* Dokeos Metadata: create and manage table entries for SCORM package
* @package dokeos.metadata
// PRELIMS -------------------------------------------------------------------->
$getpostvars = array('sdisub','workWith','sdi','smo'); require('md_funcs.php');
define('EID_TYPE', 'Scorm'); define('TPLEN', strlen(EID_TYPE) + 1);
require('md_' . strtolower(EID_TYPE) . '.php');
$langFile = 'md_' . strtolower(EID_TYPE);
$nameTools = get_lang('Tool');
if (!isset($sdisub)) $sdisub = '';
$sdisub = substr(ereg_replace("[^0-9A-Za-z]", "", $sdisub), 0, 4);
define('MFFNAME', 'imsmanifest'); define('MFFDEXT', '.xml');
define('MFF', MFFNAME . $sdisub . MFFDEXT);
define('HTF', 'mdp_scorm.htt');
// $sdisub is for split manifests - Scorm.NNN.$sdisub_xxx e.g. Scorm.3.1979_12
($nameTools && get_lang('Sorry')) or give_up(
'Language file ' . $langFile . " doesn't define 'Tool' and 'Sorry'");
$_course = api_get_course_info(); isset($_course) or give_up(get_lang('Sorry'));
$is_allowed_to_edit = isset($_uid) && $is_courseMember && is_allowed_to_edit();
if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) give_up(get_lang('Denied'));
$mdStore = new mdstore($is_allowed_to_edit); // create table if needed
require(api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'xmd.lib.php');
require(api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'xht.lib.php');
require(api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'fileManage.lib.php');
$baseWorkDir = get_course_path() . ($courseDir = $_course['path'] . '/scorm');
// SET CURRENT SCORM DIRECTORY - HEADER --------------------------------------->
if (isset($workWith)) // explicit in URL, or selected at bottom of screen
$scormdocument = Database::get_course_table(SCORMDOC_TABLE);
$result = api_sql_query("SELECT id FROM $scormdocument WHERE path='" .
addslashes($workWith) . "'", __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 1)
if (($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))) $sdi = $row['id'];
if (isset($sdi) && is_numeric($sdi) && $sdi > 0 && $sdi == (int) $sdi)
$mdObj = new mdobject($_course, $sdi); $workWith = $mdObj->mdo_path;
$hdrInfo = ' ' . get_lang('WorkOn') . ' ' .
($workWith ? htmlspecialchars($workWith) . ', ' : '') .
'SD-id= ' . htmlspecialchars($sdi) .
($sdisub ? ' (' . htmlspecialchars($sdisub) . ')' : '');
unset($sdi); $mdObj = new mdobject($_course, 0);
if ($workWith) $hdrInfo = ' (' . htmlspecialchars($workWith) .
': ' . get_lang('NotInDB') . ')'; unset($workWith);
$originalHdrInfo = $hdrInfo;
if (isset($workWith)) // now checked to be a valid path in scormdocument
if ($mdObj->mdo_filetype == 'folder') // a folder with a manifest?
if (file_exists($fmff = $baseWorkDir . $workWith . '/' . MFF))
if (($mfContents = @fgc($fmff)))
set_time_limit(120); // for analyzing the manifest file
$xht_doc = new xmddoc(explode("\n", $mfContents));
if ($xht_doc->error)
$hdrInfo .= ' ' . get_lang('ManifestSyntax') . ' ' .
} // else keep $mfContents, meaning manifest file is OK
$hdrInfo .= ' ' . get_lang('EmptyManifest');
$hdrInfo .= ' ' . get_lang('NoManifest');
$hdrInfo .= ' ' . get_lang('NotFolder'); unset($sdi);
$mdObj->mdo_add_breadcrump_nav(); // see 'md_' . EID_TYPE . '.php'
if (isset($sdi)) $interbreadcrumb[]= array(
'url' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?sdi=' . urlencode($sdi) .
($sdisub ? '&sdisub=' . urlencode($sdisub) : ''),
'name'=> get_lang('Continue') . ' ' . $sdi .
($sdisub ? ' (' . $sdisub . ')' : ''));
$htmlHeadXtra[] = '
// OPERATIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------->
if (isset($smo)) echo '
', $smo, ' ', "\n"; // selected manifest op
if (isset($smo))
if ($smo == get_lang('UploadMff'))
if (is_uploaded_file($filespec = $_FILES['import_file']['tmp_name']) &&
filesize($filespec) && ($myFile = @fopen($filespec, 'r')))
if (move_uploaded_file($filespec,
$baseWorkDir . $workWith . '/' . MFF))
echo get_lang('MffOk'); $hdrInfo = $originalHdrInfo;
// note: duplicate code below: remove or put in function?
if (file_exists($fmff = $baseWorkDir . $workWith . '/' . MFF))
if (($mfContents = @fgc($fmff)))
set_time_limit(120); // for analyzing the manifest file
$xht_doc = new xmddoc(explode("\n", $mfContents));
if ($xht_doc->error)
$hdrInfo .= ' ' . get_lang('ManifestSyntax') . ' ' .
} // else keep $mfContents, meaning manifest file is OK
$hdrInfo .= ' ' . get_lang('EmptyManifest');
$hdrInfo .= ' ' . get_lang('NoManifest');
else echo get_lang('MffNotOk');
else echo get_lang('MffFileNotFound');
elseif ($smo == get_lang('UploadHtt'))
if (is_uploaded_file($filespec = $_FILES['import_file']['tmp_name']) &&
filesize($filespec) && ($myFile = @fopen($filespec, 'r')))
fclose($myFile); if (move_uploaded_file($filespec,
$baseWorkDir . $workWith . '/' . HTF))
echo get_lang('HttOk');
else echo get_lang('HttNotOk');
else echo get_lang('HttFileNotFound');
elseif ($smo == get_lang('RemoveHtt'))
@unlink($fhtf = $baseWorkDir . $workWith . '/' . HTF);
if (file_exists($fhtf))
echo get_lang('HttRmvNotOk');
else echo get_lang('HttRmvOk');
elseif ($smo == get_lang('Import'))
define('TREETOP', 'organizations/organization');
define('TITLE', 'title');
define('SUBITEM', 'item');
define('IDENTIF', 'identifier');
define('ITEMID', '@'.IDENTIF);
define('SUBIT', SUBITEM.'/'.ITEMID);
define('RESOURCE', 'resources/resource');
define('WHERE', ITEMID);
define('ISITEM', '@identifierref');
define('HREF', 'href');
define('WEBF', '@'.HREF);
define('FILE', 'file');
define('THUMB', FILE.'[1]/'.WEBF);
function resource_for($elem)
global $xht_doc;
$resForItem = $xht_doc->xmd_select_elements_where(RESOURCE,
WHERE, $xht_doc->xmd_value(ISITEM, $elem));
return (count($resForItem) == 0) ? -1 : $resForItem[0];
function store_md_and_traverse_subitems($mfdocId, $level, $counter,
$contextElem, $treeElem, $parentElem)
global $_uid, $xht_doc, $mdStore, $mdObj, $sdisub;
// $contextElem -> @identifier, metadata/lom
// $treeElem -> title, items
$itemId = $xht_doc->xmd_value(ITEMID, $contextElem);
if ($sdisub && $level == 1 && $sdisub != $itemId) return;
// - :
// ...
// ...
// ...
set_time_limit(30); // again 30 seconds from here on...
$mddoc = new xmddoc(' '); // version, name ?
$mddoc->xmd_set_attribute(0, 'level', $level, FALSE);
$mddoc->xmd_set_attribute(0, 'number', $counter, FALSE);
$mddoc->xmd_set_attribute(0, IDENTIF, $itemId, FALSE);
if ($level == 0)
$mddoc->xmd_set_attribute(0, 'created', date('Y/m/d H:i:s'), FALSE);
$mddoc->xmd_set_attribute(0, 'by', $_uid, FALSE);
$xht_doc->xmd_value(TITLE, $treeElem));
if (($ppnId = $xht_doc->xmd_value(ITEMID, $parentElem))) $mddoc->
xmd_add_element('parent', 0, array(IDENTIF => $ppnId));
if (($ppnId = $xht_doc->xmd_value('-'.SUBIT, $treeElem))) $mddoc->
xmd_add_element('previous', 0, array(IDENTIF => $ppnId));
if (($ppnId = $xht_doc->xmd_value('+'.SUBIT, $treeElem))) $mddoc->
xmd_add_element('next', 0, array(IDENTIF => $ppnId));
if (($srcElem = resource_for($treeElem)) > 0)
// change stuff below to xmd_copy_foreign_child ?
$resElem = $mddoc->xmd_add_element('resource', 0,
array(HREF => $xht_doc->xmd_value(WEBF, $srcElem)));
foreach ($xht_doc->xmd_select_elements(FILE, $srcElem) as $fileElem)
$mddoc->xmd_add_element(FILE, $resElem,
array(HREF => $xht_doc->xmd_value(WEBF, $fileElem)));
$xht_doc->xmd_select_single_element('metadata', $contextElem));
foreach ($xht_doc->xmd_select_elements(SUBITEM, $treeElem) as $subElem)
$mddoc->xmd_add_element('child', 0,
array(IDENTIF => $xht_doc->xmd_value(ITEMID, $subElem)));
$mdt = $mddoc->xmd_xml();
$xhtDoc = $mdObj->mdo_define_htt();
$xhtDoc->xht_xmldoc = $mddoc; // $xhtDoc->xht_param['xxx'] = 'yyy';
$mdStore->mds_put($eid = EID_TYPE . '.' . $mfdocId . '.' . $itemId,
$mdt, 'mdxmltext', '?');
$mdStore->mds_put($eid, $ixt =
$xhtDoc->xht_fill_template('INDEXABLETEXT'), 'indexabletext');
if ($level == 0) // store a copy as 'Scorm.nnn'
$mdStore->mds_put(EID_TYPE . '.' . $mfdocId, $mdt, 'mdxmltext', '?');
$mdStore->mds_put(EID_TYPE . '.' . $mfdocId, $ixt, 'indexabletext');
echo htmlspecialchars($level.'/ '.$itemId), ' ';
flush(); $loopctr = 0;
foreach ($xht_doc->xmd_select_elements(SUBITEM, $treeElem) as $subElem)
store_md_and_traverse_subitems($mfdocId, $level + 1, ++$loopctr,
$subElem, $subElem, $contextElem);
// note: replacing this recursion by queue+loop makes it slower!
function content_for_index_php($scid)
// 'if {}' and 'else {}' are string literals spanning several lines
return '';
if ($mfContents)
store_md_and_traverse_subitems($sdi, 0, 1, 0,
$xht_doc->xmd_select_single_element(TREETOP), -1);
$playIt = $baseWorkDir . $workWith . '/index.php';
$fileHandler = @fopen($playIt, 'w');
@fwrite($fileHandler, content_for_index_php($sdi));
echo htmlspecialchars($workWith);
if (file_exists($playIt)) echo '/index.php ',
htmlspecialchars(date('Y/m/d H:i:s', filemtime($playIt)));
elseif ($smo == get_lang('Remove') && $sdisub)
$screm = EID_TYPE . '.' . $sdi . '.' . $sdisub;
$mdStore->mds_delete_offspring($screm, '\_'); // SQL LIKE underscore
echo htmlspecialchars($screm . '_*: ' . mysql_affected_rows()), ' ';
elseif ($smo == get_lang('Remove'))
$mdStore->mds_delete($screm = EID_TYPE . '.' . $sdi);
echo htmlspecialchars($screm . ': ' . mysql_affected_rows()), ' ';
echo htmlspecialchars($screm . '.*: ' . mysql_affected_rows()), ' ',
'' . get_lang('AllRemovedFor') . ' ' . $screm . ' ';
elseif ($smo == get_lang('Index') && file_exists($phpDigIncCn) &&
ereg('^http://([^/]+)/(.+)/index\.php$', $mdObj->mdo_url, $regs))
$result = $mdStore->mds_get_many('eid,mdxmltext,indexabletext',
"eid LIKE '" . EID_TYPE . "." . $sdi .
($sdisub ? "." . $sdisub . "\_%'" : ".%'")); // SQL LIKE underscore
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) // load indexabletexts in memory
// URL: index.php[?sid=xxx[&thumb=yyy]] (file[1]/@href: pptslnnn_t.jpg)
$th = ''; $indtxt = $row['indexabletext'];
if (($fh = strpos($rx = $row['mdxmltext'], 'file href="')) !== FALSE)
if (($cq = strpos($rx, '"', $fh += 11)) !== FALSE)
if (ereg('^pptsl[0-9]+_t\.jpg$', $thwf = substr($rx, $fh, $cq - $fh)))
$th = '&thumb=' . urlencode($thwf);
if ($th == '' && ($sclvl = strpos($indtxt, 'scorm-level-')) !== FALSE)
$th = '&thumb=scorm-level-' . $indtxt{$sclvl + 12} . '.jpg';
$idt[($dotpos = strpos($ri = $row['eid'], '.', TPLEN)) !== FALSE ?
('index.php?sid=' . urlencode(substr($ri, $dotpos+1)) . $th) :
'index.php'] = $indtxt;
require($phpDigIncCn); // switch to PhpDig DB
if (($site_id = remove_engine_entries('http://' . $regs[1] .'/', $path =
$regs[2] . '/', $sdisub ? 'index.php?sid=' . $sdisub . '_' : '')))
echo '', "\n";
foreach ($idt as $url => $text)
set_time_limit(30); // again 30 seconds from here on...
index_words($site_id, $path, $url,
get_first_words($text, $path, $url), get_keywords($text));
echo '
', "\n";
// possible enhancement: UPDATE spider record for still existing pages
if(isset($db)) mysql_select_db($mainDbName, $db); // back to Dokeos
elseif ($smo == get_lang('Index'))
echo 'Problem! PhpDig connect.php has gone or else URL "' .
htmlspecialchars($mdObj->mdo_url) .
'" is not like "http://xxxx/yyy.../zzz/index.php"';
// STATISTICS ----------------------------------------------------------------->
echo '', get_lang('Statistics'), ' ', "\n";
$result = $mdStore->mds_get_many('eid', "eid LIKE '" . EID_TYPE . ".%'");
echo get_lang('TotalMDEs'), mysql_num_rows($result), "\n";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$eid_id = substr($eid = $row['eid'], TPLEN);
if (($dotpos = strpos($eid_id, '.')))
$eid_id = substr($eid_id, 0, $dotpos);
$mdtmain[$eid_id] = $mdStore->mds_get($eid);
$perId[$eid_id] = ($pi = $perId[$eid_id]) ? $pi + 1 : 1;
if (isset($sdi))
$mdo = new mdobject($_course, $sdi);
echo ' ', htmlspecialchars($mdo->mdo_path), ', SD-id ', $sdi, ': ',
($perId[$sdi] ? $perId[$sdi] : '0'), ' ',
($mdtmain[$sdi] ? '- " .
get_lang('MainMD') . ' ' : ''), "\n";
if (count($perId))
foreach ($perId as $id => $number)
$mdo = new mdobject($_course, $id);
if (!($pth = $mdo->mdo_path))
$pth = $mdtmain[$id]; // fetch something simple without parsing
if ($ttopen = strpos($pth, ''))
if ($ttclose = strpos($pth, ' ', $ttopen))
$pth = ' ' . html_entity_decode
(substr($pth, $ttopen+7, $ttclose-$ttopen-7));
else $pth = ' ' . substr($pth, $ttopen+7, 30);
else $pth = ' ' . substr($pth, 0, 30);
$pathId[$pth] = $id;
echo '', "\n"; ksort($pathId); $wwl = strlen($workWith);
foreach ($pathId as $pth => $id) if ($wwl == 0 ||
($wwl < strlen($pth) && substr($pth, 0, $wwl) == $workWith))
$tmfdt = file_exists($tfmff = $baseWorkDir . $pth . '/' . MFF) ?
date('Y/m/d H:i:s', filemtime($tfmff)) : '-';
echo '', htmlspecialchars($tmfdt), ' ',
'', htmlspecialchars($pth),
' (SD-id ', $id,
'): ', $perId[$id], ' ', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
if ($mfContents)
echo $workWith, '/', MFF, ': ',
htmlspecialchars(date('Y/m/d H:i:s', filemtime($fmff))) , ", \n",
substr_count($mfContents, "\n") + 1,
' ' . get_lang('Lines') . '.', "\n";
if (!$sdisub && ($dh = opendir($baseWorkDir . $workWith)))
$nsplit = array();
while (FALSE !== ($file = readdir($dh)))
if (ereg('^'.MFFNAME.'(.+)\\'.MFFDEXT .'$', $file, $regs))
$nsplit []= $regs[1];
if (count($nsplit))
echo ' ', get_lang('SplitData'); sort($nsplit);
foreach ($nsplit as $ns)
$result = $mdStore->mds_get_many('eid', "eid LIKE '" .
EID_TYPE . "." . $sdi . "." . $ns . "\_%'");
$nns = mysql_num_rows($result);
echo $ns, $nns ? '_ ' . $nns : '', '; ';
echo ' ';
if (file_exists($baseWorkDir . $workWith . '/index.php'))
echo "mdo_url . "', '', '')\">" . get_lang('Play'), ' ', "\n";
if (file_exists($fhtf = $baseWorkDir . $workWith . '/' . HTF))
echo ' ', $workWith, '/', HTF, ': ',
htmlspecialchars(date('Y/m/d H:i:s', filemtime($fhtf))) , "\n";
// SELECT & FOOTER ------------------------------------------------------------>
if ($mfContents || $xht_doc->error)
echo '', get_lang('UploadMff'), " \n\n",
echo '', get_lang('UploadHtt'), file_exists($fhtf) ?
(' + ' . get_lang('RemoveHtt')) : '', " \n\n",
echo '', $nameTools, $hdrInfo, ' ', "\n";
if ($mfContents || $perId[$sdi]) // buttons for manifest operations
echo '', "\n";
echo '(', get_lang('NonePossible'), '...)';
function showSelectForm($label, $specifics)
echo '', "\n",
' ', "\n";
echo '', get_lang('OrElse'), ' ', "\n', "\n";