} elseif (isset($nameTools) && $language_file != 'course_home') {
//Put the name of the user-tools in the header
if (!isset($_user['user_id'])) {
echo '';
} elseif (!$noPHP_SELF) {
echo '
// Display the who's online of the platform
if ((api_get_setting('showonline', 'world') == 'true' AND !$_user['user_id']) OR (api_get_setting('showonline', 'users') == 'true' AND $_user['user_id'])) {
echo ''.get_lang('UsersOnline').': '.$number.'';
// Display the who's online for the course
if (is_array($_course) AND api_get_setting('showonline', 'course') == 'true' AND isset($_course['sysCode'])) {
echo '('.$number_online_in_course.' '.get_lang('InThisCourse').')';
echo '
if ($_user['user_id'] && isset($_cid)) {
if ((api_is_course_admin() || api_is_platform_admin()) && api_get_setting('student_view_enabled') == 'true') {
echo '
| ';
echo '
if (api_is_allowed_to_edit()) {
if (!empty($help)) {
// Show help
if (isset($dokeos_database_connection)) {
// connect to the main database.
// if single database, don't pefix table names with the main database name in SQL queries
// (ex. SELECT * FROM `table`)
// if multiple database, prefix table names with the course database name in SQL queries (or no prefix if the table is in
// the main database)
// (ex. SELECT * FROM `table_from_main_db` - SELECT * FROM `courseDB`.`table_from_course_db`)
Database::select_db($_configuration['main_database'], $dokeos_database_connection);
echo $output_string_menu;
echo '
if (isset($_SESSION['hideMenu'])) {
if ($_SESSION['hideMenu'] == 'shown') {
if (isset($_cid)) {
echo '