| | Hugues Peeters | | Christophe Gesché | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Translator : | | Thomas Depraetere | | Andrew Lynn | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ $langEG = "ex."; $langDBHost = "Database Host"; $langDBLogin = "Database Username"; $langDBPassword = "Database Password"; $langMainDB = "Main Dokeos database (DB)"; $langStatDB = "Tracking DB"; $langScormDB = "Scorm DB"; $langUserDB = "User DB"; $langEnableTracking = "Enable Tracking"; $langAllFieldsRequired = "all fields required"; $langPrintVers = "Printable version"; $langLocalPath = "Corresponding local path"; $langAdminEmail = "Administrator email"; $langAdminLastName = "Administrator last name"; $langAdminFirstName = "Administrator first name"; $langAdminLogin = "Administrator login"; $langAdminPass = "Administrator password (you may want to change this)"; $langEducationManager = "Project manager"; $langHelpDeskPhone = "Helpdesk telephone"; $langAdminPhone = "Administrator telephone"; $langCampusName = "Your portal name"; $langInstituteShortName = "Your organisation short name"; $langInstituteURL = "URL of this organisation"; $langDokeosURL = "URL of Dokeos"; $langDBSettingIntro = "The install script will create the Dokeos main database(s). Please note that Dokeos will need to create several databases. If you are allowed to use only one database by your Hosting Service, Dokeos will not work, unless you chose the option \"One database\"."; $langStep1 = "Step 1 of 6 "; $langStep2 = "Step 2 of 6 "; $langStep3 = "Step 3 of 6 "; $langStep4 = "Step 4 of 6 "; $langStep5 = "Step 5 of 6 "; $langStep6 = "Step 6 of 6 "; $langCfgSetting = "Config settings"; $langDBSetting = "MySQL database settings"; $langMainLang = "Main language"; $langLicence = "Licence"; $langLastCheck = "Last check before install"; $langRequirements = "Requirements"; $langDbPrefixForm = "MySQL database prefix"; $langDbPrefixCom = "Leave empty if not requested"; $langEncryptUserPass = "Encrypt user passwords in database"; $langSingleDb = "Use one or several DB for Dokeos"; $langWarningResponsible = "Use this script only after backup. Dokeos team is not responsible if you lost or corrupted data"; $langAllowSelfReg = "Allow self-registration"; $langAllowSelfRegProf = "Allow self-registration as area creator"; $langRecommended = "(recommended)"; ?>