// Link Tool v2.0
// Developped by Patrick Cool, Ghent University, december 2003

// The main concept is that similar links can be grouped together into
// a category of links.
// I used the same interface as the bookmarks/favorites of your browser:
// categories can be collapsed / expanded.

// New features:
// 1. Adding Categories allowing similar links to be grouped together into categories
// 2. Ordering of links and categories: The categories itself and the links within a categories can be ordered
// 3. Description: Categories can have a description too
// 4. root category. Links added to the root category (thus having no category) are always visible
// 5. possibility to collapse / expand all the categories at once, thus showing or hiding all links

$langBackList="Back to the list";

// Link language variables
$langLinkName="Link name";

$langLinkAdd="Add a link";
$langLinkAdded="The link has been added";
$langLinkMod="Modify link";
$langLinkModded="The link has been modified";
$langLinkDel="Delete link";
$langLinkDeleted="The link has been deleted";
$langLinkDelconfirm="Do you want to delete this link?";
$langAllLinksDel="Delete all links in this category ";

// Category language variables
$langCategoryName="Category name";

$langCategoryAdd="Add a category";
$langCategoryAdded="The category has been added";
$langCategoryMod="Modify Category";
$langCategoryModded="The category has been modified";
$langCategoryDel="Delete category";
$langCategoryDeleted="The category and all its links have been deleted";
$langCategoryDelconfirm="When deleting a category, all links of this category are also deleted.\\nDo you really want to delete this category and its links ?";
$langAllCategoryDel="Delete all categories and all links";
$langAllCategoryDeleted="All categories and all links have been deleted";
$langGiveURL="Please give the link URL";
$langGiveCategoryName="Please give the category name";
$langNoCategory="No category";

// Other
$showall="Show all";
$shownone="Show none";
