/* -*- Mode: Javascript; indent-tabs-mode:nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /************************************************************* * * MathJax/extensions/MathMenu.js * * Implements a right-mouse (or CTRL-click) menu over mathematics * elements that gives the user the ability to copy the source, * change the math size, and zoom settings. * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (c) 2010-2017 The MathJax Consortium * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ (function (HUB,HTML,AJAX,CALLBACK,OUTPUT) { var VERSION = "2.7.2"; var SIGNAL = MathJax.Callback.Signal("menu"); // signal for menu events MathJax.Extension.MathMenu = { version: VERSION, signal: SIGNAL }; var _ = function (id) { return MathJax.Localization._.apply( MathJax.Localization, [["MathMenu",id]].concat([].slice.call(arguments,1)) ); }; var isArray = MathJax.Object.isArray; var isPC = HUB.Browser.isPC, isMSIE = HUB.Browser.isMSIE, isIE9 = ((document.documentMode||0) > 8); var ROUND = (isPC ? null : "5px"); var CONFIG = HUB.CombineConfig("MathMenu",{ delay: 150, // the delay for submenus showRenderer: true, // show the "Math Renderer" menu? showMathPlayer: true, // show the "MathPlayer" menu? showFontMenu: false, // show the "Font Preference" menu? showContext: false, // show the "Context Menu" menu? showDiscoverable: false, // show the "Discoverable" menu? showLocale: true, // show the "Locale" menu? showLocaleURL: false, // show the "Load from URL" menu? semanticsAnnotations: { "TeX": ["TeX", "LaTeX", "application/x-tex"], "StarMath": ["StarMath 5.0"], "Maple": ["Maple"], "ContentMathML": ["MathML-Content", "application/mathml-content+xml"], "OpenMath": ["OpenMath"] }, windowSettings: { // for source window status: "no", toolbar: "no", locationbar: "no", menubar: "no", directories: "no", personalbar: "no", resizable: "yes", scrollbars: "yes", width: 400, height: 300, left: Math.round((screen.width - 400)/2), top: Math.round((screen.height - 300)/3) }, styles: { "#MathJax_About": { position:"fixed", left:"50%", width:"auto", "text-align":"center", border:"3px outset", padding:"1em 2em", "background-color":"#DDDDDD", color:"black", cursor: "default", "font-family":"message-box", "font-size":"120%", "font-style":"normal", "text-indent":0, "text-transform":"none", "line-height":"normal", "letter-spacing":"normal", "word-spacing":"normal", "word-wrap":"normal", "white-space":"nowrap", "float":"none", "z-index":201, "border-radius": "15px", // Opera 10.5 and IE9 "-webkit-border-radius": "15px", // Safari and Chrome "-moz-border-radius": "15px", // Firefox "-khtml-border-radius": "15px", // Konqueror "box-shadow":"0px 10px 20px #808080", // Opera 10.5 and IE9 "-webkit-box-shadow":"0px 10px 20px #808080", // Safari 3 and Chrome "-moz-box-shadow":"0px 10px 20px #808080", // Forefox 3.5 "-khtml-box-shadow":"0px 10px 20px #808080", // Konqueror filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropshadow(OffX=2, OffY=2, Color='gray', Positive='true')" // IE }, "#MathJax_About.MathJax_MousePost": { outline:"none" }, ".MathJax_Menu": { position:"absolute", "background-color":"white", color:"black", width:"auto", padding:(isPC ? "2px" : "5px 0px"), border:"1px solid #CCCCCC", margin:0, cursor:"default", font: "menu", "text-align":"left", "text-indent":0, "text-transform":"none", "line-height":"normal", "letter-spacing":"normal", "word-spacing":"normal", "word-wrap":"normal", "white-space":"nowrap", "float":"none", "z-index":201, "border-radius": ROUND, // Opera 10.5 and IE9 "-webkit-border-radius": ROUND, // Safari and Chrome "-moz-border-radius": ROUND, // Firefox "-khtml-border-radius": ROUND, // Konqueror "box-shadow":"0px 10px 20px #808080", // Opera 10.5 and IE9 "-webkit-box-shadow":"0px 10px 20px #808080", // Safari 3 and Chrome "-moz-box-shadow":"0px 10px 20px #808080", // Forefox 3.5 "-khtml-box-shadow":"0px 10px 20px #808080", // Konqueror filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropshadow(OffX=2, OffY=2, Color='gray', Positive='true')" // IE }, ".MathJax_MenuItem": { padding: (isPC ? "2px 2em" : "1px 2em"), background:"transparent" }, ".MathJax_MenuArrow": { position:"absolute", right:".5em", "padding-top":".25em", color:"#666666", "font-family": (isMSIE ? "'Arial unicode MS'" : null), "font-size": ".75em" }, ".MathJax_MenuActive .MathJax_MenuArrow": {color:"white"}, ".MathJax_MenuArrow.RTL": {left:".5em", right:"auto"}, ".MathJax_MenuCheck": { position:"absolute", left:".7em", "font-family": (isMSIE ? "'Arial unicode MS'" : null) }, ".MathJax_MenuCheck.RTL": {right:".7em", left:"auto"}, ".MathJax_MenuRadioCheck": { position:"absolute", left: (isPC ? "1em" : ".7em") }, ".MathJax_MenuRadioCheck.RTL": { right: (isPC ? "1em" : ".7em"), left:"auto" }, ".MathJax_MenuLabel": { padding: (isPC ? "2px 2em 4px 1.33em" : "1px 2em 3px 1.33em"), "font-style":"italic" }, ".MathJax_MenuRule": { "border-top": (isPC ? "1px solid #CCCCCC" : "1px solid #DDDDDD"), margin: (isPC ? "4px 1px 0px" : "4px 3px") }, ".MathJax_MenuDisabled": { color:"GrayText" }, ".MathJax_MenuActive": { "background-color": (isPC ? "Highlight" : "#606872"), color: (isPC ? "HighlightText" : "white") }, ".MathJax_MenuDisabled:focus, .MathJax_MenuLabel:focus": { "background-color": "#E8E8E8" }, ".MathJax_ContextMenu:focus": { outline:"none" }, ".MathJax_ContextMenu .MathJax_MenuItem:focus": { outline:"none" }, "#MathJax_AboutClose": { top:".2em", right:".2em" }, ".MathJax_Menu .MathJax_MenuClose": { top:"-10px", left:"-10px" }, ".MathJax_MenuClose": { position:"absolute", cursor:"pointer", display:"inline-block", border:"2px solid #AAA", "border-radius":"18px", "-webkit-border-radius": "18px", // Safari and Chrome "-moz-border-radius": "18px", // Firefox "-khtml-border-radius": "18px", // Konqueror "font-family":"'Courier New',Courier", "font-size":"24px", color:"#F0F0F0" }, ".MathJax_MenuClose span": { display:"block", "background-color":"#AAA", border:"1.5px solid", "border-radius":"18px", "-webkit-border-radius": "18px", // Safari and Chrome "-moz-border-radius": "18px", // Firefox "-khtml-border-radius": "18px", // Konqueror "line-height":0, padding:"8px 0 6px" // may need to be browser-specific }, ".MathJax_MenuClose:hover": { color:"white!important", border:"2px solid #CCC!important" }, ".MathJax_MenuClose:hover span": { "background-color":"#CCC!important" }, ".MathJax_MenuClose:hover:focus": { outline:"none" } } }); var FALSE, HOVER, KEY; HUB.Register.StartupHook("MathEvents Ready",function () { FALSE = MathJax.Extension.MathEvents.Event.False; HOVER = MathJax.Extension.MathEvents.Hover; KEY = MathJax.Extension.MathEvents.Event.KEY; }); /*************************************************************/ /* * Abstract class of all keyboard navigatable objects. */ var NAV = MathJax.Object.Subclass({ /* * Moving in the list of items. */ Keydown: function(event, menu) { switch (event.keyCode) { case KEY.ESCAPE: this.Remove(event, menu); break; case KEY.RIGHT: this.Right(event, menu); break; case KEY.LEFT: this.Left(event, menu); break; case KEY.UP: this.Up(event, menu); break; case KEY.DOWN: this.Down(event, menu); break; case KEY.RETURN: case KEY.SPACE: this.Space(event, menu); break; default: return; break; } return FALSE(event); }, Escape: function(event, menu) { }, Right: function(event, menu) { }, Left: function(event, menu) { }, Up: function(event, menu) { }, Down: function(event, menu) { }, Space: function(event, menu) { } }, {}); /*************************************************************/ /* * The main menu class */ var MENU = MathJax.Menu = NAV.Subclass({ version: VERSION, items: [], posted: false, title: null, margin: 5, Init: function (def) {this.items = [].slice.call(arguments,0)}, With: function (def) {if (def) {HUB.Insert(this,def)}; return this}, /* * Display the menu */ Post: function (event,parent,forceLTR) { if (!event) {event = window.event||{}} var div = document.getElementById("MathJax_MenuFrame"); if (!div) { div = MENU.Background(this); delete ITEM.lastItem; delete ITEM.lastMenu; delete MENU.skipUp; SIGNAL.Post(["post",MENU.jax]); MENU.isRTL = (MathJax.Localization.fontDirection() === "rtl"); } var menu = HTML.Element("div",{ onmouseup: MENU.Mouseup, ondblclick: FALSE, ondragstart: FALSE, onselectstart: FALSE, oncontextmenu: FALSE, menuItem: this, className: "MathJax_Menu", onkeydown: MENU.Keydown, role: "menu" }); if (event.type === "contextmenu" || event.type === "mouseover") menu.className += " MathJax_ContextMenu"; if (!forceLTR) {MathJax.Localization.setCSS(menu)} for (var i = 0, m = this.items.length; i < m; i++) {this.items[i].Create(menu)} if (MENU.isMobile) { HTML.addElement(menu,"span",{ className: "MathJax_MenuClose", menu: parent, ontouchstart: MENU.Close, ontouchend: FALSE, onmousedown: MENU.Close, onmouseup: FALSE },[["span",{},"\u00D7"]]); } div.appendChild(menu); this.posted = true; if (menu.offsetWidth) menu.style.width = (menu.offsetWidth+2) + "px"; var x = event.pageX, y = event.pageY; var bbox = document.body.getBoundingClientRect(); var styles = (window.getComputedStyle ? window.getComputedStyle(document.body) : {marginLeft: "0px"}); var bodyRight = bbox.right - Math.min(0,bbox.left) + parseFloat(styles.marginLeft); if (!x && !y && "clientX" in event) { x = event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft; y = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop; } if (!parent) { var node = MENU.CurrentNode() || event.target; if ((event.type === "keydown" || (!x && !y)) && node) { var offsetX = window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft; var offsetY = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop; var rect = node.getBoundingClientRect(); x = (rect.right + rect.left) / 2 + offsetX; y = (rect.bottom + rect.top) / 2 + offsetY; } if (x + menu.offsetWidth > bodyRight - this.margin) {x = bodyRight - menu.offsetWidth - this.margin} if (MENU.isMobile) {x = Math.max(5,x-Math.floor(menu.offsetWidth/2)); y -= 20} MENU.skipUp = event.isContextMenu; } else { var side = "left", mw = parent.offsetWidth; x = (MENU.isMobile ? 30 : mw - 2); y = 0; while (parent && parent !== div) { x += parent.offsetLeft; y += parent.offsetTop; parent = parent.parentNode; } if (!MENU.isMobile) { if ((MENU.isRTL && x - mw - menu.offsetWidth > this.margin) || (!MENU.isRTL && x + menu.offsetWidth > bodyRight - this.margin)) {side = "right"; x = Math.max(this.margin,x - mw - menu.offsetWidth + 6)} } if (!isPC) { // in case these ever get implemented menu.style["borderRadiusTop"+side] = 0; // Opera 10.5 menu.style["WebkitBorderRadiusTop"+side] = 0; // Safari and Chrome menu.style["MozBorderRadiusTop"+side] = 0; // Firefox menu.style["KhtmlBorderRadiusTop"+side] = 0; // Konqueror } } menu.style.left = x+"px"; menu.style.top = y+"px"; if (document.selection && document.selection.empty) {document.selection.empty()} // Focusing while keeping the scroll position. var oldX = window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft; var oldY = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop; MENU.Focus(menu); if (event.type === "keydown") { MENU.skipMouseoverFromKey = true; setTimeout(function() {delete MENU.skipMouseoverFromKey;}, CONFIG.delay); } window.scrollTo(oldX, oldY); return FALSE(event); }, /* * Remove the menu from the screen */ Remove: function (event,menu) { SIGNAL.Post(["unpost",MENU.jax]); var div = document.getElementById("MathJax_MenuFrame"); if (div) { div.parentNode.removeChild(div); if (this.msieFixedPositionBug) {detachEvent("onresize",MENU.Resize)} } if (MENU.jax.hover) { delete MENU.jax.hover.nofade; HOVER.UnHover(MENU.jax); } MENU.Unfocus(menu); if (event.type === "mousedown") MENU.CurrentNode().blur(); return FALSE(event); }, /* * Find an item in a menu (or submenu) by name (Find) or ID (FindID). * A list of names or IDs means descend into submenus. */ Find: function (name) {return this.FindN(1,name,[].slice.call(arguments,1))}, FindId: function (name) {return this.FindN(0,name,[].slice.call(arguments,1))}, FindN: function (n,name,names) { for (var i = 0, m = this.items.length; i < m; i++) { if (this.items[i].name[n] === name) { if (names.length) { if (!this.items[i].submenu) {return null} return this.items[i].submenu.FindN(n,names[0],names.slice(1)); } return this.items[i]; } } return null; }, /* * Find the index of a menu item (so we can insert before or after it) */ IndexOf: function (name) {return this.IndexOfN(1,name)}, IndexOfId: function (name) {return this.IndexOfN(0,name)}, IndexOfN: function (n,name) { for (var i = 0, m = this.items.length; i < m; i++) {if (this.items[i].name[n] === name) {return i}} return null; }, Right: function(event, menu) { MENU.Right(event, menu); }, Left: function(event, menu) { MENU.Left(event, menu); }, Up: function(event, menu) { var node = menu.lastChild; node.menuItem.Activate(event, node); }, Down: function(event, menu) { var node = menu.firstChild; node.menuItem.Activate(event, node); }, Space: function(event, menu) { this.Remove(event, menu); } },{ config: CONFIG, Remove: function (event) {return MENU.Event(event,this,"Remove")}, Mouseover: function (event) {return MENU.Event(event,this,"Mouseover")}, Mouseout: function (event) {return MENU.Event(event,this,"Mouseout")}, Mousedown: function (event) {return MENU.Event(event,this,"Mousedown")}, Mouseup: function (event) {return MENU.Event(event,this,"Mouseup")}, Keydown: function (event) {return MENU.Event(event,this,"Keydown")}, /* * Events for mobile devices. */ Touchstart: function (event) {return MENU.Event(event,this,"Touchstart")}, Touchend: function (event) {return MENU.Event(event,this,"Touchend")}, Close: function (event) { return MENU.Event(event,this.menu||this.parentNode,(this.menu?"Touchend":"Remove")); }, Event: function (event,menu,type,force) { if (MENU.skipMouseover && type === "Mouseover" && !force) {return FALSE(event)} if (MENU.skipMouseoverFromKey && type === "Mouseover") { delete MENU.skipMouseoverFromKey; return FALSE(event); } if (MENU.skipUp) { if (type.match(/Mouseup|Touchend/)) {delete MENU.skipUp; return FALSE(event)} if (type === "Touchstart" || (type === "Mousedown" && !MENU.skipMousedown)) {delete MENU.skipUp} } if (!event) {event = window.event} var item = menu.menuItem; if (item && item[type]) {return item[type](event,menu)} return null; }, /* * Style for the background DIV */ BGSTYLE: { position:"absolute", left:0, top:0, "z-index":200, width:"100%", height:"100%", border:0, padding:0, margin:0 }, Background: function (menu) { var div = HTML.addElement(document.body,"div", {style:this.BGSTYLE, id:"MathJax_MenuFrame"}, [["div",{style: this.BGSTYLE, menuItem: menu, onmousedown: this.Remove}]]); var bg = div.firstChild; if (MENU.msieBackgroundBug) { // MSIE doesn't allow transparent background to be hit boxes, so // fake it using opacity with solid background color bg.style.backgroundColor = "white"; bg.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=0)"; } if (MENU.msieFixedPositionBug) { // MSIE can't do fixed position, so use a full-sized background // and an onresize handler to update it (stupid, but necessary) div.width = div.height = 0; this.Resize(); attachEvent("onresize",this.Resize); } else { // otherwise, use a fixed position DIV to cover the viewport bg.style.position = "fixed"; } return div; }, Resize: function () {setTimeout(MENU.SetWH,0)}, SetWH: function () { var bg = document.getElementById("MathJax_MenuFrame"); if (bg) { bg = bg.firstChild; bg.style.width = bg.style.height = "1px"; // so scrollWidth/Height will be right below bg.style.width = document.body.scrollWidth + "px"; bg.style.height = document.body.scrollHeight + "px"; } }, /*************************************************************/ /* * Keyboard navigation of menu. */ posted: false, // Is a menu open? active: null, // The focused in HTML node in the menu. GetNode: function(jax) { var node = document.getElementById(jax.inputID + "-Frame"); return node.isMathJax ? node : node.firstChild; }, CurrentNode: function() { return MENU.GetNode(MENU.jax); }, AllNodes: function() { var jaxs = MathJax.Hub.getAllJax(); var nodes = []; for (var i = 0, jax; jax = jaxs[i]; i++) { nodes.push(MENU.GetNode(jax)); } return nodes; }, ActiveNode: function() { return MENU.active; }, FocusNode: function(node) { MENU.active = node; node.focus(); }, // // Focus is a global affair, since we only ever want a single focused item. // Focus: function(menu) { !MENU.posted ? MENU.Activate(menu) : MENU.ActiveNode().tabIndex = -1; menu.tabIndex = 0; MENU.FocusNode(menu); }, Activate: function(event, menu) { MENU.UnsetTabIndex(); MENU.posted = true; }, Unfocus: function() { MENU.ActiveNode().tabIndex = -1; MENU.SetTabIndex(); MENU.FocusNode(MENU.CurrentNode()); MENU.posted = false; }, MoveHorizontal: function(event, menu, move) { if (!event.shiftKey) return; var jaxs = MENU.AllNodes(); var len = jaxs.length; if (len === 0) return; var next = jaxs[MENU.Mod(move(MENU.IndexOf(jaxs, MENU.CurrentNode())), len)]; if (next === MENU.CurrentNode()) return; MENU.menu.Remove(event, menu); MENU.jax = MathJax.Hub.getJaxFor(next); MENU.FocusNode(next); MENU.menu.Post(null); }, Right: function(event, menu) { MENU.MoveHorizontal(event, menu, function(x) {return x + 1;}); }, Left: function(event, menu) { MENU.MoveHorizontal(event, menu, function(x) {return x - 1;}); }, UnsetTabIndex: function () { var jaxs = MENU.AllNodes(); for (var j = 0, jax; jax = jaxs[j]; j++) { if (jax.tabIndex > 0) { jax.oldTabIndex = jax.tabIndex; } jax.tabIndex = -1; } }, SetTabIndex: function () { var jaxs = MENU.AllNodes(); for (var j = 0, jax; jax = jaxs[j]; j++) { if (jax.oldTabIndex !== undefined) { jax.tabIndex = jax.oldTabIndex delete jax.oldTabIndex; } else { jax.tabIndex = HUB.getTabOrder(jax); } } }, //TODO: Move to utility class. // Computes a mod n. Mod: function(a, n) { return ((a % n) + n) % n; }, IndexOf: (Array.prototype.indexOf ? function (A, item, start) {return A.indexOf(item, start);} : function (A, item, start) { for (var i = (start || 0), j = A.length; i < j; i++) { if (item === A[i]) return i; } return -1; }), saveCookie: function () {HTML.Cookie.Set("menu",this.cookie)}, getCookie: function () {this.cookie = HTML.Cookie.Get("menu")} }); MathJax.Menu.NAV = NAV; /*************************************************************/ /* * Abstract class of menu items. */ var ITEM = MENU.ITEM = NAV.Subclass({ name: "", // The menu item's label as [id,label] pair. node: null, // The HTML node of the item. menu: null, // The parent menu containing that item. HTML node. Attributes: function(def) { return HUB.Insert( {onmouseup: MENU.Mouseup, ondragstart: FALSE, onselectstart: FALSE, onselectend: FALSE, ontouchstart: MENU.Touchstart, ontouchend: MENU.Touchend, className: "MathJax_MenuItem", role: this.role, menuItem: this}, def); }, Create: function (menu) { if (!this.hidden) { var def = this.Attributes(); var label = this.Label(def,menu); HTML.addElement(menu, "div", def, label); } }, Name: function () {return _(this.name[0],this.name[1])}, Mouseover: function (event,menu) { if (menu.parentNode === MENU.ActiveNode().parentNode) { this.Deactivate(MENU.ActiveNode()); } this.Activate(event, menu); }, Mouseout: function (event,menu) { this.Deactivate(menu); }, Mouseup: function (event,menu) {return this.Remove(event,menu)}, DeactivateSubmenus: function(menu) { var menus = document.getElementById("MathJax_MenuFrame").childNodes, items = ITEM.GetMenuNode(menu).childNodes; for (var i = 0, m = items.length; i < m; i++) { var item = items[i].menuItem; // Deactivates submenu items. if (item && item.submenu && item.submenu.posted && item !== menu.menuItem) { item.Deactivate(items[i]); } } this.RemoveSubmenus(menu, menus); }, RemoveSubmenus: function(menu, menus) { menus = menus || document.getElementById("MathJax_MenuFrame").childNodes; var m = menus.length-1; while (m >= 0 && ITEM.GetMenuNode(menu).menuItem !== menus[m].menuItem) { menus[m].menuItem.posted = false; menus[m].parentNode.removeChild(menus[m]); m--; } }, Touchstart: function (event,menu) {return this.TouchEvent(event,menu,"Mousedown")}, Touchend: function (event,menu) {return this.TouchEvent(event,menu,"Mouseup")}, TouchEvent: function (event,menu,type) { if (this !== ITEM.lastItem) { if (ITEM.lastMenu) {MENU.Event(event,ITEM.lastMenu,"Mouseout")} MENU.Event(event,menu,"Mouseover",true); ITEM.lastItem = this; ITEM.lastMenu = menu; } if (this.nativeTouch) {return null} MENU.Event(event,menu,type); return false; }, Remove: function (event,menu) { menu = menu.parentNode.menuItem; return menu.Remove(event,menu); }, With: function (def) {if (def) {HUB.Insert(this,def)}; return this}, isRTL: function () {return MENU.isRTL}, rtlClass: function () {return (this.isRTL() ? " RTL" : "")} }, { GetMenuNode: function(item) { return item.parentNode; } }); /*************************************************************/ /* * Abstract class of menu items that are focusable and perform some action */ MENU.ENTRY = MENU.ITEM.Subclass({ role: "menuitem", // Aria role. Attributes: function(def) { def = HUB.Insert( {onmouseover: MENU.Mouseover, onmouseout: MENU.Mouseout, onmousedown: MENU.Mousedown, onkeydown: MENU.Keydown, "aria-disabled": !!this.disabled}, def); def = this.SUPER(arguments).Attributes.call(this, def); if (this.disabled) { def.className += " MathJax_MenuDisabled"; } return def; }, MoveVertical: function(event, item, move) { var menuNode = ITEM.GetMenuNode(item); var items = []; for (var i = 0, allItems = menuNode.menuItem.items, it; it = allItems[i]; i++) { if (!it.hidden) { items.push(it); } } var index = MENU.IndexOf(items, this); if (index === -1) return; var len = items.length; var children = menuNode.childNodes; do { index = MENU.Mod(move(index), len); } while (items[index].hidden || !children[index].role || children[index].role === "separator"); this.Deactivate(item); items[index].Activate(event, children[index]); }, Up: function(event, item) { this.MoveVertical(event, item, function(x) { return x - 1; }); }, Down: function(event, item) { this.MoveVertical(event, item, function(x) { return x + 1; }); }, Right: function(event, item) { this.MoveHorizontal(event, item, MENU.Right, !this.isRTL()); }, Left: function(event, item) { this.MoveHorizontal(event, item, MENU.Left, this.isRTL()); }, MoveHorizontal: function(event, item, move, rtl) { var menuNode = ITEM.GetMenuNode(item); if (menuNode.menuItem === MENU.menu && event.shiftKey) { move(event, item); } if (rtl) return; if (menuNode.menuItem !== MENU.menu) { this.Deactivate(item); } var parentNodes = menuNode.previousSibling.childNodes; var length = parentNodes.length; while (length--) { var parent = parentNodes[length]; if (parent.menuItem.submenu && parent.menuItem.submenu === menuNode.menuItem) { MENU.Focus(parent); break; } } this.RemoveSubmenus(item); }, Space: function (event, menu) { this.Mouseup(event, menu); }, Activate: function (event, menu) { this.Deactivate(menu); if (!this.disabled) { menu.className += " MathJax_MenuActive"; } this.DeactivateSubmenus(menu); MENU.Focus(menu); }, Deactivate: function (menu) { menu.className = menu.className.replace(/ MathJax_MenuActive/,""); } }); /*************************************************************/ /* * A menu item that performs a command when selected */ MENU.ITEM.COMMAND = MENU.ENTRY.Subclass({ action: function () {}, Init: function (name,action,def) { if (!isArray(name)) {name = [name,name]} // make [id,label] pair this.name = name; this.action = action; this.With(def); }, Label: function (def,menu) {return [this.Name()]}, Mouseup: function (event,menu) { if (!this.disabled) { this.Remove(event,menu); SIGNAL.Post(["command",this]); this.action.call(this,event); } return FALSE(event); } }); /*************************************************************/ /* * A menu item that posts a submenu */ MENU.ITEM.SUBMENU = MENU.ENTRY.Subclass({ submenu: null, // the submenu marker: "\u25BA", // the submenu arrow markerRTL: "\u25C4", // the submenu arrow for RTL Attributes: function(def) { def = HUB.Insert({"aria-haspopup": "true"}, def); def = this.SUPER(arguments).Attributes.call(this, def); return def; }, Init: function (name,def) { if (!isArray(name)) {name = [name,name]} // make [id,label] pair this.name = name; var i = 1; if (!(def instanceof MENU.ITEM)) {this.With(def), i++} this.submenu = MENU.apply(MENU,[].slice.call(arguments,i)); }, Label: function (def,menu) { this.submenu.posted = false; return [this.Name()+" ",["span",{ className:"MathJax_MenuArrow" + this.rtlClass() },[this.isRTL() ? this.markerRTL : this.marker]]]; }, Timer: function (event,menu) { this.ClearTimer(); event = {type: event.type, clientX: event.clientX, clientY: event.clientY}; // MSIE can't pass the event below this.timer = setTimeout(CALLBACK(["Mouseup",this,event,menu]),CONFIG.delay); }, ClearTimer: function() { if (this.timer) { clearTimeout(this.timer); } }, Touchend: function (event,menu) { var forceout = this.submenu.posted; var result = this.SUPER(arguments).Touchend.apply(this,arguments); if (forceout) {this.Deactivate(menu); delete ITEM.lastItem; delete ITEM.lastMenu} return result; }, Mouseout: function(event, menu) { if (!this.submenu.posted) { this.Deactivate(menu); } this.ClearTimer(); }, Mouseover: function(event, menu) { this.Activate(event, menu); }, Mouseup: function (event,menu) { if (!this.disabled) { if (!this.submenu.posted) { this.ClearTimer(); this.submenu.Post(event, menu, this.ltr); MENU.Focus(menu); } else { this.DeactivateSubmenus(menu); } } return FALSE(event); }, Activate: function (event, menu) { if (!this.disabled) { this.Deactivate(menu); menu.className += " MathJax_MenuActive"; } if (!this.submenu.posted) { this.DeactivateSubmenus(menu); if (!MENU.isMobile) { this.Timer(event,menu); } } MENU.Focus(menu); }, MoveVertical: function(event, item, move) { this.ClearTimer(); this.SUPER(arguments).MoveVertical.apply(this, arguments); }, MoveHorizontal: function(event, menu, move, rtl) { if (!rtl) { this.SUPER(arguments).MoveHorizontal.apply(this, arguments); return; } if (this.disabled) return; if (!this.submenu.posted) { this.Activate(event, menu); return; } var submenuNodes = ITEM.GetMenuNode(menu).nextSibling.childNodes; if (submenuNodes.length > 0) { this.submenu.items[0].Activate(event, submenuNodes[0]); } } }); /*************************************************************/ /* * A menu item that is one of several radio buttons */ MENU.ITEM.RADIO = MENU.ENTRY.Subclass({ variable: null, // the variable name marker: (isPC ? "\u25CF" : "\u2713"), // the checkmark role: "menuitemradio", Attributes: function(def) { var checked = CONFIG.settings[this.variable] === this.value ? "true" : "false"; def = HUB.Insert({"aria-checked": checked}, def); def = this.SUPER(arguments).Attributes.call(this, def); return def; }, Init: function (name,variable,def) { if (!isArray(name)) {name = [name,name]} // make [id,label] pair this.name = name; this.variable = variable; this.With(def); if (this.value == null) {this.value = this.name[0]} }, Label: function (def,menu) { var span = {className:"MathJax_MenuRadioCheck" + this.rtlClass()}; if (CONFIG.settings[this.variable] !== this.value) { span = {style:{display:"none"}}; } return [["span",span,[this.marker]]," "+this.Name()]; }, Mouseup: function (event,menu) { if (!this.disabled) { var child = menu.parentNode.childNodes; for (var i = 0, m = child.length; i < m; i++) { var item = child[i].menuItem; if (item && item.variable === this.variable) { child[i].firstChild.style.display = "none"; } } menu.firstChild.display = ""; CONFIG.settings[this.variable] = this.value; MENU.cookie[this.variable] = CONFIG.settings[this.variable]; MENU.saveCookie(); SIGNAL.Post(["radio button",this]); } this.Remove(event,menu); if (this.action && !this.disabled) {this.action.call(MENU,this)} return FALSE(event); } }); /*************************************************************/ /* * A menu item that is checkable */ MENU.ITEM.CHECKBOX = MENU.ENTRY.Subclass({ variable: null, // the variable name marker: "\u2713", // the checkmark role: "menuitemcheckbox", Attributes: function(def) { var checked = CONFIG.settings[this.variable] ? "true" : "false"; def = HUB.Insert({"aria-checked": checked}, def); def = this.SUPER(arguments).Attributes.call(this, def); return def; }, Init: function (name,variable,def) { if (!isArray(name)) {name = [name,name]} // make [id,label] pair this.name = name; this.variable = variable; this.With(def); }, Label: function (def,menu) { var span = {className:"MathJax_MenuCheck" + this.rtlClass()}; if (!CONFIG.settings[this.variable]) {span = {style:{display:"none"}}} return [["span",span,[this.marker]]," "+this.Name()]; }, Mouseup: function (event,menu) { if (!this.disabled) { menu.firstChild.display = (CONFIG.settings[this.variable] ? "none" : ""); CONFIG.settings[this.variable] = !CONFIG.settings[this.variable]; MENU.cookie[this.variable] = CONFIG.settings[this.variable]; MENU.saveCookie(); SIGNAL.Post(["checkbox",this]); } this.Remove(event,menu); if (this.action && !this.disabled) {this.action.call(MENU,this)} return FALSE(event); } }); /*************************************************************/ /* * A menu item that is a label */ MENU.ITEM.LABEL = MENU.ENTRY.Subclass({ role: "menuitem", // Aria role. Init: function (name,def) { if (!isArray(name)) {name = [name,name]} // make [id,label] pair this.name = name; this.With(def); }, Label: function (def,menu) { def.className += " MathJax_MenuLabel"; return [this.Name()]; }, Activate: function(event, menu) { this.Deactivate(menu); MENU.Focus(menu); }, Mouseup: function (event,menu) { } }); /*************************************************************/ /* * A rule in a menu */ MENU.ITEM.RULE = MENU.ITEM.Subclass({ role: "separator", Attributes: function(def) { def = HUB.Insert({"aria-orientation": "vertical"}, def); def = this.SUPER(arguments).Attributes.call(this, def); return def; }, Label: function (def,menu) { def.className += " MathJax_MenuRule"; return null; } }); /*************************************************************/ /*************************************************************/ /* * Handle the ABOUT box */ MENU.About = function (event) { var font = MENU.About.GetFont(); var format = MENU.About.GetFormat(); var jax = ["MathJax.js v"+MathJax.fileversion,["br"]]; jax.push(["div",{style:{"border-top":"groove 2px",margin:".25em 0"}}]); MENU.About.GetJax(jax,MathJax.InputJax,["InputJax","%1 Input Jax v%2"]); MENU.About.GetJax(jax,MathJax.OutputJax,["OutputJax","%1 Output Jax v%2"]); MENU.About.GetJax(jax,MathJax.ElementJax,["ElementJax","%1 Element Jax v%2"]); jax.push(["div",{style:{"border-top":"groove 2px",margin:".25em 0"}}]); MENU.About.GetJax(jax,MathJax.Extension,["Extension","%1 Extension v%2"],true); jax.push(["div",{style:{"border-top":"groove 2px",margin:".25em 0"}}],["center",{},[ HUB.Browser + " v"+HUB.Browser.version + (format ? " \u2014 " + _(format.replace(/ /g,""),format) : "") ]]); MENU.About.div = MENU.Background(MENU.About); var about = HTML.addElement(MENU.About.div,"div",{ id: "MathJax_About", tabIndex: 0, onkeydown: MENU.About.Keydown },[ ["b",{style:{fontSize:"120%"}},["MathJax"]]," v"+MathJax.version,["br"], _(font.replace(/ /g,""),"using "+font),["br"],["br"], ["span",{style:{ display:"inline-block", "text-align":"left", "font-size":"80%", "max-height":"20em", overflow:"auto", "background-color":"#E4E4E4", padding:".4em .6em", border:"1px inset" }, tabIndex: 0},jax],["br"],["br"], ["a",{href:"http://www.mathjax.org/"},["www.mathjax.org"]], ["span",{className:"MathJax_MenuClose",id:"MathJax_AboutClose", onclick:MENU.About.Remove, onkeydown: MENU.About.Keydown, tabIndex: 0, role: "button", "aria-label": _("CloseAboutDialog","Close about MathJax dialog")}, [["span",{},"\u00D7"]]] ]); if (event.type === "mouseup") about.className += " MathJax_MousePost"; about.focus(); MathJax.Localization.setCSS(about); var doc = (document.documentElement||{}); var H = window.innerHeight || doc.clientHeight || doc.scrollHeight || 0; if (MENU.prototype.msieAboutBug) { about.style.width = "20em"; about.style.position = "absolute"; about.style.left = Math.floor((document.documentElement.scrollWidth - about.offsetWidth)/2)+"px"; about.style.top = (Math.floor((H-about.offsetHeight)/3)+document.body.scrollTop)+"px"; } else { about.style.marginLeft = Math.floor(-about.offsetWidth/2)+"px"; about.style.top = Math.floor((H-about.offsetHeight)/3)+"px"; } }; MENU.About.Remove = function (event) { if (MENU.About.div) {document.body.removeChild(MENU.About.div); delete MENU.About.div} }; MENU.About.Keydown = function(event) { if (event.keyCode === KEY.ESCAPE || (this.id === "MathJax_AboutClose" && (event.keyCode === KEY.SPACE || event.keyCode === KEY.RETURN))) { MENU.About.Remove(event); MENU.CurrentNode().focus(); FALSE(event); } }, MENU.About.GetJax = function (jax,JAX,type,noTypeCheck) { var info = []; for (var id in JAX) {if (JAX.hasOwnProperty(id) && JAX[id]) { if ((noTypeCheck && JAX[id].version) || (JAX[id].isa && JAX[id].isa(JAX))) {info.push(_(type[0],type[1],(JAX[id].id||id),JAX[id].version))} }} info.sort(); for (var i = 0, m = info.length; i < m; i++) {jax.push(info[i],["br"])} return jax; }; MENU.About.GetFont = function () { var jax = MathJax.Hub.outputJax["jax/mml"][0] || {}; var font = { SVG: "web SVG", CommonHTML: "web TeX", "HTML-CSS": (jax.imgFonts ? "image" : (jax.webFonts ? "web" : "local")+" "+jax.fontInUse) }[jax.id] || "generic"; return font + " fonts"; }; MENU.About.GetFormat = function () { var jax = MathJax.Hub.outputJax["jax/mml"][0] || {}; if (jax.id !== "HTML-CSS"|| !jax.webFonts || jax.imgFonts) return; return jax.allowWebFonts.replace(/otf/,"woff or otf") + " fonts"; }; /* * Handle the MathJax HELP menu */ MENU.Help = function (event) { AJAX.Require("[MathJax]/extensions/HelpDialog.js", function () {MathJax.Extension.Help.Dialog({type:event.type})}); }; /* * Handle showing of element's source */ MENU.ShowSource = function (event) { if (!event) {event = window.event} var EVENT = {screenX:event.screenX, screenY:event.screenY}; if (!MENU.jax) return; if (this.format === "MathML") { var MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml; if (MML && typeof(MML.mbase.prototype.toMathML) !== "undefined") { // toMathML() can call MathJax.Hub.RestartAfter, so trap errors and check try {MENU.ShowSource.Text(MENU.jax.root.toMathML("",MENU.jax),event)} catch (err) { if (!err.restart) {throw err} CALLBACK.After([this,MENU.ShowSource,EVENT],err.restart); } } else if (!AJAX.loadingToMathML) { AJAX.loadingToMathML = true; MENU.ShowSource.Window(event); // WeBKit needs to open window on click event CALLBACK.Queue( AJAX.Require("[MathJax]/extensions/toMathML.js"), function () { delete AJAX.loadingToMathML; if (!MML.mbase.prototype.toMathML) {MML.mbase.prototype.toMathML = function () {}} }, [this,MENU.ShowSource,EVENT] // call this function again ); return; } } else if (this.format === "Error") { MENU.ShowSource.Text(MENU.jax.errorText,event); } else if (CONFIG.semanticsAnnotations[this.format]) { var annotation = MENU.jax.root.getAnnotation(this.format); if (annotation.data[0]) MENU.ShowSource.Text(annotation.data[0].toString()); } else { if (MENU.jax.originalText == null) { alert(_("NoOriginalForm","No original form available")); return; } MENU.ShowSource.Text(MENU.jax.originalText,event); } }; MENU.ShowSource.Window = function (event) { if (!MENU.ShowSource.w) { var def = [], DEF = CONFIG.windowSettings; for (var id in DEF) {if (DEF.hasOwnProperty(id)) {def.push(id+"="+DEF[id])}} MENU.ShowSource.w = window.open("","_blank",def.join(",")); } return MENU.ShowSource.w; }; MENU.ShowSource.Text = function (text,event) { var w = MENU.ShowSource.Window(event); delete MENU.ShowSource.w; text = text.replace(/^\s*/,"").replace(/\s*$/,""); text = text.replace(/&/g,"&").replace(/</g,"<").replace(/>/g,">"); var title = _("EqSource","MathJax Equation Source"); if (MENU.isMobile) { w.document.open(); w.document.write("<html><head><meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0' /><title>"+title+"</title></head><body style='font-size:85%'>"); w.document.write("<pre>"+text+"</pre>"); w.document.write("<hr><input type='button' value='"+_("Close","Close")+"' onclick='window.close()' />"); w.document.write("</body></html>"); w.document.close(); } else { w.document.open(); w.document.write("<html><head><title>"+title+"</title></head><body style='font-size:85%'>"); w.document.write("<table><tr><td><pre>"+text+"</pre></td></tr></table>"); w.document.write("</body></html>"); w.document.close(); var table = w.document.body.firstChild; setTimeout(function () { var H = (w.outerHeight-w.innerHeight)||30, W = (w.outerWidth-w.innerWidth)||30, x, y; W = Math.max(140,Math.min(Math.floor(.5*screen.width),table.offsetWidth+W+25)); H = Math.max(40,Math.min(Math.floor(.5*screen.height),table.offsetHeight+H+25)); if (MENU.prototype.msieHeightBug) {H += 35}; // for title bar in XP w.resizeTo(W,H); var X; try {X = event.screenX} catch (e) {}; // IE8 throws an error accessing screenX if (event && X != null) { x = Math.max(0,Math.min(event.screenX-Math.floor(W/2), screen.width-W-20)); y = Math.max(0,Math.min(event.screenY-Math.floor(H/2), screen.height-H-20)); w.moveTo(x,y); } },50); } }; /* * Handle rescaling all the math */ MENU.Scale = function () { var JAX = ["CommonHTML","HTML-CSS","SVG","NativeMML","PreviewHTML"], m = JAX.length, SCALE = 100, i, jax; for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { jax = OUTPUT[JAX[i]]; if (jax) {SCALE = jax.config.scale; break} } var scale = prompt(_("ScaleMath","Scale all mathematics (compared to surrounding text) by"),SCALE+"%"); if (scale) { if (scale.match(/^\s*\d+(\.\d*)?\s*%?\s*$/)) { scale = parseFloat(scale); if (scale) { if (scale !== SCALE) { for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { jax = OUTPUT[JAX[i]]; if (jax) jax.config.scale = scale; } MENU.cookie.scale = HUB.config.scale = scale; MENU.saveCookie(); HUB.Queue(["Rerender",HUB]); } } else {alert(_("NonZeroScale","The scale should not be zero"))} } else {alert(_("PercentScale", "The scale should be a percentage (e.g., 120%%)"))} } }; /* * Handle loading the zoom code */ MENU.Zoom = function () { if (!MathJax.Extension.MathZoom) {AJAX.Require("[MathJax]/extensions/MathZoom.js")} }; /* * Handle changing the renderer */ MENU.Renderer = function () { var jax = HUB.outputJax["jax/mml"]; if (jax[0] !== CONFIG.settings.renderer) { var BROWSER = HUB.Browser, message, MESSAGE = MENU.Renderer.Messages, warned; // // Check that the new renderer is appropriate for the browser // switch (CONFIG.settings.renderer) { case "NativeMML": if (!CONFIG.settings.warnedMML) { if (BROWSER.isChrome && BROWSER.version.substr(0,3) !== "24.") {message = MESSAGE.MML.WebKit} else if (BROWSER.isSafari && !BROWSER.versionAtLeast("5.0")) {message = MESSAGE.MML.WebKit} else if (BROWSER.isMSIE) {if (!BROWSER.hasMathPlayer) {message = MESSAGE.MML.MSIE}} else if (BROWSER.isEdge) {message = MESSAGE.MML.WebKit} else {message = MESSAGE.MML[BROWSER]} warned = "warnedMML"; } break; case "SVG": if (!CONFIG.settings.warnedSVG) { if (BROWSER.isMSIE && !isIE9) {message = MESSAGE.SVG.MSIE} } break; } if (message) { message = _(message[0],message[1]); message += "\n\n"; message += _("SwitchAnyway", "Switch the renderer anyway?\n\n" + "(Press OK to switch, CANCEL to continue with the current renderer)"); MENU.cookie.renderer = jax[0].id; MENU.saveCookie(); if (!confirm(message)) { MENU.cookie.renderer = CONFIG.settings.renderer = HTML.Cookie.Get("menu").renderer; MENU.saveCookie(); return; } if (warned) {MENU.cookie.warned = CONFIG.settings.warned = true} MENU.cookie.renderer = CONFIG.settings.renderer; MENU.saveCookie(); } HUB.Queue( ["setRenderer",HUB,CONFIG.settings.renderer,"jax/mml"], ["Rerender",HUB] ); } }; MENU.Renderer.Messages = { MML: { WebKit: ["WebkitNativeMMLWarning", "Your browser doesn't seem to support MathML natively, " + "so switching to MathML output may cause the mathematics " + "on the page to become unreadable."], MSIE: ["MSIENativeMMLWarning", "Internet Explorer requires the MathPlayer plugin " + "in order to process MathML output."], Opera: ["OperaNativeMMLWarning", "Opera's support for MathML is limited, so switching to " + "MathML output may cause some expressions to render poorly."], Safari: ["SafariNativeMMLWarning", "Your browser's native MathML does not implement all the features " + "used by MathJax, so some expressions may not render properly."], Firefox: ["FirefoxNativeMMLWarning", "Your browser's native MathML does not implement all the features " + "used by MathJax, so some expressions may not render properly."] }, SVG: { MSIE: ["MSIESVGWarning", "SVG is not implemented in Internet Explorer prior to " + "IE9 or when it is emulating IE8 or below. " + "Switching to SVG output will cause the mathematics to " + "not display properly."] } }; /* * Toggle assistive MML settings */ MENU.AssistiveMML = function (item,restart) { var AMML = MathJax.Extension.AssistiveMML; if (!AMML) { // Try to load the extension, but only try once. if (!restart) AJAX.Require("[MathJax]/extensions/AssistiveMML.js",["AssistiveMML",MENU,item,true]); return; } MathJax.Hub.Queue([(CONFIG.settings.assistiveMML ? "Add" : "Remove")+"AssistiveMathML",AMML]); }; /* * Handle setting the HTMLCSS fonts */ MENU.Font = function () { var HTMLCSS = OUTPUT["HTML-CSS"]; if (!HTMLCSS) return; document.location.reload(); }; /* * Handle selection of locale and rerender the page */ MENU.Locale = function () { MathJax.Localization.setLocale(CONFIG.settings.locale); MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Reprocess",MathJax.Hub]); // FIXME: Just reprocess error messages? }; MENU.LoadLocale = function () { var url = prompt(_("LoadURL","Load translation data from this URL:")); if (url) { if (!url.match(/\.js$/)) { alert(_("BadURL", "The URL should be for a javascript file that defines MathJax translation data. " + "Javascript file names should end with '.js'" )); } AJAX.Require(url,function (status) { if (status != AJAX.STATUS.OK) {alert(_("BadData","Failed to load translation data from %1",url))} }); } }; /* * Handle setting MathPlayer events */ MENU.MPEvents = function (item) { var discoverable = CONFIG.settings.discoverable, MESSAGE = MENU.MPEvents.Messages; if (!isIE9) { if (CONFIG.settings.mpMouse && !confirm(_.apply(_,MESSAGE.IE8warning))) { delete MENU.cookie.mpContext; delete CONFIG.settings.mpContext; delete MENU.cookie.mpMouse; delete CONFIG.settings.mpMouse; MENU.saveCookie(); return; } CONFIG.settings.mpContext = CONFIG.settings.mpMouse; MENU.cookie.mpContext = MENU.cookie.mpMouse = CONFIG.settings.mpMouse; MENU.saveCookie(); MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Rerender",MathJax.Hub]) } else if (!discoverable && item.name[1] === "Menu Events" && CONFIG.settings.mpContext) { alert(_.apply(_,MESSAGE.IE9warning)); } }; MENU.MPEvents.Messages = { IE8warning: ["IE8warning", "This will disable the MathJax menu and zoom features, " + "but you can Alt-Click on an expression to obtain the MathJax " + "menu instead.\n\nReally change the MathPlayer settings?"], IE9warning: ["IE9warning", "The MathJax contextual menu will be disabled, but you can " + "Alt-Click on an expression to obtain the MathJax menu instead."] }; /*************************************************************/ /*************************************************************/ HUB.Browser.Select({ MSIE: function (browser) { var quirks = (document.compatMode === "BackCompat"); var isIE8 = browser.versionAtLeast("8.0") && document.documentMode > 7; MENU.Augment({ margin: 20, msieBackgroundBug: ((document.documentMode||0) < 9), msieFixedPositionBug: (quirks || !isIE8), msieAboutBug: quirks, msieHeightBug: ((document.documentMode||0) < 9) // height of window doesn't include title bar in XP }); if (isIE9) { delete CONFIG.styles["#MathJax_About"].filter; delete CONFIG.styles[".MathJax_Menu"].filter; } }, Firefox: function (browser) { MENU.skipMouseover = browser.isMobile && browser.versionAtLeast("6.0"); MENU.skipMousedown = browser.isMobile; } }); MENU.isMobile = HUB.Browser.isMobile; MENU.noContextMenu = HUB.Browser.noContextMenu; /*************************************************************/ // // Creates the locale menu from the list of locales in MathJax.Localization.strings // MENU.CreateLocaleMenu = function () { if (!MENU.menu) return; var menu = MENU.menu.Find("Language").submenu, items = menu.items; // // Get the names of the languages and sort them // var locales = [], LOCALE = MathJax.Localization.strings; for (var id in LOCALE) {if (LOCALE.hasOwnProperty(id)) {locales.push(id)}} locales = locales.sort(); menu.items = []; // // Add a menu item for each // for (var i = 0, m = locales.length; i < m; i++) { var title = LOCALE[locales[i]].menuTitle; if (title) {title += " ("+locales[i]+")"} else {title = locales[i]} menu.items.push(ITEM.RADIO([locales[i],title],"locale",{action:MENU.Locale})); } // // Add the rule and "Load from URL" items // menu.items.push(items[items.length-2],items[items.length-1]); }; // // Create the annotation menu from MathJax.Hub.config.semanticsAnnotations // MENU.CreateAnnotationMenu = function () { if (!MENU.menu) return; var menu = MENU.menu.Find("Show Math As","Annotation").submenu; var annotations = CONFIG.semanticsAnnotations; for (var a in annotations) { if (annotations.hasOwnProperty(a)) { menu.items.push(ITEM.COMMAND([a,a], MENU.ShowSource, {hidden: true, nativeTouch: true, format: a})); } } }; /*************************************************************/ HUB.Register.StartupHook("End Config",function () { /* * Get the menu settings from the HUB (which includes the * data from the cookie already), and add the format, if * it wasn't set in the cookie. */ CONFIG.settings = HUB.config.menuSettings; if (typeof(CONFIG.settings.showRenderer) !== "undefined") {CONFIG.showRenderer = CONFIG.settings.showRenderer} if (typeof(CONFIG.settings.showFontMenu) !== "undefined") {CONFIG.showFontMenu = CONFIG.settings.showFontMenu} if (typeof(CONFIG.settings.showContext) !== "undefined") {CONFIG.showContext = CONFIG.settings.showContext} MENU.getCookie(); /* * The main menu */ // Localization: items used as key, should be refactored. MENU.menu = MENU( ITEM.SUBMENU(["Show","Show Math As"], ITEM.COMMAND(["MathMLcode","MathML Code"], MENU.ShowSource, {nativeTouch: true, format: "MathML"}), ITEM.COMMAND(["Original","Original Form"], MENU.ShowSource, {nativeTouch: true}), ITEM.SUBMENU(["Annotation","Annotation"], {disabled:true}), ITEM.RULE(), ITEM.CHECKBOX(["texHints","Show TeX hints in MathML"], "texHints"), ITEM.CHECKBOX(["semantics","Add original form as annotation"], "semantics") ), ITEM.RULE(), ITEM.SUBMENU(["Settings","Math Settings"], ITEM.SUBMENU(["ZoomTrigger","Zoom Trigger"], ITEM.RADIO(["Hover","Hover"], "zoom", {action: MENU.Zoom}), ITEM.RADIO(["Click","Click"], "zoom", {action: MENU.Zoom}), ITEM.RADIO(["DoubleClick","Double-Click"], "zoom", {action: MENU.Zoom}), ITEM.RADIO(["NoZoom","No Zoom"], "zoom", {value: "None"}), ITEM.RULE(), ITEM.LABEL(["TriggerRequires","Trigger Requires:"]), ITEM.CHECKBOX((HUB.Browser.isMac ? ["Option","Option"] : ["Alt","Alt"]), "ALT"), ITEM.CHECKBOX(["Command","Command"], "CMD", {hidden: !HUB.Browser.isMac}), ITEM.CHECKBOX(["Control","Control"], "CTRL", {hidden: HUB.Browser.isMac}), ITEM.CHECKBOX(["Shift","Shift"], "Shift") ), ITEM.SUBMENU(["ZoomFactor","Zoom Factor"], ITEM.RADIO("125%", "zscale"), ITEM.RADIO("133%", "zscale"), ITEM.RADIO("150%", "zscale"), ITEM.RADIO("175%", "zscale"), ITEM.RADIO("200%", "zscale"), ITEM.RADIO("250%", "zscale"), ITEM.RADIO("300%", "zscale"), ITEM.RADIO("400%", "zscale") ), ITEM.RULE(), ITEM.SUBMENU(["Renderer","Math Renderer"], {hidden:!CONFIG.showRenderer}, ITEM.RADIO(["HTML-CSS","HTML-CSS"], "renderer", {action: MENU.Renderer}), ITEM.RADIO(["CommonHTML","Common HTML"], "renderer", {action: MENU.Renderer, value:"CommonHTML"}), ITEM.RADIO(["PreviewHTML","Preview HTML"],"renderer", {action: MENU.Renderer, value:"PreviewHTML"}), ITEM.RADIO(["MathML","MathML"], "renderer", {action: MENU.Renderer, value:"NativeMML"}), ITEM.RADIO(["SVG","SVG"], "renderer", {action: MENU.Renderer}), ITEM.RADIO(["PlainSource","Plain Source"],"renderer", {action: MENU.Renderer, value:"PlainSource"}), ITEM.RULE(), ITEM.CHECKBOX(["FastPreview","Fast Preview"], "FastPreview") ), ITEM.SUBMENU("MathPlayer", {hidden:!HUB.Browser.isMSIE || !CONFIG.showMathPlayer, disabled:!HUB.Browser.hasMathPlayer}, ITEM.LABEL(["MPHandles","Let MathPlayer Handle:"]), ITEM.CHECKBOX(["MenuEvents","Menu Events"], "mpContext", {action: MENU.MPEvents, hidden:!isIE9}), ITEM.CHECKBOX(["MouseEvents","Mouse Events"], "mpMouse", {action: MENU.MPEvents, hidden:!isIE9}), ITEM.CHECKBOX(["MenuAndMouse","Mouse and Menu Events"], "mpMouse", {action: MENU.MPEvents, hidden:isIE9}) ), ITEM.SUBMENU(["FontPrefs","Font Preference"], {hidden:!CONFIG.showFontMenu}, ITEM.LABEL(["ForHTMLCSS","For HTML-CSS:"]), ITEM.RADIO(["Auto","Auto"], "font", {action: MENU.Font}), ITEM.RULE(), ITEM.RADIO(["TeXLocal","TeX (local)"], "font", {action: MENU.Font}), ITEM.RADIO(["TeXWeb","TeX (web)"], "font", {action: MENU.Font}), ITEM.RADIO(["TeXImage","TeX (image)"], "font", {action: MENU.Font}), ITEM.RULE(), ITEM.RADIO(["STIXLocal","STIX (local)"], "font", {action: MENU.Font}), ITEM.RADIO(["STIXWeb","STIX (web)"], "font", {action: MENU.Font}), ITEM.RULE(), ITEM.RADIO(["AsanaMathWeb","Asana Math (web)"], "font", {action: MENU.Font}), ITEM.RADIO(["GyrePagellaWeb","Gyre Pagella (web)"], "font", {action: MENU.Font}), ITEM.RADIO(["GyreTermesWeb","Gyre Termes (web)"], "font", {action: MENU.Font}), ITEM.RADIO(["LatinModernWeb","Latin Modern (web)"], "font", {action: MENU.Font}), ITEM.RADIO(["NeoEulerWeb","Neo Euler (web)"], "font", {action: MENU.Font}) ), ITEM.SUBMENU(["ContextMenu","Contextual Menu"], {hidden:!CONFIG.showContext}, ITEM.RADIO(["MathJax","MathJax"], "context"), ITEM.RADIO(["Browser","Browser"], "context") ), ITEM.COMMAND(["Scale","Scale All Math ..."],MENU.Scale), ITEM.RULE().With({hidden:!CONFIG.showDiscoverable, name:["","discover_rule"]}), ITEM.CHECKBOX(["Discoverable","Highlight on Hover"], "discoverable", {hidden:!CONFIG.showDiscoverable}) ), ITEM.SUBMENU(["Accessibility","Accessibility"], ITEM.CHECKBOX(["AssistiveMML","Assistive MathML"], "assistiveMML", {action:MENU.AssistiveMML}), ITEM.CHECKBOX(["InTabOrder","Include in Tab Order"], "inTabOrder") ), ITEM.SUBMENU(["Locale","Language"], {hidden:!CONFIG.showLocale, ltr:true}, ITEM.RADIO("en", "locale", {action: MENU.Locale}), ITEM.RULE().With({hidden:!CONFIG.showLocaleURL, name:["","localURL_rule"]}), ITEM.COMMAND(["LoadLocale","Load from URL ..."], MENU.LoadLocale, {hidden:!CONFIG.showLocaleURL}) ), ITEM.RULE(), ITEM.COMMAND(["About","About MathJax"],MENU.About), ITEM.COMMAND(["Help","MathJax Help"],MENU.Help) ); if (MENU.isMobile) { (function () { var settings = CONFIG.settings; var trigger = MENU.menu.Find("Math Settings","Zoom Trigger").submenu; trigger.items[0].disabled = trigger.items[1].disabled = true; if (settings.zoom === "Hover" || settings.zoom == "Click") {settings.zoom = "None"} trigger.items = trigger.items.slice(0,4); if (navigator.appVersion.match(/[ (]Android[) ]/)) { MENU.ITEM.SUBMENU.Augment({marker: "\u00BB"}); } })(); } MENU.CreateLocaleMenu(); MENU.CreateAnnotationMenu(); }); MENU.showRenderer = function (show) { MENU.cookie.showRenderer = CONFIG.showRenderer = show; MENU.saveCookie(); MENU.menu.Find("Math Settings","Math Renderer").hidden = !show; }; MENU.showMathPlayer = function (show) { MENU.cookie.showMathPlayer = CONFIG.showMathPlayer = show; MENU.saveCookie(); MENU.menu.Find("Math Settings","MathPlayer").hidden = !show; }; MENU.showFontMenu = function (show) { MENU.cookie.showFontMenu = CONFIG.showFontMenu = show; MENU.saveCookie(); MENU.menu.Find("Math Settings","Font Preference").hidden = !show; }; MENU.showContext = function (show) { MENU.cookie.showContext = CONFIG.showContext = show; MENU.saveCookie(); MENU.menu.Find("Math Settings","Contextual Menu").hidden = !show; }; MENU.showDiscoverable = function (show) { MENU.cookie.showDiscoverable = CONFIG.showDiscoverable = show; MENU.saveCookie(); MENU.menu.Find("Math Settings","Highlight on Hover").hidden = !show; MENU.menu.Find("Math Settings","discover_rule").hidden = !show; }; MENU.showLocale = function (show) { MENU.cookie.showLocale = CONFIG.showLocale = show; MENU.saveCookie(); MENU.menu.Find("Language").hidden = !show; }; MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("HTML-CSS Jax Ready",function () { if (!MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"].config.imageFont) {MENU.menu.Find("Math Settings","Font Preference","TeX (image)").disabled = true} }); /*************************************************************/ CALLBACK.Queue( HUB.Register.StartupHook("End Config",{}), // wait until config is complete ["Styles",AJAX,CONFIG.styles], ["Post",HUB.Startup.signal,"MathMenu Ready"], ["loadComplete",AJAX,"[MathJax]/extensions/MathMenu.js"] ); })(MathJax.Hub,MathJax.HTML,MathJax.Ajax,MathJax.CallBack,MathJax.OutputJax);