not include induction courses"; $strings['course_session_credit_year_start_date'] = 'Year start date'; $strings['course_session_credit_year_start_date_help'] = "a date (dd/mm)"; $strings['min_profile_percentage'] = "Minimum required of completed percentage profile"; $strings['min_profile_percentage_help'] = "Percentage number( > 0.00 y < 100.00)"; /* String for error message about requirements */ $strings['AdvancedSubscriptionNotConnected'] = "You are not connected to platform. Please login first"; $strings['AdvancedSubscriptionProfileIncomplete'] = "Your percentage completed profile require to exceed minimum percentage. Please complete percentage"; $strings['AdvancedSubscriptionIncompleteInduction'] = "You have not yet completed induction course. Please complete it first"; $strings['AdvancedSubscriptionCostXLimitReached'] = "We are sorry, you have already reached yearly limit %s TUV cost for courses "; $strings['AdvancedSubscriptionTimeXLimitReached'] = "We are sorry, you have already reached yearly limit %s hours for courses"; $strings['AdvancedSubscriptionCourseXLimitReached'] = "We are sorry, you have already reached yearly limit %s times for courses"; $strings['AdvancedSubscriptionNotMoreAble'] = "We are sorry, you no longer fulfills the initial conditions to subscribe this course"; $strings['AdvancedSubscriptionIncompleteParams'] = "The parameters are wrong or incomplete."; $strings['AdvancedSubscriptionIsNotEnabled'] = "Advanced subscription is not enabled"; $strings['AdvancedSubscriptionNoQueue'] = "You are not subscribed for this course."; $strings['AdvancedSubscriptionNoQueueIsAble'] = "You are not subscribed, but you are qualified for this course."; $strings['AdvancedSubscriptionQueueStart'] = "Your subscription request is pending for approval by your boss, please wait attentive."; $strings['AdvancedSubscriptionQueueBossDisapproved'] = "We are sorry, your subscription was rejected by your boss."; $strings['AdvancedSubscriptionQueueBossApproved'] = "Your subscription request has been accepted by your boss, now is pending for vacancies."; $strings['AdvancedSubscriptionQueueAdminDisapproved'] = "We are sorry, your subscription was rejected by the administrator."; $strings['AdvancedSubscriptionQueueAdminApproved'] = "Congratulation, your subscription request has been accepted by administrator"; $strings['AdvancedSubscriptionQueueDefaultX'] = "There was an error, queue status %d is not defined by system."; // Mail translations $strings['MailStudentRequest'] = 'Student registration request'; $strings['MailBossAccept'] = 'Registration request accepted by boss'; $strings['MailBossReject'] = 'Registration request rejected by boss'; $strings['MailStudentRequestSelect'] = 'Student registration requests selection'; $strings['MailAdminAccept'] = 'Registration request accepted by administrator'; $strings['MailAdminReject'] = 'Registration request rejected by administrator'; $strings['MailStudentRequestNoBoss'] = 'Student registration request without boss'; $strings['MailRemindStudent'] = 'Subscription request reminder'; $strings['MailRemindSuperior'] = 'Subscription request are pending your approval'; $strings['MailRemindAdmin'] = 'Course subscription are pending your approval'; // TPL langs // Admin view $strings['SelectASession'] = 'Select a training session'; $strings['SessionName'] = 'Session name'; $strings['Target'] = 'Target audience'; $strings['Vacancies'] = 'Vacancies'; $strings['RecommendedNumberOfParticipants'] = 'Recommended number of participants'; $strings['PublicationEndDate'] = 'Publication end date'; $strings['Mode'] = 'Mode'; $strings['Postulant'] = 'Postulant'; $strings['InscriptionDate'] = 'Inscription date'; $strings['BossValidation'] = 'Boss validation'; $strings['Decision'] = 'Decision'; $strings['AdvancedSubscriptionAdminViewTitle'] = 'Subscription request confirmation result'; $strings['AcceptInfinitive'] = 'Accept'; $strings['RejectInfinitive'] = 'Reject'; $strings['AreYouSureYouWantToAcceptSubscriptionOfX'] = 'Are you sure you want to accept the subscription of %s?'; $strings['AreYouSureYouWantToRejectSubscriptionOfX'] = 'Are you sure you want to reject the subscription of %s?'; $strings['MailTitle'] = 'Received request for course %s'; $strings['MailDear'] = 'Dear:'; $strings['MailThankYou'] = 'Thank you.'; $strings['MailThankYouCollaboration'] = 'Thank you for your help.'; // Admin Accept $strings['MailTitleAdminAcceptToAdmin'] = 'Information: Has been received inscription validation'; $strings['MailContentAdminAcceptToAdmin'] = 'We have received and registered your inscription validation for student %s to course %s'; $strings['MailTitleAdminAcceptToStudent'] = 'Accepted: Your inscription to course %s was confirmed!'; $strings['MailContentAdminAcceptToStudent'] = 'We are pleased to inform your course registration %s starting at %s was validated by administrators. We hope to keep all your encouragement and participate in another course or, on another occasion, this same course.'; $strings['MailTitleAdminAcceptToSuperior'] = 'Information: Inscription validation for %s to course %s'; $strings['MailContentAdminAcceptToSuperior'] = 'Inscription for student %s to course %s starting at %s, was pending status, has been validated a few minutes ago. We hope you help us to assure full availability for your collaborator during the course period.'; // Admin Reject $strings['MailTitleAdminRejectToAdmin'] = 'Information: Has been received inscription refusal'; $strings['MailContentAdminRejectToAdmin'] = 'We have received and registered your inscription refusal for student %s to course %s'; $strings['MailTitleAdminRejectToStudent'] = 'Your inscription to course %s was refused'; $strings['MailContentAdminRejectToStudent'] = 'We regret that your inscription to course %s starting at %s was rejected because of lack of vacancies. We hope to keep all your encouragement and participate in another course or, on another occasion, this same course.'; $strings['MailTitleAdminRejectToSuperior'] = 'Information: Inscription refusal for student %s to course %s'; $strings['MailContentAdminRejectToSuperior'] = 'The inscription for %s to course %s, it was accepted earlier, was rejected because of lack of vacancies. Our sincere apologies.'; // Superior Accept $strings['MailTitleSuperiorAcceptToAdmin'] = 'Approval for %s to course %s '; $strings['MailContentSuperiorAcceptToAdmin'] = 'The inscription for student %s to course %s has been accepted by superior. You can manage inscriptions HERE'; $strings['MailTitleSuperiorAcceptToSuperior'] = 'Confirmation: Has been received approval for %s'; $strings['MailContentSuperiorAcceptToSuperior'] = 'We have received and registered your choice to accept inscription to course %s for your collaborator %s'; $strings['MailContentSuperiorAcceptToSuperiorSecond'] = 'Now, the inscription is pending for availability of vacancies. We will keep you informed about status for this step'; $strings['MailTitleSuperiorAcceptToStudent'] = 'Accepted: Your inscription to course %s has been approved by your superior'; $strings['MailContentSuperiorAcceptToStudent'] = 'We are pleased to inform your inscription to course %s has been accepted by your superior. Now, your inscription is pending to availability of vacancies. We will notify you as soon as it is validated.'; // Superior Reject $strings['MailTitleSuperiorRejectToStudent'] = 'Information: Your inscription to course %s has been refused'; $strings['MailContentSuperiorRejectToStudent'] = 'We regret to inform your inscription to course %s was NOT accepted. We hope to keep all your encouragement and participate in another course or, on another occasion, this same course.'; $strings['MailTitleSuperiorRejectToSuperior'] = 'Confirmation: Has been received inscription refusal for %s'; $strings['MailContentSuperiorRejectToSuperior'] = 'We have received and registered your choice to reject inscription to course %s for your collaborator %s'; // Student Request $strings['MailTitleStudentRequestToStudent'] = 'Information: Has been received inscription validation'; $strings['MailContentStudentRequestToStudent'] = 'We have received and registered your inscripción request to course %s starting at %s'; $strings['MailContentStudentRequestToStudentSecond'] = 'Your inscription is pending approval, first from your superior, then the availability of vacancies. An email has been sent to your superior for review and approval of your request.'; $strings['MailTitleStudentRequestToSuperior'] = 'Course inscription request from your collaborator'; $strings['MailContentStudentRequestToSuperior'] = 'We have received an inscription request for %s to course %s, starting at %s. Course details: %s.'; $strings['MailContentStudentRequestToSuperiorSecond'] = 'Your are welcome to accept or reject this inscription, clicking the corresponding button.'; // Student Request No Boss $strings['MailTitleStudentRequestNoSuperiorToStudent'] = 'Has been received your inscription request for %s'; $strings['MailContentStudentRequestNoSuperiorToStudent'] = 'We have received and registered your inscription to course %s starting at %s.'; $strings['MailContentStudentRequestNoSuperiorToStudentSecond'] = 'Your inscription is pending availability of vacancies. Soon you will get the result of your request approval.'; $strings['MailTitleStudentRequestNoSuperiorToAdmin'] = 'Inscription request for %s to course %s'; $strings['MailContentStudentRequestNoSuperiorToAdmin'] = 'The inscription for %s to course %s has been approved by default, missing superior. You can manage inscriptions HERE'; // Reminders $strings['MailTitleReminderAdmin'] = 'Inscription to %s are pending confirmation'; $strings['MailContentReminderAdmin'] = 'The inscription below to course %s are pending validation to be accepted. Please, go to Administration page to validate them.'; $strings['MailTitleReminderStudent'] = 'Information: Your request is pending approval to course %s'; $strings['MailContentReminderStudent'] = 'This email is to confirm we have received and registered your inscription request to course %s, starting at %s.'; $strings['MailContentReminderStudentSecond'] = 'Your inscription has not yet been approved by your superior, so we send him an reminder email.'; $strings['MailTitleReminderSuperior'] = 'Course inscription request for your collaborators'; $strings['MailContentReminderSuperior'] = 'We remind you, we have received inscription requests below to course %s for your collaborators. This course is starting at %s. Course details: %s.'; $strings['MailContentReminderSuperiorSecond'] = 'We invite you to accept or reject inscription request, clicking corresponding button for each collaborator.'; $strings['MailTitleReminderMaxSuperior'] = 'Reminder: Course inscription request for your collaborators'; $strings['MailContentReminderMaxSuperior'] = 'We remind you, we have received inscription requests below to course %s for your collaborators. This course is starting at %s. Course details: %s.'; $strings['MailContentReminderMaxSuperiorSecond'] = 'This course have limited vacancies and has received a high inscription request rate, So we recommend all areas to accept at most %s candidates. We invite you to accept or reject inscription request, clicking corresponding button for each collaborator.';