tag linking
* to that URL
* - Goes through the given string, and replaces www.xxxx.yyyy[zzzz] with an HTML tag linking
* to http://www.xxxx.yyyy[/zzzz]
* - Goes through the given string, and replaces xxxx@yyyy with an HTML mailto: tag linking
* to that email address
* - Only matches these 2 patterns either after a space, or at the beginning of a line
* Notes: the email one might get annoying - it's easy to make it more restrictive, though.. maybe
* have it require something like xxxx@yyyy.zzzz or such. We'll see.
function make_clickable($string) {
// TODO: eregi_replace() is deprecated as of PHP 5.3
if (!stristr($string, ' src=') && !stristr($string, ' href=')) {
$string = eregi_replace("(https?|ftp)://([a-z0-9#?/&=._+:~%-]+)", "\\1://\\2", $string);
$string = eregi_replace("([a-z0-9_.-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+)", "\\1", $string);
return $string;
* Formats the date according to the locale settings
* @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University
* @author Christophe Gesché
* originally inspired from from PhpMyAdmin
* @param string $date_format date pattern
* @param integer $time_stamp, default is NOW.
* @return the formatted date
function format_locale_date($date_format, $time_stamp = -1, $language = null) {
if ($time_stamp == -1) {
$time_stamp = time();
return api_format_date($time_stamp, $date_format, $language);
* @desc This function does some parsing on the text that gets inputted. This parsing can be of any kind
* LaTeX notation, Word Censoring, Glossary Terminology (extension will available soon), Musical Notations, ...
* The inspiration for this filter function came from Moodle an phpBB who both use a similar approach
* @param $input string. some text
* @return $output string. some text that contains the parsed elements.
* @example [tex]\sqrt(2)[/tex]
* @author Patrick Cool
* @version March 2OO6
function text_filter($input, $filter = true) {
//$input = stripslashes($input);
if ($filter) {
// *** parse [tex]...[/tex] tags *** //
// which will return techexplorer or image html depending on the capabilities of the
// browser of the user (using some javascript that checks if the browser has the TechExplorer plugin installed or not)
$input = _text_parse_tex($input);
// *** parse [teximage]...[/teximage] tags *** //
// these force the gif rendering of LaTeX using the mimetex gif renderer
// *** parse [texexplorer]...[/texexplorer] tags *** //
// these force the texeplorer LaTeX notation
$input = _text_parse_texexplorer($input);
// *** Censor Words *** //
// censor words. This function removes certain words by [censored]
// this can be usefull when the campus is open to the world.
// $input=text_censor_words($input);
// *** parse [?]...[/?] tags *** //
// for the glossary tool
$input = _text_parse_glossary($input);
// parse [wiki]...[/wiki] tags
// this is for the coolwiki plugin.
// $input=text_parse_wiki($input);
// parse [tool]...[/tool] tags
// this parse function adds a link to a certain tool
// $input=text_parse_tool($input);
// parse [user]...[/user] tags
// parse [email]...[/email] tags
// parse [code]...[/code] tags
return $input;
* Applies parsing for tex commandos that are seperated by [tex]
* [/tex] to make it readable for techexplorer plugin.
* This function should not be accessed directly but should be accesse through the text_filter function
* @param string $text The text to parse
* @return string The text after parsing.
* @author Patrick Cool
* @version June 2004
function _text_parse_tex($textext) {
//$textext = str_replace(array ("[tex]", "[/tex]"), array ('[*****]', '[/*****]'), $textext);
$input_array = preg_split("/(\[tex]|\[\/tex])/", $textext, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
foreach ($input_array as $key => $value) {
if ($key > 0 && $input_array[$key - 1] == '[tex]' AND $input_array[$key + 1] == '[/tex]') {
$input_array[$key] = latex_gif_renderer($value);
unset($input_array[$key - 1]);
unset($input_array[$key + 1]);
//echo 'LaTeX: