Chamilo Bellavista : Server Dependencies

Documentation >Dependencies


In the ever-evoluting web environment, Chamilo has to rely on state-of-the-art third-party software in order to provide you with useful and practical features. Some of this third-party software usually come bundled with your operating system, but some don't. This means that if that software is not installed on your Chamilo server, along with Chamilo, you might not enjoy the best possible experience with your Chamilo platform. To avoid this problem, most of the sofware we used is bundled into a typical Chamilo install.

However, if such a third-party software is too big to be included, or if it doesn't make sense to includ it for whatever reason, you must make sure it is installed on your system. This is the goal of this list: to help you keep a track of what software is needed and, as much as possible, where to get the required information to install it.


Included Dependencies

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