, Ghent University
* @version august 2006
* @todo have a 6monthly re-registration
function version_check()
// The site has not been registered yet
if (get_setting('registered')=='false' OR get_setting('registered') == false )
$return = '';
$return .= '';
// The site has been registered already but is seriously out of date (registration date + 15552000 seconds)
if ((get_setting('registered') + 15552000) > mktime())
$return = 'It has been a long time since about your campus has been updated on Dokeos.com';
$return .= '';
$return = 'site registered';
$return .= check_dokeos_version2();
return $return;
* This setting changes the registration status for the campus
* @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University
* @version August 2006
* @todo the $_settings should be reloaded here. => write api function for this and use this in global.inc.php also.
function register_site()
// the settings table
$tbl_settings = Database :: get_main_table(MAIN_SETTINGS_CURRENT_TABLE);
// the SQL statment
$sql = "UPDATE $tbl_settings SET selected_value='true' WHERE variable='registered'";
$result = api_sql_query($sql);
if ($_POST['donotlistcampus'])
$sql = "UPDATE $tbl_settings SET selected_value='true' WHERE variable='donotlistcampus'";
$result = api_sql_query($sql);
// reload the settings
* Check if the current installation is up to date
* The code is borrowed from phpBB and slighlty modified
* @author The phpBB Group (the code)
* @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University (the modifications)
* @copyright (C) 2001 The phpBB Group
* @return language string with some layout (color)
function check_dokeos_version2()
global $dokeos_version; // the dokeos version of your installation
if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')==1)
// the number of courses
$sql="SELECT code FROM ".Database::get_main_table(MAIN_COURSE_TABLE);
$number_of_courses = mysql_num_rows($result);
// the number of users
$sql="SELECT user_id FROM ".Database::get_main_table(MAIN_USER_TABLE);
$number_of_users = mysql_num_rows($result);
$version_url= 'http://www.dokeos.com/version.php?url='.urlencode(api_get_path(WEB_PATH)).'&campus='.urlencode(api_get_setting('siteName')).'&contact='.urlencode(get_setting('emailAdministrator')).'&version='.urlencode($dokeos_version).'&numberofcourses='.urlencode($number_of_courses).'&numberofusers='.urlencode($number_of_users).'&donotlistcampus='.get_setting('donotlistcampus');
$version_info=@fread($handle, 1024);
if ($dokeos_version<>$version_info)
$output='' . get_lang('YourVersionNotUpToDate') . '. '.get_lang('LatestVersionIs').' Dokeos '.$version_info.'. '.get_lang('YourVersionIs').' Dokeos '.$dokeos_version. '. '.str_replace('http://www.dokeos.com','http://www.dokeos.com',get_lang('PleaseVisitDokeos')).'';
$output = ''.get_lang('VersionUpToDate').': Dokeos '.$version_info.'';
$output = '' . get_lang('AllowurlfopenIsSetToOff') . '';
return $output;
* Check if the current installation is up to date
* The code is borrowed from phpBB and slighlty modified
* @author The phpBB Group (the code)
* @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University (the modifications)
* @copyright (C) 2001 The phpBB Group
* @return language string with some layout (color)
* @deprecated For some reason this code adds a 9 in front and a 0 at the end of what normally gets displayed by
the http://www.dokeos.com/version.php page (instead of version.txt) . That's why I chose to use fopen which requires however
that allow_url_open is set to true
function check_dokeos_version()
global $dokeos_version; // the dokeos version of your installation
if ($fsock = @fsockopen('www.dokeos.com', 80, $errno, $errstr))
@fputs($fsock, "GET /version.php HTTP/1.1\r\n");
@fputs($fsock, "HOST: www.dokeos.com\r\n");
@fputs($fsock, "Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
$get_info = false;
while (!@feof($fsock))
if ($get_info)
$version_info .= @fread($fsock, 1024);
if (@fgets($fsock, 1024) == "\r\n")
$get_info = true;
if ($dokeos_version<>$version_info)
$output='' . get_lang('YourVersionNotUpToDate') . '. '.get_lang('LatestVersionIs').' Dokeos '.$version_info.'. '.get_lang('YourVersionIs').' Dokeos '.$dokeos_version. '. '.str_replace('http://www.dokeos.com','http://www.dokeos.com',get_lang('PleaseVisitDokeos')).'';
$output = ''.get_lang('VersionUpToDate').': Dokeos '.$version_info.'';
if ($errstr)
$output = '' . get_lang('ConnectSocketError') . ': '. $errstr . '';
$output = '' . get_lang('SocketFunctionsDisabled') . '';
return $output;