hasSession()) {
//load the user data from the json storage.
$user = $users->loadUser($username);
//if he clicked logout, destroy the session and redirect to the startscreen.
if (isset($_GET['logout'])) {
header('Location: ./');
// check if the user is logged in.
if ($user->isLoggedIn()) {
include __DIR__.'/../tmpl/loggedin.php';
//show the QR code if whished so
if (isset($_GET['showqr'])) {
$secret = $user->getSecret();
include __DIR__.'/../tmpl/show-qr.php';
//if the user is in the OTP phase and submit the OTP.
else {
if ($user->isOTP() && isset($_POST['otp'])) {
$g = new \Google\Authenticator\GoogleAuthenticator();
// check if the submitted token is the right one and log in
if ($g->checkCode($user->getSecret(), $_POST['otp'])) {
// do log-in the user
//if the user clicked the "remember the token" checkbox, set the cookie
if (isset($_POST['remember']) && $_POST['remember']) {
include __DIR__.'/../tmpl/loggedin.php';
//if the OTP is wrong, destroy the session and tell the user to try again
else {
include __DIR__.'/../tmpl/login-error.php';
// if the user is neither logged in nor in the OTP phase, show the login form
else {
include __DIR__.'/../tmpl/login.php';
//if the username is set in _POST, then we assume the user filled in the login form.
if (isset($_POST['username'])) {
// check if we can load the user (ie. the user exists in our db)
$user = $users->loadUser($_POST['username']);
if ($user) {
//try to authenticate the password and start the session if it's correct.
if ($user->auth($_POST['password'])) {
//check if the user has a valid OTP cookie, so we don't have to
// ask for the current token and can directly log in
if ($user->hasValidOTPCookie()) {
include __DIR__.'/../tmpl/loggedin.php';
// try to get the users' secret from the db,
// if he doesn't have one, generate one, store it and show it.
else {
if (!$user->getSecret()) {
include __DIR__.'/../tmpl/loggedin.php';
$secret = $user->generateSecret();
include __DIR__.'/../tmpl/show-qr.php';
// if the user neither has a valid OTP cookie nor it's the first login
// ask for the OTP
else {
include __DIR__.'/../tmpl/ask-for-otp.php';
// if we're here, something went wrong, destroy the session and show a login error
include __DIR__.'/../tmpl/login-error.php';
// if neither a session nor tried to submit the login credentials -> login screen
include __DIR__.'/../tmpl/login.php';