* @author Guillaume Viguier * * @since Chamilo 1.8.7 * @package chamilo.admin */ define('CSS_UPLOAD_PATH', api_get_path(SYS_APP_PATH).'Resources/public/css/themes/'); /** * This function allows easy activating and inactivating of regions * @author Julio Montoya Beeznest 2012 */ function handleRegions() { if (isset($_POST['submit_plugins'])) { storeRegions(); // Add event to the system log. $user_id = api_get_user_id(); $category = $_GET['category']; Event::addEvent( LOG_CONFIGURATION_SETTINGS_CHANGE, LOG_CONFIGURATION_SETTINGS_CATEGORY, $category, api_get_utc_datetime(), $user_id ); Display :: display_confirmation_message(get_lang('SettingsStored')); } $plugin_obj = new AppPlugin(); $possible_plugins = $plugin_obj->read_plugins_from_path(); $installed_plugins = $plugin_obj->get_installed_plugins(); echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; /* We display all the possible plugins and the checkboxes */ $plugin_region_list = array(); $my_plugin_list = $plugin_obj->get_plugin_regions(); foreach ($my_plugin_list as $plugin_item) { $plugin_region_list[$plugin_item] = $plugin_item; } // Removing course tool unset($plugin_region_list['course_tool_plugin']); foreach ($installed_plugins as $pluginName) { $plugin_info_file = api_get_path(SYS_PLUGIN_PATH).$pluginName.'/plugin.php'; if (file_exists($plugin_info_file)) { $plugin_info = array(); require $plugin_info_file; if (isset($_GET['name']) && $_GET['name'] === $pluginName) { echo ''; } else { echo ''; } echo ''; } } echo '
'; echo get_lang('Plugin'); echo ''; echo get_lang('Regions'); echo '
'; echo '

'.$plugin_info['title'].' v'.$plugin_info['version'].'

'; echo '


'; echo '
'; $selected_plugins = $plugin_obj->get_areas_by_plugin($pluginName); $region_list = []; $isAdminPlugin = isset($plugin_info['is_admin_plugin']) && $plugin_info['is_admin_plugin']; $isCoursePlugin = isset($plugin_info['is_course_plugin']) && $plugin_info['is_course_plugin']; if (!$isAdminPlugin && !$isCoursePlugin) { $region_list = $plugin_region_list; } else { if ($isAdminPlugin) { $region_list['menu_administrator'] = 'menu_administrator'; } if ($isCoursePlugin) { $region_list['course_tool_plugin'] = 'course_tool_plugin'; } } echo Display::select( 'plugin_'.$pluginName.'[]', $region_list, $selected_plugins, array('multiple' => 'multiple', 'style' => 'width:500px'), true, get_lang('None') ); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; } function handleExtensions() { echo Display::page_subheader(get_lang('ConfigureExtensions')); echo ''.get_lang('Ppt2lp').''; } /** * This function allows easy activating and inactivating of plugins * @todo: a similar function needs to be written to activate or inactivate additional tools. * @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University * @author Julio Montoya Beeznest 2012 */ function handlePlugins() { $plugin_obj = new AppPlugin(); $token = Security::get_token(); if (isset($_POST['submit_plugins'])) { storePlugins(); // Add event to the system log. $user_id = api_get_user_id(); $category = $_GET['category']; Event::addEvent( LOG_CONFIGURATION_SETTINGS_CHANGE, LOG_CONFIGURATION_SETTINGS_CATEGORY, $category, api_get_utc_datetime(), $user_id ); Display :: display_confirmation_message(get_lang('SettingsStored')); } $all_plugins = $plugin_obj->read_plugins_from_path(); $installed_plugins = $plugin_obj->get_installed_plugins(); // Plugins NOT installed echo Display::page_subheader(get_lang('Plugins')); echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; /*$plugin_list = array(); $my_plugin_list = $plugin_obj->get_plugin_regions(); foreach($my_plugin_list as $plugin_item) { $plugin_list[$plugin_item] = $plugin_item; }*/ foreach ($all_plugins as $pluginName) { $plugin_info_file = api_get_path(SYS_PLUGIN_PATH).$pluginName.'/plugin.php'; if (file_exists($plugin_info_file)) { $plugin_info = array(); require $plugin_info_file; if (in_array($pluginName, $installed_plugins)) { echo ''; } else { echo ''; } echo ''; } } echo '
'; echo get_lang('Action'); echo ''; echo get_lang('Description'); echo '
'; //Checkbox if (in_array($pluginName, $installed_plugins)) { echo ''; } else { echo ''; } echo ''; echo '

'.$plugin_info['title'].' v '.$plugin_info['version'].'

'; echo '


'; echo '

'.get_lang('Author').': '.$plugin_info['author'].'

'; echo '
'; if (in_array($pluginName, $installed_plugins)) { echo Display::url(' '.get_lang('Configure'), 'configure_plugin.php?name='.$pluginName, array('class' => 'btn btn-default')); echo Display::url(' '.get_lang('Regions'), 'settings.php?category=Regions&name='.$pluginName, array('class' => 'btn btn-default')); } if (file_exists(api_get_path(SYS_PLUGIN_PATH).$pluginName.'/readme.txt')) { echo Display::url( " readme.txt", api_get_path(WEB_PLUGIN_PATH) . $pluginName . "/readme.txt", [ 'class' => 'btn btn-default ajax', 'data-title' => $plugin_info['title'], 'data-size' => 'lg', '_target' => '_blank' ] ); } $readmeFile = api_get_path(SYS_PLUGIN_PATH).$pluginName.'/README.md'; if (file_exists($readmeFile)) { echo Display::url( " README.md", api_get_path(WEB_AJAX_PATH).'plugin.ajax.php?a=md_to_html&plugin='.$pluginName, [ 'class' => 'btn btn-default ajax', 'data-title' => $plugin_info['title'], 'data-size' => 'lg', '_target' => '_blank' ] ); } echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; } /** * This function allows the platform admin to choose the default stylesheet * @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University * @author Julio Montoya , Chamilo */ function handleStylesheets() { global $_configuration; // Current style. $currentstyle = api_get_setting('stylesheets'); $is_style_changeable = isStyleChangeable(); $form = new FormValidator( 'stylesheet_upload', 'post', 'settings.php?category=Stylesheets#tabs-3' ); $form->addElement('text', 'name_stylesheet', get_lang('NameStylesheet'), array('size' => '40', 'maxlength' => '40')); $form->addRule('name_stylesheet', get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'), 'required'); $form->addElement('file', 'new_stylesheet', get_lang('UploadNewStylesheet')); $allowed_file_types = getAllowedFileTypes(); $form->addRule('new_stylesheet', get_lang('InvalidExtension') . ' (' . implode(',', $allowed_file_types) . ')', 'filetype', $allowed_file_types); $form->addRule('new_stylesheet', get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'), 'required'); $form->addButtonUpload(get_lang('Upload'), 'stylesheet_upload'); $show_upload_form = false; if (!is_writable(CSS_UPLOAD_PATH)) { Display::display_error_message(CSS_UPLOAD_PATH.get_lang('IsNotWritable')); } else { // Uploading a new stylesheet. if ($_configuration['access_url'] == 1) { $show_upload_form = true; } else { if ($is_style_changeable) { $show_upload_form = true; } } } // Stylesheet upload. if (isset($_POST['stylesheet_upload'])) { if ($form->validate()) { $values = $form->exportValues(); $picture_element = $form->getElement('new_stylesheet'); $picture = $picture_element->getValue(); $result = uploadStylesheet($values, $picture); // Add event to the system log. $user_id = api_get_user_id(); $category = $_GET['category']; Event::addEvent( LOG_CONFIGURATION_SETTINGS_CHANGE, LOG_CONFIGURATION_SETTINGS_CATEGORY, $category, api_get_utc_datetime(), $user_id ); if ($result) { Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('StylesheetAdded')); } } } $form_change = new FormValidator( 'stylesheet_upload', 'post', api_get_self().'?category=Stylesheets', null, array('id' => 'stylesheets_id') ); $list_of_names = array(); $selected = ''; $dirpath = ''; $safe_style_dir = ''; if ($handle = @opendir(CSS_UPLOAD_PATH)) { $counter = 1; while (false !== ($style_dir = readdir($handle))) { if (substr($style_dir, 0, 1) == '.') { // Skip directories starting with a '.' continue; } $dirpath = CSS_UPLOAD_PATH.$style_dir; if (is_dir($dirpath)) { if ($style_dir != '.' && $style_dir != '..') { if (isset($_POST['style']) && (isset($_POST['preview']) || isset($_POST['download'])) && $_POST['style'] == $style_dir ) { $safe_style_dir = $style_dir; } else { if ($currentstyle == $style_dir || ($style_dir == 'chamilo' && !$currentstyle)) { if (isset($_POST['style'])) { $selected = Database::escape_string($_POST['style']); } else { $selected = $style_dir; } } } $show_name = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $style_dir)); if ($is_style_changeable) { $list_of_names[$style_dir] = $show_name; } $counter++; } } } closedir($handle); } // Sort styles in alphabetical order. asort($list_of_names); $select_list = array(); foreach ($list_of_names as $style_dir => $item) { $select_list[$style_dir] = $item; } $styles = &$form_change->addElement('select', 'style', get_lang('NameStylesheet'), $select_list); $styles->setSelected($selected); if ($form_change->validate()) { // Submit stylesheets. if (isset($_POST['save'])) { storeStylesheets(); Display::display_normal_message(get_lang('Saved')); } if (isset($_POST['download'])) { generateCSSDownloadLink($safe_style_dir); } } $logoForm = new FormValidator( 'logo_upload', 'post', 'settings.php?category=Stylesheets#tabs-2' ); $logoForm->addHtml( Display::return_message(sprintf(get_lang('TheLogoMustBeSizeXAndFormatY'), '250 x 70', 'PNG'), 'info') ); $dir = api_get_path(SYS_PUBLIC_PATH).'css/themes/' . $selected . '/images/'; $url = api_get_path(WEB_CSS_PATH).'themes/' . $selected . '/images/'; $logoFileName = 'header-logo.png'; $newLogoFileName = 'header-logo-custom' . api_get_current_access_url_id() . '.png'; $webPlatformLogoPath = ChamiloApi::getWebPlatformLogoPath(); if ($webPlatformLogoPath !== null) { $logoForm->addLabel( get_lang('CurrentLogo'), '' ); } $logoForm->addFile('new_logo', get_lang('UpdateLogo')); $allowedFileTypes = ['png']; if (isset($_POST['logo_reset'])) { if (is_file($dir.$newLogoFileName)) { unlink($dir.$newLogoFileName); echo Display::return_message(get_lang('ResetToTheOriginalLogo')); echo ''; } } elseif (isset($_POST['logo_upload'])) { $logoForm->addRule('new_logo', get_lang('InvalidExtension').' ('.implode(',', $allowedFileTypes).')', 'filetype', $allowedFileTypes); $logoForm->addRule('new_logo', get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'), 'required'); if ($logoForm->validate()) { $imageInfo = getimagesize($_FILES['new_logo']['tmp_name']); $width = $imageInfo[0]; $height = $imageInfo[1]; if ($width <= 250 && $height <= 70) { if (is_file($dir.$newLogoFileName)) { unlink($dir.$newLogoFileName); } $status = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['new_logo']['tmp_name'], $dir.$newLogoFileName); if ($status) { echo Display::return_message(get_lang('NewLogoUpdated')); echo ''; } else { echo Display::return_message('Error - '.get_lang('UplNoFileUploaded'), 'error'); } } else { Display::return_message('Error - '.get_lang('InvalidImageDimensions'), 'error'); } } } if ($is_style_changeable) { $group = [ $form_change->addButtonSave(get_lang('SaveSettings'), 'save', true), $form_change->addButtonPreview(get_lang('Preview'), 'preview', true), $form_change->addButtonDownload(get_lang('Download'), 'download', true) ]; $form_change->addGroup($group); $logoGroup = [ $logoForm->addButtonUpload(get_lang('Upload'), 'logo_upload', true), $logoForm->addButtonCancel(get_lang('Reset'), 'logo_reset', true) ]; $logoForm->addGroup($logoGroup); if ($show_upload_form) { echo ''; echo Display::tabs( array(get_lang('Update'),get_lang('UpdateLogo'), get_lang('UploadNewStylesheet')), array($form_change->return_form(), $logoForm->returnForm(), $form->returnForm()) ); } else { $form_change->display(); } //Little hack to update the logo image in update form when submiting if (isset($_POST['logo_reset'])) { echo ''; } elseif (isset($_POST['logo_upload']) && is_file($dir.$newLogoFileName)) { echo ''; } } else { $form_change->freeze(); } } /** * Creates the folder (if needed) and uploads the stylesheet in it * @param array $values the values of the form * @param array $picture the values of the uploaded file * @return bool * @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University, Belgium * @version May 2008 * @since v1.8.5 */ function uploadStylesheet($values, $picture) { $result = false; // Valid name for the stylesheet folder. $style_name = api_preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9]/', '', $values['name_stylesheet']); $cssToUpload = CSS_UPLOAD_PATH; // Create the folder if needed. if (!is_dir($cssToUpload.$style_name.'/')) { mkdir($cssToUpload.$style_name.'/', api_get_permissions_for_new_directories()); } $info = pathinfo($picture['name']); if ($info['extension'] == 'zip') { // Try to open the file and extract it in the theme. $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open($picture['tmp_name'])) { // Make sure all files inside the zip are images or css. $num_files = $zip->numFiles; $valid = true; $single_directory = true; $invalid_files = array(); $allowedFiles = getAllowedFileTypes(); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_files; $i++) { $file = $zip->statIndex($i); if (substr($file['name'], -1) != '/') { $path_parts = pathinfo($file['name']); if (!in_array($path_parts['extension'], $allowedFiles)) { $valid = false; $invalid_files[] = $file['name']; } } if (strpos($file['name'], '/') === false) { $single_directory = false; } } if (!$valid) { $error_string = '
    '; foreach ($invalid_files as $invalid_file) { $error_string .= '
  • '.$invalid_file.'
  • '; } $error_string .= '
'; Display::display_error_message( get_lang('ErrorStylesheetFilesExtensionsInsideZip').$error_string, false ); } else { // If the zip does not contain a single directory, extract it. if (!$single_directory) { // Extract zip file. $zip->extractTo($cssToUpload.$style_name.'/'); $result = true; } else { $extraction_path = $cssToUpload.$style_name.'/'; for ($i = 0; $i < $num_files; $i++) { $entry = $zip->getNameIndex($i); if (substr($entry, -1) == '/') { continue; } $pos_slash = strpos($entry, '/'); $entry_without_first_dir = substr($entry, $pos_slash + 1); // If there is still a slash, we need to make sure the directories are created. if (strpos($entry_without_first_dir, '/') !== false) { if (!is_dir($extraction_path.dirname($entry_without_first_dir))) { // Create it. @mkdir($extraction_path.dirname($entry_without_first_dir), $mode = 0777, true); } } $fp = $zip->getStream($entry); $ofp = fopen($extraction_path.dirname($entry_without_first_dir).'/'.basename($entry), 'w'); while (!feof($fp)) { fwrite($ofp, fread($fp, 8192)); } fclose($fp); fclose($ofp); } $result = true; } } $zip->close(); } else { Display::display_error_message(get_lang('ErrorReadingZip').$info['extension'], false); } } else { // Simply move the file. move_uploaded_file($picture['tmp_name'], $cssToUpload.$style_name.'/'.$picture['name']); $result = true; } if ($result) { $fs = new Filesystem(); $fs->mirror($cssToUpload, api_get_path(SYS_PATH).'web/css/themes/'); } return $result; } /** * Store plugin regions. */ function storeRegions() { $plugin_obj = new AppPlugin(); // Get a list of all current 'Plugins' settings $installed_plugins = $plugin_obj->get_installed_plugins(); $shortlist_installed = array(); if (!empty($installed_plugins)) { foreach ($installed_plugins as $plugin) { if (isset($plugin['subkey'])) { $shortlist_installed[] = $plugin['subkey']; } } } $shortlist_installed = array_flip(array_flip($shortlist_installed)); $plugin_list = $plugin_obj->read_plugins_from_path(); foreach ($plugin_list as $plugin) { if (isset($_POST['plugin_'.$plugin])) { $areas_to_installed = $_POST['plugin_'.$plugin]; if (!empty($areas_to_installed)) { $plugin_obj->remove_all_regions($plugin); foreach ($areas_to_installed as $region) { if (!empty($region) && $region != '-1' ) { $plugin_obj->add_to_region($plugin, $region); } } } } } } /** * This function allows easy activating and inactivating of plugins * @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University */ function storePlugins() { $appPlugin = new AppPlugin(); // Get a list of all current 'Plugins' settings $plugin_list = $appPlugin->read_plugins_from_path(); $installed_plugins = array(); foreach ($plugin_list as $plugin) { if (isset($_POST['plugin_'.$plugin])) { $appPlugin->install($plugin); $installed_plugins[] = $plugin; } } if (!empty($installed_plugins)) { $remove_plugins = array_diff($plugin_list, $installed_plugins); } else { $remove_plugins = $plugin_list; } foreach ($remove_plugins as $plugin) { $appPlugin->uninstall($plugin); } } /** * This function allows the platform admin to choose which should be the default stylesheet * @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University */ function storeStylesheets() { // Insert the stylesheet. if (isStyle($_POST['style'])) { api_set_setting( 'stylesheets', $_POST['style'], null, 'stylesheets', api_get_current_access_url_id() ); } return true; } /** * This function checks if the given style is a recognize style that exists in the css directory as * a standalone directory. * @param string Style * @return bool True if this style is recognized, false otherwise */ function isStyle($style) { $dir = CSS_UPLOAD_PATH; $dirs = scandir($dir); $style = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), array('', ''), $style); // Avoid slashes or backslashes. if (in_array($style, $dirs) && is_dir($dir.$style)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Search options * TODO: support for multiple site. aka $_configuration['access_url'] == 1 * @author Marco Villegas */ function handleSearch() { global $SettingsStored, $_configuration; require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'specific_fields_manager.lib.php'; $search_enabled = api_get_setting('search_enabled'); $form = new FormValidator('search-options', 'post', api_get_self().'?category=Search'); $values = api_get_settings_options('search_enabled'); $form->addElement('header', null, get_lang('SearchEnabledTitle')); $group = formGenerateElementsGroup($form, $values, 'search_enabled'); //SearchEnabledComment $form->addGroup($group, 'search_enabled', array(get_lang('SearchEnabledTitle'), get_lang('SearchEnabledComment')), null, false); $search_enabled = api_get_setting('search_enabled'); if ($form->validate()) { $formValues = $form->exportValues(); setConfigurationSettingsInDatabase($formValues, $_configuration['access_url']); $search_enabled = $formValues['search_enabled']; Display::display_confirmation_message($SettingsStored); } $specific_fields = get_specific_field_list(); if ($search_enabled == 'true') { $values = api_get_settings_options('search_show_unlinked_results'); $group = formGenerateElementsGroup($form, $values, 'search_show_unlinked_results'); $form->addGroup($group, 'search_show_unlinked_results', array(get_lang('SearchShowUnlinkedResultsTitle'),get_lang('SearchShowUnlinkedResultsComment')), null, false); $default_values['search_show_unlinked_results'] = api_get_setting('search_show_unlinked_results'); $sf_values = array(); foreach ($specific_fields as $sf) { $sf_values[$sf['code']] = $sf['name']; } $url = Display::div(Display::url(get_lang('AddSpecificSearchField'), 'specific_fields.php'), array('class'=>'sectioncomment')); if (empty($sf_values)) { $form->addElement('label', [get_lang('SearchPrefilterPrefix'), $url]); } else { $form->addElement('select', 'search_prefilter_prefix', array(get_lang('SearchPrefilterPrefix'), $url), $sf_values, ''); $default_values['search_prefilter_prefix'] = api_get_setting('search_prefilter_prefix'); } } $default_values['search_enabled'] = $search_enabled; $form->addButtonSave(get_lang('Save')); $form->setDefaults($default_values); echo '
'; $form->display(); echo '
'; if ($search_enabled == 'true') { $xapianPath = api_get_path(SYS_UPLOAD_PATH).'plugins/xapian/searchdb'; /* @todo Test the Xapian connection if (extension_loaded('xapian')) { require_once 'xapian.php'; try { $db = new XapianDatabase($xapianPath.'/'); } catch (Exception $e) { var_dump($e->getMessage()); } require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'search/ChamiloIndexer.class.php'; require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'search/IndexableChunk.class.php'; require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'specific_fields_manager.lib.php'; $indexable = new IndexableChunk(); $indexable->addValue("content", 'Test'); $di = new ChamiloIndexer(); $di->connectDb(NULL, NULL, 'english'); $di->addChunk($indexable); $did = $di->index(); } */ $xapianLoaded = Display::return_icon('bullet_green.png', get_lang('Ok')); $dir_exists = Display::return_icon('bullet_green.png', get_lang('Ok')); $dir_is_writable = Display::return_icon('bullet_green.png', get_lang('Ok')); $specific_fields_exists = Display::return_icon('bullet_green.png', get_lang('Ok')); //Testing specific fields if (empty($specific_fields)) { $specific_fields_exists = Display::return_icon('bullet_red.png', get_lang('AddSpecificSearchField')); } //Testing xapian extension if (!extension_loaded('xapian')) { $xapianLoaded = Display::return_icon('bullet_red.png', get_lang('Error')); } //Testing xapian searchdb path if (!is_dir($xapianPath)) { $dir_exists = Display::return_icon('bullet_red.png', get_lang('Error')); } //Testing xapian searchdb path is writable if (!is_writable($xapianPath)) { $dir_is_writable = Display::return_icon('bullet_red.png', get_lang('Error')); } $data = array(); $data[] = array(get_lang('XapianModuleInstalled'), $xapianLoaded); $data[] = array(get_lang('DirectoryExists').' - '.$xapianPath, $dir_exists); $data[] = array(get_lang('IsWritable').' - '.$xapianPath, $dir_is_writable); $data[] = array(get_lang('SpecificSearchFieldsAvailable'), $specific_fields_exists); showSearchSettingsTable($data); showSearchToolsStatusTable(); } } /** * Wrapper for the templates * * @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University, Belgium * @author Julio Montoya. * @version August 2008 * @since v1.8.6 */ function handleTemplates() { /* Drive-by fix to avoid undefined var warnings, without repeating * isset() combos all over the place. */ $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : "invalid"; if ($action != 'add') { echo ''; } if ($action == 'add' || ($action == 'edit' && is_numeric($_GET['id']))) { addEditTemplate(); // Add event to the system log. $user_id = api_get_user_id(); $category = $_GET['category']; Event::addEvent( LOG_CONFIGURATION_SETTINGS_CHANGE, LOG_CONFIGURATION_SETTINGS_CATEGORY, $category, api_get_utc_datetime(), $user_id ); } else { if ($action == 'delete' && is_numeric($_GET['id'])) { deleteTemplate($_GET['id']); // Add event to the system log $user_id = api_get_user_id(); $category = $_GET['category']; Event::addEvent( LOG_CONFIGURATION_SETTINGS_CHANGE, LOG_CONFIGURATION_SETTINGS_CATEGORY, $category, api_get_utc_datetime(), $user_id ); } displayTemplates(); } } /** * Display a sortable table with all the templates that the platform administrator has defined. * * @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University, Belgium * @version August 2008 * @since v1.8.6 */ function displayTemplates() { $table = new SortableTable('templates', 'getNumberOfTemplates', 'getTemplateData', 1); $table->set_additional_parameters(array('category' => Security::remove_XSS($_GET['category']))); $table->set_header(0, get_lang('Image'), true, array('style' => 'width: 101px;')); $table->set_header(1, get_lang('Title')); $table->set_header(2, get_lang('Actions'), false, array('style' => 'width:50px;')); $table->set_column_filter(2, 'actionsFilter'); $table->set_column_filter(0, 'searchImageFilter'); $table->display(); } /** * Gets the number of templates that are defined by the platform admin. * * @return integer * * @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University, Belgium * @version August 2008 * @since v1.8.6 */ function getNumberOfTemplates() { // Database table definition. $table_system_template = Database :: get_main_table('system_template'); // The sql statement. $sql = "SELECT COUNT(id) AS total FROM $table_system_template"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); // Returning the number of templates. return $row['total']; } /** * Gets all the template data for the sortable table. * * @param integer $from the start of the limit statement * @param integer $number_of_items the number of elements that have to be retrieved from the database * @param integer $column the column that is * @param string $direction the sorting direction (ASC or DESC� * @return array * * @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University, Belgium * @version August 2008 * @since v1.8.6 */ function getTemplateData($from, $number_of_items, $column, $direction) { // Database table definition. $table_system_template = Database :: get_main_table('system_template'); // The sql statement. $sql = "SELECT image as col0, title as col1, id as col2 FROM $table_system_template"; $sql .= " ORDER BY col$column $direction "; $sql .= " LIMIT $from,$number_of_items"; $result = Database::query($sql); $return = array(); while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)) { $row['1'] = get_lang($row['1']); $return[] = $row; } // Returning all the information for the sortable table. return $return; } /** * display the edit and delete icons in the sortable table * * @param integer $id the id of the template * @return string code for the link to edit and delete the template * * @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University, Belgium * @version August 2008 * @since v1.8.6 */ function actionsFilter($id) { $return = ''.Display::return_icon('edit.png', get_lang('Edit'),'',ICON_SIZE_SMALL).''; $return .= ''.Display::return_icon('delete.png', get_lang('Delete'),'',ICON_SIZE_SMALL).''; return $return; } /** * Display the image of the template in the sortable table * * @param string $image the image * @return string code for the image * * @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University, Belgium * @version August 2008 * @since v1.8.6 */ function searchImageFilter($image) { if (!empty($image)) { return ''.get_lang('TemplatePreview').''; } else { return ''.get_lang('NoTemplatePreview').''; } } /** * Add (or edit) a template. This function displays the form and also takes * care of uploading the image and storing the information in the database * * @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University, Belgium * @version August 2008 * @since v1.8.6 */ function addEditTemplate() { // Initialize the object. $id = isset($_GET['id']) ? '&id='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['id']) : ''; $form = new FormValidator('template', 'post', 'settings.php?category=Templates&action='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['action']).$id); // Setting the form elements: the header. if ($_GET['action'] == 'add') { $title = get_lang('AddTemplate'); } else { $title = get_lang('EditTemplate'); } $form->addElement('header', '', $title); // Setting the form elements: the title of the template. $form->addText('title', get_lang('Title'), false); // Setting the form elements: the content of the template (wysiwyg editor). $form->addElement('html_editor', 'template_text', get_lang('Text'), null, array('ToolbarSet' => 'AdminTemplates', 'Width' => '100%', 'Height' => '400')); // Setting the form elements: the form to upload an image to be used with the template. $form->addElement('file','template_image',get_lang('Image'),''); // Setting the form elements: a little bit information about the template image. $form->addElement('static', 'file_comment', '', get_lang('TemplateImageComment100x70')); // Getting all the information of the template when editing a template. if ($_GET['action'] == 'edit') { // Database table definition. $table_system_template = Database :: get_main_table('system_template'); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_system_template WHERE id = ".intval($_GET['id']).""; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); $defaults['template_id'] = intval($_GET['id']); $defaults['template_text'] = $row['content']; // Forcing get_lang(). $defaults['title'] = get_lang($row['title']); // Adding an extra field: a hidden field with the id of the template we are editing. $form->addElement('hidden', 'template_id'); // Adding an extra field: a preview of the image that is currently used. if (!empty($row['image'])) { $form->addElement('static', 'template_image_preview', '', '' . get_lang('TemplatePreview') . ''); } else { $form->addElement('static', 'template_image_preview', '', '' . get_lang('NoTemplatePreview') . ''); } // Setting the information of the template that we are editing. $form->setDefaults($defaults); } // Setting the form elements: the submit button. $form->addButtonSave(get_lang('Ok'), 'submit'); // Setting the rules: the required fields. $form->addRule('template_image', get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'), 'required'); $form->addRule('title', get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'), 'required'); $form->addRule('template_text', get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'), 'required'); // if the form validates (complies to all rules) we save the information, else we display the form again (with error message if needed) if ($form->validate()) { $check = Security::check_token('post'); if ($check) { // Exporting the values. $values = $form->exportValues(); // Upload the file. if (!empty($_FILES['template_image']['name'])) { $upload_ok = process_uploaded_file($_FILES['template_image']); if ($upload_ok) { // Try to add an extension to the file if it hasn't one. $new_file_name = add_ext_on_mime(stripslashes($_FILES['template_image']['name']), $_FILES['template_image']['type']); // The upload directory. $upload_dir = api_get_path(SYS_APP_PATH).'home/default_platform_document/template_thumb/'; // Create the directory if it does not exist. if (!is_dir($upload_dir)) { mkdir($upload_dir, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories()); } // Resize the preview image to max default and upload. $temp = new Image($_FILES['template_image']['tmp_name']); $picture_info = $temp->get_image_info(); $max_width_for_picture = 100; if ($picture_info['width'] > $max_width_for_picture) { $temp->resize($max_width_for_picture); } $temp->send_image($upload_dir.$new_file_name); } } // Store the information in the database (as insert or as update). $table_system_template = Database :: get_main_table('system_template'); if ($_GET['action'] == 'add') { $content_template = Security::remove_XSS($values['template_text'], COURSEMANAGERLOWSECURITY); $params = [ 'title' => $values['title'], 'content' => $content_template, 'image' => $new_file_name ]; Database::insert($table_system_template, $params); // Display a feedback message. Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('TemplateAdded')); echo ''.Display::return_icon('new_template.png', get_lang('AddTemplate'),'',ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM).''; } else { $content_template = '{CSS}'.Database::escape_string($values['template_text']).''; $sql = "UPDATE $table_system_template set title = '".Database::escape_string($values['title'])."', content = '".$content_template."'"; if (!empty($new_file_name)) { $sql .= ", image = '".Database::escape_string($new_file_name)."'"; } $sql .= " WHERE id = ".intval($_GET['id']).""; Database::query($sql); // Display a feedback message. Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('TemplateEdited')); } } Security::clear_token(); displayTemplates(); } else { $token = Security::get_token(); $form->addElement('hidden','sec_token'); $form->setConstants(array('sec_token' => $token)); // Display the form. $form->display(); } } /** * Delete a template * * @param integer $id the id of the template that has to be deleted * * @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University, Belgium * @version August 2008 * @since v1.8.6 */ function deleteTemplate($id) { // First we remove the image. $table_system_template = Database :: get_main_table('system_template'); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_system_template WHERE id = ".intval($id).""; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); if (!empty($row['image'])) { @unlink(api_get_path(SYS_APP_PATH).'home/default_platform_document/template_thumb/'.$row['image']); } // Now we remove it from the database. $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_system_template WHERE id = ".intval($id).""; Database::query($sql); // Display a feedback message. Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('TemplateDeleted')); } /** * Returns the list of timezone identifiers used to populate the select * This function is called through a call_user_func() in the generate_settings_form function. * @return array List of timezone identifiers * * @author Guillaume Viguier * @since Chamilo 1.8.7 */ function select_timezone_value() { return api_get_timezones(); } /** * Returns an array containing the list of options used to populate the gradebook_number_decimals variable * This function is called through a call_user_func() in the generate_settings_form function. * @return array List of gradebook_number_decimals options * * @author Guillaume Viguier */ function select_gradebook_number_decimals() { return array('0', '1', '2'); } /** * Get the options for a select element to select gradebook default grade model * @return array */ function select_gradebook_default_grade_model_id() { $grade_model = new GradeModel(); $models = $grade_model->get_all(); $options = array(); $options[-1] = get_lang('None'); if (!empty($models)) { foreach ($models as $model) { $options[$model['id']] = $model['name']; } } return $options; } /** * @param array $settings * @param array $settings_by_access_list * * @return FormValidator * * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\ORMException * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\OptimisticLockException * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\TransactionRequiredException */ function generateSettingsForm($settings, $settings_by_access_list) { global $_configuration, $settings_to_avoid, $convert_byte_to_mega_list; $em = Database::getManager(); $table_settings_current = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SETTINGS_CURRENT); $form = new FormValidator('settings', 'post', 'settings.php?category='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['category'])); $form->addElement( 'hidden', 'search_field', (!empty($_GET['search_field']) ? Security::remove_XSS($_GET['search_field']) : null) ); $url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id(); /* if (!empty($_configuration['multiple_access_urls']) && api_is_global_platform_admin() && $url_id == 1) { $group = array(); $group[] = $form->createElement('button', 'mark_all', get_lang('MarkAll')); $group[] = $form->createElement('button', 'unmark_all', get_lang('UnmarkAll')); $form->addGroup($group, 'buttons_in_action_right'); }*/ $default_values = array(); $url_info = api_get_access_url($url_id); $i = 0; $addedSettings = []; foreach ($settings as $row) { if (in_array($row['variable'], array_keys($settings_to_avoid))) { continue; } if (in_array($row['variable'], $addedSettings)) { continue; } $addedSettings[] = $row['variable']; if (!empty($_configuration['multiple_access_urls'])) { if (api_is_global_platform_admin()) { if ($row['access_url_locked'] == 0) { if ($url_id == 1) { if ($row['access_url_changeable'] == '1') { $form->addElement( 'html', '' ); } else { $form->addElement( 'html', '' ); } } else { if ($row['access_url_changeable'] == '1') { $form->addElement( 'html', '
'. Display::return_icon('shared_setting.png', get_lang('ChangeSharedSetting'), null, ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM ).'
' ); } else { $form->addElement( 'html', '
'. Display::return_icon('shared_setting_na.png', get_lang('ChangeSharedSetting'), null, ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM ).'
' ); } } } } } $hideme = array(); $hide_element = false; if ($_configuration['access_url'] != 1) { if ($row['access_url_changeable'] == 0) { // We hide the element in other cases (checkbox, radiobutton) we 'freeze' the element. $hide_element = true; $hideme = array('disabled'); } elseif ($url_info['active'] == 1) { // We show the elements. if (empty($row['variable'])) { $row['variable'] = 0; } if (empty($row['subkey'])) { $row['subkey'] = 0; } if (empty($row['category'])) { $row['category'] = 0; } if (isset($settings_by_access_list[$row['variable']]) && is_array($settings_by_access_list[$row['variable']][$row['subkey']][$row['category']])) { // We are sure that the other site have a selected value. if ($settings_by_access_list[$row['variable']][$row['subkey']][$row['category']]['selected_value'] != '') { $row['selected_value'] = $settings_by_access_list[$row['variable']][$row['subkey']][$row['category']]['selected_value']; } } // There is no else{} statement because we load the default $row['selected_value'] of the main Chamilo site. } } switch ($row['type']) { case 'textfield': if (in_array($row['variable'], $convert_byte_to_mega_list)) { $form->addElement( 'text', $row['variable'], array( get_lang($row['title']), get_lang($row['comment']), get_lang('MB') ), array('maxlength' => '8') ); $form->applyFilter($row['variable'], 'html_filter'); $default_values[$row['variable']] = round($row['selected_value']/1024/1024, 1); } elseif ($row['variable'] == 'account_valid_duration') { $form->addElement( 'text', $row['variable'], array( get_lang($row['title']), get_lang($row['comment']), ), array('maxlength' => '5') ); $form->applyFilter($row['variable'], 'html_filter'); $default_values[$row['variable']] = $row['selected_value']; // For platform character set selection: Conversion of the textfield to a select box with valid values. } elseif ($row['variable'] == 'platform_charset') { continue; } else { $hideme['class'] = 'col-md-4'; $form->addElement( 'text', $row['variable'], array( get_lang($row['title']), get_lang($row['comment']) ), $hideme ); $form->applyFilter($row['variable'],'html_filter'); $default_values[$row['variable']] = $row['selected_value']; } break; case 'textarea': if ($row['variable'] == 'header_extra_content') { $file = api_get_home_path().'header_extra_content.txt'; $value = ''; if (file_exists($file)) { $value = file_get_contents($file); } $form->addElement('textarea', $row['variable'], array(get_lang($row['title']), get_lang($row['comment'])) , array('rows'=>'10'), $hideme); $default_values[$row['variable']] = $value; } elseif ($row['variable'] == 'footer_extra_content') { $file = api_get_home_path().'footer_extra_content.txt'; $value = ''; if (file_exists($file)) { $value = file_get_contents($file); } $form->addElement('textarea', $row['variable'], array(get_lang($row['title']), get_lang($row['comment'])) , array('rows'=>'10'), $hideme); $default_values[$row['variable']] = $value; } else { $form->addElement('textarea', $row['variable'], array(get_lang($row['title']), get_lang($row['comment'])) , array('rows'=>'10'), $hideme); $default_values[$row['variable']] = $row['selected_value']; } break; case 'radio': $values = api_get_settings_options($row['variable']); $group = array (); if (is_array($values)) { foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $element = &$form->createElement( 'radio', $row['variable'], '', get_lang($value['display_text']), $value['value'] ); if ($hide_element) { $element->freeze(); } $group[] = $element; } } $form->addGroup( $group, $row['variable'], array(get_lang($row['title']), get_lang($row['comment'])), null, false ); $default_values[$row['variable']] = $row['selected_value']; break; case 'checkbox': // 1. We collect all the options of this variable. $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_settings_current WHERE variable='".$row['variable']."' AND access_url = 1"; $result = Database::query($sql); $group = array (); while ($rowkeys = Database::fetch_array($result)) { // Profile tab option should be hidden when the social tool is enabled. if (api_get_setting('allow_social_tool') == 'true') { if ($rowkeys['variable'] === 'show_tabs' && $rowkeys['subkey'] === 'my_profile') { continue; } } // Hiding the gradebook option. if ($rowkeys['variable'] === 'show_tabs' && $rowkeys['subkey'] === 'my_gradebook') { continue; } $element = &$form->createElement( 'checkbox', $rowkeys['subkey'], '', get_lang($rowkeys['subkeytext']) ); if ($row['access_url_changeable'] == 1) { // 2. We look into the DB if there is a setting for a specific access_url. $access_url = $_configuration['access_url']; if (empty($access_url)) { $access_url = 1; } $sql = "SELECT selected_value FROM $table_settings_current WHERE variable='".$rowkeys['variable']."' AND subkey='".$rowkeys['subkey']."' AND subkeytext='".$rowkeys['subkeytext']."' AND access_url = $access_url"; $result_access = Database::query($sql); $row_access = Database::fetch_array($result_access); if ($row_access['selected_value'] === 'true' && !$form->isSubmitted()) { $element->setChecked(true); } } else { if ($rowkeys['selected_value'] === 'true' && !$form->isSubmitted()) { $element->setChecked(true); } } if ($hide_element) { $element->freeze(); } $group[] = $element; } $form->addGroup( $group, $row['variable'], array(get_lang($row['title']), get_lang($row['comment'])), null ); break; case 'link': $form->addElement('static', null, array(get_lang($row['title']), get_lang($row['comment'])), get_lang('CurrentValue') . ' : ' . $row['selected_value'], $hideme); break; case 'select': /* * To populate the list of options, the select type dynamically calls a function that must be called select_ + the name of the variable being displayed. * The functions being called must be added to the file settings.lib.php. */ $form->addElement( 'select', $row['variable'], array(get_lang($row['title']), get_lang($row['comment'])), call_user_func('select_'.$row['variable']), $hideme ); $default_values[$row['variable']] = $row['selected_value']; break; case 'custom': break; case 'select_course': $courseSelectOptions = []; if (!empty($row['selected_value'])) { $course = $em->find('ChamiloCoreBundle:Course', $row['selected_value']); $courseSelectOptions[$course->getId()] = $course->getTitle(); } $form->addElement( 'select_ajax', $row['variable'], [get_lang($row['title']), get_lang($row['comment'])], $courseSelectOptions, ['url' => api_get_path(WEB_AJAX_PATH) . 'course.ajax.php?a=search_course'] ); $default_values[$row['variable']] = $row['selected_value']; break; } switch ($row['variable']) { case 'pdf_export_watermark_enable': $url = PDF::get_watermark(null); if ($url != false) { $delete_url = ''.get_lang('DelImage').' '.Display::return_icon('delete.png',get_lang('DelImage')).''; $form->addElement('html', '
'); } $form->addElement('file', 'pdf_export_watermark_path', get_lang('AddWaterMark')); $allowed_picture_types = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'); $form->addRule('pdf_export_watermark_path', get_lang('OnlyImagesAllowed').' ('.implode(',', $allowed_picture_types).')', 'filetype', $allowed_picture_types); break; case 'timezone_value': $timezone = $row['selected_value']; if (empty($timezone)) { $timezone = api_get_timezone(); } $form->addLabel('', sprintf(get_lang('LocalTimeUsingPortalTimezoneXIsY'), $timezone, api_get_local_time())); break; } } // end for if (!empty($settings)) { $form->setDefaults($default_values); } $form->addHtml('
'); $form->addButtonSave(get_lang('SaveSettings')); $form->addHtml('
'); return $form; } /** * Searches a platform setting in all categories except from the Plugins category * @param string $search * @return array */ function searchSetting($search) { if (empty($search)) { return array(); } $table_settings_current = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SETTINGS_CURRENT); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_settings_current WHERE category <> 'Plugins' ORDER BY id ASC "; $result = Database::store_result(Database::query($sql), 'ASSOC'); $settings = array(); $search = api_strtolower($search); if (!empty($result)) { foreach ($result as $setting) { $found = false; $title = api_strtolower(get_lang($setting['title'])); // try the title if (strpos($title, $search) === false) { $comment = api_strtolower(get_lang($setting['comment'])); //Try the comment if (strpos($comment, $search) === false) { //Try the variable name if (strpos($setting['variable'], $search) === false) { continue; } else { $found = true; } } else { $found = true; } } else { $found = true; } if ($found) { $settings[] = $setting; } } } return $settings; } /** * Helper function to generates a form elements group * @param object $form The form where the elements group has to be added * @param array $values Values to browse through * @return array */ function formGenerateElementsGroup($form, $values = array(), $elementName) { $group = array(); if (is_array($values)) { foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $element = &$form->createElement('radio', $elementName, '', get_lang($value['display_text']), $value['value']); $group[] = $element; } } return $group; } /** * Helper function with allowed file types for CSS * @return array Array of file types (no indexes) */ function getAllowedFileTypes() { $allowedFiles = array( 'css', 'zip', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'ico', 'psd', 'xcf', 'svg', 'webp', 'woff', 'woff2' ); return $allowedFiles; } /** * Helper function to set settings in the database * @param array $parameters List of values * @param int $accessUrl The current access URL * @return void */ function setConfigurationSettingsInDatabase($parameters, $accessUrl) { $r = api_set_settings_category('Search', 'false', $accessUrl); // Save the settings. foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) { $result = api_set_setting($key, $value, null, null); } } /** * Helper function to show the status of the search settings table * @param array $data Data to show * @return void */ function showSearchSettingsTable($data) { echo Display::tag('h3', get_lang('Settings')); $table = new SortableTableFromArray($data); $table->set_header(0, get_lang('Setting'), false); $table->set_header(1, get_lang('Status'), false); echo $table->display(); } /** * Helper function to show status table for each command line tool installed * @return void */ function showSearchToolsStatusTable() { //@todo windows support if (api_is_windows_os() == false) { $list_of_programs = array('pdftotext', 'ps2pdf', 'catdoc', 'html2text', 'unrtf', 'catppt', 'xls2csv'); foreach($list_of_programs as $program) { $output = []; $ret_val = null; exec("which $program", $output, $ret_val); if (!$output) { $output[] = ''; } $icon = Display::return_icon('bullet_red.png', get_lang('NotInstalled')); if (!empty($output[0])) { $icon = Display::return_icon('bullet_green.png', get_lang('Installed')); } $data2[]= array($program, $output[0], $icon); } echo Display::tag('h3', get_lang('ProgramsNeededToConvertFiles')); $table = new SortableTableFromArray($data2); $table->set_header(0, get_lang('Program'), false); $table->set_header(1, get_lang('Path'), false); $table->set_header(2, get_lang('Status'), false); echo $table->display(); } else { Display::display_warning_message( get_lang('YouAreUsingChamiloInAWindowsPlatformSadlyYouCantConvertDocumentsInOrderToSearchTheContentUsingThisTool') ); } } /** * Helper function to generate and show CSS Zip download message * @param string $style Style path * @return void */ function generateCSSDownloadLink($style) { $arch = api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH).$style.'.zip'; $dir = api_get_path(SYS_CSS_PATH).'themes/'.$style; if (is_dir($dir)) { $zip = new PclZip($arch); // Remove path prefix except the style name and put file on disk $zip->create($dir, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, substr($dir,0,-strlen($style))); //@TODO: use more generic script to download. $str = ''.get_lang('ClickHereToDownloadTheFile').''; Display::display_normal_message($str, false); } else { Display::addFlash(Display::return_message(get_lang('FileNotFound'), 'warning')); } } /** * Helper function to tell if the style is changeable in the current URL * @return bool $changeable Whether the style can be changed in this URL or not */ function isStyleChangeable() { global $_configuration; $changeable = false; if ($_configuration['access_url'] != 1) { $style_info = api_get_settings('stylesheets', '', 1, 0); $url_info = api_get_access_url($_configuration['access_url']); if ($style_info[0]['access_url_changeable'] == 1 && $url_info['active'] == 1) { $changeable = true; } } else { $changeable = true; } return $changeable; }