/* -*- Mode: Javascript; indent-tabs-mode:nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /************************************************************* * * MathJax/jax/output/CommonHTML/autoload/mtable.js * * Implements the CommonHTML output for elements. * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (c) 2015-2017 The MathJax Consortium * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("CommonHTML Jax Ready",function () { var VERSION = "2.7.2"; var MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml, CONFIG = MathJax.Hub.config, CHTML = MathJax.OutputJax.CommonHTML, SPLIT = MathJax.Hub.SplitList; var LABEL = -1, BIGDIMEN = 1000000; MML.mtable.Augment({ toCommonHTML: function (node) { // // Create the table nodes and put them in a table // (so that its bottom is on the baseline, rather than aligned on the top row) // var state = {rows:[], labels:[], labeled: false}; node = this.CHTMLdefaultNode(node,{noBBox:true, childOptions:state}); var table = CHTML.Element("mjx-table"); while (node.firstChild) table.appendChild(node.firstChild); node.appendChild(table); // // Get the table attributes // var values = this.getValues("columnalign","rowalign","columnspacing","rowspacing", "columnwidth","equalcolumns","equalrows", "columnlines","rowlines","frame","framespacing", "align","width","side","minlabelspacing","useHeight"); var t = CHTML.TEX.min_rule_thickness/CHTML.em; state.t = CHTML.Px(t*this.CHTML.scale,1); // // Create the table // this.CHTMLgetBoxSizes(values,state); this.CHTMLgetAttributes(values,state); this.CHTMLadjustCells(values,state); if (values.frame) table.style.border = state.t+" "+values.frame; this.CHTMLalignV(values,state,node); this.CHTMLcolumnWidths(values,state,node); this.CHTMLstretchCells(values,state); if (state.labeled) this.CHTMLaddLabels(values,state,node,table); // // Set the bounding box (ignores overlapping outside of the table) // var BBOX = this.CHTML; BBOX.w = BBOX.r = state.R; BBOX.h = BBOX.t = state.T-state.B; BBOX.d = BBOX.b = state.B; if (!values.frame && !BBOX.pwidth) { node.style.padding = "0 "+CHTML.Em(1/6); BBOX.L = BBOX.R = 1/6; } // // Add any needed space and color // this.CHTMLhandleSpace(node); this.CHTMLhandleBBox(node); this.CHTMLhandleColor(node); // // Return the completed node // return node; }, // // Get the natural height, depth, and widths of the rows and columns // CHTMLgetBoxSizes: function (values,state) { var LH = CHTML.FONTDATA.lineH * values.useHeight, LD = CHTML.FONTDATA.lineD * values.useHeight; var H = [], D = [], W = [], J = -1, i, m; for (i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) { var row = this.data[i], s = (row.type === "mtr" ? 0 : LABEL); H[i] = LH; D[i] = LD; for (var j = s, M = row.data.length + s; j < M; j++) { if (W[j] == null) {W[j] = -BIGDIMEN; if (j > J) J = j} var cbox = row.data[j-s].CHTML; if (cbox.h > H[i]) H[i] = cbox.h; if (cbox.d > D[i]) D[i] = cbox.d; if (cbox.w > W[j]) W[j] = cbox.w; } } if (values.equalrows) { state.HD = true; var HH = Math.max.apply(Math,H); var DD = Math.max.apply(Math,D); for (i = 0, m = H.length; i < m; i++) {H[i] = HH; D[i] = DD} } state.H = H; state.D = D; state.W = W, state.J = J; }, // // Pad the spacing and alignment attributes to match the size of the table // CHTMLgetAttributes: function (values,state) { var CSPACE = SPLIT(values.columnspacing), RSPACE = SPLIT(values.rowspacing), CALIGN = SPLIT(values.columnalign), RALIGN = SPLIT(values.rowalign), CLINES = SPLIT(values.columnlines), RLINES = SPLIT(values.rowlines), CWIDTH = SPLIT(values.columnwidth), RCALIGN = [], i, m, J = state.J, M = state.rows.length-1; for (i = 0, m = CSPACE.length; i < m; i++) CSPACE[i] = this.CHTMLlength2em(CSPACE[i]); for (i = 0, m = RSPACE.length; i < m; i++) RSPACE[i] = this.CHTMLlength2em(RSPACE[i]); while (CSPACE.length < J) CSPACE.push(CSPACE[CSPACE.length-1]); while (CALIGN.length <= J) CALIGN.push(CALIGN[CALIGN.length-1]); while (CLINES.length < J) CLINES.push(CLINES[CLINES.length-1]); while (CWIDTH.length <= J) CWIDTH.push(CWIDTH[CWIDTH.length-1]); while (RSPACE.length < M) RSPACE.push(RSPACE[RSPACE.length-1]); while (RALIGN.length <= M) RALIGN.push(RALIGN[RALIGN.length-1]); while (RLINES.length < M) RLINES.push(RLINES[RLINES.length-1]); CALIGN[LABEL] = (values.side.substr(0,1) === "l" ? "left" : "right"); // // Override aligment data based on row-specific attributes // for (i = 0; i <= M; i++) { var row = this.data[i]; RCALIGN[i] = []; if (row.rowalign) RALIGN[i] = row.rowalign; if (row.columnalign) { RCALIGN[i] = SPLIT(row.columnalign); while (RCALIGN[i].length <= J) RCALIGN[i].push(RCALIGN[i][RCALIGN[i].length-1]); } } // // Handle framespacing // var FSPACE = SPLIT(values.framespacing); if (FSPACE.length != 2) FSPACE = SPLIT(this.defaults.framespacing); FSPACE[0] = Math.max(0,this.CHTMLlength2em(FSPACE[0])); FSPACE[1] = Math.max(0,this.CHTMLlength2em(FSPACE[1])); if (values.columnlines.replace(/none/g,"").replace(/ /g,"") !== "" || values.rowlines.replace(/none/g,"").replace(/ /g,"") !== "") values.fspace = true; // // Pad arrays so that final column can be treated as all the others // if (values.frame === MML.LINES.NONE) delete values.frame; else values.fspace = true; if (values.frame) { FSPACE[0] = Math.max(0,FSPACE[0]); FSPACE[1] = Math.max(0,FSPACE[1]); } if (values.fspace) { CSPACE[J] = FSPACE[0]; RSPACE[M] = FSPACE[1]; } else { CSPACE[J] = RSPACE[M] = 0; } CLINES[J] = RLINES[M] = MML.LINES.NONE; // // Save everything in the state // state.CSPACE = CSPACE; state.RSPACE = RSPACE; state.CALIGN = CALIGN; state.RALIGN = RALIGN; state.CLINES = CLINES; state.RLINES = RLINES; state.CWIDTH = CWIDTH; state.RCALIGN = RCALIGN; state.FSPACE = FSPACE; }, // // Add styles to cells to handle borders, spacing, alignment, etc. // CHTMLadjustCells: function(values,state) { var ROWS = state.rows, CSPACE = state.CSPACE, CLINES = state.CLINES, RSPACE = state.RSPACE, RLINES = state.RLINES, CALIGN = state.CALIGN, RALIGN = state.RALIGN, RCALIGN = state.RCALIGN; CSPACE[state.J] *= 2; RSPACE[ROWS.length-1] *= 2; // since halved below var T = "0", B, R, L, border, cbox, align, lastB = 0; if (values.fspace) { lastB = state.FSPACE[1]; T = CHTML.Em(state.FSPACE[1]); } state.RHD = []; state.RH = []; for (var i = 0, m = ROWS.length; i < m; i++) { var row = ROWS[i], rdata = this.data[i]; // // Space and borders between rows // B = RSPACE[i]/2; border = null; L = "0"; if (RLINES[i] !== MML.LINES.NONE && RLINES[i] !== "") border = state.t+" "+RLINES[i]; if (border || (CLINES[j] !== MML.LINES.NONE && CLINES[j] !== "")) { while (row.length <= state.J) { row.push(CHTML.addElement(row.node,"mjx-mtd",null,[['span']])); } } state.RH[i] = lastB + state.H[i]; // distance to baseline in row lastB = Math.max(0,B); state.RHD[i] = state.RH[i] + lastB + state.D[i]; // total height of row B = CHTML.Em(lastB); // // Frame space for initial cell // if (values.fspace) L = CHTML.Em(state.FSPACE[0]); // // The cells in the row // for (var j = 0, M = row.length; j < M; j++) { var s = (rdata.type === "mtr" ? 0 : LABEL); var mtd = rdata.data[j-s] || {CHTML: CHTML.BBOX.zero()}; var cell = row[j].style; cbox = mtd.CHTML; // // Space and borders between columns // R = CSPACE[j]/2; if (CLINES[j] !== MML.LINES.NONE) { cell.borderRight = state.t+" "+CLINES[j]; R -= 1/CHTML.em/2; } R = CHTML.Em(Math.max(0,R)); cell.padding = T+" "+R+" 0px "+L; if (border) cell.borderBottom = border; L = R; // // Handle vertical alignment // align = (mtd.rowalign||(this.data[i]||{}).rowalign||RALIGN[i]); var H = Math.max(1,cbox.h), D = Math.max(.2,cbox.d), HD = (state.H[i]+state.D[i]) - (H+D), child = row[j].firstChild.style; if (align === MML.ALIGN.TOP) { if (HD) child.marginBottom = CHTML.Em(HD); cell.verticalAlign = "top"; } else if (align === MML.ALIGN.BOTTOM) { cell.verticalAlign = "bottom"; if (HD) child.marginTop = CHTML.Em(HD); } else if (align === MML.ALIGN.CENTER) { if (HD) child.marginTop = child.marginBottom = CHTML.Em(HD/2); cell.verticalAlign = "middle"; } else { if (H !== state.H[i]) child.marginTop = CHTML.Em(state.H[i]-H); } // // Handle horizontal alignment // align = (mtd.columnalign||RCALIGN[i][j]||CALIGN[j]); if (align !== MML.ALIGN.CENTER) cell.textAlign = align; } row.node.style.height = CHTML.Em(state.RHD[i]); T = B; } CSPACE[state.J] /= 2; RSPACE[ROWS.length-1] /= 2; // back to normal }, // // Align the table vertically according to the align attribute // CHTMLalignV: function (values,state,node) { var n, M = state.rows.length, H = state.H, D = state.D, RSPACE = state.RSPACE; // // Get alignment type and row number // if (typeof(values.align) !== "string") values.align = String(values.align); if (values.align.match(/(top|bottom|center|baseline|axis)( +(-?\d+))?/)) { n = parseInt(RegExp.$3||"0"); values.align = RegExp.$1 if (n < 0) n += state.rows.length + 1; if (n > M || n <= 0) n = null; } else { values.align = this.defaults.align; } // // Get table height and baseline offset // var T = 0, B = 0, a = CHTML.TEX.axis_height; if (values.fspace) T += state.FSPACE[1]; if (values.frame) {T += 2/CHTML.em; B += 1/CHTML.em} for (var i = 0; i < M; i++) { var h = H[i], d = D[i]; T += h + d + RSPACE[i]; if (n) { if (i === n-1) { B += ({top:h+d, bottom:0, center:(h+d)/2, baseline:d, axis:a+d})[values.align] + RSPACE[i]; } if (i >= n) B += h + d + RSPACE[i]; } } if (!n) B = ({top:T, bottom:0, center:T/2, baseline:T/2, axis:T/2-a})[values.align]; // // Place the node and save the values // if (B) node.style.verticalAlign = CHTML.Em(-B); state.T = T; state.B = B; }, // // Determine column widths and set the styles for the columns // CHTMLcolumnWidths: function (values,state,node) { var CWIDTH = state.CWIDTH, CSPACE = state.CSPACE, J = state.J, j; var WW = 0, setWidths = false, relWidth = values.width.match(/%$/); var i, m, w; // // Handle equal columns by adjusting the CWIDTH array // if (values.width !== "auto" && !relWidth) { WW = Math.max(0,this.CHTMLlength2em(values.width,state.R)); setWidths = true; } if (values.equalcolumns) { if (relWidth) { // // Use percent of total (not perfect, but best we can do) // var p = CHTML.Percent(1/(J+1)); for (j = 0; j <= J; j++) CWIDTH[j] = p; } else { // // For width = auto, make all widths equal the widest, // otherwise, for specific width, remove intercolumn space // and divide by number of columns to get widest space. // w = Math.max.apply(Math,state.W); if (values.width !== "auto") { var S = (values.fspace ? state.FSPACE[0] + (values.frame ? 2/CHTML.em : 0) : 0); for (j = 0; j <= J; j++) S += CSPACE[j]; w = Math.max((WW-S)/(J+1),w); } w = CHTML.Em(w); for (j = 0; j <= J; j++) CWIDTH[j] = w; } setWidths = true; } // // Compute natural table width // var TW = 0; if (values.fspace) TW = state.FSPACE[0]; var auto = [], fit = [], percent = [], W = []; var row = state.rows[0]; for (j = 0; j <= J; j++) { W[j] = state.W[j]; if (CWIDTH[j] === "auto") auto.push(j) else if (CWIDTH[j] === "fit") fit.push(j) else if (CWIDTH[j].match(/%$/)) percent.push(j) else W[j] = this.CHTMLlength2em(CWIDTH[j],W[j]); TW += W[j] + CSPACE[j]; if (row[j]) row[j].style.width = CHTML.Em(W[j]); } if (values.frame) TW += 2/CHTML.em; var hasFit = (fit.length > 0); // // Adjust widths of columns // if (setWidths) { if (relWidth) { // // Attach appropriate widths to the columns // for (j = 0; j <= J; j++) { cell = row[j].style; if (CWIDTH[j] === "auto" && !hasFit) cell.width = ""; else if (CWIDTH[j] === "fit") cell.width = ""; else if (CWIDTH[j].match(/%$/)) cell.width = CWIDTH[j]; else cell.minWidth = cell.maxWidth = cell.width; } } else { // // Compute percentage widths // if (WW > TW) { var extra = 0; for (i = 0, m = percent.length; i < m; i++) { j = percent[i]; w = Math.max(W[j],this.CHTMLlength2em(CWIDTH[j],WW)); extra += w-W[j]; W[j] = w; row[j].style.width = CHTML.Em(w); } TW += extra; } // // Compute "fit" widths // if (!hasFit) fit = auto; if (WW > TW && fit.length) { var dw = (WW - TW) / fit.length; for (i = 0, m = fit.length; i < m; i++) { j = fit[i]; W[j] += dw; row[j].style.width = CHTML.Em(W[j]); } TW = WW; } } } W[LABEL] = state.W[LABEL]; state.W = W; state.R = TW; // // Set variable width on DOM nodes // if (relWidth) { this.CHTML.pwidth = values.width; this.CHTML.mwidth = CHTML.Em(TW); node.style.width = node.firstChild.style.width = "100%"; } }, // // Stretch any cells that can be stretched // CHTMLstretchCells: function (values,state) { var ROWS = state.rows, H = state.H, D = state.D, W = state.W, J = state.J, M = ROWS.length-1; for (var i = 0; i <= M; i++) { var row = ROWS[i], rdata = this.data[i]; var h = H[i], d = D[i]; for (var j = 0; j <= J; j++) { var cell = row[j], cdata = rdata.data[j]; if (!cdata) continue; if (cdata.CHTML.stretch === "V") cdata.CHTMLstretchV(h,d); else if (cdata.CHTML.stretch === "H") cdata.CHTMLstretchH(cell,W[j]); } } }, // // Add labels to a table // CHTMLaddLabels: function (values,state,node,table) { // // Get indentation and alignment // var indent = this.getValues("indentalignfirst","indentshiftfirst","indentalign","indentshift"); if (indent.indentalignfirst !== MML.INDENTALIGN.INDENTALIGN) indent.indentalign = indent.indentalignfirst; if (indent.indentalign === MML.INDENTALIGN.AUTO) indent.indentalign = CONFIG.displayAlign; if (indent.indentshiftfirst !== MML.INDENTSHIFT.INDENTSHIFT) indent.indentshift = indent.indentshiftfirst; if (indent.indentshift === "auto") indent.indentshift = "0"; var shift = this.CHTMLlength2em(indent.indentshift,CHTML.cwidth); var labelspace = this.CHTMLlength2em(values.minlabelspacing,.8); var labelW = labelspace + state.W[LABEL], labelshift = 0, tw = state.R; var dIndent = this.CHTMLlength2em(CONFIG.displayIndent,CHTML.cwidth); var s = (state.CALIGN[LABEL] === MML.INDENTALIGN.RIGHT ? -1 : 1); if (indent.indentalign === MML.INDENTALIGN.CENTER) { tw += 2 * (labelW - s*(shift + dIndent)); shift += dIndent; } else if (state.CALIGN[LABEL] === indent.indentalign) { if (dIndent < 0) {labelshift = s*dIndent; dIndent = 0} shift += s*dIndent; if (labelW > s*shift) shift = s*labelW; shift += labelshift; shift *= s; tw += shift; } else { tw += labelW - s*shift + dIndent; shift -= s*dIndent; shift *= -s; } // // Create boxes for table and labels // var box = CHTML.addElement(node,"mjx-box",{ style:{width:"100%","text-align":indent.indentalign} }); box.appendChild(table); var labels = CHTML.Element("mjx-itable"); table.style.display = "inline-table"; if (!table.style.width) table.style.width = "auto"; labels.style.verticalAlign = "top"; table.style.verticalAlign = CHTML.Em(state.T-state.B-state.H[0]); node.style.verticalAlign = ""; if (shift) { if (indent.indentalign === MML.INDENTALIGN.CENTER) { table.style.marginLeft = CHTML.Em(shift); table.style.marginRight = CHTML.Em(-shift); } else { var margin = "margin" + (indent.indentalign === MML.INDENTALIGN.RIGHT ? "Right" : "Left"); table.style[margin] = CHTML.Em(shift); } } // // Add labels on correct side // if (state.CALIGN[LABEL] === "left") { node.insertBefore(labels,box); labels.style.marginRight = CHTML.Em(-state.W[LABEL]-labelshift); if (labelshift) labels.style.marginLeft = CHTML.Em(labelshift); } else { node.appendChild(labels); labels.style.marginLeft = CHTML.Em(-state.W[LABEL]+labelshift); } // // Vertically align the labels with their rows // var LABELS = state.labels, T = 0; if (values.fspace) T = state.FSPACE[0] + (values.frame ? 1/CHTML.em : 0); for (var i = 0, m = LABELS.length; i < m; i++) { if (LABELS[i] && this.data[i].data[0]) { labels.appendChild(LABELS[i]); var lbox = this.data[i].data[0].CHTML; T = state.RH[i] - Math.max(1,lbox.h); if (T) LABELS[i].firstChild.firstChild.style.marginTop = CHTML.Em(T); LABELS[i].style.height = CHTML.Em(state.RHD[i]); } else { CHTML.addElement(labels,"mjx-label",{style:{height:CHTML.Em(state.RHD[i])}}); } } // // Propagate full-width equations, and reserve room for equation plus label // node.style.width = this.CHTML.pwidth = "100%"; node.style.minWidth = this.CHTML.mwidth = CHTML.Em(Math.max(0,tw)); } }); MML.mtr.Augment({ toCommonHTML: function (node,options) { // // Create the row node // node = this.CHTMLcreateNode(node); this.CHTMLhandleStyle(node); this.CHTMLhandleScale(node); // // Add a new row with no label // if (!options) options = {rows:[],labels:[]}; var row = []; options.rows.push(row); row.node = node; options.labels.push(null); // // Add the cells to the row // for (var i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) row.push(this.CHTMLaddChild(node,i,options)); // this.CHTMLhandleColor(node); return node; } }); MML.mlabeledtr.Augment({ toCommonHTML: function (node,options) { // // Create the row node // node = this.CHTMLcreateNode(node); this.CHTMLhandleStyle(node); this.CHTMLhandleScale(node); // // Add a new row, and get the label // if (!options) options = {rows:[],labels:[]}; var row = []; options.rows.push(row); row.node = node; var label = CHTML.Element("mjx-label"); options.labels.push(label); this.CHTMLaddChild(label,0,options); if (this.data[0]) options.labeled = true; // // Add the cells to the row // for (var i = 1, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) row.push(this.CHTMLaddChild(node,i,options)); // this.CHTMLhandleColor(node); return node; } }); MML.mtd.Augment({ toCommonHTML: function (node,options) { node = this.CHTMLdefaultNode(node,options); CHTML.addElement(node.firstChild,"mjx-strut"); // forces height to 1em (we adjust later) // // Determine if this is stretchy or not // if (this.isEmbellished()) { var mo = this.CoreMO(), BBOX = this.CHTML; if (mo.CHTMLcanStretch("Vertical")) BBOX.stretch = "V"; else if (mo.CHTMLcanStretch("Horizontal")) BBOX.stretch = "H"; if (BBOX.stretch) { var min = mo.Get("minsize",true); if (min) { if (BBOX.stretch === "V") { var HD = BBOX.h + BBOX.d; if (HD) { var r = this.CHTMLlength2em(min,HD)/HD; if (r > 1) {BBOX.h *= r; BBOX.d *= r} } } else { BBOX.w = Math.max(BBOX.w,this.CHTMLlength2em(min,BBOX.w)); } } } } return node; } }); MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("CommonHTML mtable Ready"); MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(CHTML.autoloadDir+"/mtable.js"); });