#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # File: PLIST.pm # # Description: Read Apple PLIST information # # Revisions: 2013-02-01 - P. Harvey Created # # References: 1) http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd # 2) http://opensource.apple.com/source/CF/CF-550/CFBinaryPList.c # # Notes: - Sony MODD files also use XML PLIST format, but with a few quirks # # - Decodes both the binary and XML-based PLIST formats #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package Image::ExifTool::PLIST; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); use Image::ExifTool qw(:DataAccess :Utils); use Image::ExifTool::XMP; $VERSION = '1.05'; sub ExtractObject($$;$); sub Get24u($$); # access routines to read various-sized integer/real values (add 0x100 to size for reals) my %readProc = ( 1 => \&Get8u, 2 => \&Get16u, 3 => \&Get24u, 4 => \&Get32u, 8 => \&Get64u, 0x104 => \&GetFloat, 0x108 => \&GetDouble, ); # PLIST tags (generated on-the-fly for most tags) %Image::ExifTool::PLIST::Main = ( PROCESS_PROC => \&ProcessPLIST, GROUPS => { 0 => 'PLIST', 1 => 'XML', 2 => 'Document' }, VARS => { LONG_TAGS => 4 }, NOTES => q{ Apple Property List tags. ExifTool reads both XML and binary-format PLIST files, and will extract any existing tags even if they aren't listed below. These tags belong to the family 0 "PLIST" group, but family 1 group may be either "XML" or "PLIST" depending on whether the format is XML or binary. }, # # tags found in PLIST information of QuickTime iTunesInfo iTunMOVI atom (ref PH) # 'cast//name' => { Name => 'Cast', List => 1 }, 'directors//name' => { Name => 'Directors', List => 1 }, 'producers//name' => { Name => 'Producers', List => 1 }, 'screenwriters//name' => { Name => 'Screenwriters', List => 1 }, 'codirectors//name' => { Name => 'Codirectors', List => 1 }, # (NC) 'studio//name' => { Name => 'Studio', List => 1 }, # (NC) # # tags found in MODD files (ref PH) # 'MetaDataList//DateTimeOriginal' => { Name => 'DateTimeOriginal', Description => 'Date/Time Original', Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, # Sony uses a "real" here -- number of days since Dec 31, 1899 ValueConv => 'IsFloat($val) ? ConvertUnixTime(($val - 25569) * 24 * 3600) : $val', PrintConv => '$self->ConvertDateTime($val)', }, 'MetaDataList//Duration' => { Name => 'Duration', Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, PrintConv => 'ConvertDuration($val)', }, 'MetaDataList//Geolocation/Latitude' => { Name => 'GPSLatitude', Groups => { 2 => 'Location' }, PrintConv => q{ require Image::ExifTool::GPS; Image::ExifTool::GPS::ToDMS($self, $val, 1, 'N'); }, }, 'MetaDataList//Geolocation/Longitude' => { Name => 'GPSLongitude', Groups => { 2 => 'Location' }, PrintConv => q{ require Image::ExifTool::GPS; Image::ExifTool::GPS::ToDMS($self, $val, 1, 'E'); }, }, 'MetaDataList//Geolocation/MapDatum' => { Name => 'GPSMapDatum', Groups => { 2 => 'Location' }, }, XMLFileType => { # recognize MODD files by their content RawConv => q{ if ($val eq 'ModdXML' and $$self{FILE_TYPE} eq 'XMP') { $self->OverrideFileType('MODD'); } return $val; }, }, ); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # We found a PLIST XML property name/value # Inputs: 0) ExifTool object ref, 1) tag table ref # 2) reference to array of XML property names (last is current property) # 3) property value, 4) attribute hash ref (not used here) # Returns: 1 if valid tag was found sub FoundTag($$$$;$) { my ($et, $tagTablePtr, $props, $val, $attrs) = @_; return 0 unless @$props; my $verbose = $et->Options('Verbose'); my $keys = $$et{PListKeys} || ( $$et{PListKeys} = [] ); my $prop = $$props[-1]; if ($verbose > 1) { $et->VPrint(0, $$et{INDENT}, '[', join('/',@$props), ' = ', $et->Printable($val), "]\n"); } # un-escape XML character entities $val = Image::ExifTool::XMP::UnescapeXML($val); # handle the various PLIST properties if ($prop eq 'data') { if ($val =~ /^[0-9a-f]+$/ and not length($val) & 0x01) { # MODD files use ASCII-hex encoded "data"... my $buff = pack('H*', $val); $val = \$buff; } else { # ...but the PLIST DTD specifies Base64 encoding $val = Image::ExifTool::XMP::DecodeBase64($val); } } elsif ($prop eq 'date') { $val = Image::ExifTool::XMP::ConvertXMPDate($val); } elsif ($prop eq 'true' or $prop eq 'false') { $val = ucfirst $prop; } else { # convert from UTF8 to ExifTool Charset $val = $et->Decode($val, 'UTF8'); if ($prop eq 'key') { if (@$props <= 3) { # top-level key should be plist/dict/key @$keys = ( $val ); } else { # save key names to be used in tag name push @$keys, '' while @$keys < @$props - 3; pop @$keys while @$keys > @$props - 2; $$keys[@$props - 3] = $val; } return 0; } } return 0 unless @$keys; # can't store value if no associated key my $tag = join '/', @$keys; # generate tag ID from 'key' values my $tagInfo = $$tagTablePtr{$tag}; unless ($tagInfo) { $et->VPrint(0, $$et{INDENT}, "[adding $tag]\n") if $verbose; # generate tag name from ID my $name = $tag; $name =~ s{^MetaDataList//}{}; # shorten long MODD metadata tag names $name =~ s{//name$}{}; # remove unnecessary MODD "name" property $name =~ s/([^A-Za-z])([a-z])/$1\u$2/g; # capitalize words $name =~ tr/-_a-zA-Z0-9//dc; # remove illegal characters $tagInfo = { Name => ucfirst($name), List => 1 }; if ($prop eq 'date') { $$tagInfo{Groups}{2} = 'Time'; $$tagInfo{PrintConv} = '$self->ConvertDateTime($val)'; } AddTagToTable($tagTablePtr, $tag, $tagInfo); } # allow list-behaviour only for consecutive tags with the same ID if ($$et{LastPListTag} and $$et{LastPListTag} ne $tagInfo) { delete $$et{LIST_TAGS}{$$et{LastPListTag}}; } $$et{LastPListTag} = $tagInfo; # save the tag $et->HandleTag($tagTablePtr, $tag, $val); return 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Get big-endian 24-bit integer # Inputs: 0) data ref, 1) offset # Returns: integer value sub Get24u($$) { my ($dataPt, $off) = @_; return unpack 'N', "\0" . substr($$dataPt, $off, 3); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Extract object from binary PLIST file at the current file position (ref 2) # Inputs: 0) ExifTool ref, 1) PLIST info ref, 2) parent tag ID (undef for top) # Returns: the object, or undef on error sub ExtractObject($$;$) { my ($et, $plistInfo, $parent) = @_; my $raf = $$plistInfo{RAF}; my ($buff, $val); $raf->Read($buff, 1) == 1 or return undef; my $type = ord($buff) >> 4; my $size = ord($buff) & 0x0f; if ($type == 0) { # null/bool/fill $val = { 0x00=>'', 0x08=>'True', 0x09=>'False', 0x0f=>'' }->{$size}; } elsif ($type == 1 or $type == 2 or $type == 3) { # int, float or date $size = 1 << $size; my $proc = ($type == 1 ? $readProc{$size} : $readProc{$size + 0x100}) or return undef; $val = &$proc(\$buff, 0) if $raf->Read($buff, $size) == $size; if ($type == 3 and defined $val) { # date # dates are referenced to Jan 1, 2001 (11323 days from Unix time zero) $val = Image::ExifTool::ConvertUnixTime($val + 11323 * 24 * 3600, 1); $$plistInfo{DateFormat} = 1; } } elsif ($type == 8) { # UID ++$size; $raf->Read($buff, $size) == $size or return undef; my $proc = $readProc{$size}; if ($proc) { $val = &$proc(\$buff, 0); } elsif ($size == 16) { require Image::ExifTool::ASF; $val = Image::ExifTool::ASF::GetGUID($buff); } else { $val = "0x" . unpack 'H*', $buff; } } else { # $size is the size of the remaining types if ($size == 0x0f) { # size is stored in extra integer object $size = ExtractObject($et, $plistInfo); return undef unless defined $size and $size =~ /^\d+$/; } if ($type == 4) { # data if ($size < 1000000 or $et->Options('Binary')) { $raf->Read($buff, $size) == $size or return undef; } else { $buff = "Binary data $size bytes"; } $val = \$buff; # (return reference for binary data) } elsif ($type == 5) { # ASCII string $raf->Read($val, $size) == $size or return undef; } elsif ($type == 6) { # UCS-2BE string $size *= 2; $raf->Read($buff, $size) == $size or return undef; $val = $et->Decode($buff, 'UCS2'); } elsif ($type == 10 or $type == 12 or $type == 13) { # array, set or dict # the remaining types store a list of references my $refSize = $$plistInfo{RefSize}; my $refProc = $$plistInfo{RefProc}; my $num = $type == 13 ? $size * 2 : $size; my $len = $num * $refSize; $raf->Read($buff, $len) == $len or return undef; my $table = $$plistInfo{Table}; my ($i, $ref, @refs, @array); for ($i=0; $i<$num; ++$i) { my $ref = &$refProc(\$buff, $i * $refSize); return 0 if $ref >= @$table; push @refs, $ref; } if ($type == 13) { # dict # prevent infinite recursion if (defined $parent and length $parent > 1000) { $et->WarnOnce('Possible deep recursion while parsing PLIST'); return undef; } my $tagTablePtr = $$plistInfo{TagTablePtr}; my $verbose = $et->Options('Verbose'); for ($i=0; $i<$size; ++$i) { # get the entry key $raf->Seek($$table[$refs[$i]], 0) or return undef; my $key = ExtractObject($et, $plistInfo); next unless defined $key and length $key; # silently ignore bad dict entries # get the entry value $raf->Seek($$table[$refs[$i+$size]], 0) or return undef; # generate an ID for this tag my $tag = defined $parent ? "$parent/$key" : $key; undef $$plistInfo{DateFormat}; my $val = ExtractObject($et, $plistInfo, $tag); next if not defined $val or ref($val) eq 'HASH'; my $tagInfo = $et->GetTagInfo($tagTablePtr, $tag); unless ($tagInfo) { $et->VPrint(0, $$et{INDENT}, "[adding $tag]\n") if $verbose; my $name = $tag; $name =~ s/([^A-Za-z])([a-z])/$1\u$2/g; # capitalize words $name =~ tr/-_a-zA-Z0-9//dc; # remove illegal characters $tagInfo = { Name => ucfirst($name), List => 1 }; if ($$plistInfo{DateFormat}) { $$tagInfo{Groups}{2} = 'Time'; $$tagInfo{PrintConv} = '$self->ConvertDateTime($val)'; } AddTagToTable($tagTablePtr, $tag, $tagInfo); } # allow list-behaviour only for consecutive tags with the same ID if ($$et{LastPListTag} and $$et{LastPListTag} ne $tagInfo) { delete $$et{LIST_TAGS}{$$et{LastPListTag}}; } $$et{LastPListTag} = $tagInfo; $et->HandleTag($tagTablePtr, $tag, $val); } $val = { }; # flag the value as a dictionary (ie. tags already saved) } else { # extract the referenced objects foreach $ref (@refs) { $raf->Seek($$table[$ref], 0) or return undef; # seek to this object $val = ExtractObject($et, $plistInfo, $parent); next unless defined $val and ref $val ne 'HASH'; push @array, $val; } $val = \@array; } } } return $val; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Process binary PLIST data (ref 2) # Inputs: 0) ExifTool object ref, 1) DirInfo ref, 2) tag table ref # Returns: 1 on success sub ProcessBinaryPLIST($$$) { my ($et, $dirInfo, $tagTablePtr) = @_; my ($i, $buff, @table); $et->VerboseDir('Binary PLIST'); SetByteOrder('MM'); unless ($$dirInfo{RAF}) { my $buf2 = substr(${$$dirInfo{DataPt}}, $$dirInfo{DirStart} || 0, $$dirInfo{DirLen}); $$dirInfo{RAF} = new File::RandomAccess(\$buf2); } # read and parse the trailer my $raf = $$dirInfo{RAF}; $raf->Seek(-32,2) and $raf->Read($buff,32)==32 or return 0; my $intSize = Get8u(\$buff, 6); my $refSize = Get8u(\$buff, 7); my $numObj = Get64u(\$buff, 8); my $topObj = Get64u(\$buff, 16); my $tableOff = Get64u(\$buff, 24); return 0 if $topObj >= $numObj; my $intProc = $readProc{$intSize} or return 0; my $refProc = $readProc{$refSize} or return 0; # read and parse the offset table my $tableSize = $intSize * $numObj; $raf->Seek($tableOff, 0) and $raf->Read($buff, $tableSize) == $tableSize or return 0; for ($i=0; $i<$numObj; ++$i) { push @table, &$intProc(\$buff, $i * $intSize); } my %plistInfo = ( RAF => $raf, RefSize => $refSize, RefProc => $refProc, Table => \@table, TagTablePtr => $tagTablePtr, ); # position file pointer at the top object, and extract it $raf->Seek($table[$topObj], 0) or return 0; my $result = ExtractObject($et, \%plistInfo); return defined $result ? 1 : 0; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Extract information from a PLIST file # Inputs: 0) ExifTool object ref, 1) dirInfo ref, 2) tag table ref # Returns: 1 on success, 0 if this wasn't valid PLIST sub ProcessPLIST($$;$) { my ($et, $dirInfo, $tagTablePtr) = @_; # process XML PLIST data using the XMP module $$dirInfo{XMPParseOpts}{FoundProc} = \&FoundTag; my $result = Image::ExifTool::XMP::ProcessXMP($et, $dirInfo, $tagTablePtr); delete $$dirInfo{XMPParseOpts}; unless ($result) { my $buff; my $raf = $$dirInfo{RAF} or return 0; $raf->Seek(0,0) and $raf->Read($buff, 64) or return 0; if ($buff =~ /^bplist0/) { # binary PLIST file my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::PLIST::Main'); $et->SetFileType('PLIST', 'application/x-plist'); $$et{SET_GROUP1} = 'PLIST'; unless (ProcessBinaryPLIST($et, $dirInfo, $tagTablePtr)) { $et->Error('Error reading binary PLIST file'); } delete $$et{SET_GROUP1}; $result = 1; } elsif ($$et{FILE_EXT} and $$et{FILE_EXT} eq 'PLIST' and $buff =~ /^\xfe\xff\x00/) { # (have seen very old PLIST files encoded as UCS-2BE with leading BOM) $et->Error('Old PLIST format currently not supported'); $result = 1; } } return $result; } 1; # end __END__ =head1 NAME Image::ExifTool::PLIST - Read Apple PLIST information =head1 SYNOPSIS This module is used by Image::ExifTool =head1 DESCRIPTION This module contains the routines used by Image::ExifTool to extract information from Apple Property List files. =head1 NOTES This module decodes both the binary and XML-based PLIST format. =head1 AUTHOR Copyright 2003-2016, Phil Harvey (phil at owl.phy.queensu.ca) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 REFERENCES =over 4 =item L =item L =back =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =cut