* @desc Record information for open event (when homepage is opened) */ function event_open() { global $_configuration; global $TABLETRACK_OPEN; // if tracking is disabled record nothing if (!$_configuration['tracking_enabled']) { return 0; } // @getHostByAddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) : will provide host and country information // $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : will provide browser and os information // $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : provide information about refering url if(isset($_SERVER['HTT_REFERER'])) { $referer = Database::escape_string($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } else { $referer = ''; } // record informations only if user comes from another site //if(!eregi($_configuration['root_web'],$referer)) $pos = strpos($referer, $_configuration['root_web']); if ($pos === false && $referer != '') { $remhost = @ getHostByAddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); if ($remhost == $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) $remhost = "Unknown"; // don't change this $reallyNow = time(); $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$TABLETRACK_OPEN." (open_remote_host, open_agent, open_referer, open_date) VALUES ('".$remhost."', '".Database::escape_string($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])."', '".Database::escape_string($referer)."', FROM_UNIXTIME($reallyNow) )"; $res = Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); } return 1; } /** * @author Sebastien Piraux * @desc Record information for login event * (when an user identifies himself with username & password) */ function event_login() { global $_configuration; global $_user; global $TABLETRACK_LOGIN; // if tracking is disabled record nothing if (!$_configuration['tracking_enabled']) { return 0; } $reallyNow = time(); $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$TABLETRACK_LOGIN." (login_user_id, login_ip, login_date) VALUES ('".$_user['user_id']."', '".Database::escape_string($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])."', FROM_UNIXTIME(".$reallyNow."))"; $res = Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); } /** * @param tool name of the tool (name in mainDb.accueil table) * @author Sebastien Piraux * @desc Record information for access event for courses */ function event_access_course() { global $_configuration; global $_user; global $_cid; global $TABLETRACK_ACCESS; global $TABLETRACK_LASTACCESS; //for "what's new" notification // if tracking is disabled record nothing if (!$_configuration['tracking_enabled']) { return 0; } if(api_get_setting('use_session_mode')=='true' && isset($_SESSION['id_session'])) { $id_session = intval($_SESSION['id_session']); } else { $id_session = 0; } $reallyNow = time(); if ($_user['user_id']) { $user_id = "'".$_user['user_id']."'"; } else { $user_id = "0"; // no one } $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$TABLETRACK_ACCESS." (access_user_id, access_cours_code, access_date) VALUES (".$user_id.", '".$_cid."', FROM_UNIXTIME(".$reallyNow."))"; $res = Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); // added for "what's new" notification $sql = " UPDATE $TABLETRACK_LASTACCESS SET access_date = FROM_UNIXTIME($reallyNow) WHERE access_user_id = ".$user_id." AND access_cours_code = '".$_cid."' AND access_tool IS NULL AND access_session_id=".$id_session; $res = Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); if (Database::affected_rows() == 0) { $sql = " INSERT INTO $TABLETRACK_LASTACCESS (access_user_id,access_cours_code,access_date, access_session_id) VALUES (".$user_id.", '".$_cid."', FROM_UNIXTIME($reallyNow), ".$id_session.")"; $res = Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); } // end "what's new" notification return 1; } /** * @param tool name of the tool (name in mainDb.accueil table) * @author Sebastien Piraux * @desc Record information for access event for tools * * $tool can take this values : * Links, Calendar, Document, Announcements, * Group, Video, Works, Users, Exercices, Course Desc * ... * Values can be added if new modules are created (15char max) * I encourage to use $nameTool as $tool when calling this function * * Functionality for "what's new" notification is added by Toon Van Hoecke */ function event_access_tool($tool, $id_session=0) { global $_configuration; // if tracking is disabled record nothing // if( ! $_configuration['tracking_enabled'] ) return 0; //commented because "what's new" notification must always occur global $_user; global $_cid; global $TABLETRACK_ACCESS; global $_configuration; global $_course; global $TABLETRACK_LASTACCESS; //for "what's new" notification if(api_get_setting('use_session_mode')=='true' && isset($_SESSION['id_session'])) { $id_session = intval($_SESSION['id_session']); } else { $id_session = 0; } $reallyNow = time(); $user_id = $_user['user_id'] ? "'".$_user['user_id']."'" : "0"; // no one // record information // only if user comes from the course $_cid //if( eregi($_configuration['root_web'].$_cid,$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ) ) //$pos = strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],$_configuration['root_web'].$_cid); $pos = strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']), strtolower(api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).$_course['path'])); // added for "what's new" notification $pos2 = strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']), strtolower($_configuration['root_web']."index")); // end "what's new" notification if ($_configuration['tracking_enabled'] && ($pos !== false || $pos2 !== false)) { $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$TABLETRACK_ACCESS." (access_user_id, access_cours_code, access_tool, access_date) VALUES (".$user_id.",".// Don't add ' ' around value, it's already done. "'".$_cid."' , '".htmlspecialchars($tool, ENT_QUOTES)."', FROM_UNIXTIME(".$reallyNow."))"; $res = Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); } // "what's new" notification $sql = " UPDATE $TABLETRACK_LASTACCESS SET access_date = FROM_UNIXTIME($reallyNow) WHERE access_user_id = ".$user_id." AND access_cours_code = '".$_cid."' AND access_tool = '".htmlspecialchars($tool, ENT_QUOTES)."' AND access_session_id=".$id_session; $res = Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); if (Database::affected_rows() == 0) { $sql = "INSERT INTO $TABLETRACK_LASTACCESS (access_user_id,access_cours_code,access_tool, access_date, access_session_id) VALUES (".$user_id.", '".$_cid."' , '".htmlspecialchars($tool, ENT_QUOTES)."', FROM_UNIXTIME($reallyNow), $id_session)"; $res = Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); } return 1; } /** * @param doc_id id of document (id in mainDb.document table) * @author Sebastien Piraux * @desc Record information for download event * (when an user click to d/l a document) * it will be used in a redirection page * bug fixed: Roan Embrechts * Roan: * The user id is put in single quotes, * (why? perhaps to prevent sql insertion hacks?) * and later again. * Doing this twice causes an error, I remove one of them. */ function event_download($doc_url) { global $_configuration; global $_user; global $_cid; global $TABLETRACK_DOWNLOADS; // if tracking is disabled record nothing if (!$_configuration['tracking_enabled']) { return 0; } $reallyNow = time(); if ($_user['user_id']) { $user_id = "'".$_user['user_id']."'"; } else { $user_id = "0"; } $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$TABLETRACK_DOWNLOADS." ( down_user_id, down_cours_id, down_doc_path, down_date ) VALUES ( ".$user_id.", '".$_cid."', '".htmlspecialchars($doc_url, ENT_QUOTES)."', FROM_UNIXTIME(".$reallyNow.") )"; $res = Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); return 1; } /** * @param doc_id id of document (id in mainDb.document table) * @author Sebastien Piraux * @desc Record information for upload event * used in the works tool to record informations when * an user upload 1 work */ function event_upload($doc_id) { global $_configuration; global $_user; global $_cid; global $TABLETRACK_UPLOADS; // if tracking is disabled record nothing if (!$_configuration['tracking_enabled']) { return 0; } $reallyNow = time(); if (isset($_user['user_id']) && $_user['user_id']!='') { $user_id = "'".$_user['user_id']."'"; } else { $user_id = "0"; // anonymous } $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$TABLETRACK_UPLOADS." ( upload_user_id, upload_cours_id, upload_work_id, upload_date ) VALUES ( ".$user_id.", '".$_cid."', '".$doc_id."', FROM_UNIXTIME(".$reallyNow.") )"; $res = Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); return 1; } /** * @param link_id (id in coursDb liens table) * @author Sebastien Piraux * @desc Record information for link event (when an user click on an added link) * it will be used in a redirection page */ function event_link($link_id) { global $_configuration; global $_user; global $_cid; global $TABLETRACK_LINKS; // if tracking is disabled record nothing if (!$_configuration['tracking_enabled']) { return 0; } $reallyNow = time(); if (isset($_user['user_id']) && $_user['user_id']!='') { $user_id = "'".Database::escape_string($_user['user_id'])."'"; } else { // anonymous $user_id = "0"; } $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$TABLETRACK_LINKS." ( links_user_id, links_cours_id, links_link_id, links_date ) VALUES ( ".$user_id.", '".$_cid."', '".Database::escape_string($link_id)."', FROM_UNIXTIME(".$reallyNow.") )"; $res = Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); return 1; } /** * @param exeid ( id of the exercise) * @param exo_id ( id in courseDb exercices table ) * @param result ( score @ exercice ) * @param weighting ( higher score ) * @param duration ( duration of the attempt, in seconds ) * @param session_id * @param learnpath_id (id of the learnpath) * @param learnpath_item_id (id of the learnpath_item) * @author Sebastien Piraux * @author Julio Montoya Armas * @desc Record result of user when an exercice was done */ function update_event_exercice($exeid,$exo_id, $score, $weighting,$session_id,$learnpath_id=0,$learnpath_item_id=0, $duration) { if ($exeid!='') { $TABLETRACK_EXERCICES = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_EXERCICES); $reallyNow = time(); $sql = "UPDATE $TABLETRACK_EXERCICES SET exe_exo_id = '".Database::escape_string($exo_id)."', exe_result = '".Database::escape_string($score)."', exe_weighting = '".Database::escape_string($weighting)."', session_id = '".Database::escape_string($session_id)."', orig_lp_id = '".Database::escape_string($learnpath_id)."', orig_lp_item_id = '".Database::escape_string($learnpath_item_id)."', exe_duration = '".Database::escape_string($duration)."', exe_date= FROM_UNIXTIME(".$reallyNow."),status = '', data_tracking='',start_date =FROM_UNIXTIME(".Database::escape_string($_SESSION['exercice_start_date']).") WHERE exe_id = '".Database::escape_string($exeid)."'"; $res = @Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); return $res; } else return false; } /** * This function creates an empty Exercise in STATISTIC_TRACK_E_EXERCICES table. * After that in exercise_result.php we call the update_event_exercice() to update the exercise * @return $id the last id registered * @author Julio Montoya * @desc Record result of user when an exercice was done */ function create_event_exercice($exo_id) { global $_user, $_cid, $_configuration; $TABLETRACK_EXERCICES = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_EXERCICES); $reallyNow = time(); if (isset($_user['user_id']) && $_user['user_id']!='') { $user_id = "'".$_user['user_id']."'"; } else { // anonymous $user_id = "0"; } if(defined('ENABLED_LIVE_EXERCISE_TRACKING')){ $condition = ' WHERE ' . 'exe_exo_id = '."'".Database::escape_string($exo_id)."'".' AND ' . 'exe_user_id = '."'".api_get_user_id()."'".' AND ' . 'exe_cours_id = '."'".$_cid."'".' AND ' . 'status = '."'incomplete'".' AND '. 'session_id = '."'".api_get_session_id()."'"; $sql = Database::query('SELECT exe_id FROM '.$TABLETRACK_EXERCICES.$condition,__FILE__,__LINE__); $row = Database::fetch_array($sql); return $row['exe_id']; } $sql = "INSERT INTO $TABLETRACK_EXERCICES ( exe_user_id, exe_cours_id ) VALUES ( ".$user_id.", '".$_cid."' )"; $res = @Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $id= Database::get_last_insert_id(); return $id; } /** * Record an event for this attempt at answering an exercise * @param float Score achieved * @param string Answer given * @param integer Question ID * @param integer Exercise ID * @param integer Position * @return boolean Result of the insert query */ function exercise_attempt($score,$answer,$quesId,$exeId,$j) { $score = Database::escape_string($score); $answer = Database::escape_string($answer); $quesId = Database::escape_string($quesId); $exeId = Database::escape_string($exeId); $j = Database::escape_string($j); global $_configuration, $_user, $_cid; $TBL_TRACK_ATTEMPT = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ATTEMPT); // if tracking is disabled record nothing if (!$_configuration['tracking_enabled']) { return 0; } $reallyNow = time(); if (isset($_user['user_id']) && $_user['user_id']!='') { $user_id = "'".$_user['user_id']."'"; } else // anonymous { $user_id = api_get_anonymous_id(); } $sql = "INSERT INTO $TBL_TRACK_ATTEMPT ( exe_id, user_id, question_id, answer, marks, course_code, position, tms ) VALUES ( ".$exeId.", ".$user_id.", '".$quesId."', '".addslashes($answer)."', '".$score."', '".$_cid."', '".$j."', FROM_UNIXTIME(".$reallyNow.") )"; if(defined('ENABLED_LIVE_EXERCISE_TRACKING')){ $TBL_RECORDING = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ATTEMPT_RECORDING); $recording_changes = 'INSERT INTO '.$TBL_RECORDING.' ' . '(exe_id, question_id, marks, insert_date, author) VALUES ('."'$exeId','".$quesId."','$score','".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."',''".')'; Database::query($recording_changes,__FILE__,__LINE__); } if (isset($quesId) && isset($exeId) && isset($user_id)) { $res = Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); return $res; } else { return false; } } /** * Record an hotspot spot for this attempt at answering an hotspot question * @param int Exercise ID * @param int Question ID * @param int Answer ID * @param int Whether this answer is correct (1) or not (0) * @param string Coordinates of this point (e.g. 123;324) * @return boolean Result of the insert query * @uses Course code and user_id from global scope $_cid and $_user */ function exercise_attempt_hotspot($exe_id, $question_id, $answer_id, $correct, $coords) { global $_configuration, $_user, $_cid; // if tracking is disabled record nothing if (!$_configuration['tracking_enabled']) { return 0; } $tbl_track_e_hotspot = Database :: get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_HOTSPOT); $sql = "INSERT INTO $tbl_track_e_hotspot " . "(hotspot_user_id, hotspot_course_code, hotspot_exe_id, hotspot_question_id, hotspot_answer_id, hotspot_correct, hotspot_coordinate)". " VALUES ('" . Database :: escape_string($_user['user_id']) . "'," . " '" . Database :: escape_string($_cid) . "', " . " '" . Database :: escape_string($exe_id) . "', " . " '" . Database :: escape_string($question_id) . "'," . " '" . Database :: escape_string($answer_id) . "'," . " '" . Database :: escape_string($correct) . "'," . " '" . Database :: escape_string($coords) . "')"; return $result = Database::query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); } /** * @author Yannick Warnier * @desc Record information for common (or admin) events (in the track_e_default table) * @param string Type of event * @param string Type of value * @param string Value * @param string Timestamp (defaults to null) * @param integer User ID (defaults to null) * @param string Course code (defaults to null) */ function event_system($event_type, $event_value_type, $event_value, $timestamp = null, $user_id=null, $course_code=null) { global $_configuration; global $_user; global $TABLETRACK_DEFAULT; $event_type = Database::escape_string($event_type); $event_value_type = Database::escape_string($event_value_type); $event_value = Database::escape_string($event_value); $timestamp = Database::escape_string($timestamp); $user_id = Database::escape_string($user_id); $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); // if tracking is disabled record nothing if (!$_configuration['tracking_enabled']) { return 0; } if(!isset($timestamp)) { $timestamp = time(); } if(!isset($user_id)) { $user_id = 0; } if(!isset($course_code)) { $course_code = ''; } $sql = "INSERT INTO $TABLETRACK_DEFAULT (default_user_id, default_cours_code, default_date, default_event_type, default_value_type, default_value ) VALUES ('$user_id.', '$course_code', FROM_UNIXTIME($timestamp), '$event_type', '$event_value_type', '$event_value')"; $res = Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); return true; } ?>