* @param - fileName (string) name of a file * @return - the filenam phps'ized */ function php2phps ($fileName) { $fileName = preg_replace('/\.(php.?|phtml.?)(\.){0,1}.*$/i', '.phps', $fileName); return $fileName; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Renames .htaccess & .HTACCESS tot htaccess.txt * * @param string $filename * @return string */ function htaccess2txt($filename) { $filename = str_replace('.htaccess', 'htaccess.txt', $filename); $filename = str_replace('.HTACCESS', 'htaccess.txt', $filename); return $filename; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * this function executes our safety precautions * more functions can be added * * @param string $filename * @return string * @see php2phps() * @see htaccess2txt() */ function disable_dangerous_file($filename) { $filename = php2phps($filename); $filename = htaccess2txt($filename); return $filename; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * this function generates a unique name for a file on a given location * filenames are changed to name_#.ext * * @param string $path * @param string $name * @return new unique name */ function unique_name($path,$name) { $ext = substr(strrchr($name, "."), 0); $name_no_ext = substr($name, 0, strlen($name) - strlen(strstr($name,$ext))); $n = 0; $unique = ''; while(file_exists($path . $name_no_ext . $unique . $ext)) { $unique = '_' . ++$n; } return $name_no_ext . $unique . $ext; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Returns the name without extension, used for the title * * @param string $name * @return name without the extension */ function get_document_title($name) { //if they upload .htaccess... $name = disable_dangerous_file($name); $ext = substr(strrchr($name, "."), 0); $name_no_ext = substr($name, 0, strlen($name) - strlen(strstr($name,$ext))); $filename = addslashes($name_no_ext); return $filename; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * This function checks if the upload succeeded * * @param array $uploaded_file ($_FILES) * @return true if upload succeeded */ function process_uploaded_file($uploaded_file) { // Checking the error code sent with the file upload. switch ($uploaded_file['error']) { case 1: // The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini. Display::display_error_message(get_lang('UplExceedMaxServerUpload'). ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); return false; case 2: // The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form. // Not used at the moment, but could be handy if we want to limit the size of an upload (e.g. image upload in html editor). Display::display_error_message(get_lang('UplExceedMaxPostSize'). round($_POST['MAX_FILE_SIZE']/1024) ." KB"); return false; case 3: // The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. Display::display_error_message(get_lang('$UplPartialUpload')." ".get_lang('PleaseTryAgain')); return false; case 4: // No file was uploaded. Display::display_error_message(get_lang('UplNoFileUploaded')." ". get_lang('UplSelectFileFirst')); return false; } // case 0: default: We assume there is no error, the file uploaded with success. return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * this function does the save-work for the documents. * it handles the uploaded file and adds the properties to the database * if unzip=1 and the file is a zipfile, it is extracted * if we decide to save ALL kinds of documents in one database, * we could extend this with a $type='document', 'scormdocument',... * * @param array $_course * @param array $uploaded_file ($_FILES) * @param string $base_work_dir * @param string $upload_path * @param int $user_id * @param int $to_group_id, 0 for everybody * @param int $to_user_id, NULL for everybody * @param int $maxFilledSpace * @param int $unzip 1/0 * @param string $what_if_file_exists overwrite, rename or warn if exists (default) * @param boolean Optional output parameter. So far only use for unzip_uploaded_document function. If no output wanted on success, set to false. * @return path of the saved file */ function handle_uploaded_document($_course,$uploaded_file,$base_work_dir,$upload_path,$user_id,$to_group_id=0,$to_user_id=NULL,$maxFilledSpace='',$unzip=0,$what_if_file_exists='',$output=true) { if(!$user_id) die("Not a valid user."); //strip slashes $uploaded_file['name']=stripslashes($uploaded_file['name']); //add extension to files without one (if possible) $uploaded_file['name']=add_ext_on_mime($uploaded_file['name'],$uploaded_file['type']); $current_session_id = api_get_session_id(); //check if there is enough space to save the file if (!enough_space($uploaded_file['size'], $maxFilledSpace)) { Display::display_error_message(get_lang('UplNotEnoughSpace')); return false; } //if the want to unzip, check if the file has a .zip (or ZIP,Zip,ZiP,...) extension if ($unzip == 1 && preg_match("/.zip$/", strtolower($uploaded_file['name'])) ) { return unzip_uploaded_document($uploaded_file, $upload_path, $base_work_dir, $maxFilledSpace, $output, $to_group_id); //display_message("Unzipping file"); } //we can only unzip ZIP files (no gz, tar,...) elseif ($unzip == 1 && !preg_match("/.zip$/", strtolower($uploaded_file['name'])) ) { Display::display_error_message(get_lang('UplNotAZip')." ".get_lang('PleaseTryAgain')); return false; } else { //clean up the name, only ASCII characters should stay. (and strict) $clean_name = replace_dangerous_char($uploaded_file['name'], 'strict'); //no "dangerous" files $clean_name = disable_dangerous_file($clean_name); if(!filter_extension($clean_name)) { Display::display_error_message(get_lang('UplUnableToSaveFileFilteredExtension')); return false; } else { //extension is good //echo "
clean name = ".$clean_name; //echo "
upload_path = ".$upload_path; //if the upload path differs from / (= root) it will need a slash at the end if ($upload_path!='/') { $upload_path = $upload_path.'/'; } //echo "
upload_path = ".$upload_path; $file_path = $upload_path.$clean_name; //echo "
file path = ".$file_path; //full path to where we want to store the file with trailing slash $where_to_save = $base_work_dir.$upload_path; //at least if the directory doesn't exist, tell so if(!is_dir($where_to_save)){ Display::display_error_message(get_lang('DestDirectoryDoesntExist').' ('.$upload_path.')'); return false; } //echo "
where to save = ".$where_to_save; // full path of the destination $store_path = $where_to_save.$clean_name; //echo "
store path = ".$store_path; //name of the document without the extension (for the title) $document_name = get_document_title($uploaded_file['name']); //size of the uploaded file (in bytes) $file_size = $uploaded_file['size']; $files_perm = api_get_permissions_for_new_files(); //what to do if the target file exists switch ($what_if_file_exists) { //overwrite the file if it exists case 'overwrite': //check if the target file exists, so we can give another message if (file_exists($store_path)) { $file_exists = true; } else { $file_exists = false; } if (@move_uploaded_file($uploaded_file['tmp_name'], $store_path)) { chmod($store_path,$files_perm); if($file_exists) { //UPDATE DATABASE! $document_id = DocumentManager::get_document_id($_course,$file_path); if ($document_id) { //update filesize update_existing_document($_course,$document_id,$uploaded_file['size']); //update document item_property api_item_property_update($_course,TOOL_DOCUMENT,$document_id,'DocumentUpdated',$user_id,$to_group_id,$to_user_id,null,null,$current_session_id); } //if the file is in a folder, we need to update all parent folders item_property_update_on_folder($_course,$upload_path,$user_id); //display success message with extra info to user if($output){ Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('UplUploadSucceeded')."
".$file_path .' '. get_lang('UplFileOverwritten'),false); } return $file_path; } else { //put the document data in the database $document_id = add_document($_course,$file_path,'file',$file_size,$document_name); if ($document_id) { //put the document in item_property update api_item_property_update($_course,TOOL_DOCUMENT,$document_id,'DocumentAdded',$user_id,$to_group_id,$to_user_id,null,null,$current_session_id); } //if the file is in a folder, we need to update all parent folders item_property_update_on_folder($_course,$upload_path,$user_id); //display success message to user Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('UplUploadSucceeded')."
".$file_path,false); return $file_path; } } else { Display::display_error_message(get_lang('UplUnableToSaveFile')); return false; } break; //rename the file if it exists case 'rename': $new_name = unique_name($where_to_save, $clean_name); $store_path = $where_to_save.$new_name; $new_file_path = $upload_path.$new_name; if (@move_uploaded_file($uploaded_file['tmp_name'], $store_path)) { chmod($store_path,$files_perm); //put the document data in the database $document_id = add_document($_course,$new_file_path,'file',$file_size,$document_name); if ($document_id) { //update document item_property api_item_property_update($_course,TOOL_DOCUMENT,$document_id,'DocumentAdded',$user_id,$to_group_id,$to_user_id,null,null,$current_session_id); } //if the file is in a folder, we need to update all parent folders item_property_update_on_folder($_course,$upload_path,$user_id); //display success message to user if($output){ Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('UplUploadSucceeded'). "
" .get_lang('UplFileSavedAs') . $new_file_path,false); } return $new_file_path; } else { Display::display_error_message(get_lang('UplUnableToSaveFile')); return false; } break; //only save the file if it doesn't exist or warn user if it does exist default: if (file_exists($store_path)) { Display::display_error_message($clean_name.' '.get_lang('UplAlreadyExists')); } else { if (@move_uploaded_file($uploaded_file['tmp_name'], $store_path)) { chmod($store_path,$files_perm); //put the document data in the database $document_id = add_document($_course,$file_path,'file',$file_size,$document_name); if ($document_id) { //update document item_property api_item_property_update($_course,TOOL_DOCUMENT,$document_id,'DocumentAdded',$user_id,$to_group_id,$to_user_id,null,null,$current_session_id); } //if the file is in a folder, we need to update all parent folders item_property_update_on_folder($_course,$upload_path,$user_id); //display success message to user if($output){ Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('UplUploadSucceeded')."
".$file_path,false); } return $file_path; } else { Display::display_error_message(get_lang('UplUnableToSaveFile')); return false; } } break; } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Check if there is enough place to add a file on a directory * on the base of a maximum directory size allowed * @deprecated use enough_space instead! * @author - Hugues Peeters * @param - fileSize (int) - size of the file in byte * @param - dir (string) - Path of the directory * whe the file should be added * @param - maxDirSpace (int) - maximum size of the diretory in byte * @return - boolean true if there is enough space, * boolean false otherwise * * @see - enough_size() uses dir_total_space() function */ function enough_size($fileSize, $dir, $maxDirSpace) { if ($maxDirSpace) { $alreadyFilledSpace = dir_total_space($dir); if ( ($fileSize + $alreadyFilledSpace) > $maxDirSpace) { return false; } } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Check if there is enough place to add a file on a directory * on the base of a maximum directory size allowed * * @author Bert Vanderkimpen * @param int file_size size of the file in byte * @param array $_course * @param int max_dir_space maximum size * @return boolean true if there is enough space, false otherwise * * @see enough_space() uses documents_total_space() function */ function enough_space($file_size, $max_dir_space) { if ($max_dir_space) { $already_filled_space = documents_total_space(); if ( ($file_size + $already_filled_space) > $max_dir_space) { return false; } } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Compute the size already occupied by a directory and is subdirectories * * @author - Hugues Peeters * @param - dirPath (string) - size of the file in byte * @return - int - return the directory size in bytes */ function dir_total_space($dirPath) { $save_dir = getcwd(); chdir ($dirPath) ; $handle = opendir($dirPath); while ($element = readdir($handle) ) { if ( $element == "." || $element == "..") { continue; // skip the current and parent directories } if ( is_file($element) ) { $sumSize += filesize($element); } if ( is_dir($element) ) { $dirList[] = $dirPath."/".$element; } } closedir($handle) ; if ( sizeof($dirList) > 0) { foreach($dirList as $j) { $sizeDir = dir_total_space($j); // recursivity $sumSize += $sizeDir; } } chdir($save_dir);//return to initial position return $sumSize; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Calculate the total size of all documents in a course * * @author Bert vanderkimpen * @param int $to_group_id (to calculate group document space) * @return int total size */ function documents_total_space($to_group_id='0') { $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY); $TABLE_DOCUMENT = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_DOCUMENT); $sql = "SELECT SUM(size) FROM ".$TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY." AS props, ".$TABLE_DOCUMENT." AS docs WHERE docs.id = props.ref AND props.tool = '".TOOL_DOCUMENT."' AND props.to_group_id='".$to_group_id."' AND props.visibility <> 2"; $result = Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); if($result && Database::num_rows($result)!=0) { $row = Database::fetch_row($result); return $row[0]; } else { return 0; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Try to add an extension to files without extension * Some applications on Macintosh computers don't add an extension to the files. * This subroutine try to fix this on the basis of the MIME type sent * by the browser. * * Note : some browsers don't send the MIME Type (e.g. Netscape 4). * We don't have solution for this kind of situation * * @author - Hugues Peeters * @author - Bert Vanderkimpen * @param - fileName (string) - Name of the file * @param - fileType (string) - Type of the file * @return - fileName (string) * */ function add_ext_on_mime($fileName,$fileType) { /* * Check if the file has an extension AND if the browser has sent a MIME Type */ //if(!ereg("([[:alnum:]]|[[[:punct:]])+\.[[:alnum:]]+$", $fileName) // TODO: This fails sometimes on non-ASCII encoded file names. To be removed. // && $fileType) if(!preg_match('/^.*\.[a-zA-Z_0-9]+$/', $fileName) && $fileType) { /* * Build a "MIME-types / extensions" connection table */ static $mimeType = array(); $mimeType[] = "application/msword"; $extension[] =".doc"; $mimeType[] = "application/rtf"; $extension[] =".rtf"; $mimeType[] = "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint"; $extension[] =".ppt"; $mimeType[] = "application/vnd.ms-excel"; $extension[] =".xls"; $mimeType[] = "application/pdf"; $extension[] =".pdf"; $mimeType[] = "application/postscript"; $extension[] =".ps"; $mimeType[] = "application/mac-binhex40"; $extension[] =".hqx"; $mimeType[] = "application/x-gzip"; $extension[] ="tar.gz"; $mimeType[] = "application/x-shockwave-flash"; $extension[] =".swf"; $mimeType[] = "application/x-stuffit"; $extension[] =".sit"; $mimeType[] = "application/x-tar"; $extension[] =".tar"; $mimeType[] = "application/zip"; $extension[] =".zip"; $mimeType[] = "application/x-tar"; $extension[] =".tar"; $mimeType[] = "text/html"; $extension[] =".html"; $mimeType[] = "text/plain"; $extension[] =".txt"; $mimeType[] = "text/rtf"; $extension[] =".rtf"; $mimeType[] = "img/gif"; $extension[] =".gif"; $mimeType[] = "img/jpeg"; $extension[] =".jpg"; $mimeType[] = "img/png"; $extension[] =".png"; $mimeType[] = "audio/midi"; $extension[] =".mid"; $mimeType[] = "audio/mpeg"; $extension[] =".mp3"; $mimeType[] = "audio/x-aiff"; $extension[] =".aif"; $mimeType[] = "audio/x-pn-realaudio"; $extension[] =".rm"; $mimeType[] = "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin"; $extension[] =".rpm"; $mimeType[] = "audio/x-wav"; $extension[] =".wav"; $mimeType[] = "video/mpeg"; $extension[] =".mpg"; $mimeType[] = "video/mpeg4-generic"; $extension[] =".mp4"; $mimeType[] = "video/quicktime"; $extension[] =".mov"; $mimeType[] = "video/x-msvideo"; $extension[] =".avi"; $mimeType[] = "video/x-ms-wmv"; $extension[] =".wmv"; $mimeType[] = "video/x-flv"; $extension[] =".flv"; $mimeType[] = "application/vnd.ms-word.document.macroEnabled.12"; $extension[] =".docm"; $mimeType[] = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"; $extension[] =".docx"; $mimeType[] = "application/vnd.ms-word.template.macroEnabled.12"; $extension[] =".dotm"; $mimeType[] = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template"; $extension[] =".dotx"; $mimeType[] = "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.template.macroEnabled.12"; $extension[] =".potm"; $mimeType[] = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template"; $extension[] =".potx"; $mimeType[] = "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.addin.macroEnabled.12"; $extension[] =".ppam"; $mimeType[] = "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.slideshow.macroEnabled.12"; $extension[] =".ppsm"; $mimeType[] = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow"; $extension[] =".ppsx"; $mimeType[] = "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.presentation.macroEnabled.12"; $extension[] =".pptm"; $mimeType[] = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"; $extension[] =".pptx"; $mimeType[] = "application/vnd.ms-excel.addin.macroEnabled.12"; $extension[] =".xlam"; $mimeType[] = "application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.binary.macroEnabled.12"; $extension[] =".xlsb"; $mimeType[] = "application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.macroEnabled.12"; $extension[] =".xlsm"; $mimeType[] = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"; $extension[] =".xlsx"; $mimeType[] = "application/vnd.ms-excel.template.macroEnabled.12"; $extension[] =".xltm"; $mimeType[] = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template"; $extension[] =".xltx"; //test on PC (files with no extension get application/octet-stream) //$mimeType[] = "application/octet-stream"; $extension[] =".ext"; /* * Check if the MIME type sent by the browser is in the table */ foreach($mimeType as $key=>$type) { if ($type == $fileType) { $fileName .= $extension[$key]; break; } } unset($mimeType, $extension, $type, $key); // Delete to eschew possible collisions } return $fileName; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * * @author Hugues Peeters * * @param array $uploadedFile - follows the $_FILES Structure * @param string $baseWorkDir - base working directory of the module * @param string $uploadPath - destination of the upload. * This path is to append to $baseWorkDir * @param int $maxFilledSpace - amount of bytes to not exceed in the base * working directory * * @return boolean true if it succeds, false otherwise */ function treat_uploaded_file($uploadedFile, $baseWorkDir, $uploadPath, $maxFilledSpace, $uncompress= '') { $uploadedFile['name']=stripslashes($uploadedFile['name']); if (!enough_size($uploadedFile['size'], $baseWorkDir, $maxFilledSpace)) { return api_failure::set_failure('not_enough_space'); } if ($uncompress == 'unzip' && preg_match("/.zip$/", strtolower($uploadedFile['name'])) ) { return unzip_uploaded_file($uploadedFile, $uploadPath, $baseWorkDir, $maxFilledSpace); } else { $fileName = trim($uploadedFile['name']); // CHECK FOR NO DESIRED CHARACTERS $fileName = replace_dangerous_char($fileName, 'strict'); // TRY TO ADD AN EXTENSION TO FILES WITOUT EXTENSION $fileName = add_ext_on_mime($fileName,$uploadedFile['type']); // HANDLE PHP FILES $fileName = ($fileName); // COPY THE FILE TO THE DESIRED DESTINATION if(move_uploaded_file($uploadedFile['tmp_name'], $baseWorkDir.$uploadPath."/".$fileName)) set_default_settings($uploadPath,$fileName); return true; } } /** * Manages all the unzipping process of an uploaded file * * @author Hugues Peeters * * @param array $uploadedFile - follows the $_FILES Structure * @param string $uploadPath - destination of the upload. * This path is to append to $baseWorkDir * @param string $baseWorkDir - base working directory of the module * @param int $maxFilledSpace - amount of bytes to not exceed in the base * working directory * * @return boolean true if it succeeds false otherwise */ function unzip_uploaded_file($uploadedFile, $uploadPath, $baseWorkDir, $maxFilledSpace) { $zipFile = new pclZip($uploadedFile['tmp_name']); // Check the zip content (real size and file extension) if(file_exists($uploadedFile)) { $zipContentArray = $zipFile->listContent(); $okScorm=false; foreach($zipContentArray as $thisContent) { if ( preg_match('~.(php.*|phtml)$~i', $thisContent['filename']) ) { return api_failure::set_failure('php_file_in_zip_file'); } elseif(stristr($thisContent['filename'],'imsmanifest.xml')) { $okScorm=true; } elseif(stristr($thisContent['filename'],'LMS')) { $okPlantynScorm1=true; } elseif(stristr($thisContent['filename'],'REF')) { $okPlantynScorm2=true; } elseif(stristr($thisContent['filename'],'SCO')) { $okPlantynScorm3=true; } elseif(stristr($thisContent['filename'],'AICC')) { $okAiccScorm=true; } $realFileSize += $thisContent['size']; } if ((($okPlantynScorm1==true) and ($okPlantynScorm2==true) and ($okPlantynScorm3==true)) or ($okAiccScorm==true)) { $okScorm=true; } if(!$okScorm && defined('CHECK_FOR_SCORM') && CHECK_FOR_SCORM) { return api_failure::set_failure('not_scorm_content'); } if (! enough_size($realFileSize, $baseWorkDir, $maxFilledSpace) ) { return api_failure::set_failure('not_enough_space'); } // it happens on Linux that $uploadPath sometimes doesn't start with '/' if($uploadPath[0] != '/') { $uploadPath='/'.$uploadPath; } if($uploadPath[strlen($uploadPath)-1] == '/') { $uploadPath=substr($uploadPath,0,-1); } /* -------------------------------------- Uncompressing phase -------------------------------------- */ /* The first version, using OS unzip, is not used anymore because it does not return enough information. We need to process each individual file in the zip archive to - add it to the database - parse & change relative html links */ if (PHP_OS == 'Linux' && ! get_cfg_var('safe_mode') && false) // *** UGent, changed by OC *** { // Shell Method - if this is possible, it gains some speed exec("unzip -d \"".$baseWorkDir.$uploadPath."/\"".$uploadedFile['name']." " .$uploadedFile['tmp_name']); } else { // PHP method - slower... $save_dir = getcwd(); chdir($baseWorkDir.$uploadPath); $unzippingState = $zipFile->extract(); for($j=0;$j * @author Bert Vanderkimpen * * @param array $uploadedFile - follows the $_FILES Structure * @param string $uploadPath - destination of the upload. * This path is to append to $baseWorkDir * @param string $baseWorkDir - base working directory of the module * @param int $maxFilledSpace - amount of bytes to not exceed in the base * working directory * @param boolean Output switch. Optional. If no output not wanted on success, set to false. * * @return boolean true if it succeeds false otherwise */ function unzip_uploaded_document($uploaded_file, $upload_path, $base_work_dir, $max_filled_space, $output = true, $to_group_id=0) { global $_course; global $_user; global $to_user_id; global $to_group_id; $zip_file = new pclZip($uploaded_file['tmp_name']); // Check the zip content (real size and file extension) $zip_content_array = $zip_file->listContent(); foreach((array) $zip_content_array as $this_content) { $real_filesize += $this_content['size']; } if (! enough_space($real_filesize, $max_filled_space) ) { Display::display_error_message(get_lang('UplNotEnoughSpace')); return false; } // it happens on Linux that $uploadPath sometimes doesn't start with '/' if($upload_path[0] != '/') { $upload_path='/'.$upload_path; } /* -------------------------------------- Uncompressing phase -------------------------------------- */ //get into the right directory $save_dir = getcwd(); chdir($base_work_dir.$upload_path); //we extract using a callback function that "cleans" the path $unzipping_state = $zip_file->extract(PCLZIP_CB_PRE_EXTRACT, 'clean_up_files_in_zip'); // Add all documents in the unzipped folder to the database add_all_documents_in_folder_to_database($_course,$_user['user_id'],$base_work_dir,$upload_path == '/' ? '' : $upload_path, $to_group_id); //Display::display_normal_message(get_lang('UplZipExtractSuccess')); return true; /* if ($upload_path != '/') $upload_path = $upload_path.'/'; if($unzipping_state!=0) { for($j=0;$jfilename = ".$filename."
"); $filename2 = $state['filename']; //echo("
filename2 = ".$filename2."
"); $filetype="file"; //if(is_dir($filename)) if($state['folder']==1) { $filetype="folder"; $endchar=substr($filename,strlen($filename)-1,1); if($endchar=="\\" || $endchar=="/") $filename=substr($filename,0,strlen($filename)-1); } //store document in database if($state['status']=="ok" || $state['status']=="already_a_directory") { //echo $base_work_dir.$upload_path.clean_up_path($state["stored_filename"])." (".$filetype.")
"; $cleaned_up_filename = clean_up_path($filename); $file_path = $upload_path.$cleaned_up_filename; echo("file path = ".$file_path."
"); //this is a quick fix for zipfiles that have files in folders but the folder is not stored in the zipfile //if the path has folders, check if they already are in the database if(dirname('/'.$cleaned_up_filename)!='/' AND dirname('/'.$cleaned_up_filename)!='\\') { $folder_id=DocumentManager::get_document_id($_course,$upload_path.dirname($cleaned_up_filename)); if(!$folder_id) { echo($upload_path.dirname($cleaned_up_filename).' not found in database!
'); $folder_id = add_document($_course,$upload_path.dirname($cleaned_up_filename),'folder',0,basename(dirname($cleaned_up_filename))); if($folder_id) { api_item_property_update($_course,TOOL_DOCUMENT,$folder_id,'FolderAdded',$_user['user_id'],$to_group_id,$to_user_id); //echo('folder '.$upload_path.dirname($cleaned_up_filename)." added
\n"); } } } $store_path = $base_work_dir.$file_path; //echo("store path = ".$store_path."
"); $document_name = get_document_title(basename($filename)); //echo("document_name = ".$document_name."

"); //put the document data in the database //if the file/dir does not exist, just add it //if(!file_exists($store_path)) <- not working, as the file is already extracted //so we check if the document is already in the database $document_id = DocumentManager::get_document_id($_course,$file_path); if(!$document_id) { $document_id = add_document($_course,$file_path,$filetype,$state['size'],$document_name); if ($document_id) { $lastedit_type = ($filetype=='folder')?'FolderAdded':'DocumentAdded'; //update item property for document api_item_property_update($_course,TOOL_DOCUMENT,$document_id,$lastedit_type,$_user['user_id'],$to_group_id,$to_user_id); } } //file/dir exists -> update else { $lastedit_type = ($filetype=='folder')?'FolderUpdated':'DocumentUpdated'; //update the document in item_property api_item_property_update($_course,TOOL_DOCUMENT,$document_id,$lastedit_type,$_user['user_id'],$to_group_id,$to_user_id); } } } //print_r_pre($zip_content_array); //if the file is in a folder, we need to update all parent folders item_property_update_on_folder($_course,$upload_path,$_user['user_id']); //display success message to user chdir($save_dir); //return to previous dir position if($output){ Display::display_normal_message(get_lang('UplZipExtractSuccess')); } return true; } else { //zip file could not be extracted -> corrupt file Display::display_error_message(get_lang('UplZipCorrupt')); return false; } */ } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * this function is a callback function that is used while extracting a zipfile * http://www.phpconcept.net/pclzip/man/en/index.php?options-pclzip_cb_pre_extract * * @param $p_event * @param $p_header * @return 1 (If the function returns 1, then the extraction is resumed) */ function clean_up_files_in_zip($p_event, &$p_header) { $res = clean_up_path($p_header['filename']); return $res; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * this function cleans up a given path * by eliminating dangerous file names and cleaning them * * @param string $path * @return $path * @see disable_dangerous_file() * @see replace_dangerous_char() */ function clean_up_path(&$path) { //split the path in folders and files $path_array = explode('/',$path); //clean up every foler and filename in the path $val = ''; foreach($path_array as $key => $val) { //we don't want to lose the dots in ././folder/file (cfr. zipfile) if($path_array[$key]!='.') $path_array[$key] = disable_dangerous_file( replace_dangerous_char($val) ); } //join the "cleaned" path (modified in-place as passed by reference) $path = implode('/',$path_array); $res = filter_extension($path); return $res; } /** * Check if the file is dangerous, based on extension and/or mimetype. * The list of extensions accepted/rejected can be found from * api_get_setting('upload_extensions_exclude') and api_get_setting('upload_extensions_include') * @param string filename passed by reference. The filename will be modified if filter rules say so! (you can include path but the filename should look like 'abc.html') * @return int 0 to skip file, 1 to keep file */ function filter_extension(&$filename) { if(substr($filename,-1)=='/'){return 1;} //authorize directories $blacklist = api_get_setting('upload_extensions_list_type'); if($blacklist!='whitelist')//if = blacklist { $extensions = split(';',strtolower(api_get_setting('upload_extensions_blacklist'))); $skip = api_get_setting('upload_extensions_skip'); $ext = strrchr($filename, "."); $ext = substr($ext,1); if(empty($ext)){return 1;}//we're in blacklist mode, so accept empty extensions if(in_array(strtolower($ext),$extensions)) { if($skip=='true') { return 0; } else { $new_ext = api_get_setting('upload_extensions_replace_by'); $filename = str_replace(".".$ext,".".$new_ext,$filename); return 1; } } else { return 1; } } else { $extensions = split(';',strtolower(api_get_setting('upload_extensions_whitelist'))); $skip = api_get_setting('upload_extensions_skip'); $ext = strrchr($filename, "."); $ext = substr($ext,1); if(empty($ext)){return 1;}//accept empty extensions if(!in_array(strtolower($ext),$extensions)) { if($skip=='true') { return 0; } else { $new_ext = api_get_setting('upload_extensions_replace_by'); $filename = str_replace(".".$ext,".".$new_ext,$filename); return 1; } } else { return 1; } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Adds a new document to the database * * @param array $_course * @param string $path * @param string $filetype * @param int $filesize * @param string $title * @return id if inserted document */ function add_document($_course,$path,$filetype,$filesize,$title,$comment=NULL, $readonly=0) { global $charset; $session_id = api_get_session_id(); $table_document = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_DOCUMENT,$_course['dbName']); $sql="INSERT INTO $table_document (`path`, `filetype`, `size`, `title`, `comment`, `readonly`, `session_id`) VALUES ('$path','$filetype','$filesize','". Database::escape_string(htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_QUOTES, $charset))."', '$comment', $readonly, $session_id)"; if(Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__)) { //display_message("Added to database (id ".Database::insert_id().")!"); return Database::insert_id(); } else { //display_error("The uploaded file could not be added to the database (".mysql_error().")!"); return false; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* function get_document_id() moved to document.lib.php */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Update an existing document in the database * as the file exists, we only need to change the size * * @param array $_course * @param int $document_id * @param int $filesize * @param int $readonly * @return boolean true /false */ function update_existing_document($_course,$document_id,$filesize,$readonly=0) { $document_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_DOCUMENT,$_course['dbName']); $sql="UPDATE $document_table SET size = '$filesize' , readonly = '$readonly' WHERE id='$document_id'"; if(Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * this function updates the last_edit_date, last edit user id on all folders in a given path * * @param array $_course * @param string $path * @param int $user_id */ function item_property_update_on_folder($_course,$path,$user_id) { //display_message("Start update_lastedit_on_folder"); //if we are in the root, just return... no need to update anything if ($path=='/') return; //if the given path ends with a / we remove it $endchar=substr($path,strlen($path)-1,1); if($endchar=='/') $path=substr($path,0,strlen($path)-1); $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY,$_course['dbName']); //get the time $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); //get all paths in the given path // /folder/subfolder/subsubfolder/file // if file is updated, subsubfolder, subfolder and folder are updated $exploded_path = explode('/',$path); foreach ($exploded_path as $key => $value) { //we don't want a slash before our first slash if($key!=0){ $newpath .= "/".$value; //echo "path= ".$newpath."
"; //select ID of given folder $folder_id = DocumentManager::get_document_id($_course,$newpath); if($folder_id) { $sql = "UPDATE $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY SET `lastedit_date`='$time',`lastedit_type`='DocumentInFolderUpdated', `lastedit_user_id`='$user_id' WHERE tool='".TOOL_DOCUMENT."' AND ref='$folder_id'"; Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Returns the directory depth of the file. * * @author Olivier Cauberghe * @param path+filename eg: /main/document/document.php * @return The directory depth */ function get_levels($filename) { $levels=explode("/",$filename); if(empty($levels[count($levels)-1])) unset($levels[count($levels)-1]); return count($levels); } /* function file_set_default_settings moved to fileManage.lib.php, class FileManager */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Adds file to document table in database * @deprecated, use file_set_default_settings instead * * @author Olivier Cauberghe * @param path,filename * @action Adds an entry to the document table with the default settings. */ function set_default_settings($upload_path,$filename,$filetype="file") { global $dbTable,$_configuration; global $default_visibility; if (!$default_visibility) $default_visibility="v"; $upload_path=str_replace('\\','/',$upload_path); $upload_path=str_replace("//","/",$upload_path); if($upload_path == '/') { $upload_path=''; } elseif(!empty($upload_path) && $upload_path[0] != '/') { $upload_path="/$upload_path"; } $endchar=substr($filename,strlen($filename)-1,1); if($endchar == '/') { $filename=substr($filename,0,-1); } //$dbTable already has `backticks`! //$query="select count(*) as bestaat from `$dbTable` where path='$upload_path/$filename'"; $query="select count(*) as bestaat from $dbTable where path='$upload_path/$filename'"; $result=Database::query($query,__FILE__,__LINE__); $row=Database::fetch_array($result); if($row["bestaat"]>0) //$query="update `$dbTable` set path='$upload_path/$filename',visibility='$default_visibility', filetype='$filetype' where path='$upload_path/$filename'"; $query="update $dbTable set path='$upload_path/$filename',visibility='$default_visibility', filetype='$filetype' where path='$upload_path/$filename'"; else //$query="INSERT INTO `$dbTable` (path,visibility,filetype) VALUES('$upload_path/$filename','$default_visibility','$filetype')"; $query="INSERT INTO $dbTable (path,visibility,filetype) VALUES('$upload_path/$filename','$default_visibility','$filetype')"; Database::query($query,__FILE__,__LINE__); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * retrieve the image path list in a html file * * @author Hugues Peeters * @param string $htmlFile * @return array - images path list */ function search_img_from_html($htmlFile) { $imgFilePath = array(); if(!$fp = fopen($htmlFile, "r")){ //or die('
can not open file
'); return ; } // search and store occurences of the tag in an array $size_file=(filesize($htmlFile)===0) ? 1 : filesize($htmlFile); if (isset($fp) && !($fp===false)) { $buffer = fread( $fp, $size_file ); if (strlen($buffer)>=0 && !($buffer===false)) { // } else { die('
Can not read file.
'); } } else { die('
Can not read file.
'); } $matches = array(); if ( preg_match_all('~<[[:space:]]*img[^>]*>~i', $buffer, $matches) ) { $imgTagList = $matches[0]; } fclose ($fp); unset($buffer); // Search the image file path from all the tag detected if ( sizeof($imgTagList) > 0) { foreach($imgTagList as $thisImgTag) { if ( preg_match('~src[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*[\"]{1}([^\"]+)[\"]{1}~i', $thisImgTag, $matches) ) { $imgPathList[] = $matches[1]; } } $imgPathList = array_unique($imgPathList); // remove duplicate entries } return $imgPathList; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * creates a new directory trying to find a directory name * that doesn't already exist * (we could use unique_name() here...) * * @author Hugues Peeters * @author Bert Vanderkimpen * @param array $_course current course information * @param int $user_id current user id * @param string $desiredDirName complete path of the desired name * @return string actual directory name if it succeeds, * boolean false otherwise */ function create_unexisting_directory($_course,$user_id,$to_group_id,$to_user_id,$base_work_dir,$desired_dir_name, $title = null, $visibility = '') { $nb = ''; while ( file_exists($base_work_dir.$desired_dir_name.$nb) ) { $nb += 1; } if( $title == null) { $title = basename($desired_dir_name); } if (mkdir($base_work_dir.$desired_dir_name.$nb, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories(), true)) { $document_id = add_document($_course, $desired_dir_name.$nb,'folder',0,$title); if ($document_id) { //update document item_property $current_session_id = api_get_session_id(); if ($visibility !== '') { $visibilities = array(0 => 'invisible', 1 => 'visible', 2 => 'delete'); api_item_property_update($_course,TOOL_DOCUMENT,$document_id,$visibilities[$visibility],$user_id,$to_group_id,$to_user_id,null,null,$current_session_id); } else { api_item_property_update($_course,TOOL_DOCUMENT,$document_id,'FolderCreated',$user_id,$to_group_id,$to_user_id,null,null,$current_session_id); } return $desired_dir_name.$nb; } } else { return false; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Handles uploaded missing images * * @author Hugues Peeters * @author Bert Vanderkimpen * @param array $_course * @param array $uploaded_file_collection - follows the $_FILES Structure * @param string $base_work_dir * @param string $missing_files_dir * @param int $user_id * @param int $max_filled_space */ function move_uploaded_file_collection_into_directory($_course, $uploaded_file_collection, $base_work_dir, $missing_files_dir,$user_id,$to_group_id,$to_user_id,$max_filled_space) { $number_of_uploaded_images = count($uploaded_file_collection['name']); for ($i=0; $i < $number_of_uploaded_images; $i++) { $missing_file['name'] = $uploaded_file_collection['name'][$i]; $missing_file['type'] = $uploaded_file_collection['type'][$i]; $missing_file['tmp_name'] = $uploaded_file_collection['tmp_name'][$i]; $missing_file['error'] = $uploaded_file_collection['error'][$i]; $missing_file['size'] = $uploaded_file_collection['size'][$i]; $upload_ok = process_uploaded_file($missing_file); if($upload_ok) { $new_file_list[] = handle_uploaded_document($_course,$missing_file,$base_work_dir,$missing_files_dir,$user_id,$to_group_id,$to_user_id,$max_filled_space,0,'overwrite'); } unset($missing_file); } return $new_file_list; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* * Open the old html file and replace the src path into the img tag * This also works for files in subdirectories. * @param $originalImgPath is an array * @param $newImgPath is an array */ function replace_img_path_in_html_file($originalImgPath, $newImgPath, $htmlFile) { global $_course; /* * Open the file */ $fp = fopen($htmlFile, "r"); $buffer = fread ($fp, filesize ($htmlFile)); /* * Fix the image tags */ for ($i = 0, $fileNb = count($originalImgPath); $i < $fileNb ; $i++) { $replace_what = $originalImgPath[$i]; /* we only need the directory and the filename /path/to/file_html_files/missing_file.gif -> file_html_files/missing_file.gif */ $exploded_file_path = explode('/',$newImgPath[$i]); $replace_by = $exploded_file_path[count($exploded_file_path)-2].'/'.$exploded_file_path[count($exploded_file_path)-1]; //$message .= "Element [$i] " . $replace_what . " replaced by " . $replace_by . "
"; //debug //api_display_debug_info($message); $buffer = str_replace( $replace_what, $replace_by, $buffer); } $new_html_content .= $buffer; fclose ($fp) or die ('
cannot close file
');; /* * Write the resulted new file */ if (!$fp = fopen($htmlFile, 'w')){ //or die('
cannot open file
'); return; } if (!fwrite($fp, $new_html_content)){ // or die('
cannot write in file
'); return; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Creates a file containing an html redirection to a given url * * @author Hugues Peeters * @param string $filePath * @param string $url * @return void */ function create_link_file($filePath, $url) { $fileContent = '' .'' .'' .'' .'' .'' .''; if(file_exists($filePath)){ if (!($fp = fopen ($filePath, 'w'))) { return false; } return fwrite($fp, $fileContent); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Open html file $full_file_name; Parse the hyperlinks; and Write the result back in the html file. @author Roan Embrechts @version 0.1 */ function api_replace_links_in_html($upload_path, $full_file_name) { //Open the file if(file_exists($full_file_name)){ $fp = fopen($full_file_name, "r"); $buffer = fread ($fp, filesize ($full_file_name)); //Parse the contents $new_html_content = api_replace_links_in_string($upload_path, $buffer); //Write the result $fp = fopen($full_file_name, "w"); fwrite($fp, $new_html_content); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** @deprecated, use api_replace_parameter instead Parse the buffer string provided as parameter Replace the a href tags so they are displayed correctly. - works for files in root and subdirectories - replace relative hyperlinks to use showinframes.php?file= ... - add target="_self" to all absolute hyperlinks - leave local anchors untouched (e.g. #CHAPTER1) - leave links with download.php and showinframes.php untouched @author Roan Embrechts @version 0.6 */ function api_replace_links_in_string($upload_path, $buffer) { // Search for hyperlinks $matches = array(); if ( preg_match_all("//i", $buffer, $matches) ) { $tag_list = $matches[0]; } // Search the filepath of all detected tags if (sizeof($tag_list) > 0) { $file_path_list=array(); $href_list=array(); foreach($tag_list as $this_tag) { /* Match case insensitive, the stuff between the two ~ : a href = e.g. a href="www.google.be", A HREF = "info.html" to match ["] escape the " or else PHP interprets it [\"]{1} --> matches exactly one " + 1 or more (like * is 0 or more) [\s]* matches whitespace $matches contains captured subpatterns the only one here is ([^\"]+) --> matches[1] */ if ( preg_match("~a href[\s]*=[\s]*[\"]{1}([^\"]+)[\"]{1}~i", $this_tag, $matches) ) { $file_path_list[] = $matches[1];//older $href_list[] = $matches[0];//to also add target="_self" } } } // replace the original hyperlinks // by the correct ones for ($count = 0; $count < sizeof($href_list); $count++) { $replaceWhat[$count] = $href_list[$count]; $is_absolute_hyperlink = strpos($replaceWhat[$count], "http"); $is_local_anchor = strpos($replaceWhat[$count], "#"); if ($is_absolute_hyperlink == false && $is_local_anchor == false ) { //this is a relative hyperlink if ( (strpos($replaceWhat[$count], "showinframes.php") == false) && (strpos($replaceWhat[$count], "download.php") == false) ) { //fix the link to use showinframes.php $replaceBy[$count] = "a href = \"showinframes.php?file=" . $upload_path."/".$file_path_list[$count]."\" target=\"_self\""; } else { //url already fixed, leave as is $replaceBy[$count] = $replaceWhat[$count]; } } else if ($is_absolute_hyperlink) { $replaceBy[$count] = "a href=\"" . $file_path_list[$count] . "\" target =\"_self\""; } else { //don't change anything $replaceBy[$count] = $replaceWhat[$count]; } //Display::display_normal_message("link replaced by " . $replaceBy[$count]); //debug } $buffer = str_replace($replaceWhat, $replaceBy, $buffer); return $buffer; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** EXPERIMENTAL - function seems to work, needs more testing @param $upload_path is the path where the document is stored, like "/archive/" if it is the root level, the function expects "/" otherwise "/path/" This function parses all tags with $param_name parameters. so the tags are displayed correctly. -------------- Algorithm v1.0 -------------- given a string and a parameter, * OK find all tags in that string with the specified parameter (like href or src) * OK for every one of these tags, find the src|href|... part to edit it * OK change the src|href|... part to use download.php (or showinframes.php) * OK do some special stuff for hyperlinks Exceptions * OK if download.php or showinframes.php is already in the tag, leave it alone * OK if mailto is in the tag, leave it alone * OK if the src|href param contains http://, it's absolute --> leave it alone Special for hyperlinks (a href...) * OK add target="_self" * OK use showinframes.php instead of download.php @author Roan Embrechts @version 1.1 */ function api_replace_parameter($upload_path, $buffer, $param_name="src") { /* * Search for tags with $param_name as a parameter */ /* // [\s]* matches whitespace // [\"=a-z] matches ", = and a-z // ([\s]*[a-z]*)* matches all whitespace and normal alphabet // characters a-z combinations but seems too slow // perhaps ([\s]*[a-z]*) a maximum number of times ? // [\s]*[a-z]*[\s]* matches many tags // the ending "i" means to match case insensitive (a matches a and A) */ $matches = array(); if ( preg_match_all("/<[a-z]+[^<]*".$param_name."[^<]*>/i", $buffer, $matches) ) { $tag_list = $matches[0]; } /* * Search the filepath of parameter $param_name in all detected tags */ if (sizeof($tag_list) > 0) { $file_path_list=array(); $href_list=array(); foreach($tag_list as $this_tag) { //Display::display_normal_message(htmlentities($this_tag)); //debug if ( preg_match("~".$param_name."[\s]*=[\s]*[\"]{1}([^\"]+)[\"]{1}~i", $this_tag, $matches) ) { $file_path_list[] = $matches[1];//older $href_list[] = $matches[0];//to also add target="_self" } } } /* * Replace the original tags by the correct ones */ for ($count = 0; $count < sizeof($href_list); $count++) { $replaceWhat[$count] = $href_list[$count]; $is_absolute_hyperlink = strpos($replaceWhat[$count], 'http'); $is_local_anchor = strpos($replaceWhat[$count], '#'); if ($is_absolute_hyperlink == false && $is_local_anchor == false ) { if ( (strpos($replaceWhat[$count], 'showinframes.php') == false) && (strpos($replaceWhat[$count], 'download.php') == false) && (strpos($replaceWhat[$count], 'mailto') == false) ) { //fix the link to use download.php or showinframes.php if ( preg_match("//i", $tag_list[$count]) ) { $replaceBy[$count] = " $param_name =\"showinframes.php?file=" . $upload_path.$file_path_list[$count]."\" target=\"_self\" "; } else { $replaceBy[$count] = " $param_name =\"download.php?doc_url=" . $upload_path.$file_path_list[$count]."\" "; } } else { //"mailto" or url already fixed, leave as is //$message .= "Already fixed or contains mailto: "; $replaceBy[$count] = $replaceWhat[$count]; } } else if ($is_absolute_hyperlink) { //$message .= "Absolute hyperlink, don't change, add target=_self: "; $replaceBy[$count] = " $param_name=\"" . $file_path_list[$count] . "\" target =\"_self\""; } else { //don't change anything //$message .= "Local anchor, don't change: "; $replaceBy[$count] = $replaceWhat[$count]; } //$message .= "In tag $count, " . htmlentities($tag_list[$count]) // . ", parameter " . $replaceWhat[$count] . " replaced by " . $replaceBy[$count] . "
"; //debug } //if (isset($message) && $message == true) api_display_debug_info($message); //debug $buffer = str_replace($replaceWhat, $replaceBy, $buffer); return $buffer; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Checks the extension of a file, if it's .htm or .html * we use search_img_from_html to get all image paths in the file * * @param string $file * @return array paths * @see check_for_missing_files() uses search_img_from_html() */ function check_for_missing_files($file) { if (strrchr($file, '.') == '.htm' || strrchr($file, '.') == '.html') { $img_file_path = search_img_from_html($file); return $img_file_path; } return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * This builds a form that asks for the missing images in a html file * maybe we should do this another way? * * @param array $missing_files * @param string $upload_path * @param string $file_name * @return string the form */ function build_missing_files_form($missing_files,$upload_path,$file_name) { //do we need a / or not? $added_slash = ($upload_path=='/')?'':'/'; //build the form $form .= "


\n" ."
\n" //related_file is the path to the file that has missing images ."\n" ."\n" ."\n"; foreach($missing_files as $this_img_file_path ) { $form .= "\n" ."\n" ."\n" ."\n"; } $form .= "
".basename($this_img_file_path)." : " ."" ."" ."
\n" ."" ."" ."
\n"; return $form; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * This recursive function can be used during the upgrade process form older versions of Dokeos * It crawls the given directory, checks if the file is in the DB and adds it if it's not * * @param string $base_work_dir * @param string $current_path, needed for recursivity */ function add_all_documents_in_folder_to_database($_course,$user_id,$base_work_dir,$current_path='',$to_group_id=0) { $current_session_id = api_get_session_id(); $path = $base_work_dir.$current_path; //open dir $handle=opendir($path); if(is_dir($path)){ //run trough while($file=readdir($handle)) { if ($file=='.' || $file=='..') continue; $completepath="$path/$file"; //directory? if (is_dir($completepath)) { $title=get_document_title($file); $safe_file=replace_dangerous_char($file); @rename($path.'/'.$file, $path.'/'.$safe_file); //if we can't find the file, add it if(!DocumentManager::get_document_id($_course, $current_path.'/'.$safe_file)) { $document_id=add_document($_course,$current_path.'/'.$safe_file,'folder',0,$title); api_item_property_update($_course,TOOL_DOCUMENT,$document_id,'DocumentAdded',$user_id, $to_group_id,null,null,null,$current_session_id); //echo $current_path.'/'.$safe_file." added!
"; } //recursive add_all_documents_in_folder_to_database($_course,$user_id,$base_work_dir,$current_path.'/'.$safe_file, $to_group_id); } //file! else { //rename $safe_file=disable_dangerous_file(replace_dangerous_char($file, 'strict')); @rename($base_work_dir.$current_path.'/'.$file,$base_work_dir.$current_path.'/'.$safe_file); if(!DocumentManager::get_document_id($_course, $current_path.'/'.$safe_file)) { $title=get_document_title($file); $size = filesize($base_work_dir.$current_path.'/'.$safe_file); $document_id = add_document($_course,$current_path.'/'.$safe_file,'file',$size,$title); api_item_property_update($_course,TOOL_DOCUMENT,$document_id,'DocumentAdded',$user_id,$to_group_id,null,null,null,$current_session_id); //echo $current_path.'/'.$safe_file." added!
"; } } } } } /* ============================================================================== DEPRECATED FUNCTIONS ============================================================================== */ /** * @deprecated Use transliteration instead, it is applicable for all languages. * * Replaces all accentuated characters by non-accentuated characters for filenames, as * well as special HTML characters by their HTML entity's first letter. * * Although this method is not absolute, it gives good results in general. It first * transforms the string to HTML entities (ô, @oslash;, etc) then removes the * HTML character part to result in simple characters (o, o, etc). * In the case of special characters (out of alphabetical value) like   and <, * it will still replace them by the first letter of the HTML entity (n, l, ...) but it * is still an acceptable method, knowing we're filtering filenames here... * @param string The accentuated string * @return string The escaped string, not absolutely correct but satisfying */ function replace_accents($string, $encoding = null) { /* global $charset; $string = api_htmlentities($string,ENT_QUOTES,$charset); $res = preg_replace("/&([a-z])[a-z]+;/i","$1",$string); return $res; */ return api_transliterate($string, 'x', $encoding); } /** * @deprecated Use transliteration instead, it is applicable for all languages. */ function remove_accents($string, $encoding = null) { /* $string = strtr ( $string, "�����������������������������������������������������", "AAAAAAaaaaaaOOOOOOooooooEEEEeeeeCcIIIIiiiiUUUUuuuuyNn"); return $string; */ return api_transliterate($string, 'x', $encoding); }