'Field',1=>'Type',2=>'Null',3=>'Key',4=>'Default',5=>'Extra'); /********************************/ $all_db_changes = array(); echo "

Databases structure comparison script

"; //iterate through databases given above (checking from the 'new' database side) foreach($bases_new as $num_base=>$base) { //init tables lists for this database $modif_tables=array(); $tables_db_new=array(); $tables_db_old=array(); $dump=array(); //display current processed database echo "

Now analysing differences between databases $base and ".$bases_old[$num_base]."

"; //get a list of tables for this database $query_new="SHOW TABLES FROM ".$bases_new[$num_base]; $result_new=mysql_query($query_new,$db_new); if($result_new) //if there are tables in this database { $i=0; //as there are tables, process them one by one while($row_new=mysql_fetch_row($result_new)) { $dump[$i]['table_name']=$row_new[0]; $dump[$i]['fields']=array(); $query_old="SHOW FIELDS FROM ".$bases_new[$num_base].".".$row_new[0]; $result_old=mysql_query($query_old,$db_old) or die(mysql_error()); $j=0; //get the fields details (numbered fields) while($row_old=mysql_fetch_row($result_old)) { $dump[$i]['fields'][$j][0]=$row_old[0]; $dump[$i]['fields'][$j][1]=$row_old[1]; $dump[$i]['fields'][$j][2]=$row_old[2]; $dump[$i]['fields'][$j][3]=$row_old[3]; $dump[$i]['fields'][$j][4]=$row_old[4]; $dump[$i]['fields'][$j][5]=$row_old[5]; //get the field name in one special element of this array $dump[$i]['field_names'][$row_old[0]]=$j; $j++; } $i++; } foreach($dump as $table) { $query="SHOW FIELDS FROM ".$bases_old[$num_base].".".$table['table_name']; $result=mysql_query($query,$db_old); if(!$result) { $modif_tables[]='**'.$table['table_name'].'**'; } else { $i=0; //check for removed, new or modified fields $fields_old = array(); $fields_new = array(); //list the new fields in a enumeration array foreach($table['field_names'] as $dummy_key=>$dummy_field){ $fields_new[] = $dummy_key; } //list the old fields in an enumeration array and check if their corresponding //field in the new table is different (if any) $modif_fields = array(); while($row_old = mysql_fetch_row($result)){ $fields_old[] = $row_old[0]; $modif_field = ''; if(isset($table['fields'][$table['field_names'][$row_old[0]]])){ $field_infos=$table['fields'][$table['field_names'][$row_old[0]]]; foreach($row_old as $key=>$enreg) { //if the old field information of this kind doesn't match the new, record it if($row_old[$key] != $field_infos[$key]) { $modif_field .='~+~'.$field_details[$key].'~+~,'; break; } } //only record the whole stuff if the string is not empty if(strlen($modif_field)>0){ $modif_fields[$row_old[0]] .= substr($modif_field,0,-1); } } } $new_fields = array_diff($fields_new,$fields_old); foreach($new_fields as $dummy=>$val){ $new_fields[$dummy] = '++'.$val.'++'; } $old_fields = array_diff($fields_old,$fields_new); foreach($old_fields as $dummy=>$val){ $old_fields[$dummy] = '--'.$val.'--'; } if(count($old_fields)>0 or count($modif_fields)>0 or count($new_fields)>0 ){ $modif_tables[]=array( 'table'=>$table['table_name'], 'old_fields'=>$old_fields, 'changed_fields'=>$modif_fields, 'new_fields'=>$new_fields, ); } } $tables_db_new[]=$table['table_name']; } $query="SHOW TABLES FROM ".$bases_old[$num_base]; $result=mysql_query($query,$db_old) or die(mysql_error()); while($row=mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $tables_db_old[]=$row[0]; } $diff=array_diff($tables_db_old,$tables_db_new); foreach($diff as $enreg) { $modif_tables[]='---'.$enreg.'---'; } //$modif_tables=array_unique($modif_tables); //deprecated with the structure complexification }else{ //this database was removed in the new version $query="SHOW TABLES FROM ".$bases_old[$num_base]; $result=mysql_query($query,$db_old) or die(mysql_error()); while($row=mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $tables_db_old[]=$row[0]; } $diff=array_diff($tables_db_old,$tables_db_new); foreach($diff as $enreg) { $modif_tables[]='---'.$enreg.'---'; } $modif_tables=array_unique($modif_tables); echo "

This database has been removed!

"; } echo "

Differences between each table

" . "- fields display under each table's name,
" . "- new tables are surrounded by '**',
" . "- removed tables are surrounded by '---',
" . "- new fields are surrounded by '++',
" . "- removed fields are surrounded by '--',
" . "- modified fields are surrounded by '~+~',
"; echo '
'; $all_db_changes[$base] = $modif_tables; } mysql_close($db_new); mysql_close($db_old); echo "

Generating SQL

"; //going through all databases changes foreach($all_db_changes as $base => $changes){ echo "

SQL for DB $base

"; foreach($changes as $table){ if(is_array($table)){ //we have a field-level difference $mytable = $table['table']; $myold = $table['old_fields']; $mychanged = $table['changed_fields']; $mynew = $table['new_fields']; foreach($myold as $myname){ //column lost, display DROP command $myname = str_replace('--','',$myname); echo "ALTER TABLE ".$mytable." DROP ".$myname."
"; } foreach($mychanged as $myname=>$myprop){ //field changed, display SET command $myprops = split(',',$myprop); $myprops_string = ''; foreach($myprops as $myprop){ $myprop = str_replace('~+~','',$myprop); $myprops_string .= $myprop." "; } echo "ALTER TABLE ".$mytable." CHANGE $myname $myname $myprops_string
"; } foreach($mynew as $myname){ //column created, display ADD command $myname = str_replace('++','',$myname); echo "ALTER TABLE ".$mytable." ADD $myname...
"; } }else{ //we have a table-level difference $open_tag = substr($table,0,2); switch($open_tag){ case '**': //new table, display CREATE TABLE command $table = str_replace('**','',$table); echo "CREATE TABLE ".$table."();
"; break; case '--': //dropped table, display DROP TABLE command $table = str_replace('---','',$table); echo "DROP TABLE ".$table."();
"; break; default: echo "Unknown table problem: ".$table."
"; break; } } } } ?>