type = GLOBAL_MULTIPLE_ANSWER; $this->isContent = $this->getIsContent(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function createAnswersForm($form) { $nb_answers = isset($_POST['nb_answers']) ? $_POST['nb_answers'] : 4; $nb_answers += isset($_POST['lessAnswers']) ? -1 : (isset($_POST['moreAnswers']) ? 1 : 0); $obj_ex = Session::read('objExercise'); /* Mise en variable de Affichage "Reponses" et son icone, "N�", "Vrai", "Reponse" */ $html = ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $form->addElement( 'label', get_lang('Answers'). '
'.Display::return_icon('fill_field.png'), $html ); $defaults = []; $correct = 0; $answer = false; if (!empty($this->id)) { $answer = new Answer($this->id); $answer->read(); if ($answer->nbrAnswers > 0 && !$form->isSubmitted()) { $nb_answers = $answer->nbrAnswers; } } // le nombre de r�ponses est bien enregistr� sous la forme int(nb) /* Ajout mise en forme nb reponse */ $form->addElement('hidden', 'nb_answers'); $boxes_names = []; if ($nb_answers < 1) { $nb_answers = 1; echo Display::return_message(get_lang('You have to create at least one answer'), 'normal'); } //D�but affichage score global dans la modification d'une question $scoreA = 0; //par reponse $scoreG = 0; //Global /* boucle pour sauvegarder les donn�es dans le tableau defaults */ for ($i = 1; $i <= $nb_answers; $i++) { /* si la reponse est de type objet */ if (is_object($answer)) { $defaults['answer['.$i.']'] = $answer->answer[$i]; $defaults['comment['.$i.']'] = $answer->comment[$i]; $defaults['correct['.$i.']'] = $answer->correct[$i]; // start $scoreA = $answer->weighting[$i]; } if ($scoreA > 0) { $scoreG = $scoreG + $scoreA; } //------------- Fin //------------- Debut si un des scores par reponse est egal � 0 : la coche vaut 1 (coch�) if ($scoreA == 0) { $defaults['pts'] = 1; } $renderer = &$form->defaultRenderer(); $renderer->setElementTemplate( '', 'correct['.$i.']' ); $renderer->setElementTemplate( '', 'counter['.$i.']' ); $renderer->setElementTemplate( '', 'answer['.$i.']' ); $renderer->setElementTemplate( '', 'comment['.$i.']' ); $answer_number = $form->addElement( 'text', 'counter['.$i.']', null, 'value="'.$i.'"' ); $answer_number->freeze(); $form->addElement('checkbox', 'correct['.$i.']', null, null, 'class="checkbox"'); $boxes_names[] = 'correct['.$i.']'; $form->addElement( 'html_editor', 'answer['.$i.']', null, [], [ 'ToolbarSet' => 'TestProposedAnswer', 'Width' => '100%', 'Height' => '100', ] ); $form->addRule('answer['.$i.']', get_lang('Required field'), 'required'); $form->addElement( 'html_editor', 'comment['.$i.']', null, [], [ 'ToolbarSet' => 'TestProposedAnswer', 'Width' => '100%', 'Height' => '100', ] ); $form->addElement('html', ''); } //--------- Mise en variable du score global lors d'une modification de la question/r�ponse $defaults['weighting[1]'] = (round($scoreG)); $form->addElement('html', '
'.get_lang('N°').' '.get_lang('True').' '.get_lang('Answer').' '.get_lang('Comment').'
'); $form->add_multiple_required_rule( $boxes_names, get_lang('Choose at least one good answer'), 'multiple_required' ); //only 1 answer the all deal ... $form->addElement('text', 'weighting[1]', get_lang('Score')); //--------- Creation coche pour ne pas prendre en compte les n�gatifs $form->addElement('checkbox', 'pts', '', get_lang('No negative score')); $form->addElement('html', '
'); // Affiche un message si le score n'est pas renseign� $form->addRule('weighting[1]', get_lang('Required field'), 'required'); global $text; if ($obj_ex->edit_exercise_in_lp || (empty($this->exerciseList) && empty($obj_ex->id)) ) { // setting the save button here and not in the question class.php $form->addButtonDelete(get_lang('Remove answer option'), 'lessAnswers'); $form->addButtonCreate(get_lang('Add answer option'), 'moreAnswers'); $form->addButtonSave($text, 'submitQuestion'); } $renderer->setElementTemplate('{element} ', 'lessAnswers'); $renderer->setElementTemplate('{element} ', 'submitQuestion'); $renderer->setElementTemplate('{element}', 'moreAnswers'); $form->addElement('html', ''); $defaults['correct'] = $correct; if (!empty($this->id)) { $form->setDefaults($defaults); } else { if ($this->isContent == 1) { $form->setDefaults($defaults); } } $form->setConstants(['nb_answers' => $nb_answers]); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function processAnswersCreation($form, $exercise) { $objAnswer = new Answer($this->id); $nb_answers = $form->getSubmitValue('nb_answers'); // Score total $answer_score = trim($form->getSubmitValue('weighting[1]')); // Reponses correctes $nbr_corrects = 0; for ($i = 1; $i <= $nb_answers; $i++) { $goodAnswer = trim($form->getSubmitValue('correct['.$i.']')); if ($goodAnswer) { $nbr_corrects++; } } // Set question weighting (score total) $questionWeighting = $answer_score; // Set score per answer $nbr_corrects = $nbr_corrects == 0 ? 1 : $nbr_corrects; $answer_score = $nbr_corrects == 0 ? 0 : $answer_score; $answer_score = $answer_score / $nbr_corrects; //$answer_score �quivaut � la valeur d'une bonne r�ponse // cr�ation variable pour r�cuperer la valeur de la coche pour la prise en compte des n�gatifs $test = $form->getSubmitValue('pts'); for ($i = 1; $i <= $nb_answers; $i++) { $answer = trim($form->getSubmitValue('answer['.$i.']')); $comment = trim($form->getSubmitValue('comment['.$i.']')); $goodAnswer = trim($form->getSubmitValue('correct['.$i.']')); if ($goodAnswer) { $weighting = abs($answer_score); } else { if ($test == 1) { $weighting = 0; } else { $weighting = -abs($answer_score); } } $objAnswer->createAnswer($answer, $goodAnswer, $comment, $weighting, $i); } // saves the answers into the data base $objAnswer->save(); // sets the total weighting of the question --> sert � donner le score total pendant l'examen $this->updateWeighting($questionWeighting); $this->save($exercise); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function return_header(Exercise $exercise, $counter = null, $score = []) { $header = parent::return_header($exercise, $counter, $score); $header .= ''; if (!in_array($exercise->results_disabled, [RESULT_DISABLE_SHOW_ONLY_IN_CORRECT_ANSWER])) { $header .= ''; if ($exercise->showExpectedChoiceColumn()) { $header .= ''; } } $header .= ''; if ($exercise->showExpectedChoice()) { $header .= ''; } $header .= ''; $header .= ''; return $header; } }
'.get_lang('Your choice').''.get_lang('ExpectedYour choice').''.get_lang('Answer').''.get_lang('Status').''.get_lang('Comment').'