the user does not exist in the ldap database
// res=1 -> invalid password (user does exist)
if ($res == 1) { //WRONG PASSWORD
//$errorMessage = "LDAP User or password incorrect, try again.
if (isset($log)) unset($log); if (isset($uid)) unset($uid);
$loginLdapSucces = false;
if ($res == -1) { //WRONG USERNAME
//$errorMessage = "LDAP User or password incorrect, try again.
$login_ldap_success = false;
if ($res == 0) { //LOGIN & PASSWORD OK - SUCCES
//$errorMessage = "Successful login w/ LDAP.
$login_ldap_success = true;
//$result = "This is the result: $errorMessage";
$result = $login_ldap_success;
return $result;
* Find user info in LDAP
* @return array Array with indexes: "firstname", "name", "email", "employeenumber"
* @author Stefan De Wannemacker
* @author Roan Embrechts
function ldap_find_user_info($login) {
//error_log('Entering ldap_find_user_info('.$login.')',0);
global $ldap_host, $ldap_port, $ldap_basedn, $ldap_rdn, $ldap_pass, $ldap_search_dn;
// basic sequence with LDAP is connect, bind, search,
// interpret search result, close connection
//echo "Connecting ...";
$ldap_connect = ldap_connect($ldap_host, $ldap_port);
if ($ldap_connect) {
//echo " Connect to LDAP server successful ";
//echo "Binding ...";
$ldap_bind = false;
$ldap_bind_res = ldap_handle_bind($ldap_connect, $ldap_bind);
if ($ldap_bind_res) {
//echo " LDAP bind successful... ";
//echo " Searching for uid... ";
// Search surname entry
//OLD: $sr=ldap_search($ldapconnect,"dc=rug, dc=ac, dc=be", "uid=$login");
//echo "
ldapDc = '$LDAPbasedn'
"; if (!empty($ldap_search_dn)) { $sr = ldap_search($ldap_connect, $ldap_search_dn, "uid=$login"); } else { $sr = ldap_search($ldap_connect, $ldap_basedn, "uid=$login"); } //echo " Search result is ".$sr; //echo " Number of entries returned is ".ldap_count_entries($ldapconnect,$sr); //echo " Getting entries ..."; $info = ldap_get_entries($ldap_connect, $sr); //echo "Data for ".$info["count"]." items returned:"; } // else could echo "LDAP bind failed..."; //echo "Closing LDAP connection
"; $info = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr); return $info; } else { if (count($ldap_query) != 0) Display :: display_error_message(get_lang('LDAPConnectionError')); return array(); } } /** * Get the total number of users on the platform * @see SortableTable#get_total_number_of_items() * @author Mustapha Alouani */ function ldap_get_number_of_users() { $info = ldap_get_users(); if (count($info) > 0) { return $info['count']; } else { return 0; } } /** * Get the users to display on the current page. * @see SortableTable#get_table_data($from) * @author Mustapha Alouani */ function ldap_get_user_data($from, $number_of_items, $column, $direction) { global $extldap_user_correspondance; $users = array(); $is_western_name_order = api_is_western_name_order(); if (isset($_GET['submit'])) { $info = ldap_get_users(); if ($info['count'] > 0) { for ($key = 0; $key < $info["count"]; $key++) { $user = array(); // Get uid from dn //YW: this might be a variation between LDAP 2 and LDAP 3, but in LDAP 3, the uid is in //the corresponding index of the array //$dn_array=ldap_explode_dn($info[$key]["dn"],1); //$user[] = $dn_array[0]; // uid is first key //$user[] = $dn_array[0]; // uid is first key $user[] = $info[$key][$extldap_user_correspondance['username']][0]; $user[] = $info[$key][$extldap_user_correspondance['username']][0]; if ($is_western_name_order) { $user[] = api_convert_encoding($info[$key][$extldap_user_correspondance['firstname']][0], api_get_system_encoding(), 'UTF-8'); $user[] = api_convert_encoding($info[$key][$extldap_user_correspondance['lastname']][0], api_get_system_encoding(), 'UTF-8'); } else { $user[] = api_convert_encoding($info[$key][$extldap_user_correspondance['firstname']][0], api_get_system_encoding(), 'UTF-8'); $user[] = api_convert_encoding($info[$key][$extldap_user_correspondance['lastname']][0], api_get_system_encoding(), 'UTF-8'); } $user[] = $info[$key]['mail'][0]; $user[] = $info[$key][$extldap_user_correspondance['username']][0]; $users[] = $user; } } else { Display :: display_error_message(get_lang('NoUser')); } } return $users; } /** * Build the modify-column of the table * @param int $user_id The user id * @param string $url_params * @return string Some HTML-code with modify-buttons * @author Mustapha Alouani */ function modify_filter($user_id, $url_params, $row) { $query_string = "id[]=".$row[0]; if (!empty($_GET['id_session'])) { $query_string .= '&id_session='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['id_session']); } //$url_params_id="id=".$row[0]; $result = ''.Display::return_icon('add_user.gif', get_lang('AddUsers')).''; return $result; } /** * Adds a user to the Chamilo database or updates its data * @param string username (and uid inside LDAP) * @author Mustapha Alouani */ function ldap_add_user($login) { if ($ldap_user = extldap_authenticate($login, 'nopass', true)) { return extldap_add_user_by_array($ldap_user); } } function ldap_add_user_by_array($data, $update_if_exists = true) { $lastname = api_convert_encoding($data['sn'][0], api_get_system_encoding(), 'UTF-8'); $firstname = api_convert_encoding($data['cn'][0], api_get_system_encoding(), 'UTF-8'); $email = $data['mail'][0]; // Get uid from dn $dn_array = ldap_explode_dn($data['dn'], 1); $username = $dn_array[0]; // uid is first key $outab[] = $data['edupersonprimaryaffiliation'][0]; // Here, "student" //$val = ldap_get_values_len($ds, $entry, "userPassword"); //$val = ldap_get_values_len($ds, $data, "userPassword"); //$password = $val[0]; // TODO the password, if encrypted at the source, will be encrypted twice, which makes it useless. Try to fix that. $password = $data['userPassword'][0]; $structure = $data['edupersonprimaryorgunitdn'][0]; $array_structure = explode(",", $structure); $array_val = explode("=", $array_structure[0]); $etape = $array_val[1]; $array_val = explode("=", $array_structure[1]); $annee = $array_val[1]; // To ease management, we add the step-year (etape-annee) code $official_code = $etape."-".$annee; $auth_source = 'ldap'; // No expiration date for students (recover from LDAP's shadow expiry) $expiration_date = ''; $active = 1; if (empty($status)) {$status = 5; } if (empty($phone)) {$phone = ''; } if (empty($picture_uri)) {$picture_uri = ''; } // Adding user $user_id = 0; if (UserManager::is_username_available($username)) { $user_id = UserManager::create_user($firstname, $lastname, $status, $email, $username, $password, $official_code, api_get_setting('platformLanguage'), $phone, $picture_uri, $auth_source, $expiration_date, $active); } else { if ($update_if_exists) { $user = api_get_user_info($username); $user_id = $user['user_id']; UserManager::update_user($user_id, $firstname, $lastname, $username, null, null, $email, $status, $official_code, $phone, $picture_uri, $expiration_date, $active); } } return $user_id; } /** * Adds a list of users to one session * @param array Array of user ids * @param string Course code * @return void */ function ldap_add_user_to_session($UserList, $id_session) { // Database Table Definitions $tbl_session = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION); $tbl_session_rel_class = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_CLASS); $tbl_session_rel_course = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE); $tbl_session_rel_course_rel_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER); $tbl_course = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $tbl_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $tbl_session_rel_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_USER); $tbl_class = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CLASS); $tbl_class_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CLASS_USER); $id_session = (int) $id_session; // Once users are imported in the users base, we can assign them to the session $result = Database::query("SELECT c_id FROM $tbl_session_rel_course WHERE session_id ='$id_session'"); $CourseList = array(); while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)) { $CourseList[] = $row['c_id']; } foreach ($CourseList as $enreg_course) { foreach ($UserList as $enreg_user) { $enreg_user = (int) $enreg_user; Database::query("INSERT IGNORE ". " INTO $tbl_session_rel_course_rel_user ". "(session_id,c_id,user_id) VALUES ". "('$id_session','$enreg_course','$enreg_user')"); } $sql = "SELECT COUNT(user_id) as nbUsers ". " FROM $tbl_session_rel_course_rel_user ". " WHERE session_id='$id_session' ". " AND c_id='$enreg_course'"; $rs = Database::query($sql); list($nbr_users) = Database::fetch_array($rs); Database::query("UPDATE $tbl_session_rel_course ". " SET nbr_users=$nbr_users ". " WHERE session_id='$id_session' ". " AND c_id='$enreg_course'"); } foreach ($UserList as $enreg_user) { $enreg_user = (int) $enreg_user; Database::query("INSERT IGNORE INTO $tbl_session_rel_user ". " (session_id, user_id, registered_at) ". " VALUES('$id_session','$enreg_user', '".api_get_utc_datetime()."')"); } // We update the number of users in the session $sql = "SELECT COUNT(user_id) as nbUsers FROM $tbl_session_rel_user ". " WHERE session_id='$id_session' ". " AND relation_type<>".SESSION_RELATION_TYPE_RRHH." "; $rs = Database::query($sql); list($nbr_users) = Database::fetch_array($rs); Database::query("UPDATE $tbl_session SET nbr_users=$nbr_users ". " WHERE id='$id_session'"); } function syncro_users() { global $ldap_basedn, $ldap_host, $ldap_port, $ldap_rdn, $ldap_pass, $ldap_search_dn; echo "Connecting ..."; $ldap_connect = ldap_connect($ldap_host, $ldap_port); ldap_set_version($ldap_connect); if ($ldap_connect) { //echo " Connect to LDAP server successful "; //echo "Binding ..."; $ldap_bind = false; $ldap_bind_res = ldap_handle_bind($ldap_connect, $ldap_bind); if ($ldap_bind_res) { //echo " LDAP bind successful... "; //echo " Searching for uid... "; // Search surname entry //OLD: $sr=ldap_search($ldapconnect,"dc=rug, dc=ac, dc=be", "uid=$login"); //echo "
ldapDc = '$LDAPbasedn'
"; $all_user_query = "uid=*"; if (!empty($ldap_search_dn)) { $sr = ldap_search($ldap_connect, $ldap_search_dn, $all_user_query); } else { $sr = ldap_search($ldap_connect, $ldap_basedn, $all_user_query); } //echo " Number of entries returned is ".ldap_count_entries($ldapconnect,$sr); //echo " Getting entries ..."; $info = ldap_get_entries($ldap_connect, $sr); for ($key = 0; $key < $info['count']; $key++) { $user_id = ldap_add_user_by_array($info[$key], false); if ($user_id) { echo "User #$user_id created "; } else { echo "User was not created "; } } //echo "Data for ".$info["count"]." items returned:"; } // else: could echo "LDAP bind failed..."; //echo "Closing LDAP connection