read($exercise_id); if (!$result) { api_not_allowed(true); } $sessionId = api_get_session_id(); $courseCode = api_get_course_id(); if (empty($sessionId)) { $students = CourseManager:: get_student_list_from_course_code( $courseCode, false ); } else { $students = CourseManager:: get_student_list_from_course_code( $courseCode, true, $sessionId ); } $count_students = count($students); $question_list = $objExercise->get_validated_question_list(); $data = array(); // Question title # of students who tool it Lowest score Average Highest score Maximum score $headers = array( get_lang('Question'), get_lang('QuestionType'), get_lang('NumberStudentWhoSelectedIt'), get_lang('LowestScore'), get_lang('AverageScore'), get_lang('HighestScore'), get_lang('Weighting'), ); if (!empty($question_list)) { foreach ($question_list as $question_id) { $question_obj = Question::read($question_id); $exercise_stats = ExerciseLib::get_student_stats_by_question( $question_id, $exercise_id, $courseCode, $sessionId ); $count_users = ExerciseLib::get_number_students_question_with_answer_count( $question_id, $exercise_id, $courseCode, $sessionId, $question_obj->type ); $data[$question_id]['name'] = cut($question_obj->question, 100); $data[$question_id]['type'] = $question_obj->get_question_type_name(); $percentange = 0; if ($count_students) { $percentange = $count_users / $count_students * 100; } $data[$question_id]['students_who_try_exercise'] = Display::bar_progress( $percentange, false, $count_users.' / '.$count_students ); $data[$question_id]['lowest_score'] = round($exercise_stats['min'], 2); $data[$question_id]['average_score'] = round($exercise_stats['average'], 2); $data[$question_id]['highest_score'] = round($exercise_stats['max'], 2); $data[$question_id]['max_score'] = round($question_obj->weighting, 2); } } // Format A table $table = new HTML_Table(array('class' => 'data_table')); $row = 0; $column = 0; foreach ($headers as $header) { $table->setHeaderContents($row, $column, $header); $column++; } $row++; foreach ($data as $row_table) { $column = 0; foreach ($row_table as $cell) { $table->setCellContents($row, $column, $cell); $table->updateCellAttributes($row, $column, 'align="center"'); $column++; } $table->updateRowAttributes($row, $row % 2 ? 'class="row_even"' : 'class="row_odd"', true); $row++; } $content = $table->toHtml(); // Format B $headers = array( get_lang('Question'), get_lang('Answer'), get_lang('Correct'), get_lang('NumberStudentWhoSelectedIt') ); $data = array(); if (!empty($question_list)) { $id = 0; foreach ($question_list as $question_id) { $question_obj = Question::read($question_id); $exercise_stats = ExerciseLib::get_student_stats_by_question( $question_id, $exercise_id, $courseCode, $sessionId ); $answer = new Answer($question_id); $answer_count = $answer->selectNbrAnswers(); for ($answer_id = 1; $answer_id <= $answer_count; $answer_id++) { $answer_info = $answer->selectAnswer($answer_id); $is_correct = $answer->isCorrect($answer_id); $correct_answer = $is_correct == 1 ? get_lang('Yes') : get_lang('No'); $real_answer_id = $answer->selectAutoId($answer_id); // Overwriting values depending of the question switch ($question_obj->type) { case FILL_IN_BLANKS: $answer_info_db = $answer_info; $answer_info = substr($answer_info, 0, strpos($answer_info, '::')); $correct_answer = $is_correct; $answers = $objExercise->fill_in_blank_answer_to_array($answer_info); $counter = 0; foreach ($answers as $answer_item) { if ($counter == 0) { $data[$id]['name'] = cut($question_obj->question, 100); } else { $data[$id]['name'] = '-'; } $data[$id]['answer'] = $answer_item; $answer_item = api_substr($answer_item, 1); $answer_item = api_substr($answer_item, 0, api_strlen($answer_item) - 1); $data[$id]['answer'] = $answer_item; $data[$id]['correct'] = '-'; $count = ExerciseLib::getNumberStudentsFillBlanksAnwserCount($question_id, $exercise_id); $count = isset($count[$counter]) ? $count[$counter] : 0; $percentage = 0; if (!empty($count_students)) { $percentage = $count / $count_students * 100; } $data[$id]['attempts'] = Display::bar_progress( $percentage, false, $count.' / '.$count_students ); $id++; $counter++; } break; case MATCHING: //no break case MATCHING_DRAGGABLE: if ($is_correct == 0) { if ($answer_id == 1) { $data[$id]['name'] = cut($question_obj->question, 100); } else { $data[$id]['name'] = '-'; } $correct = ''; for ($i = 1; $i <= $answer_count; $i++) { $is_correct_i = $answer->isCorrect($i); if ($is_correct_i != 0 && $is_correct_i == $answer_id) { $correct = $answer->selectAnswer($i); break; } } $data[$id]['answer'] = $correct; $data[$id]['correct'] = $answer_info; $count = ExerciseLib::get_number_students_answer_count( $answer_id, $question_id, $exercise_id, $courseCode, $sessionId, MATCHING ); $percentage = 0; if (!empty($count_students)) { $percentage = $count / $count_students * 100; } $data[$id]['attempts'] = Display::bar_progress( $percentage, false, $count.' / '.$count_students ); } break; case HOT_SPOT: if ($answer_id == 1) { $data[$id]['name'] = cut($question_obj->question, 100); } else { $data[$id]['name'] = '-'; } $data[$id]['answer'] = $answer_info; $data[$id]['correct'] = '-'; $count = ExerciseLib::get_number_students_answer_hotspot_count( $answer_id, $question_id, $exercise_id, $courseCode, $sessionId ); $percentage = 0; if (!empty($count_students)) { $percentage = $count / $count_students * 100; } $data[$id]['attempts'] = Display::bar_progress( $percentage, false, $count.' / '.$count_students ); break; default: if ($answer_id == 1) { $data[$id]['name'] = cut($question_obj->question, 100); } else { $data[$id]['name'] = '-'; } $data[$id]['answer'] = $answer_info; $data[$id]['correct'] = $correct_answer; $count = ExerciseLib::get_number_students_answer_count( $real_answer_id, $question_id, $exercise_id, $courseCode, $sessionId ); $percentage = 0; if (!empty($count_students)) { $percentage = $count / $count_students * 100; } $data[$id]['attempts'] = Display::bar_progress( $percentage, false, $count.' / '.$count_students ); } $id++; } } } // Format A table $table = new HTML_Table(array('class' => 'data_table')); $row = 0; $column = 0; foreach ($headers as $header) { $table->setHeaderContents($row, $column, $header); $column++; } $row++; foreach ($data as $row_table) { $column = 0; foreach ($row_table as $cell) { $table->setCellContents($row, $column, $cell); $table->updateCellAttributes($row, $column, 'align="center"'); $column++; } $table->updateRowAttributes($row, $row % 2 ? 'class="row_even"' : 'class="row_odd"', true); $row++; } $content .= $table->toHtml(); $interbreadcrumb[] = array( "url" => "exercise.php?gradebook=$gradebook&".api_get_cidreq(), "name" => get_lang('Exercises'), ); $interbreadcrumb[] = array( "url" => "admin.php?exerciseId=$exercise_id&".api_get_cidreq(), "name" => $objExercise->selectTitle(true), ); $tpl = new Template(get_lang('ReportByQuestion')); $actions = ''. Display:: return_icon( 'back.png', get_lang('GoBackToQuestionList'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM ) .''; $actions = Display::div($actions, array('class'=> 'actions')); $content = $actions.$content; $tpl->assign('content', $content); $tpl->display_one_col_template();