URL;category;title;description; http://www.aaa.org/...;Important links;Name 1;Description 1; http://www.bbb.net/...;;Name 2;\"Description 2\"; 
If URL and category are equal to those of an existing link, its title and description are updated. In all other cases a new link is created.

Bold = mandatory. Fields can be in any order, names in upper- or lowercase. Additional fields are added to description. Separator: comma or semicolon. Values may be quoted, but not the field names. Some [b]HTML tags[/b] can be imported in the description field. "; $langLinkUpdated = "اطلاعات مربوط به پیوند به روز گردیدند"; $langAll_Link_Deleted = "تمامی پیوندها حذف شدند"; $langOnHomepage = "روی صفحه آغازین"; $langShowLinkOnHomepage = "نمایش پیوند به صورت یک علامت روی صفحۀ آغازین درس"; $langCsvImport = "وارد کردن سی اس وی"; ?>