users = (isset($users) ? $users : array()); $this->evals = (isset($evals) ? $evals : array()); $this->links = (isset($links) ? $links : array()); $this->evals_links = array_merge($this->evals, $this->links); } /** * Get total number of users (rows) */ public function get_total_users_count() { return count($this->users); } /** * Get total number of evaluations/links (columns) (the 2 users columns not included) */ public function get_total_items_count() { return count($this->evals_links); } /** * Get array containing column header names (incl user columns) */ public function get_header_names ($items_start = 0, $items_count = null) { $headers = array(); $headers[] = get_lang('LastName'); $headers[] = get_lang('FirstName'); if (!isset($items_count)) { $items_count = count($this->evals_links) - $items_start; } for ($count=0; ($count < $items_count ) && ($items_start + $count < count($this->evals_links)); $count++) { $item = $this->evals_links [$count + $items_start]; $headers[] = $item->get_name(); } $headers[] = get_lang('GradebookQualificationTotal'); return $headers; } /** * Get array containing evaluation items */ public function get_evaluation_items($items_start = 0, $items_count = null) { $headers = array(); if (!isset($items_count)) { $items_count = count($this->evals_links) - $items_start; } for ($count=0; ($count < $items_count ) && ($items_start + $count < count($this->evals_links)); $count++) { $item = $this->evals_links [$count + $items_start]; $headers[] = $item->get_name(); } return $headers; } /** * Get actual array data * @return array 2-dimensional array - each array contains the elements: * 0: user id * 1: user lastname * 2: user firstname * 3+: evaluation/link scores */ public function get_data ($users_sorting = 0, $users_start = 0, $users_count = null, $items_start = 0, $items_count = null, $ignore_score_color = false) { // do some checks on users/items counts, redefine if invalid values if (!isset($users_count)) { $users_count = count ($this->users) - $users_start; } if ($users_count < 0) { $users_count = 0; } if (!isset($items_count)) { $items_count = count ($this->evals) + count ($this->links) - $items_start; } if ($items_count < 0) { $items_count = 0; } // copy users to a new array that we will sort // TODO - needed ? $usertable = array (); foreach ($this->users as $user) { $usertable[] = $user; } // sort users array if ($users_sorting & self :: FVDG_SORT_LASTNAME) { usort($usertable, array ('FlatViewDataGenerator','sort_by_last_name')); } elseif ($users_sorting & self :: FVDG_SORT_FIRSTNAME) { usort($usertable, array ('FlatViewDataGenerator','sort_by_first_name')); } if ($users_sorting & self :: FVDG_SORT_DESC) { $usertable = array_reverse($usertable); } // select the requested users $selected_users = array_slice($usertable, $users_start, $users_count); // generate actual data array $scoredisplay = ScoreDisplay :: instance(); $data= array (); $displaytype = SCORE_DIV; if ($ignore_score_color) { $displaytype |= SCORE_IGNORE_SPLIT; } foreach ($selected_users as $user) { $row = array (); $row[] = $user[0]; // user id $row[] = $user[1]; // last name $row[] = $user[2]; // first name $item_value=0; $item_total=0; for ($count=0; ($count < $items_count ) && ($items_start + $count < count($this->evals_links)); $count++) { $item = $this->evals_links [$count + $items_start]; $score = $item->calc_score($user[0]); $divide=( ($score[1])==0 ) ? 1 : $score[1]; $item_value+=round($score[0]/$divide*$item->get_weight(),2); $item_total+=$item->get_weight(); $row[] = $scoredisplay->display_score($score,SCORE_DIV_PERCENT); } $total_score=array($item_value,$item_total); $row[] = $scoredisplay->display_score($total_score,SCORE_DIV_PERCENT); unset($score); $data[] = $row; } return $data; } /** * Get actual array data evaluation/link scores */ public function get_evaluation_sumary_results ($session_id = null) { $usertable = array (); foreach ($this->users as $user) { $usertable[] = $user; } $selected_users = $usertable; // generate actual data array for all selected users $data = array(); foreach ($selected_users as $user) { $row = array (); $item_value=0; $item_total=0; for ($count=0;$count < count($this->evals_links); $count++) { $item = $this->evals_links [$count]; $score = $item->calc_score($user[0]); $porcent_score = $score[1] ?round(($score[0]*100)/$score[1]):0; $row[$item->get_name()] = $porcent_score; } $data[$user[0]] = $row; } // get evaluations for every user by item $data_by_item = array(); foreach ($data as $uid => $items) { $tmp = array(); foreach ($items as $item => $value) { $tmp[] = $item; if (in_array($item,$tmp)) { $data_by_item[$item][$uid] = $value; } } } // get evaluation sumary results (maximum, minimum and average of evaluations for all students) $result = array(); $maximum = $minimum = $average = 0; foreach ($data_by_item as $k => $v) { $average = round(array_sum($v)/count($v)); arsort($v); $maximum = array_shift($v); $minimum = array_pop($v); $sumary_item = array('max'=>$maximum, 'min'=>$minimum, 'avg'=>$average); $result[$k] = $sumary_item; } return $result; } public function get_data_to_graph () { // do some checks on users/items counts, redefine if invalid values $usertable = array (); foreach ($this->users as $user) { $usertable[] = $user; } // sort users array usort($usertable, array ('FlatViewDataGenerator','sort_by_first_name')); // generate actual data array $scoredisplay = ScoreDisplay :: instance(); $data= array (); $displaytype = SCORE_DIV; $selected_users = $usertable; foreach ($selected_users as $user) { $row = array (); $row[] = $user[0]; // user id $item_value=0; $item_total=0; for ($count=0;$count < count($this->evals_links); $count++) { $item = $this->evals_links [$count]; $score = $item->calc_score($user[0]); $divide=( ($score[1])==0 ) ? 1 : $score[1]; $item_value+=round($score[0]/$divide*$item->get_weight(),2); $item_total+=$item->get_weight(); $score_denom=($score[1]==0) ? 1 : $score[1]; $score_final = round(($score[0] / $score_denom) * 100,2); $row[] = $score_final; } $total_score=array($item_value,$item_total); $score_final = round(($item_value / $item_total) * 100,2); $row[] = $score_final; $data[] = $row; } return $data; } public function get_data_to_graph2 () { // do some checks on users/items counts, redefine if invalid values $usertable = array (); foreach ($this->users as $user) { $usertable[] = $user; } // sort users array usort($usertable, array ('FlatViewDataGenerator','sort_by_first_name')); // generate actual data array $scoredisplay = ScoreDisplay :: instance(); $data= array (); $displaytype = SCORE_DIV; $selected_users = $usertable; foreach ($selected_users as $user) { $row = array (); $row[] = $user[0]; // user id $item_value=0; $item_total=0; for ($count=0;$count < count($this->evals_links); $count++) { $item = $this->evals_links [$count]; $score = $item->calc_score($user[0]); $divide=( ($score[1])==0 ) ? 1 : $score[1]; $item_value+=round($score[0]/$divide*$item->get_weight(),2); $item_total+=$item->get_weight(); $score_denom=($score[1]==0) ? 1 : $score[1]; $score_final = round(($score[0] / $score_denom) * 100,2); $row[] = array ($score_final, strip_tags($scoredisplay->display_score($score,SCORE_DIV_PERCENT, SCORE_ONLY_CUSTOM))); } $total_score=array($item_value,$item_total); $score_final = round(($item_value / $item_total) * 100,2); $row[] =array ($score_final, strip_tags($scoredisplay->display_score($total_score,SCORE_DIV_PERCENT, SCORE_ONLY_CUSTOM))); //$total_score=array($item_value,$item_total); //$score_final = round(($item_value / $item_total) * 100,2); //$row[] = $score_final; //var_dump($score_final); //var_dump($row); $data[] = $row; } return $data; } // Sort functions - used internally function sort_by_last_name($item1, $item2) { return api_strcmp($item1[1], $item2[1]); } function sort_by_first_name($item1, $item2) { return api_strcmp($item1[2], $item2[2]); } }