* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace PHPExiftool\Test; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Handler\NullHandler; use PHPExiftool\InformationDumper; use PHPExiftool\Exiftool; class InformationDumperTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { /** * @var InformationDumper */ protected $object; protected function setUp() { $logger = new Logger('Tests'); $logger->pushHandler(new NullHandler()); $this->object = new InformationDumper(new Exiftool($logger)); } /** * @covers PHPExiftool\InformationDumper::listDatas */ public function testListDatas() { $this->object->listDatas(); } /** * @covers PHPExiftool\InformationDumper::listDatas * @covers \PHPExiftool\Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @expectedException \PHPExiftool\Exception\InvalidArgumentException */ public function testListDatasInvalidType() { $this->object->listDatas('Scrooge'); } }