, Ghent University - ability for course admins to specify wether uploaded documents are visible or invisible by default. * @author Roan Embrechts, code refactoring and virtual course support * @author Frederic Vauthier, directories management * @version $Id: work.php 22201 2009-07-17 19:57:03Z cfasanando $ * * @todo refactor more code into functions, use quickforms, coding standards, ... */ /** ============================================================================== * STUDENT PUBLICATIONS MODULE * * Note: for a more advanced module, see the dropbox tool. * This one is easier with less options. * This tool is better used for publishing things, * sending in assignments is better in the dropbox. * * GOALS * ***** * Allow student to quickly send documents immediately * visible on the course website. * * The script does 5 things: * * 1. Upload documents * 2. Give them a name * 3. Modify data about documents * 4. Delete link to documents and simultaneously remove them * 5. Show documents list to students and visitors * * On the long run, the idea is to allow sending realvideo . Which means only * establish a correspondence between RealServer Content Path and the user's * documents path. * * All documents are sent to the address /$_configuration['root_sys']/$currentCourseID/document/ * where $currentCourseID is the web directory for the course and $_configuration['root_sys'] * usually /var/www/html * * Modified by Patrick Cool, february 2004: * Allow course managers to specify wether newly uploaded documents should * be visible or unvisible by default * This is ideal for reviewing the uploaded documents before the document * is available for everyone. * * note: maybe the form to change the behaviour should go into the course * properties page? * note 2: maybe a new field should be created in the course table for * this behaviour. * * We now use the show_score field since this is not used. * ============================================================================== */ /* ============================================================================== INIT SECTION ============================================================================== */ // name of the language file that needs to be included $language_file = array ( 'exercice', 'work', 'document', 'admin' ); require("../inc/global.inc.php"); // @todo why is this needed? //session if (isset ($_GET['id_session'])) { $_SESSION['id_session'] = Database::escape_string($_GET['id_session']); } isset($_SESSION['id_session'])?$id_session=$_SESSION['id_session']:$id_session=null; /* ----------------------------------------------------------- Including necessary files ----------------------------------------------------------- */ require_once 'work.lib.php'; require_once (api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'course.lib.php'); require_once (api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'debug.lib.inc.php'); require_once (api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'security.lib.php'); require_once (api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'formvalidator/FormValidator.class.php'); require_once(api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'document.lib.php'); require_once (api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'groupmanager.lib.php'); require_once(api_get_path(INCLUDE_PATH).'lib/mail.lib.inc.php'); require_once(api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'text.lib.php'); // Section (for the tabs) $this_section = SECTION_COURSES; $ctok = $_SESSION['sec_token']; $stok = Security::get_token(); $htmlHeadXtra[] = to_javascript_work(); /* ----------------------------------------------------------- Table definitions ----------------------------------------------------------- */ $main_course_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $work_table = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $iprop_table = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY); $TSTDPUBASG = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_ASSIGNMENT); $t_gradebook_link = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_GRADEBOOK_LINK); $table_course_user = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $table_user = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $table_session = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION); $table_session_course = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE); /* ----------------------------------------------------------- Constants and variables ----------------------------------------------------------- */ $tool_name = get_lang('StudentPublications'); $user_id = api_get_user_id(); $course_code = $_course['sysCode']; $is_course_member = $is_courseMember || api_is_platform_admin(); $currentCourseRepositorySys = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH) . $_course["path"] . "/"; $currentCourseRepositoryWeb = api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH) . $_course["path"] . "/"; $currentUserFirstName = $_user['firstName']; $currentUserLastName = $_user['lastName']; isset($_POST['authors'])?$authors = Database :: escape_string($_POST['authors']):$authors=''; isset($_REQUEST['delete'])?$delete = Database :: escape_string($_REQUEST['delete']):$delete=''; isset($_REQUEST['description'])?$description = Database :: escape_string($_REQUEST['description']):$description=''; isset($_REQUEST['display_tool_options'])?$display_tool_options = $_REQUEST['display_tool_options']:$display_tool_options=''; isset($_REQUEST['display_upload_form'])?$display_upload_form = $_REQUEST['display_upload_form']:$display_upload_form=''; isset($_REQUEST['edit'])?$edit = Database :: escape_string($_REQUEST['edit']):$edit=''; isset($_REQUEST['parent_id'])?$parent_id = Database :: escape_string($_REQUEST['parent_id']):$parent_id=''; isset($_REQUEST['make_invisible'])?$make_invisible = Database :: escape_string($_REQUEST['make_invisible']):$make_invisible=''; isset($_REQUEST['make_visible'])?$make_visible = Database :: escape_string($_REQUEST['make_visible']):$make_visible=''; isset($_REQUEST['origin'])?$origin = Security :: remove_XSS($_REQUEST['origin']):$origin=''; isset($_REQUEST['submitGroupWorkUrl'])?$submitGroupWorkUrl = Security :: remove_XSS($_REQUEST['submitGroupWorkUrl']):$submitGroupWorkUrl=''; isset($_REQUEST['title'])?$title = Database :: escape_string($_REQUEST['title']):$title=''; isset($_REQUEST['uploadvisibledisabled'])?$uploadvisibledisabled = Database :: escape_string($_REQUEST['uploadvisibledisabled']):$uploadvisibledisabled=''; isset($_REQUEST['id'])?$id = strval(intval($_REQUEST['id'])):$id=''; //directories management $sys_course_path = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH); $course_dir = $sys_course_path . $_course['path']; $base_work_dir = $course_dir . '/work'; $http_www = api_get_path('WEB_COURSE_PATH') . $_course['path'] . '/work'; $cur_dir_path = ''; if (isset ($_GET['curdirpath']) && $_GET['curdirpath'] != '') { //$cur_dir_path = preg_replace('#[\.]+/#','',$_GET['curdirpath']); //escape '..' hack attempts //now using common security approach with security lib $in_course = Security :: check_abs_path($base_work_dir . '/' . $_GET['curdirpath'], $base_work_dir); if (!$in_course) { $cur_dir_path = "/"; } else { $cur_dir_path = $_GET['curdirpath']; } } elseif (isset ($_POST['curdirpath']) && $_POST['curdirpath'] != '') { //$cur_dir_path = preg_replace('#[\.]+/#','/',$_POST['curdirpath']); //escape '..' hack attempts //now using common security approach with security lib $in_course = Security :: check_abs_path($base_work_dir . '/' . $_POST['curdirpath'], $base_work_dir); if (!$in_course) { $cur_dir_path = "/"; } else { $cur_dir_path = $_POST['curdirpath']; } } else { $cur_dir_path = '/'; } if ($cur_dir_path == '.') { $cur_dir_path = '/'; } $cur_dir_path_url = urlencode($cur_dir_path); //prepare a form of path that can easily be added at the end of any url ending with "work/" $my_cur_dir_path = $cur_dir_path; if ($my_cur_dir_path == '/') { $my_cur_dir_path = ''; } elseif (substr($my_cur_dir_path, -1, 1) != '/') { $my_cur_dir_path = $my_cur_dir_path . '/'; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------- Configuration settings ----------------------------------------------------------- */ $link_target_parameter = ""; //or e.g. "target=\"_blank\""; $always_show_tool_options = false; $always_show_upload_form = false; if ($always_show_tool_options) { $display_tool_options = true; } if ($always_show_upload_form) { $display_upload_form = true; } api_protect_course_script(true); /* ----------------------------------------------------------- More init stuff ----------------------------------------------------------- */ if (isset ($_POST['cancelForm']) && !empty ($_POST['cancelForm'])) { header('Location: ' . api_get_self() . "?origin=$origin&gradebook=$gradebook"); exit (); } if (!empty($_POST['submitWork']) || !empty($submitGroupWorkUrl)) { // these libraries are only used for upload purpose // so we only include them when necessary include_once (api_get_path(INCLUDE_PATH) . "lib/fileUpload.lib.php"); include_once (api_get_path(INCLUDE_PATH) . "lib/fileDisplay.lib.php"); // need format_url function } // If the POST's size exceeds 8M (default value in php.ini) the $_POST array is emptied // If that case happens, we set $submitWork to 1 to allow displaying of the error message // The redirection with header() is needed to avoid apache to show an error page on the next request if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !sizeof($_POST)) { if (strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?')) { header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '&submitWork=1'); exit (); } else { header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '?submitWork=1'); exit (); } } //toolgroup comes from group. the but of tis variable is to limit post to the group of the student //if (!api_is_course_admin()) { if (!empty ($_GET['toolgroup'])) { $toolgroup = Database::escape_string($_GET['toolgroup']); api_session_register('toolgroup'); } //} //-------------------------------------------------------------------// //download of an completed folder if(isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action']=="downloadfolder") { include('downloadfolder.inc.php'); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------// /* ----------------------------------------------------------- Header ----------------------------------------------------------- */ if (!empty($_GET['gradebook']) && $_GET['gradebook']='view' ) { $_SESSION['gradebook']=Security::remove_XSS($_GET['gradebook']); $gradebook= $_SESSION['gradebook']; } elseif (empty($_GET['gradebook'])) { unset($_SESSION['gradebook']); $gradebook= ''; } if (!empty($gradebook) && $gradebook=='view') { $interbreadcrumb[] = array ( 'url' => '../gradebook/' . $_SESSION['gradebook_dest'], 'name' => get_lang('Gradebook') ); } if (!empty($_SESSION['toolgroup'])){ $_clean['toolgroup']=(int)$_SESSION['toolgroup']; $group_properties = GroupManager :: get_group_properties($_clean['toolgroup']); $interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => "../group/group.php", "name" => get_lang('Groups')); $interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url"=>"../group/group_space.php?gidReq=".$_SESSION['toolgroup'], "name"=> get_lang('GroupSpace').' ('.$group_properties['name'].')'); $url_dir =''; $interbreadcrumb[] = array ('url' => $url_dir,'name' => get_lang('StudentPublications')); //if (!$display_tool_options && !$display_upload_form) //{ //------interbreadcrumb for the current directory root path $dir_array = explode("/", $cur_dir_path); $array_len = count($dir_array); /* if ($array_len > 0) { $url_dir = 'work.php?&curdirpath=/'; $interbreadcrumb[] = array ( 'url' => $url_dir, 'name' => get_lang('HomeDirectory')); }*/ $dir_acum = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $array_len; $i++) { $url_dir = 'work.php?&curdirpath=' . $dir_acum . $dir_array[$i]; $interbreadcrumb[] = array ( 'url' => $url_dir, 'name' => $dir_array[$i] ); $dir_acum .= $dir_array[$i] . '/'; } // } if ($display_upload_form) { $interbreadcrumb[] = array ( "url" => "work.php", "name" => get_lang('UploadADocument')); } if ($display_tool_options) { $interbreadcrumb[] = array ( "url" => "work.php", "name" => get_lang('EditToolOptions')); } if ($_GET['createdir'] == 1) { $interbreadcrumb[] = array ( "url" => "work.php", "name" => get_lang('CreateFolder')); } Display :: display_header(null); } else { if (isset($origin) && $origin != 'learnpath') { $url_dir =''; $interbreadcrumb[] = array ('url' => $url_dir.'?gradebook='.$gradebook,'name' => get_lang('StudentPublications')); //if (!$display_tool_options && !$display_upload_form) //{ //------interbreadcrumb for the current directory root path $dir_array = explode("/", $cur_dir_path); $array_len = count($dir_array); /*if ($array_len > 0) { $url_dir = 'work.php?gradebook='.$gradebook.'&curdirpath=/'; $interbreadcrumb[] = array ( 'url' => $url_dir, 'name' => get_lang('HomeDirectory')); }*/ $dir_acum = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $array_len; $i++) { $url_dir = 'work.php?gradebook='.$gradebook.'&curdirpath=' . $dir_acum . $dir_array[$i]; $interbreadcrumb[] = array ( 'url' => $url_dir, 'name' => $dir_array[$i] ); $dir_acum .= $dir_array[$i] . '/'; } // } if ($display_upload_form) { $interbreadcrumb[] = array ( "url" => "work.php?gradebook=$gradebook", "name" => get_lang('UploadADocument')); } if ($display_tool_options) { $interbreadcrumb[] = array ( "url" => "work.php?gradebook=$gradebook", "name" => get_lang('EditToolOptions')); } if ($_GET['createdir'] == 1) { $interbreadcrumb[] = array ( "url" => "work.php?gradebook=$gradebook", "name" => get_lang('CreateDir')); } //-------------------------------------------------- Display :: display_header(null); } else { //we are in the learnpath tool include api_get_path(INCLUDE_PATH) . 'reduced_header.inc.php'; } } //stats event_access_tool(TOOL_STUDENTPUBLICATION); $is_allowed_to_edit = api_is_allowed_to_edit(false,true); //has to come after display_tool_view_option(); //api_display_tool_title($tool_name); /* ============================================================================== MAIN CODE ============================================================================== */ if (!empty ($_POST['changeProperties'])) { $query = "UPDATE " . $main_course_table . " SET show_score='" . $uploadvisibledisabled . "' WHERE code='" . $_course['sysCode'] . "'"; api_sql_query($query, __FILE__, __LINE__); $_course['show_score'] = $uploadvisibledisabled; } else { $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $main_course_table . " WHERE code=\"" . $_course['sysCode'] . "\""; $result = api_sql_query($query, __FILE__, __LINE__); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $uploadvisibledisabled = $row["show_score"]; } // introduction section if ($origin=='learnpath') { echo '
'; } Display :: display_introduction_section(TOOL_STUDENTPUBLICATION); /* ----------------------------------------------------------- COMMANDS SECTION (reserved for course administrator) ----------------------------------------------------------- */ if (api_is_allowed_to_edit(false,true)) { /*------------------------------------------- DELETE WORK COMMAND -----------------------------------------*/ if (!empty($delete)) { if (isset($delete) && $delete == "all") { $queryString1 = "SELECT url FROM " . $work_table . ""; $queryString2 = "DELETE FROM " . $work_table . ""; $queryString3 = "DELETE FROM " . $TSTDPUBASG . ""; } else { $queryString1 = "SELECT url FROM " . $work_table . " WHERE id = '$delete'"; $queryString2 = "DELETE FROM " . $work_table . " WHERE id='$delete'"; $queryString3 = "DELETE FROM " . $TSTDPUBASG . " WHERE publication_id='$delete'"; } $result1 = api_sql_query($queryString1, __FILE__, __LINE__); $result2 = api_sql_query($queryString2, __FILE__, __LINE__); $result3 = api_sql_query($queryString3, __FILE__, __LINE__); } } /*------------------------------------------- EDIT COMMAND WORK COMMAND -----------------------------------------*/ $qualification_number=0; if (!empty($edit)) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $work_table . " WHERE id='" . $edit . "'"; $result = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (!empty($result)) { $row = Database::fetch_array($result); $workTitle = $row['title']; $workAuthor = $row['author']; $workDescription = $row['description']; $workUrl = $row['url']; $qualification_number = $row['qualification']; } } /*------------------------------------------- MAKE INVISIBLE WORK COMMAND -----------------------------------------*/ if (!empty($make_invisible)) { if (isset($make_invisible) && $make_invisible == "all") { $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . $work_table . " CHANGE accepted accepted TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0'"; api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $sql = "UPDATE " . $work_table . " SET accepted = 0"; api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('AllFilesInvisible')); } else { $sql = "UPDATE " . $work_table . " SET accepted = 0 WHERE id = '" . $make_invisible . "'"; api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('FileInvisible')); } } /*------------------------------------------- MAKE VISIBLE WORK COMMAND -----------------------------------------*/ if (!empty($make_visible)) { if (isset($make_visible) && $make_visible == "all") { $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . $work_table . " CHANGE accepted accepted TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '1'"; api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $sql = "UPDATE " . $work_table . " SET accepted = 1"; api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('AllFilesVisible')); } else { $sql = "UPDATE " . $work_table . " SET accepted = 1 WHERE id = '" . $make_visible . "'"; api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('FileVisible')); } // update all the parents in the table item propery $list_id=get_parent_directories($my_cur_dir_path); for ($i = 0; $i < count($list_id); $i++) { api_item_property_update($_course, 'work', $list_id[$i], 'FolderUpdated', $user_id); } } /*-------------------- * Create dir command ---------------------*/ if (!empty ($_REQUEST['new_dir'])) { function get_date_from_select($prefix) { return $_POST[$prefix.'_year'].'-'.two_digits($_POST[$prefix.'_month']).'-'.two_digits($_POST[$prefix.'_day']).' '.two_digits($_POST[$prefix.'_hour']).':'.two_digits($_POST[$prefix.'_minute']).':00'; } $fexpire= get_date_from_select('expires'); $fend = get_date_from_select('ends'); include_once (api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . "fileUpload.lib.php"); $added_slash = (substr($cur_dir_path, -1, 1) == '/') ? '' : '/'; $filter_directoy=Security::remove_XSS($_POST['new_dir']); $directory =disable_dangerous_file($filter_directoy); $directory =replace_accents($filter_directoy); $dir_name = $cur_dir_path . $added_slash . replace_dangerous_char($directory); $created_dir = create_unexisting_work_directory($base_work_dir, $dir_name); // we insert here the directory in the table $work_table $dir_name_sql=''; if ($ctok==$_POST['sec_token']) { if (!empty($created_dir)) { if ($cur_dir_path=='/') { $dir_name_sql = $created_dir; } else { $dir_name_sql = '/'.$created_dir; } //----------------inser into agenda----------------------// $agenda_id = 0; if(!empty($_POST['type2']) && isset($_POST['add_to_calendar']) && $_POST['add_to_calendar']==1): include_once('../calendar/agenda.inc.php'); include_once('../resourcelinker/resourcelinker.inc.php'); isset($course_info)?$course=$course_info:$course=null; $agenda_id = agenda_add_item($course,$_POST['new_dir'],$_POST['new_dir'],date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),get_date_from_select('ends'),null,0); endif; $sql_add_publication = "INSERT INTO " . $work_table . " SET " . "url = '".Database::escape_string(Security::remove_XSS($dir_name_sql))."', title = '', description = '".Database::escape_string(Security::remove_XSS($_POST['description']))."', author = '', active = '0', accepted = '1', filetype = 'folder', post_group_id = '".$toolgroup."', sent_date = NOW(), qualification = '".(($_POST['qualification_value']!='') ? Database::escape_string($_POST['qualification_value']) : '') ."', parent_id = '', qualificator_id = '', date_of_qualification = '0000-00-00 00:00:00', session_id = ".intval($id_session); api_sql_query($sql_add_publication, __FILE__, __LINE__); // add the directory $id = Database::insert_id(); //Folder created api_item_property_update($_course, 'work', $id, 'DirectoryCreated', $user_id); Display :: display_confirmation_message(get_lang('DirectoryCreated'), false); //Database :: escape_string($_REQUEST['make_visible']); //if($_POST['type1']==1) //$insert_limite //----------------inser into student_publication_assignment-------------------// //return something like this: 2008-02-45 00:00:00 if(!empty($_POST['type1']) || !empty($_POST['type2'])) { isset($_POST['enable_calification'])?$enable_calification = (int)$_POST['enable_calification']:$enable_calification=null; $sql_add_homework = "INSERT INTO $TSTDPUBASG SET " . "expires_on = '".((isset($_POST['type1']) && $_POST['type1']==1) ? get_date_from_select('expires') : '0000-00-00 00:00:00'). "', ends_on = '".((isset($_POST['type2']) && $_POST['type2']==1) ? get_date_from_select('ends') : '0000-00-00 00:00:00')."', add_to_calendar = '$agenda_id', enable_qualification = '".$enable_calification."', publication_id = '".$id."'"; api_sql_query($sql_add_homework, __FILE__, __LINE__); //api_sql_query($sql_add_publication, __FILE__, __LINE__); $sql_add_publication = "UPDATE ".$work_table." SET "."has_properties = ".Database::insert_id().", view_properties = 1 ".' where id = '.$id; api_sql_query($sql_add_publication, __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { $sql_add_homework = "INSERT INTO $TSTDPUBASG SET " . "expires_on = '0000-00-00 00:00:00', ends_on = '0000-00-00 00:00:00', add_to_calendar = '$agenda_id', enable_qualification = '".(isset($_POST['enable_calification'])?(int)$_POST['enable_calification']:'')."', publication_id = '".$id."'"; api_sql_query($sql_add_homework, __FILE__, __LINE__); //api_sql_query($sql_add_publication, __FILE__, __LINE__); $sql_add_publication = "UPDATE ".$work_table." SET "."has_properties = ".Database::insert_id().", view_properties = 0 ".' where id = '.$id; api_sql_query($sql_add_publication, __FILE__, __LINE__); } if(isset($_POST['make_calification']) && $_POST['make_calification']==1) { require_once('../gradebook/lib/be/gradebookitem.class.php'); require_once('../gradebook/lib/be/evaluation.class.php'); require_once('../gradebook/lib/be/abstractlink.class.php'); require_once('../gradebook/lib/gradebook_functions.inc.php'); $resource_name = (empty($_POST['qualification_name'])) ? $_POST['new_dir'] : $_POST['qualification_name']; add_resource_to_course_gradebook(api_get_course_id(), 3, $id, Database::escape_string($resource_name),$_POST['weight'], $_POST['qualification_value'], Database::escape_string($_POST['description']),time(), 1,api_get_session_id()); } //-----------------end features---------------------------// // update all the parents in the table item propery $list_id=get_parent_directories($my_cur_dir_path); for ($i = 0; $i < count($list_id); $i++) { api_item_property_update($_course, 'work', $list_id[$i], 'FolderUpdated', $user_id); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //uncomment if you want to enter the created dir //$curdirpath = $created_dir; //$curdirpathurl = urlencode($curdirpath); } else { Display :: display_error_message(get_lang('CannotCreateDir')); } } } /* ------------------- * Delete dir command --------------------*/ if (!empty ($_REQUEST['delete_dir'])) { $delete_directory=$_REQUEST['delete_dir']; $id=$_REQUEST['delete2']; del_dir($base_work_dir . '/', $delete_directory,$id); Display :: display_confirmation_message(get_lang('DirDeleted') . ': '.$delete_directory); } if (!empty ($_REQUEST['delete2'])) { $delete_2=$_REQUEST['delete2']; // gets calendar_id from student_publication_assigment $sql = "SELECT add_to_calendar FROM $TSTDPUBASG WHERE publication_id ='$delete_2'"; $res = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $calendar_id = Database::fetch_row($res); // delete from agenda if it exists if (!empty($calendar_id[0])) { $t_agenda = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_AGENDA); $sql = "DELETE FROM $t_agenda WHERE id ='".$calendar_id[0]."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); } $sql2="DELETE FROM $TSTDPUBASG WHERE publication_id ='$delete_2'"; $result2 = api_sql_query($sql2, __FILE__, __LINE__); $sql3="DELETE FROM $t_gradebook_link WHERE course_code='$course_code' AND ref_id='$delete_2'"; $result3 = api_sql_query($sql3, __FILE__, __LINE__); } /* ---------------------- * Move file form request ----------------------- */ if (!empty ($_REQUEST['move'])) { $folders = array(); $sql = "SELECT url FROM $work_table WHERE url LIKE '/%' AND post_group_id = '".(empty($_SESSION['toolgroup'])?0:$_SESSION['toolgroup'])."'"; $res = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); while($folder = Database::fetch_array($res)) { $folders[] = substr($folder['url'],1,(strlen($folder['url'])-1)); } echo build_work_move_to_selector($folders, $cur_dir_path, $_REQUEST['move']); } /* ------------------ * Move file command ------------------- */ if (isset ($_POST['move_to']) && isset ($_POST['move_file'])) { include_once (api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . "/fileManage.lib.php"); $move_to = $_POST['move_to']; if ($move_to == '/' or empty ($move_to)) { $move_to = ''; } elseif (substr($move_to, -1, 1) != '/') { $move_to = $move_to . '/'; } //security fix: make sure they can't move files that are not in the document table if ($path = get_work_path($_POST['move_file'])) { //echo "got path $path"; //Display::display_normal_message('We want to move '.$_POST['move_file'].' to '.$_POST['move_to']); if (move($course_dir . '/' . $path, $base_work_dir . '/' . $move_to)) { //update db update_work_url(Security::remove_XSS($_POST['move_file']), 'work/' . $move_to); //set the current path $cur_dir_path = $move_to; $cur_dir_path_url = urlencode($move_to); // update all the parents in the table item propery $list_id=get_parent_directories($cur_dir_path); for ($i = 0; $i < count($list_id); $i++) { api_item_property_update($_course, 'work', $list_id[$i], 'FolderUpdated', $user_id); } Display :: display_confirmation_message(get_lang('DirMv')); } else { Display :: display_error_message(get_lang('Impossible')); } } else { Display :: display_error_message(get_lang('Impossible')); } } /*----------------------------------------------------------- COMMANDS SECTION (reserved for others - check they're authors each time) ----------------------------------------------------------- */ else { $iprop_table = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY); $user_id = api_get_user_id(); /*------------------------------------------- DELETE WORK COMMAND -----------------------------------------*/ if ($delete) { if ($delete == "all") { /*not authorized to this user */ } else { //Get the author ID for that document from the item_property table $author_sql = "SELECT * FROM $iprop_table WHERE tool = 'work' AND insert_user_id='$user_id' AND ref=" .Database::escape_string($delete); $author_qry = api_sql_query($author_sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (Database :: num_rows($author_qry) == 1) { //we found the current user is the author $queryString1 = "SELECT url FROM " . $work_table . " WHERE id = '$delete'"; $queryString2 = "DELETE FROM " . $work_table . " WHERE id='$delete'"; $queryString3 = "DELETE FROM " . $TSTDPUBASG . " WHERE publication_id='$delete'"; $result1 = api_sql_query($queryString1, __FILE__, __LINE__); $result2 = api_sql_query($queryString2, __FILE__, __LINE__); $result3 = api_sql_query($queryString3, __FILE__, __LINE__); if ($result1) { api_item_property_update($_course, 'work', $delete, 'DocumentDeleted', $user_id); while ($thisUrl = Database::fetch_array($result1)) { // check the url really points to a file in the work area // (some work links can come from groups area...) if (substr(dirname($thisUrl['url']), -4) == "work") { @ unlink($currentCourseRepositorySys . "work/" . $thisWork); } } } } } } /*------------------------------------------- EDIT COMMAND WORK COMMAND -----------------------------------------*/ if ($edit) { //Get the author ID for that document from the item_property table $author_sql = "SELECT * FROM $iprop_table WHERE tool = 'work' AND insert_user_id='$user_id' AND ref=" . $edit; $author_qry = api_sql_query($author_sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (Database :: num_rows($author_qry) == 1) { //we found the current user is the author $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $work_table . " WHERE id='" . $edit . "'"; $result = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); if ($result ) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $workTitle = $row['title']; $workAuthor = $row['author']; $workDescription = $row['description']; $workUrl = $row['url']; $qualification_number = $row['qualification']; } } } } /* ============================================================================== FORM SUBMIT PROCEDURE ============================================================================== */ $error_message = ""; if ($ctok==$_POST['sec_token']) { //check the token inserted into the form if (!empty($_POST['submitWork']) && !empty($is_course_member)) { if (!empty($_FILES['file']['size'])) { $updir = $currentCourseRepositorySys . 'work/'; //directory path to upload // Try to add an extension to the file if it has'nt one $new_file_name = add_ext_on_mime(stripslashes($_FILES['file']['name']), $_FILES['file']['type']); // Replace dangerous characters $new_file_name = replace_dangerous_char($new_file_name, 'strict'); // Transform any .php file in .phps fo security $new_file_name = php2phps($new_file_name); //filter extension if (!filter_extension($new_file_name)) { Display :: display_error_message(get_lang('UplUnableToSaveFileFilteredExtension')); $succeed = false; } else { if (!$title) { $title = $_FILES['file']['name']; } //if (!$authors) { $authors = api_get_person_name($currentUserFirstName, $currentUserLastName); //} // compose a unique file name to avoid any conflict $new_file_name = uniqid('') . $new_file_name; if (isset ($_SESSION['toolgroup'])) { $post_group_id = $_SESSION['toolgroup']; } else { $post_group_id = '0'; } //if we come from the group tools the groupid will be saved in $work_table @move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $updir . $my_cur_dir_path . $new_file_name); $url = "work/" . $my_cur_dir_path . $new_file_name; $result = api_sql_query("SHOW FIELDS FROM " . $work_table . " LIKE 'sent_date'", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (!Database::num_rows($result)) { api_sql_query("ALTER TABLE " . $work_table . " ADD sent_date DATETIME NOT NULL"); } $current_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $parent_id = ''; $active = ''; $sql = api_sql_query('SELECT id FROM '.Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION).' WHERE url = '."'/".Database::escape_string($_GET['curdirpath'])."' AND filetype='folder' LIMIT 1"); if(Database::num_rows($sql) > 0 ) { $dir_row = Database::fetch_array($sql); $parent_id = $dir_row['id']; } $sql_add_publication = "INSERT INTO " . $work_table . " SET " . "url = '" . $url . "', title = '" . Database::escape_string(Security::remove_XSS($title)) . "', description = '" . Database::escape_string(Security::remove_XSS($description)) . "', author = '" . Database::escape_string($authors) . "', active = '" . $active . "', accepted = '" . (api_is_allowed_to_edit()?$uploadvisibledisabled:(!$uploadvisibledisabled)) . "', post_group_id = '" . $post_group_id . "', sent_date = '".$current_date ."', parent_id = '".$parent_id ."' , session_id = ".intval($id_session); api_sql_query($sql_add_publication, __FILE__, __LINE__); $Id = Database::insert_id(); api_item_property_update($_course, 'work', $Id, 'DocumentAdded', $user_id); $succeed = true; // update all the parents in the table item propery $list_id=get_parent_directories($my_cur_dir_path); for ($i = 0; $i < count($list_id); $i++) { api_item_property_update($_course, 'work', $list_id[$i], 'FolderUpdated', $user_id); } } } elseif ($newWorkUrl) { if (isset ($_SESSION['toolgroup'])) { $post_group_id = $_SESSION['toolgroup']; } else { $post_group_id = '0'; } /* * SPECIAL CASE ! For a work coming from another area (i.e. groups) */ $url = str_replace('../../' . $_course['path'] . '/', '', $newWorkUrl); if (!$title) { $title = basename($workUrl); } $result = api_sql_query("SHOW FIELDS FROM " . $work_table . " LIKE 'sent_date'", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (!Database::num_rows($result)) { api_sql_query("ALTER TABLE " . $work_table . " ADD sent_date DATETIME NOT NULL"); } $current_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $work_table . " SET url = '" . $url . "', title = '" . Database::escape_string(Security::remove_XSS($title)) . "', description = '" . Database::escape_string(Security::remove_XSS($description)) . "', author = '" . Database::escape_string($authors) . "', post_group_id = '".$post_group_id."', sent_date = '".$current_date."', session_id = ".intval($id_session); api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $insertId = Database::insert_id(); api_item_property_update($_course, 'work', $insertId, 'DocumentAdded', $user_id); $succeed = true; // update all the parents in the table item propery $list_id=get_parent_directories($my_cur_dir_path); for ($i = 0; $i < count($list_id); $i++) { api_item_property_update($_course, 'work', $list_id[$i], 'FolderUpdated', $user_id); } } /* * SPECIAL CASE ! For a work edited */ else { //Get the author ID for that document from the item_property table $is_author = false; if ($id<>'') { $author_sql = "SELECT * FROM $iprop_table WHERE tool = 'work' AND insert_user_id='$user_id' AND ref=" . mysql_real_escape_string($id); $author_qry = api_sql_query($author_sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (Database :: num_rows($author_qry) == 1) { $is_author = true; } } else { Display::display_error_message(get_lang('IsNotPosibleSaveTheDocument')); } if ($id && ($is_allowed_to_edit or $is_author)) { if (!$title) { $title = basename($newWorkUrl); } if($is_allowed_to_edit && ($_POST['qualification']!='')) { $add_to_update = ',qualificator_id ='."'".api_get_user_id()."',"; $add_to_update .= 'qualification ='."'".Database::escape_string($_POST['qualification'])."',"; $add_to_update .= 'date_of_qualification ='."'".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."'"; } if ((int)$_POST['qualification'] > (int)$_POST['qualification_over']) { Display::display_error_message(get_lang('QualificationMustNotBeMoreThanQualificationOver')); } else { $sql = "UPDATE " . $work_table . " SET title = '" . Database::escape_string(Security::remove_XSS($title)) . "', description = '" . Database::escape_string(Security::remove_XSS($description)) . "' ".$add_to_update." WHERE id = '$id'"; api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); } $insertId = $id; api_item_property_update($_course, 'work', $insertId, 'DocumentUpdated', $user_id); $succeed = true; } else { $error_message = get_lang('TooBig'); } } } } if (!empty($_POST['submitWork']) && !empty($succeed) && !$id) { //last value is to check this is not "just" an edit //YW Tis part serve to send a e-mail to the tutors when a new file is sent $send = api_get_course_setting('email_alert_manager_on_new_doc'); if ($send > 0) { // Lets predefine some variables. Be sure to change the from address! $emailto = array (); if (empty ($id_session)) { $sql_resp = 'SELECT u.email as myemail FROM ' . $table_course_user . ' cu, ' . $table_user . ' u WHERE cu.course_code = ' . "'" . api_get_course_id() . "'" . ' AND cu.status = 1 AND u.user_id = cu.user_id'; $res_resp = api_sql_query($sql_resp, __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($row_email = Database :: fetch_array($res_resp)) { if (!empty ($row_email['myemail'])) { $emailto[$row_email['myemail']] = $row_email['myemail']; } } } else { // coachs of the session $sql_resp = 'SELECT user.email as myemail FROM ' . $table_session . ' session INNER JOIN ' . $table_user . ' user ON user.user_id = session.id_coach WHERE session.id = ' . intval($id_session); $res_resp = api_sql_query($sql_resp, __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($row_email = Database :: fetch_array($res_resp)) { if (!empty ($row_email['myemail'])) { $emailto[$row_email['myemail']] = $row_email['myemail']; } } //coach of the course $sql_resp = 'SELECT user.email as myemail FROM ' . $table_session_course . ' session_course INNER JOIN ' . $table_user . ' user ON user.user_id = session_course.id_coach WHERE session_course.id_session = ' . intval($id_session); $res_resp = api_sql_query($sql_resp, __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($row_email = Database :: fetch_array($res_resp)) { if (!empty ($row_email['myemail'])) { $emailto[$row_email['myemail']] = $row_email['myemail']; } } } if (count($emailto) > 0) { $emailto = implode(',', $emailto); $emailfromaddr = api_get_setting('emailAdministrator'); $emailfromname = api_get_setting('siteName'); $emailsubject = "[" . api_get_setting('siteName') . "] "; $sender_name = api_get_setting('administratorName').' '.api_get_setting('administratorSurname'); $email_admin = api_get_setting('emailAdministrator'); // The body can be as long as you wish, and any combination of text and variables $emailbody = get_lang('SendMailBody').' '.api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH)."work/work.php?".api_get_cidreq()."&curdirpath=".$my_cur_dir_path." (" . stripslashes($title) . ")\n\n" . api_get_setting('administratorName') . " " . api_get_setting('administratorSurname') . "\n" . get_lang('Manager') . " " . api_get_setting('siteName') . "\n" . get_lang('Email') . " : " . api_get_setting('emailAdministrator'); // Here we are forming one large header line // Every header must be followed by a \n except the last @api_mail('', $emailto, $emailsubject, $emailbody, $sender_name,$email_admin); } } $message = get_lang('DocAdd'); if ($uploadvisibledisabled && !$is_allowed_to_edit) { $message .= "
" . get_lang('_doc_unvisible') . "
"; } //stats if (!$Id) { $Id = $insertId; } event_upload($Id); $submit_success_message = $message . "
\n"; Display :: display_confirmation_message($submit_success_message, false); } /*======================================= Display links to upload form and tool options ======================================= */ $has_expired = false; $has_ended = false; isset($_GET['curdirpath'])?$curdirpath=Database::escape_string($_GET['curdirpath']):$curdirpath=''; $sql = api_sql_query('SELECT description,id FROM '.Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION).' WHERE filetype = '."'folder'".' and has_properties != '."''".' and url = '."'/".$curdirpath."'".' LIMIT 1',__FILE__,__LINE__); $is_special = Database::num_rows($sql); if($is_special > 0): $is_special = true; define('IS_ASSIGNMENT',1); $publication = Database::fetch_array($sql); $sql = api_sql_query('SELECT * FROM '.$TSTDPUBASG.' WHERE publication_id = '.(string)$publication['id'].' LIMIT 1',__FILE__,__LINE__); $homework = Database::fetch_array($sql); if($homework['expires_on']!='0000-00-00 00:00:00' || $homework['ends_on']!='0000-00-00 00:00:00'): $time_now = convert_date_to_number(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $time_expires = convert_date_to_number($homework['expires_on']); $time_ends = convert_date_to_number($homework['ends_on']); $difference = $time_expires - $time_now; $difference2 = $time_ends - $time_now; if($homework['expires_on']!='0000-00-00 00:00:00' && $difference < 0) $has_expired = true; if($homework['ends_on']!='0000-00-00 00:00:00' && $difference2 < 0) $has_ended = true; if($homework['expires_on']=='0000-00-00 00:00:00'){ $not_ends_on=true; } if (!$not_ends_on) { define('ASSIGNMENT_EXPIRES',$time_expires); } if(!empty($publication['description'])){ Display :: display_normal_message($publication['description']); } $ends_on = api_ucfirst(format_locale_date($dateFormatLong,strtotime($homework['ends_on']))).' '; $ends_on .= ucfirst(strftime($timeNoSecFormat,strtotime($homework['ends_on']))); $expires_on = api_ucfirst(format_locale_date($dateFormatLong,strtotime($homework['expires_on']))).' '; $expires_on .= ucfirst(strftime($timeNoSecFormat,strtotime($homework['expires_on']))); if($has_ended) { Display :: display_error_message(get_lang('EndDateAlreadyPassed').' '.$ends_on); display_action_links($cur_dir_path, $always_show_tool_options,true); } elseif($has_expired) { Display :: display_warning_message(get_lang('ExpiryDateAlreadyPassed').' '.$expires_on); display_action_links($cur_dir_path, $always_show_tool_options,$always_show_upload_form); } else { if (!$not_ends_on) { Display :: display_normal_message(get_lang('ExpiryDateToSendWorkIs').' '.$expires_on); } display_action_links($cur_dir_path, $always_show_tool_options, $always_show_upload_form); } else: display_action_links($cur_dir_path, $always_show_tool_options, $always_show_upload_form); endif; else: display_action_links($cur_dir_path, $always_show_tool_options, $always_show_upload_form); endif; /*======================================= Display form to upload document =======================================*/ if ($is_course_member) { if (($display_upload_form || $edit)&&!$has_ended) { if ($edit) { //Get the author ID for that document from the item_property table $is_author = false; $author_sql = "SELECT * FROM $iprop_table WHERE tool = 'work' AND insert_user_id='$user_id' AND ref=" . $edit; $author_qry = api_sql_query($author_sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (Database :: num_rows($author_qry) == 1) { $is_author = true; } } //require_once (api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'formvalidator/FormValidator.class.php'); require_once (api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'fileDisplay.lib.php'); $form = new FormValidator('form', 'POST', api_get_self() . "?curdirpath=" . rtrim(Security :: remove_XSS($cur_dir_path),'/') . "&gradebook=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['gradebook'])."&origin=$origin", '', 'enctype="multipart/form-data"'); // form title if ($edit) { $form_title = get_lang('EditMedia'); } else { $form_title = get_lang('UploadADocument'); } $form->addElement('header', '', $form_title); if (!empty ($error_message)) { Display :: display_error_message($error_message); } if ($submitGroupWorkUrl) { // For user comming from group space to publish his work $realUrl = str_replace($_configuration['root_sys'], $_configuration['root_web'], str_replace("\\", "/", realpath($submitGroupWorkUrl))); $form->addElement('hidden', 'newWorkUrl', $submitGroupWorkUrl); $text_document = & $form->addElement('text', 'document', get_lang("Document")); $defaults["document"] = '' . $realUrl . ''; $text_document->freeze(); } elseif ($edit && ($is_allowed_to_edit or $is_author)) { $workUrl = $currentCourseRepositoryWeb . $workUrl; $form->addElement('hidden', 'id', $edit); $html = '
' . get_lang("Document") . '
' . get_lang("ClickHereToDownloadTheFile") . '
'; $form->addElement('html', $html); } else { // else standard upload option $form->addElement('file', 'file', get_lang('UploadADocument'), 'size="40" onchange="updateDocumentTitle(this.value)"'); } $titleWork = $form->addElement('text', 'title', get_lang("TitleWork"), 'id="file_upload" style="width: 350px;"'); $defaults["title"] = ($edit ? stripslashes($workTitle) : stripslashes($title)); //Removed to avoid incoherences //$titleAuthors = $form->addElement('text', 'authors', get_lang("Authors"), 'style="width: 350px;"'); //if (empty ($authors)) { $authors = api_get_person_name($_user['firstName'], $_user['lastName']); //} //$defaults["authors"] = ($edit ? stripslashes($workAuthor) : stripslashes($authors)); $titleAuthors = $form->addElement('textarea', 'description', get_lang("Description"), 'style="width: 350px; height: 60px;"'); $defaults["description"] = ($edit ? stripslashes($workDescription) : stripslashes($description)); if($is_allowed_to_edit && !empty($edit) && !empty($parent_id)) { // Get qualification from parent_id that'll allow the validation qualification over $sql = "SELECT qualification FROM $work_table WHERE id='$parent_id'"; $result = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); $qualification_over = $row['qualification']; $form->addElement('text', 'qualification', get_lang('Qualification'),'size="10"'); $form->addElement('html','
'.get_lang('QualificationOver').' : '.$qualification_over.'
'); $form->addElement('hidden', 'qualification_over', $qualification_over); } $defaults['qualification'] = $qualification_number;//($edit ? stripslashes($qualification_number) : stripslashes($qualification_number)); $form->addElement('hidden', 'active', 1); $form->addElement('hidden', 'accepted', 1); $form->addElement('hidden', 'sec_token', $stok); if (isset($_GET['edit'])) { $text=get_lang('UpdateWork'); $class='save'; } else { $text=get_lang('SendWork'); $class='upload'; } // fix the Ok button when we see the tool in the learn path if ($origin== 'learnpath') { $form->addElement('html', '
'); $form->addElement('style_submit_button','submitWork', $text, array('class="'.$class.'"','value="submitWork"')); $form->addElement('html', '
'); } else { //$form->addElement('submit','submitWork', get_lang('SendFile')); $form->addElement('style_submit_button', 'submitWork', $text, array('class="'.$class.'"','value="submitWork"')); } if (!empty($_POST['submitWork']) || $edit) { $form->addElement('style_submit_button', 'cancelForm', get_lang('Cancel'),'class="cancel"'); } $form->add_real_progress_bar('uploadWork', 'DownloadFile'); $form->setDefaults($defaults); $form->addRule('file', '
'.get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'), 'required'); $form->display(); } function make_select($name,$values,$checked='') { $output = ''; return $output; } function make_checkbox($name,$checked='') { return '' . ''; } function draw_date_picker($prefix,$default='') { //$default = 2008-10-01 10:00:00 if(empty($default)) { $default = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } $parts = split(' ',$default); list($d_year,$d_month,$d_day) = split('-',$parts[0]); list($d_hour,$d_minute) = split(':',$parts[1]); $month_list = array( 1=>get_lang('JanuaryLong'), 2=>get_lang('FebruaryLong'), 3=>get_lang('MarchLong'), 4=>get_lang('AprilLong'), 5=>get_lang('MayLong'), 6=>get_lang('JuneLong'), 7=>get_lang('JulyLong'), 8=>get_lang('AugustLong'), 9=>get_lang('SeptemberLong'), 10=>get_lang('OctoberLong'), 11=>get_lang('NovemberLong'), 12=>get_lang('DecemberLong') ); $minute = range(10,59); array_unshift($minute,'00','01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09'); $date_form = make_select($prefix.'_day', array_combine(range(1,31),range(1,31)), $d_day); $date_form .= make_select($prefix.'_month', $month_list, $d_month); $date_form .= make_select($prefix.'_year', array( $d_year=> $d_year, $d_year+1=>$d_year+1), $d_year).'    '; $date_form .= make_select($prefix.'_hour', array_combine(range(0,23),range(0,23)), $d_hour).' : '; $date_form .= make_select($prefix.'_minute', $minute, $d_minute); return $date_form; } //show them the form for the directory name if (isset ($_REQUEST['createdir']) && $is_allowed_to_edit) { //create the form that asks for the directory name $new_folder_text = '
'; $new_folder_text .= '
'; $new_folder_text .= ''; $new_folder_text .= ''; $new_folder_text .= '
* '.get_lang('AssignmentName').'
'; //$new_folder_text .= ''; //new additional fields inside the "if condition" just to agroup if(true): $new_folder_text .= '
'; // Advanced parameters $addtext .=''; $new_folder_text .= ''; endif; $new_folder_text .= '
'; $new_folder_text .= '
'; //show the form echo $new_folder_text; } } else { //the user is not registered in this course echo "

" . get_lang("MustBeRegisteredUser") . "

"; } /* ============================================================================== Display of tool options ============================================================================== */ if ($display_tool_options) { display_tool_options($uploadvisibledisabled, $origin, $base_work_dir, $cur_dir_path, $cur_dir_path_url); } /* ============================================================================== Display list of student publications ============================================================================== */ if ($cur_dir_path == '/') { $my_cur_dir_path = ''; } else { $my_cur_dir_path = $cur_dir_path; } if (!$display_upload_form && !$display_tool_options) { $add_query = ''; $sql = "SELECT user.firstname, user.lastname FROM $table_user user, $table_course_user course_user WHERE course_user.user_id=user.user_id AND course_user.course_code='".api_get_course_id()."' AND course_user.status='1'"; $res = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $admin_course = ''; while($row = Database::fetch_row($res)) { $admin_course .='\''.api_get_person_name($row[0], $row[1]).'\','; } if(!$is_allowed_to_edit && $is_special==true) { $add_query = ' AND author IN('.$admin_course.'\''.api_get_person_name($_user['firstName'], $_user['lastName']).'\')'; } if($is_allowed_to_edit && $is_special==true) { if (!empty($_REQUEST['filter'])) { switch($_REQUEST['filter']) { case 1: $add_query = ' AND qualification = '."''"; break; case 2: $add_query = ' AND qualification != '."''"; break; case 3: $add_query = ' AND sent_date < '."'".$homework['expires_on']."'"; break; default: $add_query = ''; } } isset($_GET['cidreq'])?$cidreq = Security::Remove_XSS($_GET['cidreq']):$cidreq=''; isset($_GET['curdirpath'])?$curdirpath = Security::Remove_XSS($_GET['curdirpath']):$curdirpath=''; isset($_REQUEST['filter'])?$filter = (int)$_REQUEST['filter']:$filter=''; if ($origin != 'learnpath') { $form_filter = '
'; $form_filter .= make_select('filter',array(0=>get_lang('SelectAFilter'),1=>get_lang('FilterByNotRevised'),2=>get_lang('FilterByRevised'),3=>get_lang('FilterByNotExpired')),$filter); $form_filter .= ''; echo $form_filter; } } display_student_publications_list($base_work_dir . '/' . $my_cur_dir_path, 'work/' . $my_cur_dir_path, $currentCourseRepositoryWeb, $link_target_parameter, $dateFormatLong, $origin,$add_query); } /* ============================================================================== Footer ============================================================================== */ if ($origin != 'learnpath') { //we are not in the learning path tool Display :: display_footer(); }