body = $body; $transport->chunked = true; $options = array( 'transport' => $transport ); $response = Requests::get('', array(), $options); $this->assertEquals($expected, $response->body); } public static function notChunkedProvider() { return array( 'invalid chunk size' => array( 'Hello! This is a non-chunked response!' ), 'invalid chunk extension' => array( '1BNot chunked\r\nLooks chunked but it is not\r\n' ), 'unquoted chunk-ext-val with space' => array( "02;foo=unquoted with space\r\nab\r\n04\r\nra\nc\r\n06\r\nadabra\r\n0c\r\n\nall we got\n" ), 'unquoted chunk-ext-val with forbidden character' => array( "02;foo={unquoted}\r\nab\r\n04\r\nra\nc\r\n06\r\nadabra\r\n0c\r\n\nall we got\n" ), 'invalid chunk-ext-name' => array( "02;{foo}=bar\r\nab\r\n04\r\nra\nc\r\n06\r\nadabra\r\n0c\r\n\nall we got\n" ), 'incomplete quote for chunk-ext-value' => array( "02;foo=\"no end quote\r\nab\r\n04\r\nra\nc\r\n06\r\nadabra\r\n0c\r\n\nall we got\n" ), ); } /** * Response says it's chunked, but actually isn't * @dataProvider notChunkedProvider */ public function testNotActuallyChunked($body) { $transport = new MockTransport(); $transport->body = $body; $transport->chunked = true; $options = array( 'transport' => $transport ); $response = Requests::get('', array(), $options); $this->assertEquals($transport->body, $response->body); } /** * Response says it's chunked and starts looking like it is, but turns out * that they're lying to us */ public function testMixedChunkiness() { $transport = new MockTransport(); $transport->body = "02\r\nab\r\nNot actually chunked!"; $transport->chunked = true; $options = array( 'transport' => $transport ); $response = Requests::get('', array(), $options); $this->assertEquals($transport->body, $response->body); } }