======================== DOKEOS 1.8 - CREDITS ======================== ------------------------------ Creator ------------------------------ Thomas De Praetere (thomas.depraetere@dokeos.com) -------------------------------- Dokeos Main Developers Team -------------------------------- Olivier Brouckaert (oli.brouckaert@dokeos.com) Patrick Cool (patrick.cool@ugent.be) Roan Embrechts (roan.embrechts@vub.ac.be) Rene Haentjens (rene.haentjens@intec.ugent.be) Bart Mollet (bart.mollet@hogent.be) Wolfgang Schneider (webmaster@bibelcenter.de) Bert Vanderkimpen (bert.vanderkimpen@ugent.be) Yannick Warnier (ywarnier@beeznest.org) Eric Marguin Ludovic Gasc (ludovic.gasc@dokeos.com) -------------------------------- Bugfix contributions -------------------------------- (besides all core developers) Paolo Mioni Diederik De Deckere Eric Remy Roel Visseren Hubert Borderiou Ludovic Gasc -------------------------------- Course navigation menu -------------------------------- Sandra Mathijs Roan Embrechts Wolfgang Schneider -------------------------------- Extensions and plugins -------------------------------- Yannick Warnier Patrick Cool (see also http://www.dokeos.com/extensions/ ) -------------------------------- QuickForm -------------------------------- Bart Mollet --------------------------------- Who is online in a course --------------------------------- Patrick Cool --------------------------------- Other -------------------------------- for some other improvements by non-core developers, thanks go to Thomas Corthals (forum: Turboke) Dietrich Van Damme (images) Koen Heirbaut (xhtml) -------------------------------- Icons -------------------------------- Icons for the messages: confirmation, error, normal and warning Icons used from the Crystal icon theme by Everaldo http://linuxcult.com --------------------------------- Messages (integrated extension) --------------------------------- original code written by Díaz Braga Alan Israel (bafles2@hotmail.com) Menéndez Domínguez Victor Hugo (mdoming@uady.mx) Torre Díaz Manuel Tuk Sulú Walter Lorenzo (walt_30_ 1@hotmail.com) Vargas Palma Rubén (thiefdp@hotmail.com) -> Facultad de Matematicas, UADY (México) integration by Evie, Free University of Brussels ======================== DOKEOS 1.6 - CREDITS ======================== We keep these credits here because much of the code of Dokeos 1.8 is an improvement of code written for 1.6. ------------------------------ Creator ------------------------------ Thomas De Praetere (thomas.depraetere@dokeos.com) -------------------------------- Dokeos Main Developers Team -------------------------------- Jan Bols (jan.bols@ugent.be) Olivier Brouckaert (oli.brouckaert@dokeos.com) Olivier Cauberghe Patrick Cool (patrick.cool@ugent.be) Roan Embrechts (roan.embrechts@vub.ac.be) Rene Haentjens (rene.haentjens@intec.ugent.be) Bart Mollet (bart.mollet@hogent.be) Denes Nagy (darkden@evk.bke.hu) Pablo Rey (prey@cesga.es) Wolfgang Schneider (webmaster@bibelcenter.de) Bert Vanderkimpen (bert.vanderkimpen@ugent.be) Toon Van Hoecke (toon.vanhoecke@ugent.be) Yannick Warnier (ywarnier@beeznest.org) -------------------------------- Claroline (Dokeos before v1.5) Main Developers Team -------------------------------- Thomas De Praetere (thomas.depraetere@dokeos.com) Christophe Gesché (gesche@ipm.ucl.ac.be) aka Moosh Hugues Peeters (peeters@ipm.ucl.ac.be) -------------------------------- Tool Contributions -------------------------------- Documents tool (1.7 commit) Bert Vanderkimpen (bert.vanderkimpen@ugent.be) Announcement tool improvements (completely reworked) Pablo Rey (prey@cesga.es) Roan Embrechts Patrick Cool (patrick.cool@ugent.be) Frederik Vermeire Course quota, improved Roan Embrechts Database refactoring Yannick Warnier (with thanks to lots of other contributors) Drop Box Jan Bols (jan.bols@UGent.be) Forum tool adapted from PHPBB 1.4 (http://www.phpbb.com) modifications: Patrick Cool (patrick.cool@ugent.be) LDAP Roan Embrechts L'universit�Jean Monnet de Saint Etienne Link tool (completely reworked) Patrick Cool (patrick.cool@ugent.be) My Agenda Eric Remy Toon Van Hoecke (toon.vanhoecke@ugent.be) Patrick Cool (patrick.cool@ugent.be) Resource Linker Patrick Cool (patrick.cool@ugent.be) Rich Text Editor (WYSIWYG html editor) ** now removed, replaced by HtmlArea ** Kevin Roth Single DB customisation Roger Hedlund (rhedlund@passagen.se) Stats tool Based on ezBoo (http://www.ezboo.com) Table of contents ** now removed, replaced by learning path ** Roan Embrechts Test / Quizz Tool Olivier Brouckaert (oli.brouckaert@dokeos.com) Denes Nagy Tracking system Sebastien Piraux (piraux_seb@hotmail.com) User Image Miguel (miguel@cesga.es) Patrick Cool(patrick.cool@ugent.be) User tool, subscribe existing users Elie Harfouche (elie at harfdesign dot com) Roan Embrechts Bart Mollet Virtual course support / Combined courses Roan Embrechts Bart Mollet (with thanks to Toon Van Hoecke and Olivier Cauberghe) Web adjustable (admin) settings Jan Bols Patrick Cool (patrick.cool@ugent.be) Roan Embrechts Toon Van Hoecke (toon.vanhoecke@ugent.be) Zip / unzipping option PclZip library - Vincent Blavet (http://www.phpconcept.net) -------------------------------- Library Contributions -------------------------------- main_api all developers database library Roan Embrechts Bart Mollet Yannick Warnier display, course, group, user libraries Roan Embrechts Bart Mollet xml mini dom parser and xml html template library Rene Haentjens -------------------------------- Other Contributions -------------------------------- New header implementation and interface ideas Sandra Matthys CSS Stylesheets Wolfgang Schneider (webmaster@bibelcenter.de) Debugging Many users have contributed, we'd like to thank them all and specifically thank the following people for their feedback: Domingos de Freitas (forum: domifreitas) Emmanuel Pecquet (forum: Emmanuel) Furio Petrossi (forum: petrossi) Mark (forum: Mark111) Thomas Corthals (forum: Turboke) Database abstraction layer ideas Dardo Original Developer Manual ** now absorbed and expanded in the dokeos wiki ** ** http://www.dokeos.com/wiki/ ** Roan Embrechts, Hugues Peeters, Ren�Haentjens -------------------------------- Translations -------------------------------- ---- Arabic ---- Jason Githeko Yassine Jelman (yjelmam@myrealbox.com) Ali Pakdel Koen Vanmeerbeek ---- Brazilian ---- Luiz Caetano Renato Cintra Leonardo Delpino Eziquiel Menta Marcelo Minholi ---- Bosnian ---- Silvia Arlone Yll Ferizi ---- Bulgarian ---- Dikran Hachikian ---- Catalan ---- Xavier de Pedro (xavidp@confluencia.net) ---- Croatian ---- Dragan Cisic Milica Hranjec ---- Chinese ---- Maizeman (Maizeman@21cn.com) ---- Croatian ---- Dragan Misovic Milica Hranjec ---- Dutch ---- Tom Belmans Thomas Berton Karel Beuckelaere Hilde Bossuyt Olivier Cauberghe Patrick Cool (patrick.cool@ugent.be) Isabel Deprez (isabel.deprez@rug.ac.be) Stefan De Wannemacker (sdwannem@cage.rug.ac.be) In� Du Four (inesdufour@hotmail.com) Roan Embrechts Ren�Haentjens Bart Mollet Denis Smidts (Smidts@ipm.ucl.ac.be) Bert Vanderkimpen Toon Van Hoecke (toon.vanhoecke@ugent.be) Frederik Vermeire, Herwig Vroman Willem Wieme (willem.wieme@ugent.be) ---- English ---- Vikas Bamotra Karel Beuckelaere Roan Embrechts Patrick Cool Bart Mollet Ren�Haentjens Yannick Warnier ---- Finnish ---- Asmo Koskinen (asmo.koskinen@asmokoskinen.net) Gaurav Shah ---- French ---- S�astien Boisvert Andr�Boivin Patrick Cool Thomas Depraetere Ren�Haentjens Didier Nakache Yannick Warnier ---- Galician ---- Maria Jose Rodriges Malmierca ---- German ---- Gerald Menzel Wolfgang Schneider Nikolai Stiehl (nikolai.stiehl@web.de) ---- Greek ---- Yannis Exidaridis (jexi@noc.uoa.gr) Ren�Haentjens Eleni Postantzi Costas Tsibanis (costas@noc.uoa.gr) ---- Hungarian ---- Janos Foldessy Peter Fuchs Istvan Mandak Denes Nagy (darkden@evk.bke.hu) ---- Indonesian ---- Yeni Riwayanti Kurnia Muludi ---- Italian ---- Maurizio Guercio (mguercio@libero.it), Furio Petrossi (Furio.Petrossi@scuolefvg.org) Massimo Grion Philippe Verstraete Giuseppe Zappal� ---- Japanese ---- Hiroki Inou9e Akira Yoshii (yoshii@cc.hokkyodai.ac.jp) ---- Norwegian ---- Thor-Anders Pedersen ---- Persian ---- Ali Pakdel ---- Polish ---- Wojtek Anielski Slawomir Gurdala (guslaw@uni.lodz.pl) Tomasz Jantczak ---- Portuguese ---- Ant�io Carvalho Mauricio Cavalcante Domingos Freitas Marcello R. Minholi (minholi@unipar.be) Sandro Pavan Fernando Rebelo Manuel Russo ---- Simplified Chinese ---- Yang Yankan Tian Xu Juchun Hsia Cheng Jizhong ---- Slovenian ---- Marko Kastelic ---- Swedish ---- Gert H.T.S. Blomkvist Jan Olsson (jano@artedi.nordmaling.se) Fredrik Pernros ---- Spanish ---- Congrio Atarip Valent� Barr� Oda Begares (begaeres@arch.ucl.ac.be) Selin Carrasco Xavier Casassas ( xcc@mail.ics.co.at) Fernando Dougnac Esteban Eid Mansilla Federico Bania Fuentealba Rob Gar Alexis Garcia Fernando Giraldo Montero Jorge Gonzales ( jgonzalez@athenasoft.com.mx) Jose Padron Javier Picado Ladr� de Guevara (jpicado@eurosur.com) Yvan Pinto Maria J. Rodriguez Malmierca Jose Ramon Roca Juan Carlos Ra� Trabado Cecilia Vargas Jaime Zarate ---- Tha�---- Sutas Jitchuen (dtsjc@mucc.mahidol.ac.th) ---- Turkish ---- Cuneyt Birkok (cbirkok@insanbilimleri.com) Ender Atesman ---- Vietnamese ---- Nguyen Nguyen Hong -------------------------------- Dokeos Documentation -------------------------------- Andrew Lynn (alynn@strathclyde.ac.be) Emmanuel Pecquet (emmanuel.pecquet@wanadoo.fr) Nikolai Stiehl (nikolai.stiehl@web.de) Isabel Deprez (isabel.deprez@rug.ac.be) Philippe Danckaert Slawomir Gurdala Dalton Piegas Simoni Maria Jose Rodriges Malmierca ======================================================================= Europe, Belgium December, 2005. ================================== END ================================