_mode = $mode; $this->_cancelurl = $cancelurl; $this->_customdata = $customdata; $attributes = ['style' => 'width: 60%; float: '.($text_dir == 'rtl' ? 'right;' : 'left;')]; $this->_form = new FormValidator( $mode.'_instance', 'post', $returnurl, '', $attributes ); } abstract public function definition(); abstract public function validation($data, $files = null); public function validate() { return $this->_form->validate(); } public function display() { return $this->_form->display(); } public function definition_after_data() { } public function return_form() { return $this->_form->toHtml(); } public function is_in_add_mode() { return $this->_mode == 'add'; } /** * Return submitted data if properly submitted or returns NULL if validation fails or * if there is no submitted data. * * @param bool $slashed true means return data with addslashes applied * * @return object submitted data; NULL if not valid or not submitted */ public function get_data($slashed = true) { $cform = &$this->_form; if ($this->is_submitted() and $this->is_validated()) { $data = $cform->exportValues(null, $slashed); unset($data['sesskey']); // we do not need to return sesskey if (empty($data)) { return null; } else { return (object) $data; } } else { return null; } } /** * Return submitted data without validation or NULL if there is no submitted data. * * @param bool $slashed true means return data with addslashes applied * * @return object submitted data; NULL if not submitted */ public function get_submitted_data($slashed = true) { $cform = &$this->_form; if ($this->is_submitted()) { $data = $cform->exportValues(null, $slashed); unset($data['sesskey']); // we do not need to return sesskey if (empty($data)) { return null; } else { return (object) $data; } } else { return null; } } /** * Check that form was submitted. Does not check validity of submitted data. * * @return bool true if form properly submitted */ public function is_submitted() { return $this->_form->isSubmitted(); } /** * Return true if a cancel button has been pressed resulting in the form being submitted. * * @return bool true if a cancel button has been pressed */ public function is_cancelled() { $cform = &$this->_form; if ($cform->isSubmitted()) { foreach ($cform->_cancelButtons as $cancelbutton) { if (optional_param($cancelbutton, 0, PARAM_RAW)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Check that form data is valid. * You should almost always use this, rather than {@see validate_defined_fields}. * * @return bool true if form data valid */ public function is_validated() { //finalize the form definition before any processing if (!$this->_definition_finalized) { $this->_definition_finalized = true; $this->definition_after_data(); } return $this->validate_defined_fields(); } /** * Validate the form. * * You almost always want to call {@see is_validated} instead of this * because it calls {@see definition_after_data} first, before validating the form, * which is what you want in 99% of cases. * * This is provided as a separate function for those special cases where * you want the form validated before definition_after_data is called * for example, to selectively add new elements depending on a no_submit_button press, * but only when the form is valid when the no_submit_button is pressed, * * @param bool $validateonnosubmit optional, defaults to false. The default behaviour * is NOT to validate the form when a no submit button has been pressed. * pass true here to override this behaviour * * @return bool true if form data valid */ public function validate_defined_fields($validateonnosubmit = false) { static $validated = null; // one validation is enough $cform = &$this->_form; if ($this->no_submit_button_pressed() && empty($validateonnosubmit)) { return false; } elseif ($validated === null) { $internal_val = $cform->validate(); $files = []; $file_val = $this->_validate_files($files); if ($file_val !== true) { if (!empty($file_val)) { foreach ($file_val as $element => $msg) { $cform->setElementError($element, $msg); } } $file_val = false; } $data = $cform->exportValues(null, true); $chamilo_val = $this->validation($data, $files); if ((is_array($chamilo_val) && count($chamilo_val) !== 0)) { // non-empty array means errors foreach ($chamilo_val as $element => $msg) { $cform->setElementError($element, $msg); } $chamilo_val = false; } else { // anything else means validation ok $chamilo_val = true; } $validated = ($internal_val && $chamilo_val && $file_val); } return $validated; } public function no_submit_button_pressed() { static $nosubmit = null; // one check is enough if (!is_null($nosubmit)) { return $nosubmit; } $cform = &$this->_form; $nosubmit = false; if (!$this->is_submitted()) { return false; } /* foreach ($cform->_noSubmitButtons as $nosubmitbutton){ if (optional_param($nosubmitbutton, 0, PARAM_RAW)){ $nosubmit = true; break; } } return $nosubmit; */ return false; } /** * Load in existing data as form defaults. Usually new entry defaults are stored directly in * form definition (new entry form); this function is used to load in data where values * already exist and data is being edited (edit entry form). * * @param mixed $default_values object or array of default values * @param bool $slashed true if magic quotes applied to data values */ public function set_data($default_values, $slashed = false) { if (is_object($default_values)) { $default_values = (array) $default_values; } $filter = $slashed ? 'stripslashes' : null; $this->_form->setDefaults($default_values, $filter); } /** * Internal method. Validates all uploaded files. */ public function _validate_files(&$files) { $files = []; if (empty($_FILES)) { // we do not need to do any checks because no files were submitted // note: server side rules do not work for files - use custom verification in validate() instead return true; } $errors = []; $mform = &$this->_form; // check the files $status = $this->_upload_manager->preprocess_files(); // now check that we really want each file foreach ($_FILES as $elname => $file) { if ($mform->elementExists($elname) and $mform->getElementType($elname) == 'file') { $required = $mform->isElementRequired($elname); if (!empty($this->_upload_manager->files[$elname]['uploadlog']) && empty($this->_upload_manager->files[$elname]['clear']) ) { if (!$required and $file['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) { // file not uploaded and not required - ignore it continue; } $errors[$elname] = $this->_upload_manager->files[$elname]['uploadlog']; } elseif (!empty($this->_upload_manager->files[$elname]['clear'])) { $files[$elname] = $this->_upload_manager->files[$elname]['tmp_name']; } } else { error('Incorrect upload attempt!'); } } // return errors if found if ($status && 0 == count($errors)) { return true; } else { $files = []; return $errors; } } } /** * Class InstanceForm. */ class InstanceForm extends ChamiloForm { /** @var Plugin */ public $_plugin; public $instance; /** * InstanceForm constructor. * * @param $plugin * @param string $mode */ public function __construct($plugin, $mode = 'add', $instance = []) { global $_configuration; $this->_plugin = $plugin; $returnUrl = $_configuration['root_web'].'plugin/vchamilo/views/editinstance.php'; if ($mode == 'update') { $returnUrl = $_configuration['root_web'].'plugin/vchamilo/views/editinstance.php?vid='.intval($_GET['vid']); } $cancelurl = $_configuration['root_web'].'plugin/vchamilo/views/manage.php'; parent::__construct($mode, $returnUrl, $cancelurl); $this->instance = $instance; $this->definition(); } public function definition() { global $_configuration; $form = $this->_form; $plugin = $this->_plugin; $form->addElement('hidden', 'vid'); $form->addElement('hidden', 'what', $this->_mode.'instance'); $form->addElement('hidden', 'registeronly'); $form->addHeader($plugin->get_lang('hostdefinition')); $form->addText( 'sitename', [ $plugin->get_lang('sitename'), $plugin->get_lang('SiteNameExample'), ] ); $form->applyFilter('sitename', 'trim'); $form->addText( 'institution', [ $plugin->get_lang('institution'), $plugin->get_lang('InstitutionExample'), ] ); $form->applyFilter('institution', 'trim'); // Host's name. $elementWeb = $form->addElement( 'text', 'root_web', [$this->_plugin->get_lang('rootweb'), $plugin->get_lang('RootWebExample')] ); $form->applyFilter('root_web', 'trim'); $form->addElement( 'text', 'url_append', ['url_append', $plugin->get_lang('UrlAppendExample')] ); if ($this->_mode == 'update') { $encryptList = Virtual::getEncryptList(); $encryptMethod = $form->addElement( 'select', 'password_encryption', get_lang('Encryption method'), $encryptList ); $encryptMethod->freeze(); $elementWeb->freeze(); } /* * Database fieldset. */ $form->addElement('header', $plugin->get_lang('dbgroup')); // Database host. $form->addElement( 'text', 'db_host', $this->_plugin->get_lang('dbhost'), ['id' => 'id_vdbhost'] ); $form->applyFilter('db_host', 'trim'); // Database login. $form->addElement( 'text', 'db_user', $this->_plugin->get_lang('dbuser'), ['id' => 'id_vdbuser'] ); $form->applyFilter('db_user', 'trim'); // Database password. $form->addElement( 'password', 'db_password', $this->_plugin->get_lang('dbpassword'), ['id' => 'id_vdbpassword'] ); // Database name. $form->addText( 'main_database', [ $plugin->get_lang('maindatabase'), $plugin->get_lang('DatabaseDescription'), ] ); // Button for testing database connection. $form->addElement( 'button', 'testconnection', $this->_plugin->get_lang('testconnection'), 'check', 'default', 'default', '', 'onclick="opencnxpopup(\''.$_configuration['root_web'].'\'); return false;"' ); $form->addText('archive_url', $this->_plugin->get_lang('ArchiveUrl')); $form->addText('home_url', $this->_plugin->get_lang('HomeUrl')); $form->addText('upload_url', $this->_plugin->get_lang('UploadUrl')); $form->addText( 'css_theme_folder', [ $this->_plugin->get_lang('ThemeFolder'), $this->_plugin->get_lang('ThemeFolderExplanation'), ], false ); //$form->addText('course_url', $this->_plugin->get_lang('CourseUrl')); /** * Template selection. */ if ($this->is_in_add_mode()) { $form->addElement('header', $this->_plugin->get_lang('templating')); $templateoptions = Virtual::getAvailableTemplates(); // Template choice $form->addSelect( 'template', $this->_plugin->get_lang('template'), $templateoptions ); } else { if ($this->instance) { $form->addLabel( 'slug', $this->instance['slug'] ); $form->addLabel( 'archive_real_root', api_add_trailing_slash(Virtual::getConfig('vchamilo', 'archive_real_root')). $this->instance['slug'] ); $form->addLabel( 'course_real_root', api_add_trailing_slash(Virtual::getConfig('vchamilo', 'course_real_root')). $this->instance['slug'] ); $form->addLabel( 'home_real_root', api_add_trailing_slash(Virtual::getConfig('vchamilo', 'home_real_root')).$this->instance['slug'] ); $form->addLabel( 'upload_real_root', api_add_trailing_slash(Virtual::getConfig('vchamilo', 'upload_real_root')).$this->instance['slug'] ); $form->addLabel( $this->_plugin->get_lang('template'), $this->instance['template'] ); } } $form->addButtonSave( $this->_plugin->get_lang('savechanges'), 'submitbutton' ); // Rules $form->addRule( 'sitename', $this->_plugin->get_lang('sitenameinputerror'), 'required', null, 'client' ); $form->addRule( 'institution', $this->_plugin->get_lang('institutioninputerror'), 'required', null, 'client' ); $form->addRule( 'root_web', $this->_plugin->get_lang('rootwebinputerror'), 'required', null, 'client' ); $form->addRule( 'main_database', $this->_plugin->get_lang('databaseinputerror'), 'required', null, 'client' ); } /** * @param array $data * @param null $files * * @return array */ public function validation($data, $files = null) { global $plugin; $errors = []; $tablename = Database::get_main_table('vchamilo'); $vchamilo = Database::select( '*', $tablename, ['where' => [' root_web = ? ' => [$data['root_web']]]], 'first' ); if ($vchamilo && isset($data['vid']) && $data['vid'] != $vchamilo['id']) { $errors['root_web'] = $plugin->get_lang('RootWebExists'); } if (!empty($errors)) { return $errors; } } }