param array $installation_settings list of settings entered by the user */ function load_main_database($installation_settings) { $dokeos_main_sql_file_string = file_get_contents(DOKEOS_MAIN_DATABASE_FILE); //replace symbolic parameters with user-specified values foreach ($installation_settings as $key => $value) { $dokeos_main_sql_file_string = str_replace($key, mysql_real_escape_string($value), $dokeos_main_sql_file_string); } //split in array of sql strings $sql_instructions = array(); $success = split_sql_file($sql_instructions, $dokeos_main_sql_file_string); //execute the sql instructions $count = count($sql_instructions); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $this_sql_query = $sql_instructions[$i]['query']; mysql_query($this_sql_query); } } /** * Creates the structure of the stats database * @param string Name of the file containing the SQL script inside the install directory */ function load_database_script($db_script) { $dokeos_sql_file_string = file_get_contents($db_script); //split in array of sql strings $sql_instructions = array(); $success = split_sql_file($sql_instructions, $dokeos_sql_file_string); //execute the sql instructions $count = count($sql_instructions); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $this_sql_query = $sql_instructions[$i]['query']; mysql_query($this_sql_query); } } /** * Function copied and adapted from phpMyAdmin 2.6.0 PMA_splitSqlFile (also GNU GPL) * * Removes comment lines and splits up large sql files into individual queries * * Last revision: September 23, 2001 - gandon * * @param array the splitted sql commands * @param string the sql commands * @param integer the MySQL release number (because certains php3 versions * can't get the value of a constant from within a function) * * @return boolean always true * * @access public */ function split_sql_file(&$ret, $sql) { // do not trim, see bug #1030644 //$sql = trim($sql); $sql = rtrim($sql, "\n\r"); $sql_len = strlen($sql); $char = ''; $string_start = ''; $in_string = FALSE; $nothing = TRUE; $time0 = time(); for ($i = 0; $i < $sql_len; ++$i) { $char = $sql[$i]; // We are in a string, check for not escaped end of strings except for // backquotes that can't be escaped if ($in_string) { for (;;) { $i = strpos($sql, $string_start, $i); // No end of string found -> add the current substring to the // returned array if (!$i) { $ret[] = $sql; return TRUE; } // Backquotes or no backslashes before quotes: it's indeed the // end of the string -> exit the loop else if ($string_start == '`' || $sql[$i-1] != '\\') { $string_start = ''; $in_string = FALSE; break; } // one or more Backslashes before the presumed end of string... else { // ... first checks for escaped backslashes $j = 2; $escaped_backslash = FALSE; while ($i-$j > 0 && $sql[$i-$j] == '\\') { $escaped_backslash = !$escaped_backslash; $j++; } // ... if escaped backslashes: it's really the end of the // string -> exit the loop if ($escaped_backslash) { $string_start = ''; $in_string = FALSE; break; } // ... else loop else { $i++; } } // end if...elseif...else } // end for } // end if (in string) // lets skip comments (/*, -- and #) else if (($char == '-' && $sql_len > $i + 2 && $sql[$i + 1] == '-' && $sql[$i + 2] <= ' ') || $char == '#' || ($char == '/' && $sql_len > $i + 1 && $sql[$i + 1] == '*')) { $i = strpos($sql, $char == '/' ? '*/' : "\n", $i); // didn't we hit end of string? if ($i === FALSE) { break; } if ($char == '/') $i++; } // We are not in a string, first check for delimiter... else if ($char == ';') { // if delimiter found, add the parsed part to the returned array $ret[] = array('query' => substr($sql, 0, $i), 'empty' => $nothing); $nothing = TRUE; $sql = ltrim(substr($sql, min($i + 1, $sql_len))); $sql_len = strlen($sql); if ($sql_len) { $i = -1; } else { // The submited statement(s) end(s) here return TRUE; } } // end else if (is delimiter) // ... then check for start of a string,... else if (($char == '"') || ($char == '\'') || ($char == '`')) { $in_string = TRUE; $nothing = FALSE; $string_start = $char; } // end else if (is start of string) elseif ($nothing) { $nothing = FALSE; } // loic1: send a fake header each 30 sec. to bypass browser timeout $time1 = time(); if ($time1 >= $time0 + 30) { $time0 = $time1; header('X-pmaPing: Pong'); } // end if } // end for // add any rest to the returned array if (!empty($sql) && preg_match('@[^[:space:]]+@', $sql)) { $ret[] = array('query' => $sql, 'empty' => $nothing); } return TRUE; } // end of the 'PMA_splitSqlFile()' function /** * Get an SQL file's contents * * This function bases its parsing on the pre-set format of the specific SQL files in * the install/upgrade procedure: * Lines starting with "--" are comments (but need to be taken into account as they also hold sections names) * Other lines are considered to be one-line-per-query lines (this is checked quickly by this function) * @param string File to parse (in the current directory) * @param string Section to return * @param boolean Print (true) or hide (false) error texts when they occur */ function get_sql_file_contents($file,$section,$print_errors=true) { //check given parameters if(empty($file)) { $error = "Missing name of file to parse in get_sql_file_contents()"; if($print_errors) echo $error; return false; } if(!in_array($section,array('main','user','stats','scorm','course'))) { $error = "Section '$section' is not authorized in get_sql_file_contents()"; if($print_errors) echo $error; return false; } $filepath = getcwd().'/'.$file; if(!is_file($filepath) or !is_readable($filepath)) { $error = "File $filepath not found or not readable in get_sql_file_contents()"; if($print_errors) echo $error; return false; } //read the file in an array $file_contents = file($filepath); if(!is_array($file_contents) or count($file_contents)<1) { $error = "File $filepath looks empty in get_sql_file_contents()"; if($print_errors) echo $error; return false; } //prepare the resulting array $section_contents = array(); $record = false; foreach($file_contents as $index => $line) { if(substr($line,0,2) == '--') { //This is a comment. Check if section name, otherwise ignore $result = array(); if(preg_match('/^-- xx([A-Z]*)xx/',$line,$result)) { //we got a section name here if($result[1] == strtoupper($section)) { //we have the section we are looking for, start recording $record = true; } else { //we have another section's header. If we were recording, stop now and exit loop if($record == true) { break; } $record = false; } } }else{ if($record == true) { if(!empty($line)){ $section_contents[] = $line; } } } } //now we have our section's SQL statements group ready, return return $section_contents; } ?>