For a full list of contributors, see "credits.txt". The full license can be read in "license.txt". This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Contact: Dokeos, 181 rue Royale, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium, ============================================================================== */ require_once (api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'formvalidator/FormValidator.class.php'); /** ============================================================================== * This class provides some functions for statistics * @package dokeos.statistics ============================================================================== */ class Statistics { /** * Converts a number of bytes in a formatted string * @param int $size * @return string Formatted file size */ function make_size_string($size) { if ($size < pow(2,10)) return $size." bytes"; if ($size >= pow(2,10) && $size < pow(2,20)) return round($size / pow(2,10), 0)." KB"; if ($size >= pow(2,20) && $size < pow(2,30)) return round($size / pow(2,20), 1)." MB"; if ($size > pow(2,30)) return round($size / pow(2,30), 2)." GB"; } /** * Count courses * @param string $category_code Code of a course category. Default: count * all courses. * @return int Number of courses counted */ function count_courses($category_code = NULL) { $course_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS number FROM ".$course_table." "; if (isset ($category_code)) { $sql .= " WHERE category_code = '".Database::escape_string($category_code)."'"; } $res = Database::query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $obj = Database::fetch_object($res); return $obj->number; } /** * Count users * @param int $status COURSEMANAGER or STUDENT * @param string $category_code Code of a course category. Default: count * all users. * @return int Number of users counted */ function count_users($status, $category_code = NULL, $count_invisible_courses = true) { // Database table definitions $course_user_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $course_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $user_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(user_id)) AS number FROM $user_table WHERE status = ".intval(Database::escape_string($status))." "; if (isset ($category_code)) { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(cu.user_id)) AS number FROM $course_user_table cu, $course_table c WHERE cu.status = ".intval(Database::escape_string($status))." AND c.code = cu.course_code AND c.category_code = '".Database::escape_string($category_code)."'"; } $res = Database::query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $obj = Database::fetch_object($res); return $obj->number; } /** * Count activities from track_e_default_table * @return int Number of activities counted */ function get_number_of_activities() { // Database table definitions $track_e_default = Database :: get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_DEFAULT); $sql = "SELECT count(default_id) AS total_number_of_items FROM $track_e_default, $table_user user WHERE default_user_id = user.user_id "; if (isset($_GET['keyword'])) { $keyword = Database::escape_string($_GET['keyword']); $sql .= " AND (user.username LIKE '%".$keyword."%' OR default_event_type LIKE '%".$keyword."%' OR default_value_type LIKE '%".$keyword."%' OR default_value LIKE '%".$keyword."%') "; } $res = Database::query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $obj = Database::fetch_object($res); return $obj->total_number_of_items; } /** * Get activities data to display */ function get_activities_data($from, $number_of_items, $column, $direction) { global $dateTimeFormatLong; $track_e_default = Database :: get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_DEFAULT); $table_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $table_course = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $sql = "SELECT default_event_type as col0, default_value_type as col1, default_value as col2, user.username as col3, default_date as col4 FROM $track_e_default track_default, $table_user user WHERE track_default.default_user_id = user.user_id "; if (isset($_GET['keyword'])) { $keyword = Database::escape_string($_GET['keyword']); $sql .= " AND (user.username LIKE '%".$keyword."%' OR default_event_type LIKE '%".$keyword."%' OR default_value_type LIKE '%".$keyword."%' OR default_value LIKE '%".$keyword."%') "; } if (!empty($column) && !empty($direction)) { $sql .= " ORDER BY col$column $direction"; } else { $sql .= " ORDER BY col4 DESC "; } $sql .= " LIMIT $from,$number_of_items "; $res = Database::query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $activities = array (); while ($row = Database::fetch_row($res)) { $row[4] = api_format_date(DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG, strtotime($row[4])); $activities[] = $row; } return $activities; } /** * Get all course categories * @return array All course categories (code => name) */ function get_course_categories() { $category_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CATEGORY); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $category_table ORDER BY tree_pos"; $res = Database::query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $categories = array (); while ($category = Database::fetch_object($res)) { $categories[$category->code] = $category->name; } return $categories; } /** * Rescale data * @param array $data The data that should be rescaled * @param int $max The maximum value in the rescaled data (default = 500); * @return array The rescaled data, same key as $data */ function rescale($data, $max = 500) { $data_max = 1; foreach ($data as $index => $value) { $data_max = ($data_max < $value ? $value : $data_max); } reset($data); $result = array (); $delta = $max / $data_max; foreach ($data as $index => $value) { $result[$index] = (int) round($value * $delta); } return $result; } /** * Show statistics * @param string $title The title * @param array $stats * @param bool $show_total * @param bool $is_file_size */ function print_stats($title, $stats, $show_total = true, $is_file_size = false) { $total = 0; $data = Statistics::rescale($stats); echo ''; $i = 0; foreach($stats as $subtitle => $number) { $total += $number; } foreach ($stats as $subtitle => $number) { $i = $i % 13; if (api_strlen($subtitle) > 30) { $subtitle = ''.api_substr($subtitle, 0, 27).'...'; } if(!$is_file_size) { $number_label = number_format($number, 0, ',', '.'); } else { $number_label = Statistics::make_size_string($number); } echo ''; if($show_total) { echo ''; } echo ''; $i ++; } if ($show_total) { if(!$is_file_size) { $total_label = number_format($total, 0, ',', '.'); } else { $total_label = Statistics::make_size_string($total); } echo ''; } echo '
'.$subtitle.' '.Display::return_icon('bar_1u.gif', get_lang('Statistics') ,array('width' => $data[$subtitle], 'height' => '10')).' '.$number_label.' '.($total>0?number_format(100*$number/$total, 1, ',', '.'):'0').'%
'.get_lang('Total').': '.$total_label.'
'; } /** * Show some stats about the number of logins * @param string $type month, hour or day */ function print_login_stats($type) { $table = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_LOGIN); switch($type) { case 'month': $months = api_get_months_long(); $period = get_lang('PeriodMonth'); $sql = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT( login_date, '%Y-%m' ) AS stat_date , count( login_id ) AS number_of_logins FROM ".$table." GROUP BY stat_date ORDER BY login_date "; break; case 'hour': $period = get_lang('PeriodHour'); $sql = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT( login_date, '%H' ) AS stat_date , count( login_id ) AS number_of_logins FROM ".$table." GROUP BY stat_date ORDER BY stat_date "; break; case 'day': $week_days = api_get_week_days_long(); $period = get_lang('PeriodDay'); $sql = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT( login_date, '%w' ) AS stat_date , count( login_id ) AS number_of_logins FROM ".$table." GROUP BY stat_date ORDER BY DATE_FORMAT( login_date, '%w' ) "; break; } $res = Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $result = array(); while($obj = Database::fetch_object($res)) { $stat_date = $obj->stat_date; switch($type) { case 'month': $stat_date = explode('-', $stat_date); $stat_date[1] = $months[$stat_date[1] - 1]; $stat_date = implode(' ', $stat_date); break; case 'day': $stat_date = $week_days[$stat_date]; break; } $result[$stat_date] = $obj->number_of_logins; } Statistics::print_stats(get_lang('Logins').' ('.$period.')', $result, true); } /** * Print the number of recent logins */ function print_recent_login_stats() { $total_logins = array(); $table = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_LOGIN); $sql[get_lang('Thisday')] = "SELECT count(login_user_id) AS number FROM $table WHERE DATE_ADD(login_date, INTERVAL 1 DAY) >= NOW()"; $sql[get_lang('Last7days')] = "SELECT count(login_user_id) AS number FROM $table WHERE DATE_ADD(login_date, INTERVAL 7 DAY) >= NOW()"; $sql[get_lang('Last31days')] = "SELECT count(login_user_id) AS number FROM $table WHERE DATE_ADD(login_date, INTERVAL 31 DAY) >= NOW()"; $sql[get_lang('Total')] = "SELECT count(login_user_id) AS number FROM $table"; foreach($sql as $index => $query) { $res = Database::query($query,__FILE__,__LINE__); $obj = Database::fetch_object($res); $total_logins[$index] = $obj->number; } Statistics::print_stats(get_lang('Logins'),$total_logins,false); } /** * Show some stats about the accesses to the different course tools */ function print_tool_stats() { $table = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ACCESS); $tools = array('announcement','assignment','calendar_event','chat','conference','course_description','document','dropbox','group','learnpath','link','quiz','student_publication','user','forum'); $tool_names = array(); foreach ($tools as $tool) { $tool_names[$tool] = get_lang(ucfirst($tool), ''); } $sql = "SELECT access_tool, count( access_id ) AS number_of_logins FROM $table WHERE access_tool IN ('".implode("','",$tools)."') GROUP BY access_tool "; $res = Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $result = array(); while($obj = Database::fetch_object($res)) { $result[$tool_names[$obj->access_tool]] = $obj->number_of_logins; } Statistics::print_stats(get_lang('PlatformToolAccess'),$result,true); } /** * Show some stats about the number of courses per language */ function print_course_by_language_stats() { $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $sql = "SELECT course_language, count( code ) AS number_of_courses FROM $table GROUP BY course_language "; $res = Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $result = array(); while($obj = Database::fetch_object($res)) { $result[$obj->course_language] = $obj->number_of_courses; } Statistics::print_stats(get_lang('CountCourseByLanguage'),$result,true); } /** * Shows the number of users having their picture uploaded in Dokeos. */ function print_user_pictures_stats() { $user_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS n FROM $user_table"; $res = Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $count1 = Database::fetch_object($res); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS n FROM $user_table WHERE LENGTH(picture_uri) > 0"; $res = Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $count2 = Database::fetch_object($res); $result[get_lang('No')] = $count1->n - $count2->n; // #users without picture $result[get_lang('Yes')] = $count2->n; // #users with picture Statistics::print_stats(get_lang('CountUsers').' ('.get_lang('UserPicture').')',$result,true); } function print_activities_stats() { echo '


'; // Create a search-box $form = new FormValidator('search_simple','get',api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'admin/statistics/index.php?action=activities','','width=200px',false); $renderer =& $form->defaultRenderer(); $renderer->setElementTemplate('{element} '); $form->addElement('hidden','action','activities'); $form->addElement('hidden','activities_direction','DESC'); $form->addElement('hidden','activities_column','4'); $form->addElement('text','keyword',get_lang('keyword')); $form->addElement('style_submit_button', 'submit', get_lang('SearchActivities'),'class="search"'); echo '
'; $form->display(); echo '
'; $table = new SortableTable('activities', array('Statistics','get_number_of_activities'), array('Statistics','get_activities_data'),4,50,'DESC'); $parameters = array(); $parameters['action'] = 'activities'; if (isset($_GET['keyword'])) { $parameters['keyword'] = Security::remove_XSS($_GET['keyword']); } $table->set_additional_parameters($parameters); $table->set_header(0, get_lang('EventType')); $table->set_header(1, get_lang('DataType')); $table->set_header(2, get_lang('Value')); $table->set_header(3, get_lang('UserName')); $table->set_header(4, get_lang('Date')); $table->display(); } /** * Shows statistics about the time of last visit to each course. */ function print_course_last_visit() { $columns[0] = 'access_cours_code'; $columns[1] = 'access_date'; $sql_order[SORT_ASC] = 'ASC'; $sql_order[SORT_DESC] = 'DESC'; $per_page = isset($_GET['per_page']) ? intval($_GET['per_page']) : 10; $page_nr = isset($_GET['page_nr']) ? intval($_GET['page_nr']) : 1; $column = isset($_GET['column']) ? intval($_GET['column']) : 0; $date_diff = isset($_GET['date_diff'])? intval($_GET['date_diff']) : 60; if(!in_array($_GET['direction'],array(SORT_ASC,SORT_DESC))){ $direction = SORT_ASC; } else { $direction = isset($_GET['direction']) ? $_GET['direction'] : SORT_ASC; } $form = new FormValidator('courselastvisit','get'); $form->addElement('hidden','action','courselastvisit'); $form->add_textfield('date_diff',get_lang('Days'),true); $form->addRule('date_diff','InvalidNumber','numeric'); $form->addElement('submit','ok',get_lang('Ok')); $defaults['date_diff'] = 60; $form->setDefaults($defaults); if($form->validate()) { $form->display(); $values = $form->exportValues(); $date_diff = $values['date_diff']; $table = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_LASTACCESS); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table GROUP BY access_cours_code HAVING access_cours_code <> '' AND DATEDIFF( NOW() , access_date ) >= ". $date_diff; $res = Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $number_of_courses = Database::num_rows($res); $sql .= ' ORDER BY '.$columns[$column].' '.$sql_order[$direction]; $from = ($page_nr -1) * $per_page; $sql .= ' LIMIT '.$from.','.$per_page; echo '

'.get_lang('LastAccess').' >= '.$date_diff.' '.get_lang('Days').'

'; $res = Database::query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (Database::num_rows($res) > 0) { $courses = array (); while ($obj = Database::fetch_object($res)) { $course = array (); $course[]= ''.$obj->access_cours_code.' '; $course[] = $obj->access_date; $courses[] = $course; } $parameters['action'] = 'courselastvisit'; $parameters['date_diff'] = $date_diff; $table_header[] = array ("Coursecode", true); $table_header[] = array ("Last login", true); Display :: display_sortable_table($table_header, $courses, array ('column'=>$column,'direction'=>$direction), array (), $parameters); } else { echo get_lang('NoSearchResults'); } } else { $form->display(); } } } ?>