* @author Yannick Warnier * @version v 1.0 * @access public * @package chamilo.learnpath * @license GNU/GPL */ /** * This script is divided into three sections. * The first section (below) is the initialisation part. * The second section is the AICC object part * The third section defines the event handlers for Chamilo's internal messaging * and frames refresh * * This script implements the HACP messaging for AICC. The API messaging is * made by another set of scripts. * * Rules for HACP processing of one AU * Rule #1 The first HACP message issued must be a GetParam * Rule #2 The last HACP message issued must be an ExitAU * Rule #3 At least one PutParam message must be issued prior to an ExitAU message * Rule #4 No HACP messages can be issued after a successfully issued ExitAU message * * Only suspend_data and core.lesson_location should be sent updated to a late GetParam * request. All other params should be as when the AU was launched. */ /* INIT SECTION */ $debug = 0; // Flag to allow for anonymous user - needs to be set before global.inc.php. $use_anonymous = true; // Use session ID as provided by the request. if (!empty($_REQUEST['aicc_sid'])) { session_id($_REQUEST['aicc_sid']); if ($debug > 1) { error_log('New LP - '.__FILE__.','.__LINE__.' - reusing session ID '.$_REQUEST['aicc_sid'], 0); } } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['session_id'])) { session_id($_REQUEST['session_id']); if ($debug > 1) { error_log('New LP - '.__FILE__.','.__LINE__.' - reusing session ID '.$_REQUEST['session_id'], 0); } } //Load common libraries using a compatibility script to bridge between 1.6 and 1.8. require_once '../inc/global.inc.php'; if ($debug > 2) { error_log('New LP - '.__FILE__.','.__LINE__.' - Current session ID: '.session_id(), 0); } // Is this needed? This is probabaly done in the header file. //$_user = $_SESSION['_user']; $file = Session::read('file'); $oLP = unserialize(Session::read('lpobject')); $oItem =& $oLP->items[$oLP->current]; if (!is_object($oItem)) { error_log('New LP - aicc_hacp - Could not load oItem item', 0); exit; } $autocomplete_when_80pct = 0; $result = array( 'core' => array(), 'core_lesson' => array(), 'core_vendor' => array(), 'evaluation' => array(), 'student_data' => array(), ); $convert_enc = array('%25','%0D','%0A','%09','%20','%2D','%2F','%3B','%3F','%7B','%7D','%7C','%5C','%5E','%7E','%5B','%5D','%60','%23','%3E','%3C','%22'); $convert_dec = array('%',"\r","\n","\t",' ','-','/',';','?','{','}','|','\\','^','~','[',']','`','#','>','<','"'); $crlf = "\r\n"; //$tab = "\t"; $tab = ""; $s_ec = 'error='; //string for error code $s_et = 'error_text='; //string for error text $s_ad = 'aicc_data='; //string for aicc_data $errors = array(0 => 'Successful', 1 => 'Invalid Command', 2 => 'Invalid AU password', 3 => 'Invalid Session ID'); $error_code = 0; $error_text = ''; $aicc_data = ''; $result = ''; // Get REQUEST if (!empty($_REQUEST['command'])) { //error_log('In '.__FILE__.', '.__LINE__.' - request is '.$_REQUEST['command'], 0); switch (strtolower($_REQUEST['command'])) { case 'getparam': // Request for all available data to be printed out in the answer. if (!empty($_REQUEST['version'])) { $hacp_version = Database::escape_string($_REQUEST['version']); } if (!empty($_REQUEST['session_id'])) { $hacp_session_id = Database::escape_string($_REQUEST['session_id']); } $error_code = 0; $error_text = $errors[$error_code]; //$result = $s_ec.$error_code.$crlf.$s_et.$error_text.$crlf.$s_ad.$crlf; $result = $s_ec.$error_code.$crlf.$s_et.$error_text.$crlf.$s_ad; $result .= '[Core]'.$crlf; $result .= $tab.'Student_ID='.$_user['user_id'].$crlf; $result .= $tab.'Student_Name='.api_get_person_name($_user['firstName'], $_user['lastName']).$crlf; $result .= $tab.'Lesson_Location='.$oItem->get_lesson_location().$crlf; $result .= $tab.'Credit='.$oItem->get_credit().$crlf; $result .= $tab.'Lesson_Status='.$oItem->get_status().$crlf; $result .= $tab.'Score='.$oItem->get_score().$crlf; $result .= $tab.'Time='.$oItem->get_scorm_time('js').$crlf; $result .= $tab.'Lesson_Mode='.$oItem->get_lesson_mode().$crlf; $result .= '[Core_Lesson]'.$crlf; $result .= $oItem->get_suspend_data().$crlf; $result .= '[Core_Vendor]'.$crlf; $result .= $oItem->get_launch_data.$crlf; $result .= '[Comments]'.$crlf; $result .= $crlf; $result .= '[Evaluation]'.$crlf; $result .= $tab.'Course_ID={'.api_get_course_id().'}'.$crlf; //$result .= '[Objectives_Status]'.$crlf; $result .= '[Student_Data]'.$crlf; $result .= $tab.'Mastery_Score='.$oItem->masteryscore.$crlf; //$result .= '[Student_Demographics]'.$crlf; //$result .= '[Student_Preferences]'.$crlf; //error_log('Returning message: '.$result,0); //$result = str_replace($convert_dec, $convert_enc, $result); //error_log('Returning message (encoded): '.$result,0); break; case 'putparam': $hacp_version = ''; $hacp_session_id = ''; $hacp_aicc_data = ''; foreach ($_REQUEST as $name => $value) { //escape the value as described in the AICC documentation p170 switch (strtolower($name)) { case 'version': $hacp_version = $value; break; case 'session_id': $hacp_session_id = $value; break; case 'aicc_data': //error_log('In '.__FILE__.', '.__LINE__.' - aicc data before translation is '.$value, 0); $value = str_replace('+', ' ', $value); $value = str_replace($convert_enc, $convert_dec, $value); $hacp_aicc_data = $value; break; } } //error_log('In '.__FILE__.', '.__LINE__.' - aicc data is '.$hacp_aicc_data, 0); // Treat the incoming request: $aicc = new aicc(); $msg_array = $aicc->parse_ini_string_quotes_safe($hacp_aicc_data, array('core_lesson', 'core_vendor')); //error_log('Message is now in this form: '.print_r($msg_array, true), 0); foreach ($msg_array as $key => $dummy) { switch (strtolower($key)) { case 'core': foreach ($msg_array[$key] as $subkey => $value) { switch (strtolower($subkey)) { case 'lesson_location': //error_log('Setting lesson_location to '.$value, 0); $oItem->set_lesson_location($value); break; case 'lesson_status': //error_log('Setting lesson_status to '.$value, 0); // Sometimes values are sent abbreviated switch ($value) { case 'C': $value = 'completed'; break; case 'I': $value = 'incomplete'; break; case 'N': case 'NA': $value = 'not attempted'; break; case 'P': $value = 'passed'; break; case 'B': $value = 'browsed'; break; default: break; } $oItem->set_status($value); break; case 'score': //error_log('Setting lesson_score to '.$value, 0); $oItem->set_score($value); break; case 'time': //error_log('Setting lesson_time to '.$value, 0); if (strpos($value, ':') !== false) { $oItem->set_time($value, 'scorm'); } else { $oItem->set_time($value); } break; } } break; case 'core_lesson': //error_log('Setting suspend_data to '.print_r($msg_array[$key], true), 0); $oItem->current_data = $msg_array[$key]; break; case 'comments': break; case 'objectives_status': break; case 'student_data': break; case 'student_preferences': break; } } $error_code = 0; $error_text = $errors[$error_code]; $result = $s_ec.$error_code.$crlf.$s_et.$error_text.$crlf.$s_ad.$crlf; $oItem->save(false); break; case 'putcomments': $error_code = 0; $error_text = $errors[$error_code]; $result = $s_ec.$error_code.$crlf.$s_et.$error_text.$crlf.$s_ad.$crlf; break; case 'putobjectives': $error_code = 0; $error_text = $errors[$error_code]; $result = $s_ec.$error_code.$crlf.$s_et.$error_text.$crlf.$s_ad.$crlf; break; case 'putpath': $error_code = 0; $error_text = $errors[$error_code]; $result = $s_ec.$error_code.$crlf.$s_et.$error_text.$crlf.$s_ad.$crlf; break; case 'putinteractions': $error_code = 0; $error_text = $errors[$error_code]; $result = $s_ec.$error_code.$crlf.$s_et.$error_text.$crlf.$s_ad.$crlf; break; case 'putperformance': $error_code = 0; $error_text = $errors[$error_code]; $result = $s_ec.$error_code.$crlf.$s_et.$error_text.$crlf.$s_ad.$crlf; break; case 'exitau': $error_code = 0; $error_text = $errors[$error_code]; $result = $s_ec.$error_code.$crlf.$s_et.$error_text.$crlf.$s_ad.$crlf; break; default: $error_code = 1; $error_text = $errors[1]; $result = $s_ec.$error_code.$crlf.$s_et.$error_text.$crlf; } } Session::write('lpobject', serialize($oLP)); session_write_close(); // Content type must be text/plain. header('Content-type: text/plain'); echo $result;