$b[$tracking_column]) {
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
function rsort_sessions($a, $b) {
global $tracking_column;
if ($b[$tracking_column] > $a[$tracking_column]) {
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
/* * MAIN CODE */
$is_coach = api_is_coach();
$is_platform_admin = api_is_platform_admin();
$is_drh = api_is_drh();
$is_session_admin = api_is_session_admin();
if ($is_session_admin) {
// Get views
$views = array('admin', 'teacher', 'coach', 'drh');
$view = 'teacher';
if (isset($_GET['view']) && in_array($_GET['view'], $views)) {
$view = $_GET['view'];
$menu_items = array();
$nb_teacher_courses = 0;
global $_configuration;
// interbreadcrumbs
if (api_is_allowed_to_create_course() && $_GET['display'] != 'yourstudents') {
$session_id = intval($_GET['session_id']);
if (!empty($session_id)) {
$courses = Tracking::get_courses_followed_by_coach($_user['user_id'], $session_id);
} else {
$courses = CourseManager::get_course_list_of_user_as_course_admin($_user['user_id']);
$nb_teacher_courses = count($courses);
$sessions = Tracking::get_sessions_coached_by_user($_user['user_id']);
$nb_sessions = count($sessions);
if ($nb_teacher_courses || $nb_sessions) {
if (!$is_coach && !$is_platform_admin) {
$view = 'teacher';
if ($view == 'teacher' && empty($session_id)) {
$menu_items[] = get_lang('TeacherInterface');
if ($nb_teacher_courses) {
$title = get_lang('YourCourseList');
} else {
if (!empty($session_id)) {
$session_name = api_get_session_name($session_id);
$title = Display::return_icon('session.png', get_lang('Session'), array(), 22).' '.$session_name;
$menu_items[] = ''.get_lang('TeacherInterface').'';
if ($is_coach && $_GET['display'] != 'yourstudents') {
if ($nb_teacher_courses == 0 && !$is_platform_admin) {
$view = 'coach';
if ($view == 'coach') {
$menu_items[] = get_lang('CoachInterface');
$title = get_lang('YourStatistics');
} else {
$menu_items[] = ''.get_lang('CoachInterface').'';
if ($is_platform_admin && $_GET['display'] != 'yourstudents') {
if ($nb_teacher_courses == 0 && $nb_sessions == 0) {
$view = 'admin';
if ($view == 'admin') {
$menu_items[] = get_lang('AdminInterface');
$title = get_lang('CoachList');
$menu_items[] = ''.get_lang('ExamTracking').'';
} else {
$menu_items[] = ''.get_lang('AdminInterface').'';
$menu_items[] = ''.get_lang('ExamTracking').'';
if ($is_drh || $_GET['display'] == 'yourstudents') {
$view = 'drh';
$menu_items[] = get_lang('Students');
$menu_items[] = ''.get_lang('Trainers').'';
$menu_items[] = ''.get_lang('Courses').'';
$menu_items[] = ''.get_lang('Sessions').'';
// Actions menu
$nb_menu_items = count($menu_items);
if ($nb_teacher_courses > 0 ) {
echo '
if (isset($_GET['display']) && ($_GET['display'] == 'useroverview' || $_GET['display'] == 'sessionoverview' || $_GET['display'] == 'courseoverview')) {
echo '
echo Display::return_icon("export_csv.png", get_lang('ExportAsCSV'),array(), 32);
echo '';
echo '
Display::return_icon('stats.png', get_lang('MyStats'),'','32');
echo '';
echo '
Display::return_icon('printer.png', get_lang('Print'),'','32').'';
if (empty($session_id)) {
if ($nb_menu_items > 1) {
foreach ($menu_items as $key => $item) {
echo $item;
if ($key != $nb_menu_items - 1) {
echo ' | ';
} else {
echo '
'.Display::return_icon('back.png', get_lang('Back'),'','32').'';
echo '
} else {
echo '';
echo ''.$title.'
if (($is_drh && $view == 'drh') || $_GET['display'] == 'yourstudents') {
// get data for human resources manager
$students = array_keys(UserManager::get_users_followed_by_drh($_user['user_id'], STUDENT));
$courses_of_the_platform = CourseManager :: get_real_course_list();
foreach ($courses_of_the_platform as $course) {
$courses[$course['code']] = $course['code'];
if ($is_coach && $view == 'coach') {
$students = Tracking :: get_student_followed_by_coach($_user['user_id']);
$courses = Tracking :: get_courses_followed_by_coach($_user['user_id']);
if ($view == 'coach' || $view == 'drh') {
$nb_students = count($students);
$total_time_spent = 0;
$total_courses = 0;
$avg_total_progress = 0;
$avg_results_to_exercises = 0;
$nb_inactive_students = 0;
$nb_posts = $nb_assignments = 0;
if (!empty($students))
foreach ($students as $student_id) {
// inactive students
$last_connection_date = Tracking :: get_last_connection_date($student_id, true, true);
if ($last_connection_date !== false) {
if (time() - (3600 * 24 * 7) > $last_connection_date) {
} else {
$total_time_spent += Tracking :: get_time_spent_on_the_platform($student_id);
$total_courses += Tracking :: count_course_per_student($student_id);
$avg_student_progress = $avg_student_score = 0;
$nb_courses_student = 0;
foreach ($courses as $course_code) {
if (CourseManager :: is_user_subscribed_in_course($student_id, $course_code, true)) {
$nb_posts += Tracking :: count_student_messages($student_id, $course_code);
$nb_assignments += Tracking :: count_student_assignments($student_id, $course_code);
$avg_student_progress += Tracking :: get_avg_student_progress($student_id, $course_code);
$myavg_temp = Tracking :: get_avg_student_score($student_id, $course_code);
if (is_numeric($myavg_temp))
$avg_student_score += $myavg_temp;
if ($nb_posts !== null && $nb_assignments !== null && $avg_student_progress !== null && $avg_student_score !== null) {
//if one of these scores is null, it means that we had a problem connecting to the right database, so don't count it in
// average progress of the student
$avg_student_progress = $nb_courses_student ?$avg_student_progress / $nb_courses_student:0;
$avg_total_progress += $avg_student_progress;
// average test results of the student
$avg_student_score = $avg_student_score?$avg_student_score / $nb_courses_student:0;
$avg_results_to_exercises += $avg_student_score;
if ($nb_students > 0) {
// average progress
$avg_total_progress = $avg_total_progress / $nb_students;
// average results to the tests
$avg_results_to_exercises = $avg_results_to_exercises / $nb_students;
// average courses by student
$avg_courses_per_student = round($total_courses / $nb_students, 2);
// average time spent on the platform
$avg_time_spent = $total_time_spent / $nb_students;
// average assignments
$nb_assignments = $nb_assignments / $nb_students;
// average posts
$nb_posts = $nb_posts / $nb_students;
} else {
$avg_total_progress = null;
$avg_results_to_exercises = null;
$avg_courses_per_student = null;
$avg_time_spent = null;
$nb_assignments = null;
$nb_posts = null;
if ($export_csv) {
//csv part
$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('Probationers', ''));
$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('InactivesStudents', ''), $nb_inactive_students );
$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('AverageTimeSpentOnThePlatform', ''), $avg_time_spent);
$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('AverageCoursePerStudent', ''), $avg_courses_per_student);
$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('AverageProgressInLearnpath', ''), is_null($avg_total_progress) ? null : round($avg_total_progress, 2).'%');
$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('AverageResultsToTheExercices', ''), is_null($avg_results_to_exercises) ? null : round($avg_results_to_exercises, 2).'%');
$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('AveragePostsInForum', ''), $nb_posts);
$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('AverageAssignments', ''), $nb_assignments);
$csv_content[] = array();
} else {
// html part
echo '
'.(is_null($avg_time_spent) ? '' : api_time_to_hms($avg_time_spent)).'
'.(is_null($avg_courses_per_student) ? '' : $avg_courses_per_student).'
'.(is_null($avg_total_progress) ? '' : round($avg_total_progress, 2).'%').'
'.(is_null($avg_results_to_exercises) ? '' : round($avg_results_to_exercises, 2).'%').'
'.(is_null($nb_posts) ? '' : round($nb_posts, 2)).'
'.(is_null($nb_assignments) ? '' : round($nb_assignments, 2)).'
if ($view == 'coach') {
* Infos about sessions of the coach
$sessions = Tracking :: get_sessions_coached_by_user($_user['user_id']);
$nb_sessions = count($sessions);
$nb_sessions_past = $nb_sessions_future = $nb_sessions_current = 0;
$courses = array();
foreach ($sessions as $session) {
if ($session['date_start'] == '0000-00-00') {
$nb_sessions_current ++;
} else {
$date_start = explode('-', $session['date_start']);
$time_start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $date_start[1], $date_start[2], $date_start[0]);
$date_end = explode('-', $session['date_end']);
$time_end = mktime(0, 0, 0, $date_end[1], $date_end[2], $date_end[0]);
if ($time_start < time() && time() < $time_end) {
elseif (time() < $time_start) {
elseif (time() > $time_end) {
$courses = array_merge($courses, Tracking::get_courses_list_from_session($session['id']));
if ($nb_sessions > 0) {
$nb_courses_per_session = round(count($courses) / $nb_sessions, 2);
$nb_students_per_session = round($nb_students / $nb_sessions, 2);
} else {
$nb_courses_per_session = null;
$nb_students_per_session = null;
if ($export_csv) {
//csv part
$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('Sessions', ''));
$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('NbActiveSessions', '').';'.$nb_sessions_current);
$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('NbPastSessions', '').';'.$nb_sessions_past);
$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('NbFutureSessions', '').';'.$nb_sessions_future);
$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('NbStudentPerSession', '').';'.$nb_students_per_session);
$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('NbCoursesPerSession', '').';'.$nb_courses_per_session);
$csv_content[] = array();
} else {
// html part
echo '
'.(is_null($nb_students_per_session) ? '' : $nb_students_per_session).'
'.(is_null($nb_courses_per_session) ? '' : $nb_courses_per_session).'
echo '
if (api_is_allowed_to_create_course() && $view == 'teacher') {
if ($nb_teacher_courses) {
$table = new SortableTable('courses', 'get_number_of_courses' ,array('MySpace','get_course_data'));
$parameters['view'] = 'teacher';
$parameters['class'] = 'data_table';
$table -> set_header(0, get_lang('CourseTitle'), false, 'align="center"');
$table -> set_header(1, get_lang('NbStudents'), false);
$table -> set_header(2, get_lang('AvgTimeSpentInTheCourse').Display :: return_icon('info3.gif', get_lang('TimeOfActiveByTraining'), array('align' => 'absmiddle', 'hspace' => '3px')), false);
$table -> set_header(3, get_lang('AvgStudentsProgress').Display :: return_icon('info3.gif', get_lang('AvgAllUsersInAllCourses'), array('align' => 'absmiddle', 'hspace' => '3px')), false);
$table -> set_header(4, get_lang('AvgCourseScore').Display :: return_icon('info3.gif', get_lang('AvgAllUsersInAllCourses'), array('align' => 'absmiddle', 'hspace' => '3px')), false);
$table -> set_header(5, get_lang('AvgExercisesScore').Display :: return_icon('info3.gif', get_lang('AvgAllUsersInAllCourses'), array('align' => 'absmiddle', 'hspace' => '3px')), false);
$table -> set_header(6, get_lang('AvgMessages'), false);
$table -> set_header(7, get_lang('AvgAssignments'), false);
$table -> set_header(8, get_lang('Details'), false);
$csv_content[] = array (
get_lang('CourseTitle', ''),
get_lang('NbStudents', ''),
get_lang('AvgTimeSpentInTheCourse', ''),
get_lang('AvgStudentsProgress', ''),
get_lang('AvgCourseScore', ''),
get_lang('AvgExercisesScore', ''),
get_lang('AvgMessages', ''),
get_lang('AvgAssignments', '')
// display sessions
if ($nb_sessions > 0 && !isset($_GET['session_id'])) {
echo ''.get_lang('Sessions').'
$table = new SortableTable('tracking_sessions', 'count_sessions_coached');
$table->set_header(0, get_lang('Title'));
$table->set_header(1, get_lang('Date'));
$table->set_header(2, get_lang('NbCoursesPerSession'));
$table->set_header(3, get_lang('Details'), false);
$all_data = array();
foreach ($sessions as $session) {
$count_courses_in_session = count(Tracking::get_courses_followed_by_coach($_user['user_id'], $session['id']));
$row = array();
$row[] = $session['name'];
if ($session['date_start'] != '0000-00-00' && $session['date_end'] != '0000-00-00') {
$row[] = get_lang('From').' '.api_convert_and_format_date($session['date_start'], DATE_FORMAT_SHORT, date_default_timezone_get()).' '.get_lang('Until').' '.api_convert_and_format_date($session['date_end'], DATE_FORMAT_SHORT, date_default_timezone_get());
} else {
$row[] = ' - ';
$row[] = $count_courses_in_session;
$row[] = '
$all_data[] = $row;
if (!isset($tracking_column)) {
$tracking_column = 0;
if ($_GET['tracking_direction'] == 'DESC') {
usort($all_data, 'rsort_sessions');
} else {
usort($all_data, 'sort_sessions');
if ($export_csv) {
usort($csv_content, 'sort_sessions');
foreach ($all_data as $row) {
$table -> addRow($row);
$table -> setColAttributes(1, array('align' => 'center'));
$table -> setColAttributes(2, array('align' => 'center'));
$table -> setColAttributes(3, array('align' => 'center'));
$table -> display();
if ($is_platform_admin && $view == 'admin' && $_GET['display'] != 'yourstudents') {
echo ''.get_lang('DisplayCoaches').' | ';
echo ''.get_lang('DisplayUserOverview').'';
if ($_GET['display'] == 'useroverview') {
echo ' | '.get_lang('ExportUserOverviewOptions').'';
echo ' | '.get_lang('DisplaySessionOverview').'';
echo ' | '.get_lang('DisplayCourseOverview').'';
echo ' | '.get_lang('LPQuestionListResults').'';
echo ' | '.get_lang('LPExerciseResultsBySession').'';
echo '
if ($_GET['display'] === 'useroverview') {
} else if($_GET['display'] == 'sessionoverview') {
} else if($_GET['display'] == 'courseoverview') {
} else {
if ($export_csv) {
$is_western_name_order = api_is_western_name_order(PERSON_NAME_DATA_EXPORT);
} else {
$is_western_name_order = api_is_western_name_order();
$sort_by_first_name = api_sort_by_first_name();
$tracking_column = isset($_GET['tracking_list_coaches_column']) ? $_GET['tracking_list_coaches_column'] : ($is_western_name_order xor $sort_by_first_name) ? 1 : 0;
$tracking_direction = (isset($_GET['tracking_list_coaches_direction']) && in_array(strtoupper($_GET['tracking_list_coaches_direction']), array('ASC', 'DESC', 'ASCENDING', 'DESCENDING', '0', '1'))) ? $_GET['tracking_list_coaches_direction'] : 'DESC';
// Prepare array for column order - when impossible, use some of user names.
if ($is_western_name_order) {
$order = array(0 => 'firstname', 1 => 'lastname', 2 => ($sort_by_first_name ? 'firstname' : 'lastname'), 3 => 'login_date', 4 => ($sort_by_first_name ? 'firstname' : 'lastname'), 5 => ($sort_by_first_name ? 'firstname' : 'lastname'));
} else {
$order = array(0 => 'lastname', 1 => 'firstname', 2 => ($sort_by_first_name ? 'firstname' : 'lastname'), 3 => 'login_date', 4 => ($sort_by_first_name ? 'firstname' : 'lastname'), 5 => ($sort_by_first_name ? 'firstname' : 'lastname'));
$table = new SortableTable('tracking_list_coaches', 'count_coaches', null, ($is_western_name_order xor $sort_by_first_name) ? 1 : 0);
$parameters['view'] = 'admin';
if ($is_western_name_order) {
$table -> set_header(0, get_lang('FirstName'), true, 'align="center"');
$table -> set_header(1, get_lang('LastName'), true, 'align="center"');
} else {
$table -> set_header(0, get_lang('LastName'), true, 'align="center"');
$table -> set_header(1, get_lang('FirstName'), true, 'align="center"');
$table -> set_header(2, get_lang('TimeSpentOnThePlatform'), false);
$table -> set_header(3, get_lang('LastConnexion'), true, 'align="center"');
$table -> set_header(4, get_lang('NbStudents'), false);
$table -> set_header(5, get_lang('CountCours'), false);
$table -> set_header(6, get_lang('NumberOfSessions'), false);
$table -> set_header(7, get_lang('Sessions'), false, 'align="center"');
if ($is_western_name_order) {
$csv_header[] = array (
get_lang('FirstName', ''),
get_lang('LastName', ''),
get_lang('TimeSpentOnThePlatform', ''),
get_lang('LastConnexion', ''),
get_lang('NbStudents', ''),
get_lang('CountCours', ''),
get_lang('NumberOfSessions', '')
} else {
$csv_header[] = array (
get_lang('LastName', ''),
get_lang('FirstName', ''),
get_lang('TimeSpentOnThePlatform', ''),
get_lang('LastConnexion', ''),
get_lang('NbStudents', ''),
get_lang('CountCours', ''),
get_lang('NumberOfSessions', '')
$tbl_track_login = Database :: get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_LOGIN);
$sqlCoachs = "SELECT DISTINCT scu.id_user as id_coach, user_id, lastname, firstname, MAX(login_date) as login_date
FROM $tbl_user, $tbl_session_course_user scu, $tbl_track_login
WHERE scu.id_user=user_id AND scu.status=2 AND login_user_id=user_id
GROUP BY user_id ";
if ($_configuration['multiple_access_urls']) {
$tbl_session_rel_access_url = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ACCESS_URL_REL_SESSION);
$access_url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id();
if ($access_url_id != -1) {
$sqlCoachs = "SELECT DISTINCT scu.id_user as id_coach, user_id, lastname, firstname, MAX(login_date) as login_date
FROM $tbl_user, $tbl_session_course_user scu, $tbl_track_login , $tbl_session_rel_access_url session_rel_url
WHERE scu.id_user=user_id AND scu.status=2 AND login_user_id=user_id AND access_url_id = $access_url_id AND session_rel_url.session_id=id_session
GROUP BY user_id ";
if (!empty($order[$tracking_column])) {
$sqlCoachs .= "ORDER BY ".$order[$tracking_column]." ".$tracking_direction;
$result_coaches = Database::query($sqlCoachs);
$total_no_coaches = Database::num_rows($result_coaches);
$global_coaches = array();
while ($coach = Database::fetch_array($result_coaches)) {
$global_coaches[$coach['user_id']] = $coach;
$sql_session_coach = 'SELECT session.id_coach, user_id, lastname, firstname, MAX(login_date) as login_date
FROM '.$tbl_user.','.$tbl_sessions.' as session,'.$tbl_track_login.'
WHERE id_coach=user_id AND login_user_id=user_id
GROUP BY user_id
ORDER BY login_date '.$tracking_direction;
if ($_configuration['multiple_access_urls']) {
$tbl_session_rel_access_url = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ACCESS_URL_REL_SESSION);
$access_url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id();
if ($access_url_id != -1) {
$sql_session_coach = 'SELECT session.id_coach, user_id, lastname, firstname, MAX(login_date) as login_date
FROM '.$tbl_user.','.$tbl_sessions.' as session,'.$tbl_track_login.' , '.$tbl_session_rel_access_url.' as session_rel_url
WHERE id_coach=user_id AND login_user_id=user_id AND access_url_id = '.$access_url_id.' AND session_rel_url.session_id=session.id
GROUP BY user_id
ORDER BY login_date '.$tracking_direction;
$result_sessions_coach = Database::query($sql_session_coach);
$total_no_coaches += Database::num_rows($result_sessions_coach);
while ($coach = Database::fetch_array($result_sessions_coach)) {
$global_coaches[$coach['user_id']] = $coach;
$all_datas = array();
foreach ($global_coaches as $id_coach => $coaches) {
$time_on_platform = api_time_to_hms(Tracking :: get_time_spent_on_the_platform($coaches['user_id']));
$last_connection = Tracking :: get_last_connection_date($coaches['user_id']);
$nb_students = count(Tracking :: get_student_followed_by_coach($coaches['user_id']));
$nb_courses = count(Tracking :: get_courses_followed_by_coach($coaches['user_id']));
$nb_sessions = count(Tracking :: get_sessions_coached_by_user($coaches['user_id']));
$table_row = array();
if ($is_western_name_order) {
$table_row[] = $coaches['firstname'];
$table_row[] = $coaches['lastname'];
} else {
$table_row[] = $coaches['lastname'];
$table_row[] = $coaches['firstname'];
$table_row[] = $time_on_platform;
$table_row[] = $last_connection;
$table_row[] = $nb_students;
$table_row[] = $nb_courses;
$table_row[] = $nb_sessions;
$table_row[] = '
$all_datas[] = $table_row;
if ($is_western_name_order) {
$csv_content[] = array(
api_html_entity_decode($coaches['firstname'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset),
api_html_entity_decode($coaches['lastname'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset),
} else {
$csv_content[] = array(
api_html_entity_decode($coaches['lastname'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset),
api_html_entity_decode($coaches['firstname'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset),
if ($tracking_column != 3) {
if ($tracking_direction == 'DESC') {
usort($all_datas, 'rsort_users');
} else {
usort($all_datas, 'sort_users');
if ($export_csv && $tracking_column != 3) {
usort($csv_content, 'sort_users');
if ($export_csv) {
$csv_content = array_merge($csv_header, $csv_content);
foreach ($all_datas as $row) {
$table -> addRow($row, 'align="right"');
$table -> updateColAttributes(0, array('align' => 'left'));
$table -> updateColAttributes(1, array('align' => 'left'));
$table -> updateColAttributes(3, array('align' => 'left'));
$table -> updateColAttributes(7, array('align' => 'center'));
$table -> display();
// send the csv file if asked
if ($export_csv) {
Export :: export_table_csv($csv_content, 'reporting_index');
if (!$export_csv) {
* Get number of courses for sortable with pagination
* @return int
function get_number_of_courses() {
global $courses;
return count($courses);