key = $settings['key']; $urlsoap = $settings['soap_url']; $proxyHost = $this->proxyHost = $settings['proxy_host']; $proxyPort = $this->proxyPort = $settings['proxy_port']; $this->transportMode = $settings['transport_mode']; $this->maxFileSize = $settings['max_filesize']; $this->wgetUri = $settings['wget_uri']; $this->wgetLogin = $settings['wget_login']; $this->wgetPassword = $settings['wget_password']; try { if (!empty($key)) { $this->key = $key; if (!empty($urlsoap)) { if (!empty($proxyHost)) { $param = array( 'trace' => false, 'soap_version' => SOAP_1_2, 'exceptions' => true, 'proxy_host' => '"'.$proxyHost.'"', 'proxy_port' => $proxyPort, ); } else { $param = array( 'trace' => false, 'soap_version' => SOAP_1_2, 'exceptions' => true, ); } $this->soapcli = new SoapClient($urlsoap, $param); } else { $this->soapcli = 'WS urlsoap not available'; } } else { $this->soapcli = 'API key not available'; } } catch (SoapFault $fault) { $this->soapcli = "Error constructor compilatio ".$fault->faultcode." ".$fault->faultstring; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->soapcli = "Error constructor compilatio with urlsoap".$urlsoap; } } /** * @return string */ public function getKey() { return $this->key; } /** * @param mixed $key * * @return Compilatio */ public function setKey($key) { $this->key = $key; return $this; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getTransportMode() { return $this->transportMode; } /** * @param mixed $transportMode * * @return Compilatio */ public function setTransportMode($transportMode) { $this->transportMode = $transportMode; return $this; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getMaxFileSize() { return $this->maxFileSize; } /** * @param mixed $maxFileSize * * @return Compilatio */ public function setMaxFileSize($maxFileSize) { $this->maxFileSize = $maxFileSize; return $this; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getWgetUri() { return $this->wgetUri; } /** * @param mixed $wgetUri * * @return Compilatio */ public function setWgetUri($wgetUri) { $this->wgetUri = $wgetUri; return $this; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getWgetLogin() { return $this->wgetLogin; } /** * @param mixed $wgetLogin * * @return Compilatio */ public function setWgetLogin($wgetLogin) { $this->wgetLogin = $wgetLogin; return $this; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getWgetPassword() { return $this->wgetPassword; } /** * @param mixed $wgetPassword * * @return Compilatio */ public function setWgetPassword($wgetPassword) { $this->wgetPassword = $wgetPassword; return $this; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getProxyHost() { return $this->proxyHost; } /** * @param mixed $proxyHost * * @return Compilatio */ public function setProxyHost($proxyHost) { $this->proxyHost = $proxyHost; return $this; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getProxyPort() { return $this->proxyPort; } /** * @param mixed $proxyPort * * @return Compilatio */ public function setProxyPort($proxyPort) { $this->proxyPort = $proxyPort; return $this; } /** * Method for the file load * * @param $title * @param $description * @param $filename * @param $mimeType * @param $content * * @return string */ public function sendDoc($title, $description, $filename, $mimeType, $content) { try { if (!is_object($this->soapcli)) { return ("Error in constructor compilatio() ".$this->soapcli); } $idDocument = $this->soapcli->__call( 'addDocumentBase64', array( $this->key, utf8_encode(urlencode($title)), utf8_encode(urlencode($description)), utf8_encode(urlencode($filename)), utf8_encode($mimeType), base64_encode($content), ) ); return $idDocument; } catch (SoapFault $fault) { return ("Erreur sendDoc()".$fault->faultcode." ".$fault->faultstring); } } /** * Method for recover a document's information * * @param $compiHash * * @return string */ public function getDoc($compiHash) { try { if (!is_object($this->soapcli)) { return ("Error in constructor compilatio() ".$this->soapcli); } $param = array($this->key, $compiHash); $idDocument = $this->soapcli->__call('getDocument', $param); return $idDocument; } catch (SoapFault $fault) { return ("Erreur getDoc()".$fault->faultcode." ".$fault->faultstring); } } /** * method for recover an url document's report * * @param $compiHash * * @return string */ public function getReportUrl($compiHash) { try { if (!is_object($this->soapcli)) { return ("Error in constructor compilatio() ".$this->soapcli); } $param = array($this->key, $compiHash); $idDocument = $this->soapcli->__call('getDocumentReportUrl', $param); return $idDocument; } catch (SoapFault $fault) { return ("Erreur getReportUrl()".$fault->faultcode." ".$fault->faultstring); } } /** * Method for deleting a Compialtio's account document * * @param $compiHash * * @return string */ public function deldoc($compiHash) { try { if (!is_object($this->soapcli)) { return ("Error in constructor compilatio() ".$this->soapcli); } $param = array($this->key, $compiHash); $this->soapcli->__call('deleteDocument', $param); } catch (SoapFault $fault) { return ("Erreur deldoc()".$fault->faultcode." ".$fault->faultstring); } } /** * Method for start the analysis for a document * * @param $compiHash * * @return string */ public function startAnalyse($compiHash) { try { if (!is_object($this->soapcli)) { return ("Error in constructor compilatio() ".$this->soapcli); } $param = array($this->key, $compiHash); $this->soapcli->__call('startDocumentAnalyse', $param); } catch (SoapFault $fault) { return ("Erreur startAnalyse()".$fault->faultcode." ".$fault->faultstring); } } /** * Method for recover the account's quota * @return string */ public function getQuotas() { try { if (!is_object($this->soapcli)) { return ("Error in constructor compilatio() ".$this->soapcli); } $param = array($this->key); $resultat = $this->soapcli->__call('getAccountQuotas', $param); return $resultat; } catch (SoapFault $fault) { return ("Erreur getQuotas()".$fault->faultcode." ".$fault->faultstring); } } /** * Method for identify a file extension and the possibility that the document can be managed by Compilatio * * @param $filename * * @return bool */ public static function verifiFileType($filename) { $types = array('doc', 'docx', 'rtf', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'ppt', 'pptx', 'odt', 'pdf', 'txt', 'htm', 'html'); $extension = substr($filename, strrpos($filename, '.') + 1); $extension = strtolower($extension); return in_array($extension, $types); } /** * Fonction affichage de la barre de progression d'analyse version 3.1 * * @param string $status From the document * @param $pour * @param string $imagesPath * @param array $text Array includes the extract from the text * * @return unknown_type */ public static function getProgressionAnalyseDocv31($status, $pour = 0, $imagesPath = '', $text = []) { $refreshReturn = ""
            .$text[ "; $startReturn = ""; $startReturn .= ""; $startReturn .= ""; $startReturn .= "
 " .$refreshReturn .""; $startReturnLittleWidth = ""; $startReturnLittleWidth .= ""; $finretour = "
" .$refreshReturn ."
"; if ($status == 'ANALYSE_IN_QUEUE') { return $startReturn."".$text['analysisinqueue']."".$finretour; } if ($status == 'ANALYSE_PROCESSING') { if ($pour == 100) { return $startReturn ."" .$text['analysisinfinalization'] ."" .$finretour; } else { return $startReturnLittleWidth ."
" .$pour ."%
" .$finretour; } } } /** * Method for display the PomprseuilmankBar (% de plagiat) * * @param $percentagePumping * @param $weakThreshold * @param $highThreshold * @param $imagesPath * @param $text : array includes the extract from the text * * @return unknown_type */ public static function getPomprankBarv31($pourcentagePompage, $weakThreshold, $highThreshold, $chemin_images = '', $texte = '') { $pourcentagePompage = round($pourcentagePompage); $pour = round((50 * $pourcentagePompage) / 100); $return = ''; if ($pourcentagePompage < $weakThreshold) { $couleur = "vert"; } else { if ($pourcentagePompage >= $weakThreshold && $pourcentagePompage < $highThreshold) { $couleur = "orange"; } else { $couleur = "rouge"; } } $return .= "
"; $return .= "
" .$pourcentagePompage ." %
"; $return .= "
"; $return .= "
"; return $return; } /** * Method for validation of hash * @param $hash * @return bool * */ public static function isMd5($hash) { return preg_match('`^[a-f0-9]{32}$`', $hash); } /* * Method for identify Internet media type * @param $filename */ public static function typeMime($filename) { if (preg_match("@Opera(/| )([0-9].[0-9]{1,2})@", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $resultats)) { $navigateur = "Opera"; } elseif (preg_match("@MSIE ([0-9].[0-9]{1,2})@", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $resultats)) { $navigateur = "Internet Explorer"; } else { $navigateur = "Mozilla"; $mime = parse_ini_file("mime.ini"); $extension = substr($filename, strrpos($filename, ".") + 1); } if (array_key_exists($extension, $mime)) { $type = $mime[$extension]; } else { $type = ($navigateur != "Mozilla") ? 'application/octetstream' : 'application/octet-stream'; } return $type; } /** * function for delete a document of the compilatio table if plagiarismTool is Compilatio * @param int $courseId * @param int $itemId */ public static function plagiarismDeleteDoc($courseId, $itemId) { if (api_get_configuration_value('allow_compilatio_tool')) { return false; } $table = Database:: get_course_table(TABLE_PLAGIARISM); $params = [$courseId, $itemId]; Database::delete($table, ['c_id = ? AND document_id = ?' => $params]); } /** * @param int $courseId * @param int $documentId * @param int $compilatioId */ public function saveDocument($courseId, $documentId, $compilatioId) { $documentId = (int) $documentId; $courseId = (int) $courseId; $compilatioId = (int) $compilatioId; $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_PLAGIARISM); $params = [ 'c_id' => $courseId, 'document_id' => $documentId, 'compilatio_id' => $compilatioId, ]; Database::insert($table, $params); } /** * @param int $itemId * @param int $courseId * * @return int */ public function getCompilatioId($itemId, $courseId) { $itemId = (int) $itemId; $courseId = (int) $courseId; $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_PLAGIARISM); $sql = "SELECT compilatio_id FROM $table WHERE document_id = $itemId AND c_id= $courseId"; $compiSqlResult = Database::query($sql); $result = Database::fetch_object($compiSqlResult); if ($result) { return (int) $result->compilatio_id; } return 0; } /** * @param $workId * * @return string */ public function giveWorkIdState($workId) { $text = ''; $compilatioImgFolder = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'plagiarism/compilatio/img/'; $courseId = api_get_course_int_id(); $compilatioId = $this->getCompilatioId($workId, $courseId); $actionCompilatio = ''; if (!empty($compilatioId)) { if (self::isMd5($compilatioId)) { // if compilatio_id is a hash md5, we call the function of the compilatio's webservice who return the document's status $soapRes = $this->getDoc($compilatioId); $status = ''; if (isset($soapRes->documentStatus)) { $status = $soapRes->documentStatus->status; } } else { // if the compilatio's hash is not a valide hash md5, we return à specific status (cf : IsInCompilatio() ) $status = 'NOT_IN_COMPILATIO'; $actionCompilatio = "
" .get_lang('compilatioDocumentTextNotImage') ."
" .get_lang('compilatioDocumentNotCorrupt') ."
"; } if ($status === 'ANALYSE_COMPLETE') { $urlRapport = $this->getReportUrl($compilatioId); $actionCompilatio .= self::getPomprankBarv31( $soapRes->documentStatus->indice, 10, 35, $compilatioImgFolder, $text ) ."
" .get_lang('compilatioSeeReport') .""; } elseif ($status === 'ANALYSE_PROCESSING') { $actionCompilatio .= "
" .get_lang('compilatioAnalysisInProgress') ."
"; $actionCompilatio .= "
" .get_lang('compilatioAnalysisPercentage') ."
"; $text['analysisinqueue'] = get_lang('compilatioWaitingAnalysis'); $text['analysisinfinalization'] = get_lang('compilatioAnalysisEnding'); $text['refresh'] = get_lang('Refresh'); $actionCompilatio .= self::getProgressionAnalyseDocv31( $status, $soapRes->documentStatus->progression, $compilatioImgFolder, $text ); } elseif ($status == 'ANALYSE_IN_QUEUE') { $actionCompilatio .= "" .get_lang('compilatioAwaitingAnalysis'); } elseif ($status == 'BAD_FILETYPE') { $actionCompilatio .= "
" .get_lang('compilatioFileisnotsupported') ."
" .get_lang('compilatioProtectedPdfVerification') ."
"; } elseif ($status == 'BAD_FILESIZE') { $actionCompilatio .= "
" .get_lang('compilatioTooHeavyDocument') ."
"; } elseif ($status != 'NOT_IN_COMPILATIO') { $actionCompilatio .= "
" .get_lang('compilatioMomentarilyUnavailableResult') ." : [ " .$status ."].
"; } } $result = $workId.'|'.$actionCompilatio.'|'.$status.'|'; return $result; } }