* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Tests\HttpAdapter; use HttpAdapter\SocketHttpAdapter; /** * @author Markus Bachmann * @author Antoine Corcy */ class SocketHttpAdapterTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { protected $adapter; protected function setUp() { $this->adapter = new SocketHttpAdapter(); } public function testGetName() { $this->assertEquals('socket', $this->adapter->getName()); } public function testGetContent() { try { $content = $this->adapter->getContent('http://www.google.de'); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->fail('Exception catched: ' . $e->getMessage()); } $this->assertNotNull($content); $this->assertContains('google', $content); } public function testGetContentHandlesQueryString() { $url = 'http://example.com/foobar?my=query&string=true'; $adapter = new SocketHttpAdapterThrowsException(); try { $adapter->getContent($url); $this->fail('It should throw an exception'); } catch (\Exception $e) { // expected result } $this->assertEquals('/foobar?my=query&string=true', $adapter->path); $this->assertEquals('example.com', $adapter->hostname); } /** * @expectedException \RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage Could not send the request. */ public function testGetContentCouldNotSendRequest() { $adapter = new SocketHttpAdapterBuildNullRequest(); $adapter->getContent('http://exemple.com/'); } /** * @expectedException \RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage Too Many Redirects. */ public function testGetContentGetStatus301AndLocation() { $adapter = new SocketHttpAdapterReturnsStatus301AndLocation(); var_dump($adapter->getContent('http://exemple.com/')); } /** * @expectedException \RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage The server return a 404 status. */ public function testGetContentGetStatusNot200() { $adapter = new SocketHttpAdapterReturnsStatusNot200(); var_dump($adapter->getContent('http://exemple.com/')); } /** * @expectedException \RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage Could not connect to socket. (Failed to parse address "foo") */ public function testT() { $method = new \ReflectionMethod( $this->adapter, 'createSocket' ); $method->setAccessible(true); var_dump($method->invoke($this->adapter, 'foo', 0, 0)); } /** * NOTE ON REFLECTION: * Not a great idea but the alternative would be to create a new class for * HTTP parsing or set the method public. I don't like either of these much. */ public function testBuildRequest() { $method = new \ReflectionMethod( $this->adapter, 'buildHttpRequest' ); $method->setAccessible(true); $ex_host = 'www.google.com'; $ex_path = '/'; $ex_body = array(); $ex_body[] = "GET $ex_path HTTP/1.1"; $ex_body[] = "Host: $ex_host"; $ex_body[] = "Connection: Close"; $ex_body[] = "User-Agent: HttpAdapter PHP-Library"; $ex_body[] = "\r\n"; $this->assertEquals( implode("\r\n", $ex_body), $method->invoke($this->adapter, $ex_path, $ex_host) ); } public function testParseHtmlResponse() { $method = new \ReflectionMethod( $this->adapter, 'getParsedHttpResponse' ); $method->setAccessible(true); // create a file in memory $tempFileHandle = fopen('php://memory', 'r+'); fwrite($tempFileHandle, 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2012 20:58:51 GMT Expires: -1 Cache-Control: private, max-age=0 Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Connection: close Foo


'); // get a parsed response rewind($tempFileHandle); $httpResponse = $method->invoke($this->adapter, $tempFileHandle); // does it look like what we went it? $this->assertEquals('200', $httpResponse['headers']['status']); $this->assertEquals('Mon, 01 Oct 2012 20:58:51 GMT', $httpResponse['headers']['date']); $this->assertEquals('-1', $httpResponse['headers']['expires']); $this->assertEquals('private, max-age=0', $httpResponse['headers']['cache-control']); $this->assertEquals('text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1', $httpResponse['headers']['content-type']); $this->assertEquals('SAMEORIGIN', $httpResponse['headers']['x-frame-options']); $this->assertEquals('close', $httpResponse['headers']['connection']); $this->assertContains('


', $httpResponse['content']); } /** * @group isolate */ public function testParseJson() { $method = new \ReflectionMethod( $this->adapter, 'getParsedHttpResponse' ); $method->setAccessible(true); // create a file in memory $tempFileHandle = fopen('php://memory', 'r+'); fwrite($tempFileHandle, 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK Foo: bar Baz: cat {"foo":"bar","baz":"cat"} '); // get a parsed response rewind($tempFileHandle); $httpResponse = $method->invoke($this->adapter, $tempFileHandle); // don't bother testing all this stuff again $this->assertEquals('200', $httpResponse['headers']['status']); $this->assertEquals('bar', $httpResponse['headers']['foo']); $this->assertEquals('cat', $httpResponse['headers']['baz']); $this->assertContains('{"foo":"bar","baz":"cat"}', $httpResponse['content']); } } class SocketHttpAdapterThrowsException extends SocketHttpAdapter { public $path; public $hostname; public function buildHttpRequest($path, $hostname) { $this->path = $path; $this->hostname = $hostname; throw new \Exception(); } } class SocketHttpAdapterBuildNullRequest extends SocketHttpAdapter { public function buildHttpRequest($path, $hostname) { return null; } } class SocketHttpAdapterReturnsStatus301AndLocation extends SocketHttpAdapter { protected function getParsedHttpResponse($socketHandle) { return array( 'headers' => array( 'status' => 301, 'location' => 'http://exemple.com/', ) ); } } class SocketHttpAdapterReturnsStatusNot200 extends SocketHttpAdapter { protected function getParsedHttpResponse($socketHandle) { return array( 'headers' => array( 'status' => 404, ) ); } }