run() method. * This method renders a page depending of the URL, for example when entering * to "/web/index" Chamilo will call the controller "IndexController->indexAction()". This is * because a router was assigned in the router.php file * * $app->get('/index', 'index.controller:indexAction')->bind('index'); * * The "index.controller:indexAction" string is transformed (due a * controller - service approach) into the method: * ChamiloLMS\Controller\IndexController->indexAction() see more * at: * The class is loaded automatically (no require_once needed) thanks to the * namespace ChamiloLMS added in Composer. * The location of the file is src\ChamiloLMS\Controller\IndexController.php * following the PSR-1 standards. */ /** @var \Silex\Application $app */ $app->run(); //$app['http_cache']->run();