# Drawing a line chart [Reference](http://wiki.pchart.net/doc.chart.drawlinechart.html) ```php require '/path/to/your/vendor/autoload.php'; use CpChart\Data; use CpChart\Image; /* Build a dataset */ $data = new Data(); $data->addPoints([-4, VOID, VOID, 12, 8, 3], "Probe 1"); $data->addPoints([3, 12, 15, 8, 5, -5], "Probe 2"); $data->addPoints([2, 7, 5, 18, 19, 22], "Probe 3"); $data->setSerieTicks("Probe 2", 4); $data->setSerieWeight("Probe 3", 2); $data->setAxisName(0, "Temperatures"); $data->addPoints(["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun"], "Labels"); $data->setSerieDescription("Labels", "Months"); $data->setAbscissa("Labels"); /* Create the 1st chart */ $image = new Image(700, 230, $data); $image->setGraphArea(60, 60, 450, 190); $image->drawFilledRectangle(60, 60, 450, 190, [ "R" => 255, "G" => 255, "B" => 255, "Surrounding" => -200, "Alpha" => 10 ]); $image->drawScale(["DrawSubTicks" => true]); $image->setShadow(true, ["X" => 1, "Y" => 1, "R" => 0, "G" => 0, "B" => 0, "Alpha" => 10]); $image->setFontProperties(["FontName" => "fonts/pf_arma_five.ttf", "FontSize" => 6]); $image->drawLineChart(["DisplayValues" => true, "DisplayColor" => DISPLAY_AUTO]); $image->setShadow(false); /* Create the 2nd chart */ $image->setGraphArea(500, 60, 670, 190); $image->drawFilledRectangle(500, 60, 670, 190, ["R" => 255, "G" => 255, "B" => 255, "Surrounding" => -200, "Alpha" => 10]); $image->drawScale(["Pos" => SCALE_POS_TOPBOTTOM, "DrawSubTicks" => true]); $image->setShadow(true, ["X" => -1, "Y" => 1, "R" => 0, "G" => 0, "B" => 0, "Alpha" => 10]); $image->drawLineChart(); $image->setShadow(false); /* Write the legend */ $image->drawLegend(510, 205, ["Style" => LEGEND_NOBORDER, "Mode" => LEGEND_HORIZONTAL]); $image->autoOutput("example.drawLineChart.png"); ```