'; Display :: display_warning_message(get_lang('ReachedOneAttempt')); exit; } } if ($origin == 'builder') { /*******************************/ /* Clears the exercise session */ /*******************************/ if (isset ($_SESSION['objExercise'])) { api_session_unregister('objExercise'); unset ($objExercise); } if (isset ($_SESSION['objQuestion'])) { api_session_unregister('objQuestion'); unset ($objQuestion); } if (isset ($_SESSION['objAnswer'])) { api_session_unregister('objAnswer'); unset ($objAnswer); } if (isset ($_SESSION['questionList'])) { api_session_unregister('questionList'); unset ($questionList); } if (isset ($_SESSION['newquestionList'])) { api_session_unregister('newquestionList'); unset ($newquestionList); } if (isset ($_SESSION['exerciseResult'])) { api_session_unregister('exerciseResult'); unset ($exerciseResult); } if (isset ($_SESSION['exerciseResultCoordinates'])) { api_session_unregister('exerciseResultCoordinates'); unset ($exerciseResultCoordinates); } } $safe_lp_id = ($learnpath_id == '') ? 0 : (int) $learnpath_id; $safe_lp_item_id = ($learnpath_item_id == '') ? 0 : (int) $learnpath_item_id; $condition = ' WHERE ' . 'exe_exo_id = ' . "'" . $exerciseId . "'" . ' AND ' . 'exe_user_id = ' . "'" . api_get_user_id() . "'" . ' AND ' . 'exe_cours_id = ' . "'" . $_course['id'] . "'" . ' AND ' . 'status = ' . "'incomplete'" . ' AND ' . 'orig_lp_id = ' . "'" . $safe_lp_id . "'" . ' AND ' . 'orig_lp_item_id = ' . "'" . $safe_lp_item_id . "'" . ' AND ' . 'session_id = ' . "'" . (int) $_SESSION['id_session'] . "'"; $TBL_EXERCICES = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST); $result = Database::query("SELECT type,feedback_type FROM $TBL_EXERCICES WHERE id=$exerciseId", __FILE__, __LINE__); $exercise_row = Database :: fetch_array($result); $exerciseType = $exercise_row['type']; $exerciseFeedbackType = $exercise_row['feedback_type']; if ($_configuration['live_exercise_tracking'] == true && $exerciseType == 2 && $exerciseFeedbackType != 1) { $query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $stat_table . $condition; $result_select = Database::query($query, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (Database :: num_rows($result_select) > 0) { $getIncomplete = Database :: fetch_array($result_select); $exe_id = $getIncomplete['exe_id']; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST') { define('QUESTION_LIST_ALREADY_LOGGED', 1); $recorded['questionList'] = explode(',', $getIncomplete['data_tracking']); $query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $exercice_attemp_table . ' WHERE exe_id = ' . $getIncomplete['exe_id'] . ' ORDER BY tms ASC'; $result = Database::query($query, __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($row = Database :: fetch_array($result)) { $recorded['exerciseResult'][$row['question_id']] = 1; } $exerciseResult = $_SESSION['exerciseResult'] = $recorded['exerciseResult']; $exerciseType = 2; $questionNum = count($recorded['exerciseResult']); $questionNum++; $questionList = $_SESSION['questionList'] = $recorded['questionList']; } } else { $table_recorded_not_exist = true; } } // if the user has submitted the form if ($formSent) { if ($debug > 0) { echo str_repeat(' ', 0) . '$formSent was set' . "
\n"; } // initializing if (!is_array($exerciseResult)) { $exerciseResult = array (); $exerciseResultCoordinates = array (); } // if the user has answered at least one question if (is_array($choice)) { if ($debug > 0) { echo str_repeat(' ', 0) . '$choice is an array' . "
\n"; } if ($exerciseType == 1) { // $exerciseResult receives the content of the form. // Each choice of the student is stored into the array $choice $exerciseResult = $choice; // Also store hotspot spots in the session ($exerciseResultCoordinates // will be stored in the session at the end of this script) // The results will be stored by exercise_result.php if we are in // an exercise of type 1 (=all on one page) if (isset ($_POST['hotspot'])) { $exerciseResultCoordinates = $_POST['hotspot']; } } else { // gets the question ID from $choice. It is the key of the array list ($key) = array_keys($choice); // if the user didn't already answer this question if (!isset ($exerciseResult[$key])) { // stores the user answer into the array $exerciseResult[$key] = $choice[$key]; //saving each question if ($_configuration['live_exercise_tracking'] == true && $exerciseType == 2 && $exerciseFeedbackType != 1) { $nro_question = $questionNum; // - 1; //START of saving and qualifying each question submitted //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // define('ENABLED_LIVE_EXERCISE_TRACKING', 1); require_once 'question.class.php'; require_once 'answer.class.php'; $counter = 0; $main_course_user_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $table_ans = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_ANSWER); //foreach($questionList as $questionId) if (true) { $exeId = $exe_id; $questionId = $key; $counter++; // gets the student choice for this question $choice = $exerciseResult[$questionId]; // creates a temporary Question object $objQuestionTmp = Question :: read($questionId); $questionName = $objQuestionTmp->selectTitle(); $questionDescription = $objQuestionTmp->selectDescription(); $questionWeighting = $objQuestionTmp->selectWeighting(); $answerType = $objQuestionTmp->selectType(); $quesId = $objQuestionTmp->selectId(); //added by priya saini // destruction of the Question object unset ($objQuestionTmp); if (isset ($_POST['hotspot']) && isset($_POST['hotspot'][$key])) { $exerciseResultCoordinates[$key] = $_POST['hotspot'][$key]; } // construction of the Answer object $objAnswerTmp = new Answer($questionId); $nbrAnswers = $objAnswerTmp->selectNbrAnswers(); $questionScore = 0; if ($answerType == FREE_ANSWER) { $nbrAnswers = 1; } for ($answerId = 1; $answerId <= $nbrAnswers; $answerId++) { $answer = $objAnswerTmp->selectAnswer($answerId); $answerComment = $objAnswerTmp->selectComment($answerId); $answerCorrect = $objAnswerTmp->isCorrect($answerId); $answerWeighting = $objAnswerTmp->selectWeighting($answerId); switch ($answerType) { // for unique answer case UNIQUE_ANSWER : $studentChoice = ($choice == $answerId) ? 1 : 0; if ($studentChoice) { $questionScore += $answerWeighting; $totalScore += $answerWeighting; } break; // for multiple answers case MULTIPLE_ANSWER : $studentChoice = $choice[$answerId]; if ($studentChoice) { $questionScore += $answerWeighting; $totalScore += $answerWeighting; } break; // for fill in the blanks case FILL_IN_BLANKS : // the question is encoded like this // [A] B [C] D [E] F::10,10,10@1 // number 1 before the "@" means that is a switchable fill in blank question // [A] B [C] D [E] F::10,10,10@ or [A] B [C] D [E] F::10,10,10 // means that is a normal fill blank question // first we explode the "::" $pre_array = explode('::', $answer); // is switchable fill blank or not $last = count($pre_array) - 1; $is_set_switchable = explode('@', $pre_array[$last]); $switchable_answer_set = false; if (isset ($is_set_switchable[1]) && $is_set_switchable[1] == 1) { $switchable_answer_set = true; } $answer = ''; for ($k = 0; $k < $last; $k++) { $answer .= $pre_array[$k]; } // splits weightings that are joined with a comma $answerWeighting = explode(',', $is_set_switchable[0]); // we save the answer because it will be modified $temp = $answer; // TeX parsing // 1. find everything between the [tex] and [/tex] tags $startlocations = strpos($temp, '[tex]'); $endlocations = strpos($temp, '[/tex]'); if ($startlocations !== false && $endlocations !== false) { $texstring = substr($temp, $startlocations, $endlocations - $startlocations +6); // 2. replace this by {texcode} $temp = str_replace($texstring, '{texcode}', $temp); } $answer = ''; $j = 0; //initialise answer tags $user_tags = array (); $correct_tags = array (); $real_text = array (); // the loop will stop at the end of the text while (1) { // quits the loop if there are no more blanks (detect '[') if (($pos = strpos($temp, '[')) === false) { // adds the end of the text $answer = $temp; // TeX parsing - replacement of texcode tags $texstring = api_parse_tex($texstring); $answer = str_replace("{texcode}", $texstring, $answer); $real_text[] = $answer; break; //no more "blanks", quit the loop } // adds the piece of text that is before the blank //and ends with '[' into a general storage array $real_text[] = substr($temp, 0, $pos +1); $answer .= substr($temp, 0, $pos +1); //take the string remaining (after the last "[" we found) $temp = substr($temp, $pos +1); // quit the loop if there are no more blanks, and update $pos to the position of next ']' if (($pos = strpos($temp, ']')) === false) { // adds the end of the text $answer .= $temp; break; } $choice[$j] = trim($choice[$j]); $user_tags[] = strtolower($choice[$j]); //put the contents of the [] answer tag into correct_tags[] $correct_tags[] = strtolower(substr($temp, 0, $pos)); $j++; $temp = substr($temp, $pos +1); //$answer .= ']'; } $answer = ''; $real_correct_tags = $correct_tags; $chosen_list = array (); for ($i = 0; $i < count($real_correct_tags); $i++) { if ($i == 0) { $answer .= $real_text[0]; } if (!$switchable_answer_set) { if ($correct_tags[$i] == $user_tags[$i]) { // gives the related weighting to the student $questionScore += $answerWeighting[$i]; // increments total score $totalScore += $answerWeighting[$i]; // adds the word in green at the end of the string $answer .= $correct_tags[$i]; } // else if the word entered by the student IS NOT the same as the one defined by the professor elseif (!empty ($user_tags[$i])) { // adds the word in red at the end of the string, and strikes it $answer .= '' . $user_tags[$i] . ''; } else { // adds a tabulation if no word has been typed by the student $answer .= '   '; } } else { // switchable fill in the blanks if (in_array($user_tags[$i], $correct_tags)) { $chosen_list[] = $user_tags[$i]; $correct_tags = array_diff($correct_tags, $chosen_list); // gives the related weighting to the student $questionScore += $answerWeighting[$i]; // increments total score $totalScore += $answerWeighting[$i]; // adds the word in green at the end of the string $answer .= $user_tags[$i]; } elseif (!empty ($user_tags[$i])) { // else if the word entered by the student IS NOT the same as the one defined by the professor // adds the word in red at the end of the string, and strikes it $answer .= '' . $user_tags[$i] . ''; } else { // adds a tabulation if no word has been typed by the student $answer .= '   '; } } // adds the correct word, followed by ] to close the blank $answer .= ' / ' . $real_correct_tags[$i] . ']'; if (isset ($real_text[$i +1])) { $answer .= $real_text[$i +1]; } } break; // for free answer case FREE_ANSWER : $studentChoice = $choice; if ($studentChoice) { //Score is at -1 because the question has'nt been corected $questionScore = -1; $totalScore += 0; } break; // for matching case MATCHING : if ($answerCorrect) { if ($answerCorrect == $choice[$answerId]) { $questionScore += $answerWeighting; $totalScore += $answerWeighting; $choice[$answerId] = $matching[$choice[$answerId]]; } elseif (!$choice[$answerId]) { $choice[$answerId] = '   '; } else { $choice[$answerId] = '' . $matching[$choice[$answerId]] . ''; } } else { $matching[$answerId] = $answer; } break; // for hotspot with no order case HOT_SPOT : $studentChoice = $choice[$answerId]; if ($studentChoice) { $questionScore += $answerWeighting; $totalScore += $answerWeighting; } break; // for hotspot with fixed order case HOT_SPOT_ORDER : $studentChoice = $choice['order'][$answerId]; if ($studentChoice == $answerId) { $questionScore += $answerWeighting; $totalScore += $answerWeighting; $studentChoice = true; } else { $studentChoice = false; } break; } // end switch Answertype } // end for that loops over all answers of the current question // destruction of Answer unset ($objAnswerTmp); $i++; $totalWeighting += $questionWeighting; //added by priya saini // Store results directly in the database // For all in one page exercises, the results will be // stored by exercise_results.php (using the session) if ($_configuration['tracking_enabled']) { if (empty ($choice)) { $choice = 0; } if ($answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER) { if ($choice != 0) { $reply = array_keys($choice); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($reply); $i++) { $ans = $reply[$i]; exercise_attempt($questionScore, $ans, $quesId, $exeId, $i); } } else { exercise_attempt($questionScore, 0, $quesId, $exeId, 0); } } elseif ($answerType == MATCHING) { $j = sizeof($matching) + 1; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($choice); $i++, $j++) { $val = $choice[$j]; if (preg_match_all('#([0-9a-z ]*)#', $val, $arr1)) { $val = $arr1[1][0]; } $val = $val; $val = strip_tags($val); $sql = "select position from $table_ans where question_id='" . Database :: escape_string($questionId) . "' and answer='" . Database :: escape_string($val) . "' AND correct=0"; $res = Database::query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (Database :: num_rows($res) > 0) { $answer = Database :: result($res, 0, "position"); } else { $answer = ''; } exercise_attempt($questionScore, $answer, $quesId, $exeId, $j); } } elseif ($answerType == FREE_ANSWER) { $answer = $choice; exercise_attempt($questionScore, $answer, $quesId, $exeId, 0); } elseif ($answerType == UNIQUE_ANSWER) { $answer = $choice; exercise_attempt($questionScore, $answer, $quesId, $exeId, 0); } elseif ($answerType == HOT_SPOT) { exercise_attempt($questionScore, $answer, $quesId, $exeId, 0); if (is_array($exerciseResultCoordinates[$key])) { foreach($exerciseResultCoordinates[$key] as $idx => $val) { exercise_attempt_hotspot($exeId,$quesId,$idx,$choice[$idx],$val); } } } else { exercise_attempt($questionScore, $answer, $quesId, $exeId, 0); } } } // end huge foreach() block that loops over all questions //at loops over all questions if (isset($exe_id)) { $sql_update = 'UPDATE ' . $stat_table . ' SET exe_result = exe_result + ' . (int) $totalScore . ',exe_weighting = exe_weighting + ' . (int) $totalWeighting . ' WHERE exe_id = ' . Database::escape_string($exe_id); Database::query($sql_update, __FILE__, __LINE__); } //END of saving and qualifying //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // } } } if ($debug > 0) { echo str_repeat(' ', 0) . '$choice is an array - end' . "
\n"; } } // the script "exercise_result.php" will take the variable $exerciseResult from the session api_session_register('exerciseResult'); api_session_register('exerciseResultCoordinates'); define('ALL_ON_ONE_PAGE',1); define('ONE_PER_PAGE',2); // if all questions on one page OR if it is the last question (only for an exercise with one question per page) if ($exerciseType == ALL_ON_ONE_PAGE || $questionNum >= $nbrQuestions) { if ($debug > 0) { echo str_repeat(' ', 0) . 'Redirecting to exercise_result.php - Remove debug option to let this happen' . "
\n"; } if ( api_is_allowed_to_session_edit() ) { // goes to the script that will show the result of the exercise if ($exerciseType == ALL_ON_ONE_PAGE) { header("Location: exercise_result.php?id=$exe_id&exerciseType=$exerciseType&origin=$origin&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&learnpath_item_id=$learnpath_item_id"); } else { if ($exe_id != '') { //clean incomplete $update_query = 'UPDATE ' . $stat_table . ' SET ' . "status = '', data_tracking='', exe_date = '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'" . ' WHERE exe_id = ' . Database::escape_string($exe_id); Database::query($update_query, __FILE__, __LINE__); } header("Location: exercise_show.php?id=$exe_id&exerciseType=$exerciseType&origin=$origin&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&learnpath_item_id=$learnpath_item_id"); } exit (); } else { header("Location: exercice_submit.php?exerciseId=$exerciseId"); exit; } } if ($debug > 0) { echo str_repeat(' ', 0) . '$formSent was set - end' . "
\n"; } } // if the object is not in the session //why destroying the exercise when a LP is loaded ? //if (!isset($_SESSION['objExercise']) || $origin == 'learnpath' || $_SESSION['objExercise']->id != $_REQUEST['exerciseId']) { if (!isset ($_SESSION['objExercise']) || $_SESSION['objExercise']->id != $_REQUEST['exerciseId']) { if ($debug > 0) { echo str_repeat(' ', 0) . '$_SESSION[objExercise] was unset' . "
\n"; } // construction of Exercise $objExercise = new Exercise(); unset ($_SESSION['questionList']); // if the specified exercise doesn't exist or is disabled if (!$objExercise->read($exerciseId) || (!$objExercise->selectStatus() && !$is_allowedToEdit && ($origin != 'learnpath'))) { unset ($objExercise); $error = get_lang('ExerciseNotFound'); //die(get_lang('ExerciseNotFound')); } else { // saves the object into the session api_session_register('objExercise'); if ($debug > 0) { echo str_repeat(' ', 0) . '$_SESSION[objExercise] was unset - set now - end' . "
\n"; } } } if (!isset ($objExcercise) && isset ($_SESSION['objExercise'])) { $objExercise = $_SESSION['objExercise']; } if (!is_object($objExercise)) { header('Location: exercice.php'); exit (); } $Exe_starttime = $objExercise->start_time; $Exe_endtime = $objExercise->end_time; $quizID = $objExercise->selectId(); $exerciseAttempts = $objExercise->selectAttempts(); $exerciseTitle = $objExercise->selectTitle(); $exerciseDescription = $objExercise->selectDescription(); $exerciseDescription = $exerciseDescription; $exerciseSound = $objExercise->selectSound(); $randomQuestions = $objExercise->isRandom(); $exerciseType = $objExercise->selectType(); $table_quiz_test = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST); //if (!isset($_SESSION['questionList']) || $origin == 'learnpath') { //in LP's is enabled the "remember question" feature? $my_exe_id = Security :: remove_XSS($_GET['exerciseId']); if (!isset ($_SESSION['questionList'])) { if ($debug > 0) { echo str_repeat(' ', 0) . '$_SESSION[questionList] was unset' . "
\n"; } // selects the list of question ID $my_question_list = array (); $questionList = ($randomQuestions ? $objExercise->selectRandomList() : $objExercise->selectQuestionList()); // saves the question list into the session $sql = 'SELECT random FROM ' . $table_quiz_test . ' WHERE id="' . Database :: escape_string($my_exe_id) . '";'; $rs = Database::query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $row_number = Database :: fetch_array($rs); $z = 0; if ($row_number['random'] <> 0) { foreach ($questionList as $infoquestionList) { if ($z < $row_number['random']) { $my_question_list[$z] = $infoquestionList; } else { break; } $z++; } // $questionList=array(); $questionList = $my_question_list; } api_session_register('questionList'); if ($debug > 0) { echo str_repeat(' ', 0) . '$_SESSION[questionList] was unset - set now - end' . "
\n"; } } if (!isset ($objExcercise) && isset ($_SESSION['objExercise'])) { $questionList = $_SESSION['questionList']; } $quizStartTime = time(); api_session_register('quizStartTime'); $nbrQuestions = sizeof($questionList); // if questionNum comes from POST and not from GET if (!$questionNum || $_POST['questionNum']) { // only used for sequential exercises (see $exerciseType) if (!$questionNum) { $questionNum = 1; } else { $questionNum++; } } if (!empty ($_GET['gradebook']) && $_GET['gradebook'] == 'view') { $_SESSION['gradebook'] = Security :: remove_XSS($_GET['gradebook']); $gradebook = $_SESSION['gradebook']; } elseif (empty ($_GET['gradebook'])) { unset ($_SESSION['gradebook']); $gradebook = ''; } if (!empty ($gradebook) && $gradebook == 'view') { $interbreadcrumb[] = array ( 'url' => '../gradebook/' . $_SESSION['gradebook_dest'], 'name' => get_lang('Gradebook') ); } //$nameTools=get_lang('Exercice'); $interbreadcrumb[] = array ( "url" => "exercice.php?gradebook=$gradebook", "name" => get_lang('Exercices') ); $interbreadcrumb[] = array ( "url" => api_get_self()."?gradebook=$gradebook", "name" => $exerciseTitle ); if ($origin != 'learnpath') { //so we are not in learnpath tool $htmlHeadXtra[] = " "; Display :: display_header($nameTools, "Exercise"); if (!api_is_allowed_to_session_edit() ) { Display :: display_warning_message(get_lang('SessionIsReadOnly')); } } else { if (empty ($charset)) { $charset = 'ISO-8859-15'; } /* * HTML HEADER */ Display::display_reduced_header(); echo '
'; } // I'm in a preview mode if (api_is_course_admin() && $origin != 'learnpath') { echo '
'; echo Display :: return_icon('quiz.gif', get_lang('GoBackToEx')) . '' . get_lang('GoBackToEx') . ''; echo Display :: return_icon('edit.gif', get_lang('ModifyExercise')) . '' . get_lang('ModifyExercise') . ''; echo '
'; } $exerciseTitle = api_parse_tex($exerciseTitle); echo "

" . $exerciseTitle . "

"; if ($exerciseAttempts > 0) { $user_id = api_get_user_id(); $course_code = api_get_course_id(); $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM $stat_table WHERE exe_exo_id = '$quizID' AND exe_user_id = '$user_id' AND status != 'incomplete' AND orig_lp_id = $safe_lp_id AND orig_lp_item_id = $safe_lp_item_id AND exe_cours_id = '$course_code' AND session_id = '" . (int) $_SESSION['id_session'] . "'"; $aquery = Database::query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $attempt = Database :: fetch_array($aquery); if ($attempt[0] >= $exerciseAttempts) { if (!api_is_allowed_to_edit(null,true)) { Display :: display_warning_message(sprintf(get_lang('ReachedMaxAttempts'), $exerciseTitle, $exerciseAttempts), false); if ($origin != 'learnpath') Display :: display_footer(); exit; } else { Display :: display_warning_message(sprintf(get_lang('ReachedMaxAttemptsAdmin'), $exerciseTitle, $exerciseAttempts), false); } } } if (!function_exists('convert_date_to_number')) { function convert_date_to_number($default) { // 2008-10-12 00:00:00 ---to--> 12345672218 (timestamp) $parts = split(' ', $default); list ($d_year, $d_month, $d_day) = split('-', $parts[0]); list ($d_hour, $d_minute, $d_second) = split(':', $parts[1]); return mktime($d_hour, $d_minute, $d_second, $d_month, $d_day, $d_year); } } $limit_time_exists = (($Exe_starttime != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') || ($Exe_endtime != '0000-00-00 00:00:00')) ? true : false; if ($limit_time_exists) { $exercise_start_time = convert_date_to_number($Exe_starttime); $exercise_end_time = convert_date_to_number($Exe_endtime); $time_now = convert_date_to_number(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $permission_to_start = (($time_now - $exercise_start_time) > 0) ? true : false; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST') $exercise_timeover = (($time_now - $exercise_end_time) > 0) ? true : false; if ($permission_to_start == false || $exercise_timeover == true) { // if (!api_is_allowed_to_edit(null,true)) { $message_warning = ($permission_to_start == false) ? get_lang('ExerciseNoStartedYet') : get_lang('ReachedTimeLimit'); Display :: display_warning_message(sprintf($message_warning, $exerciseTitle, $exerciseAttempts)); Display :: display_footer(); exit; } else { $message_warning = ($permission_to_start == false) ? get_lang('ExerciseNoStartedAdmin') : get_lang('ReachedTimeLimitAdmin'); Display :: display_warning_message(sprintf($message_warning, $exerciseTitle, $exerciseAttempts)); } } } if (!empty ($error)) { Display :: display_error_message($error, false); } else { if (!empty ($exerciseSound)) { echo "", ", get_lang('Sound') .
		"; } // Get number of hotspot questions for javascript validation $number_of_hotspot_questions = 0; $onsubmit = ''; $i = 0; //i have a doubt in this line cvargas //var_dump($questionList); if (!strcmp($questionList[0], '') === 0) { foreach ($questionList as $questionId) { $i++; $objQuestionTmp = Question :: read($questionId); // for sequential exercises if ($exerciseType == 2) { // if it is not the right question, goes to the next loop iteration if ($questionNum != $i) { continue; } else { if ($objQuestionTmp->selectType() == HOT_SPOT) { $number_of_hotspot_questions++; } break; } } else { if ($objQuestionTmp->selectType() == HOT_SPOT) { $number_of_hotspot_questions++; } } } } if ($number_of_hotspot_questions > 0) { $onsubmit = "onsubmit=\"return validateFlashVar('" . $number_of_hotspot_questions . "', '" . get_lang('HotspotValidateError1') . "', '" . get_lang('HotspotValidateError2') . "');\""; } $s = "


"; if ($exerciseType == 2) { $s2 = "&exerciseId=" . $exerciseId; } $s .= "
"; echo $s; $i = 1; foreach ($questionList as $questionId) { // for sequential exercises if ($exerciseType == 2) { // if it is not the right question, goes to the next loop iteration if ($questionNum != $i) { $i++; continue; } else { if ($exerciseFeedbackType != 1) { // if the user has already answered this question if (isset ($exerciseResult[$questionId])) { // construction of the Question object $objQuestionTmp = Question :: read($questionId); $questionName = $objQuestionTmp->selectTitle(); // destruction of the Question object unset ($objQuestionTmp); Display :: display_normal_message(get_lang('AlreadyAnswered')); $i++; //echo ''; break; } } } } // shows the question and its answers showQuestion($questionId, false, $origin, $i, $nbrQuestions); $i++; // for sequential exercises if ($exerciseType == 2) { // quits the loop break; } } // end foreach() echo "
"; echo '
'; $submit_btn = ""; echo $submit_btn; } } echo "
'.get_lang('AlreadyAnswered').' "'.$questionName.'"
"; $b = 2; } echo ''; if ($_configuration['live_exercise_tracking'] == true && $exerciseFeedbackType != 1) { //if($questionNum < 2){ if ($table_recorded_not_exist) { if ($exerciseType == 2) { Database::query("INSERT INTO $stat_table(exe_exo_id,exe_user_id,exe_cours_id,status,session_id,data_tracking,start_date,orig_lp_id,orig_lp_item_id) VALUES('$exerciseId','" . api_get_user_id() . "','" . $_course['id'] . "','incomplete','" . api_get_session_id() . "','" . implode(',', $questionList) . "','" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "',$safe_lp_id,$safe_lp_item_id)", __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { Database::query("INSERT INTO $stat_table (exe_exo_id,exe_user_id,exe_cours_id,status,session_id,start_date,orig_lp_id,orig_lp_item_id) VALUES('$exerciseId','" . api_get_user_id() . "','" . $_course['id'] . "','incomplete','" . api_get_session_id() . "','" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "',$safe_lp_id,$safe_lp_item_id)", __FILE__, __LINE__); } } } if ($origin != 'learnpath') { //so we are not in learnpath tool Display :: display_footer(); } else { echo ''; }