$om_host = $plugin->get('host');
$om_user = $plugin->get('user');
$om_pass = $plugin->get('pass');
$accessUrl = api_get_access_url($_configuration['access_url']);
$this->externalType = substr($accessUrl['url'], strpos($accessUrl['url'], '://') + 3, -1);
if (strcmp($this->externalType, 'localhost') == 0) {
$this->externalType = substr(api_get_path(WEB_PATH), strpos(api_get_path(WEB_PATH), '://') + 3, -1);
$this->externalType = 'chamilolms.'.$this->externalType;
$this->table = \Database::get_main_table('plugin_openmeetings');
if ($om_plugin) {
$user_info = api_get_user_info();
$this->user_complete_name = $user_info['complete_name'];
$this->user = $om_user;
$this->pass = $om_pass;
$this->url = $om_host;
// Setting OM api
define('CONFIG_OPENMEETINGS_USER', $this->user);
define('CONFIG_OPENMEETINGS_PASS', $this->pass);
$this->gateway = new \OpenMeetingsGateway($this->url, $this->user, $this->pass);
$this->plugin_enabled = $om_plugin;
// The room has a name composed of C + course ID + '-' + session ID
$this->chamiloCourseId = api_get_course_int_id();
$this->chamiloSessionId = api_get_session_id();
$this->roomName = 'C'.$this->chamiloCourseId.'-'.$this->chamiloSessionId;
$return = $this->gateway->loginUser();
if ($return == 0) {
$msg = 'Could not initiate session with server through OpenMeetingsGateway::loginUser()';
error_log(__FILE__.'+'.__LINE__.': '.$msg);
$this->sessionId = $this->gateway->sessionId;
* Checks whether a user is teacher in the current course
* @return bool True if the user can be considered a teacher in this course, false otherwise
public function isTeacher()
return api_is_course_admin() || api_is_coach() || api_is_platform_admin();
* Login the user with OM Server. This generates a session ID that is
* specific to the current user, but that does not require specific user data
* It is similar to opening a PHP session. In fact, the session ID is kept
* inside the $_SESSION['openmeetings_session'] session variable
* @return bool True if the user is correct and false when is incorrect
* @deprecated loginUser now called at object instanciation
function loginUser()
try {
//Verifying if there is already an active session
if (empty($_SESSION['openmeetings_session'])) {
// Login user returns either 0 or >0, depending on the results
// Technically, as long as the SOAP user has been configured in OpenMeetings and OpenMeetings is on, this should always succeed.
if ($this->gateway->loginUser()) {
$this->sessionId = $_SESSION['openmeetings_session'] = $this->gateway->session_id;
return true;
} else {
error_log('loginUser did not succeed');
return false;
} else {
$this->sessionId = $_SESSION['openmeetings_session'];
return true;
} catch (SoapFault $e) {
error_log(__FILE__.'+'.__LINE__.' Warning: We have detected some problems. Fault: '.$e->faultstring);
return false;
* Creating a Room for the meeting
* @return bool True if the user is correct and false when is incorrect
public function createMeeting($params)
global $_configuration;
// First, try to see if there is an active room for this course and session.
$roomId = null;
$meetingData = \Database::select(
'where' =>
'c_id = ?' => $this->chamiloCourseId,
' AND session_id = ? ' => $this->chamiloSessionId,
' AND status <> ? ' => 2,
if ($meetingData != false && count($meetingData) > 0) {
//error_log('Found previous room reference - reusing');
// There has been a room in the past for this course. It should
// still be on the server, so update (instead of creating a new one)
// This fills the following attributes: status, name, comment, chamiloCourseId, chamiloSessionId
$room = new Room();
$roomArray = (array) $room;
$roomArray['SID'] = $this->sessionId;
$roomId = $this->gateway->updateRoomWithModeration($room);
if ($roomId != $meetingData['room_id']) {
$msg = 'Something went wrong: the updated room ID ('.$roomId.') is not the same as the one we had ('.$meetingData['room_id'].')';
} else {
//error_log('Found no previous room - creating');
$room = new Room();
$room->SID = $this->sessionId;
$room->name = $this->roomName;
//$room->roomtypes_id = $room->roomtypes_id;
$room->comment = urlencode(get_lang('Course').': '.$params['meeting_name'].' - '.$_configuration['software_name']);
//$room->numberOfPartizipants = $room->numberOfPartizipants;
$room->ispublic = $room->getString('isPublic', 'false');
//$room->appointment = $room->getString('appointment');
//$room->isDemoRoom = $room->getString('isDemoRoom');
//$room->demoTime = $room->demoTime;
//$room->isModeratedRoom = $room->getString('isModeratedRoom');
$roomId = $this->gateway->createRoomWithModAndType($room);
if (!empty($roomId)) {
// Find the biggest room_id so far, and create a new one
if (empty($roomId)) {
$roomData = \Database::select('MAX(room_id) as room_id', $this->table, array(), 'first');
$roomId = $roomData['room_id'] + 1;
$params['status'] = '1';
$params['meeting_name'] = $room->name;
$params['created_at'] = api_get_utc_datetime();
$params['room_id'] = $roomId;
$params['c_id'] = api_get_course_int_id();
$params['session_id'] = api_get_session_id();
$params['record'] = ($room->allowRecording ? 1 : 0);
$id = \Database::insert($this->table, $params);
} else {
return -1;
* Returns a meeting "join" URL
* @param string The name of the meeting (usually the course code)
* @return mixed The URL to join the meeting, or false on error
* @todo implement moderator pass
* @assert ('') === false
* @assert ('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmno') === false
public function joinMeeting($meetingId)
if (empty($meetingId)) {
return false;
$meetingData = \Database::select(
array('where' => array('id = ? AND status = 1 ' => $meetingId)),
if (empty($meetingData)) {
if ($this->debug) {
error_log("meeting does not exist: $meetingId ");
return false;
$params = array('room_id' => $meetingData['room_id']);
$returnVal = $this->setUserObjectAndGenerateRoomHashByURLAndRecFlag($params);
$iframe = $this->url."/?"."secureHash=".$returnVal;
printf("", $iframe, "100%", 640);
* Checks if the videoconference server is running.
* Function currently disabled (always returns 1)
* @return bool True if server is running, false otherwise
* @assert () === false
public function isServerRunning()
// Always return true for now as this requires the openmeetings object
// to have been instanciated and this includes a loginUser() which
// connects to the server
return true;
* Gets the password for a specific meeting for the current user
* @return string A moderator password if user is teacher, or the course code otherwise
public function getMeetingUserPassword()
if ($this->isTeacher()) {
return $this->getMeetingModerationPassword();
} else {
return api_get_course_id();
* Generated a moderator password for the meeting
* @return string A password for the moderation of the video conference
public function getMeetingModerationPassword()
return api_get_course_id().'mod';
* Get information about the given meeting
* @param array ...?
* @return mixed Array of information on success, false on error
* @assert (array()) === false
public function getMeetingInfo($params)
try {
$result = $this->api->getMeetingInfoArray($params);
if ($result == null) {
if ($this->debug) {
error_log(__FILE__.'+'.__LINE__." Failed to get any response. Maybe we can't contact the OpenMeetings server.");
} else {
return $result;
} catch (Exception $e) {
if ($this->debug) {
error_log(__FILE__.'+'.__LINE__.' Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n");
return false;
* @param array $params Array of parameters
* @return mixed
public function setUserObjectAndGenerateRecordingHashByURL($params)
$username = $_SESSION['_user']['username'];
$firstname = $_SESSION['_user']['firstname'];
$lastname = $_SESSION['_user']['lastname'];
$userId = $_SESSION['_user']['user_id'];
$systemType = 'chamilo';
$room_id = $params['room_id'];
$urlWsdl = $this->url."/services/UserService?wsdl";
$omServices = new \SoapClient($urlWsdl);
$objRec = new User();
$objRec->SID = $this->sessionId;
$objRec->username = $username;
$objRec->firstname = $firstname;
$objRec->lastname = $lastname;
$objRec->externalUserId = $userId;
$objRec->externalUserType = $systemType;
$objRec->recording_id = $recording_id;
$orFn = $omServices->setUserObjectAndGenerateRecordingHashByURL($objRec);
return $orFn->return;
* @param Array $params Array of parameters
* @return mixed
public function setUserObjectAndGenerateRoomHashByURLAndRecFlag($params)
$username = $_SESSION['_user']['username'];
$firstname = $_SESSION['_user']['firstname'];
$lastname = $_SESSION['_user']['lastname'];
$profilePictureUrl = $_SESSION['_user']['avatar'];
$email = $_SESSION['_user']['mail'];
$userId = $_SESSION['_user']['user_id'];
$systemType = 'Chamilo';
$room_id = $params['room_id'];
$becomeModerator = ($this->isTeacher() ? 1 : 0);
$allowRecording = 1; //Provisional
$urlWsdl = $this->url."/services/UserService?wsdl";
$omServices = new \SoapClient($urlWsdl);
$objRec = new User();
$objRec->SID = $this->sessionId;
$objRec->username = $username;
$objRec->firstname = $firstname;
$objRec->lastname = $lastname;
$objRec->profilePictureUrl = $profilePictureUrl;
$objRec->email = $email;
$objRec->externalUserId = $userId;
$objRec->externalUserType = $systemType;
$objRec->room_id = $room_id;
$objRec->becomeModeratorAsInt = $becomeModerator;
$objRec->showAudioVideoTestAsInt = 1;
$objRec->allowRecording = $allowRecording;
$rcFn = $omServices->setUserObjectAndGenerateRoomHashByURLAndRecFlag($objRec);
return $rcFn->return;
* Gets all the course meetings saved in the plugin_openmeetings table
* @return array Array of current open meeting rooms
public function getCourseMeetings()
$newMeetingsList = array();
$item = array();
$meetingsList = \Database::select(
array('where' =>
'c_id = ? ' => api_get_course_int_id(),
' AND session_id = ? ' => api_get_session_id(),
' AND status <> ? ' => 2 // status deleted
/*$urlWsdl = $this->url."/services/RoomService?wsdl";
$omServices = new \SoapClient($urlWsdl);*/
$room = new Room();
try {
$rooms = $this->gateway->getRoomsWithCurrentUsersByType();
//$rooms = $omServices->getRoomsPublic(array(
//'SID' => $this->sessionId,
//'start' => 0,
//'max' => 10,
//'orderby' => 'name',
//'asc' => 'true',
//'externalRoomType' => 'chamilo',
//'roomtypes_id' => 'chamilo',
} catch (SoapFault $e) {
error_log(__FILE__.'+'.__LINE__.' '.$e->faultstring);
return false;
$room->SID = $this->sessionId;
//error_log(__FILE__.'+'.__LINE__.' Meetings found: '.print_r($room->SID,1));
if (!empty($meetingsList)) {
foreach ($meetingsList as $meetingDb) {
//$room->rooms_id = $meetingDb['room_id'];
error_log(__FILE__.'+'.__LINE__.' Meetings found: '.print_r($meetingDb, 1));
$remoteMeeting = array();
$meetingDb['created_at'] = api_get_local_time($meetingDb['created_at']);
$meetingDb['closed_at'] = (!empty($meetingDb['closed_at']) ? api_get_local_time($meetingDb['closed_at']) : '');
// Fixed value for now
$meetingDb['participantCount'] = 40;
$rec = $this->gateway->getFlvRecordingByRoomId($meetingDb['room_id']);
$links = array();
// Links to videos look like these:
$link = $this->url.'/DownloadHandler?fileName=%s&moduleName=lzRecorderApp&parentPath=&room_id=%s&sid=%s';
if (!empty($rec)) {
$link1 = sprintf($link, $rec['fileHash'], $meetingDb['room_id'], $this->sessionId);
$link2 = sprintf($link, $rec['alternateDownload'], $meetingDb['room_id'], $this->sessionId);
$links[] = $rec['fileName'].' '.
\Display::url('[.flv]', $link1, array('target' => '_blank')).' '.
\Display::url('[.avi]', $link2, array('target' => '_blank'));
$item['show_links'] = implode('
', $links);
// The following code is currently commented because the web service
// says this is not allowed by the SOAP user.
try {
// Get the conference room object from OpenMeetings server - requires SID and rooms_id to be defined
$objRoomId = $this->gateway->getRoomById($meetingDb['room_id']);
if (empty($objRoomId->return)) {
error_log(__FILE__.'+'.__LINE__.' Emptyyyyy ');
//\Database::delete($this->table, "id = {$meetingDb['id']}");
// Don't delete expired rooms, just mark as closed
\Database::update($this->table, array('status' => 0, 'closed_at' => api_get_utc_datetime()), array('id = ? ' => $meetingDb['id']));
//$objCurUs = $omServices->getRoomWithCurrentUsersById($objCurrentUsers);
} catch (SoapFault $e) {
error_log(__FILE__.'+'.__LINE__.' '.$e->faultstring);
//if( empty($objCurUs->returnMeetingID) ) continue;
$current_room = array(
'roomtype' => $objRoomId->return->roomtype->roomtypes_id,
'meetingName' => $objRoomId->return->name,
'meetingId' => $objRoomId->return->meetingID,
'createTime' => $objRoomId->return->rooms_id,
'showMicrophoneStatus' => $objRoomId->return->showMicrophoneStatus,
'attendeePw' => $objRoomId->return->attendeePW,
'moderatorPw' => $objRoomId->return->moderators,
'isClosed' => $objRoomId->return->isClosed,
'allowRecording' => $objRoomId->return->allowRecording,
'startTime' => $objRoomId->return->startTime,
'endTime' => $objRoomId->return->updatetime,
'participantCount' => count($objRoomId->return->currentusers),
'maxUsers' => $objRoomId->return->numberOfPartizipants,
'moderatorCount' => count($objRoomId->return->moderators)
// Then interate through attendee results and return them as part of the array:
if (!empty($objRoomId->return->currentusers)) {
foreach ($objRoomId->return->currentusers as $a)
$current_room[] = array(
'userId' => $a->username,
'fullName' => $a->firstname . " " . $a->lastname,
'isMod' => $a->isMod
$remoteMeeting = $current_room;
if (empty($remoteMeeting)) {
error_log(__FILE__.'+'.__LINE__.' Empty remote Meeting for now');
if ($meetingDb['status'] == 1 && $this->isTeacher()) {
} else {
$remoteMeeting['add_to_calendar_url'] = api_get_self().'?action=add_to_calendar&id='.$meetingDb['id'].'&start='.api_strtotime($meetingDb['startTime']);
$remoteMeeting['end_url'] = api_get_self().'?action=end&id='.$meetingDb['id'];
$remoteMeeting['delete_url'] = api_get_self().'?action=delete&id='.$meetingDb['id'];
//$record_array = array();
// if ($meetingDb['record'] == 1) {
// $recordingParams = array(
// 'meetingId' => $meetingDb['id'], //-- OPTIONAL - comma separate if multiple ids
// );
// $records = $this->api->getRecordingsWithXmlResponseArray($recordingParams);
// if (!empty($records)) {
// $count = 1;
// if (isset($records['message']) && !empty($records['message'])) {
// if ($records['messageKey'] == 'noRecordings') {
// $record_array[] = get_lang('NoRecording');
// } else {
// //$record_array[] = $records['message'];
// }
// } else {
// foreach ($records as $record) {
// if (is_array($record) && isset($record['recordId'])) {
// $url = Display::url(get_lang('ViewRecord'), $record['playbackFormatUrl'], array('target' => '_blank'));
// if ($this->is_teacher()) {
// $url .= Display::url(Display::return_icon('link.gif',get_lang('CopyToLinkTool')), api_get_self().'?action=copy_record_to_link_tool&id='.$meetingDb['id'].'&record_id='.$record['recordId']);
// $url .= Display::url(Display::return_icon('agenda.png',get_lang('AddToCalendar')), api_get_self().'?action=add_to_calendar&id='.$meetingDb['id'].'&start='.api_strtotime($meetingDb['created_at']).'&url='.$record['playbackFormatUrl']);
// $url .= Display::url(Display::return_icon('delete.png',get_lang('Delete')), api_get_self().'?action=delete_record&id='.$record['recordId']);
// }
// //$url .= api_get_self().'?action=publish&id='.$record['recordID'];
// $count++;
// $record_array[] = $url;
// } else {
// }
// }
// }
// }
// //var_dump($record_array);
// $item['show_links'] = implode('
', $record_array);
// }
//$item['created_at'] = api_convert_and_format_date($meetingDb['created_at']);
// //created_at
// $item['publish_url'] = api_get_self().'?action=publish&id='.$meetingDb['id'];
// $item['unpublish_url'] = api_get_self().'?action=unpublish&id='.$meetingDb['id'];
//if ($meetingDb['status'] == 1) {
// $joinParams = array(
// 'meetingId' => $meetingDb['id'], //-- REQUIRED - A unique id for the meeting
// 'username' => $this->user_complete_name, //-- REQUIRED - The name that will display for the user in the meeting
// 'password' => $pass, //-- REQUIRED - The attendee or moderator password, depending on what's passed here
// 'createTime' => '', //-- OPTIONAL - string. Leave blank ('') unless you set this correctly.
// 'userID' => '', // -- OPTIONAL - string
// 'webVoiceConf' => '' // -- OPTIONAL - string
// );
// $returnVal = $this->setUserObjectAndGenerateRoomHashByURLAndRecFlag( array('room_id' => $meetingDb['id']) );
// "secureHash=" . $returnVal;
// $item['go_url'] = $joinUrl;
$item = array_merge($item, $meetingDb, $remoteMeeting);
//error_log(__FILE__.'+'.__LINE__.' Item: '.print_r($item,1));
$newMeetingsList[] = $item;
} //end foreach $meetingsList
return $newMeetingsList;
* Send a command to the OpenMeetings server to close the meeting
* @param int $meetingId
* @return int
public function endMeeting($meetingId)
try {
$room = new Room($meetingId);
$room->SID = $this->sessionId;
$room->room_id = intval($meetingId);
$room->status = false;
$urlWsdl = $this->url."/services/RoomService?wsdl";
$ws = new \SoapClient($urlWsdl);
$roomClosed = $ws->closeRoom($room);
if ($roomClosed > 0) {
'status' => 0,
'closed_at' => api_get_utc_datetime()
array('id = ? ' => $meetingId)
//error_log(__FILE__.'+'.__LINE__.' Finished closing');
} catch (SoapFault $e) {
error_log(__FILE__.'+'.__LINE__.' Warning: We have detected some problems: Fault: '.$e->faultstring);
return -1;
* @param int $id
* @return int
public function deleteMeeting($id)
try {
$room = new Room();
'status' => 2
array('id = ? ' => $id)
return $id;
//error_log(__FILE__.'+'.__LINE__.' Finished closing');
} catch (SoapFault $e) {
error_log(__FILE__.'+'.__LINE__.' Warning: We have detected some problems: Fault: '.$e->faultstring);
return -1;